ATLAS Offline Software
h Class Reference

#include <MVFVxContainer.h>

Collaboration diagram for h:

Detailed Description

A top level class of the VxMultiVertex package. This container is designed for the case when MVFVxCandidate objects alone would beed to be stored. In the resent reconstruction, the VxContainer is used to store any kind of Trk::VxCandidate.

begin : 18-08-2006 authors Giacinto Piacquadio (Freiburg University) Kirill Prokofiev , Andreas Wildauer giaci.nosp@m.nto..nosp@m.piacq.nosp@m.uadi.nosp@m.o@phy.nosp@m.sik..nosp@m.uni-f.nosp@m.reib.nosp@m.urg.d.nosp@m.e

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: