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EL::Job Class Reference

#include <Job.h>

Collaboration diagram for EL::Job:

Public Types

typedef OutputStreamoutputMIter
 description: the list of output datasets used guarantee: no-fail / strong failures(3): out of memory II requires(3,soft): !outputHas (val_output.label()) note: while it is not a requirement it is highly recommended that you add the outputs from Algorithm::doSetupJob. More...
typedef const OutputStreamoutputIter

Public Member Functions

void testInvariant () const
 effects: test the invariant of this object guarantee: no-fail More...
 Job ()
 effects: standard default constructor guarantee: strong failures: low level errors I More...
 Job (const Job &that)
 effects: standard copy constructor guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II More...
 ~Job ()
 effects: standard destructor guarantee: no-fail More...
Joboperator= (const Job &that)
 effects: standard assignment operator returns: *this guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II More...
const SH::SampleHandlersampleHandler () const
 description: the sample handler used guarantee: no-fail / strong failures: out of memory II More...
void sampleHandler (const SH::SampleHandler &val_sampleHandler)
void algsAdd (std::unique_ptr< IAlgorithmWrapper > val_algorithm)
 description: the list of algorithms used guarantee: no-fail / strong failures: out of memory II invariant: alg != 0 More...
void algsAdd (std::unique_ptr< Algorithm > val_algorithm)
void algsAdd (Algorithm *alg_swallow)
void algsAdd (const AnaAlgorithmConfig &config)
void algsAdd (const AnaReentrantAlgorithmConfig &config)
void algsAdd (const asg::AsgServiceConfig &config)
void algsAdd (const EL::PythonConfigBase &config)
void algsAddClone (const Algorithm &alg)
 add a clone of the given algorithm More...
bool algsHas (const std::string &name) const
 returns: whether we have the algorithm with the given name guarantee: no-fail More...
outputMIter outputBegin ()
outputIter outputBegin () const
outputMIter outputEnd ()
outputIter outputEnd () const
void outputAdd (const OutputStream &val_output)
bool outputHas (const std::string &name) const
 returns: whether we have an output with the given name guarantee: no-fail More...
void useXAOD ()
 effects: register this job to use XAODs guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II failures: TEventSvc not available More...
SH::MetaObjectoptions ()
 description: the list of options to the job guarantee: no-fail postcondition: result != 0 More...
const SH::MetaObjectoptions () const
const JobConfigjobConfig () const noexcept
 the JobConfig object we are wrapping More...

Static Public Attributes

static const std::string optRemoveSubmitDir = "nc_EventLoop_RemoveSubmitDir"
 description: the name of the option for overwriting the submission directory. More...
static const std::string optSubmitDirMode = "nc_EventLoop_SubmitDirMode"
 the submit-dir mode (allowed values: "no-clobber", "overwrite", "unique", "unique-link") More...
static const std::string optUniqueDateFormat = "nc_EventLoop_UniqueDateFormat"
 the date-format to use when generating unique submission directory names More...
static const std::string optAlgorithmTimer = "nc_EventLoop_AlgorithmTimer"
 a boolean flag for whether to add a timer for the algorithms More...
static const std::string optAlgorithmMemoryMonitor = "nc_EventLoop_AlgorithmMemoryMonitor"
 a boolean flag for whether to add a memory monitor for the algorithms More...
static const std::string optFactoryPreload = "nc_EventLoop_FactoryPreload"
 a boolean flag for whether to perform a component factory preload More...
static const std::string optMaxEvents = "nc_EventLoop_MaxEvents"
 description: the name of the option used for setting the maximum number of events to process per sample rationale: this is used for test runs where you don't want to process all events, but just want a quick look More...
static const std::string optSkipEvents = "nc_EventLoop_SkipEvents"
 description: the name of the option used for skipping a certain number of events in the beginning rationale: this is used for test runs where you are only interested in a particular set of events More...
static const std::string optWorkerConfigFile = "nc_EventLoop_WorkerConfigFile"
 a python configuration file that will be executed on the worker More...
static const std::string optFilesPerWorker = "nc_EventLoop_FilesPerWorker"
 description: the name of the option for selecting the number of files per batch job. More...
static const std::string optEventsPerWorker = "nc_EventLoop_EventsPerWorker"
 description: the name of the option for selecting the number of events per batch job. More...
static const std::string optWorkerPostClosedOutputsExecutable = "nc_EventLoop_WorkerPostClosedOutputsExecutable"
 Optionnal executable to be provided by the user that will be called, by the worker, for every output stream. More...
static const std::string optSubmitFlags = "nc_EventLoop_SubmitFlags"
 description: the name of the option for supplying extra submit parameters to batch systems rationale: the primary purpose of this is to allow selecting the right queue on your batch system, but it can be used for all kind of submission options that EventLoop doesn't support directly. More...
static const std::string optCondorConf = "nc_EventLoop_CondorConf"
 description: the name of the option for supplying extra parameters for condor systems More...
static const std::string optCacheSize = "nc_cache_size"
 description: this option allows to configure the TTreeCache size for this job. More...
static const std::string optCacheLearnEntries = "nc_EventLoop_CacheLearnEntries"
 description: this option allows to configure the number of tree entries used for learning cache behavior. More...
static const std::string optD3PDPerfStats = "nc_EventLoop_D3PDPerfStats"
 description: the name of the option for turning on D3PDPerfStats. More...
static const std::string optD3PDReadStats = "nc_EventLoop_D3PDReadStats"
 description: the name of the D3PDPerfStats object produced as I gather it, as well as the name of the option passed into the job. More...
static const std::string optXAODPerfStats = "nc_EventLoop_XAODPerfStats"
 description: the name of the option for turning on XAODPerfStats. More...
static const std::string optXAODReadStats = "nc_EventLoop_XAODReadStats"
 description: the name of the XAODPerfStats object produced as I gather it, as well as the name of the option passed into the job. More...
static const std::string optD3PDCacheMinEvent = "nc_EventLoop_D3PDCacheMinEvent"
 description: these options configure the D3PDReader TTreeCache settings. More...
static const std::string optD3PDCacheMinEventFraction = "nc_EventLoop_D3PDCacheMinEventFraction"
static const std::string optD3PDCacheMinByte = "nc_EventLoop_D3PDCacheMinByte"
static const std::string optD3PDCacheMinByteFraction = "nc_EventLoop_D3PDCacheMinByteFraction"
static const std::string optPerfTree = "nc_EventLoop_PerfTree"
 description: the option to turn on the performance tree in PROOF. More...
static const std::string optXAODInput = "nc_EventLoop_XAODInput"
 the option to select whether our input is xAODs More...
static const std::string optXaodAccessMode = "nc_EventLoop_XaodAccessMode"
 description: the option to select the access mode for xAODs. More...
static const std::string optXaodAccessMode_branch = "branch"
static const std::string optXaodAccessMode_class = "class"
static const std::string optXaodAccessMode_athena = "athena"
static const std::string optXAODSummaryReport = "nc_xaod_summary_report"
 the option to turn on/off the xAOD summary reporting at the end of the job More...
static const std::string optPrintPerFileStats = "nc_print_per_file_stats"
 description: the option to turn on printing of i/o statistics at the end of each file rationale: while this is not as complete as whole sample statistics, it can be helpful in some circumstances when debugging the performance warning: this is not supported for all drivers More...
static const std::string optDisableMetrics = "nc_disable_metrics"
 description: the option to turn off collection of performance data More...
static const std::string optResetShell = "nc_reset_shell"
 description: the option to reset the shell on the worker nodes rationale: this is currently only used by the LSFDriver where it is enabled by default to reset it on lxbatch. More...
static const std::string optLocalNoUnsetup = "nc_local_no_unsetup"
 the option not to unsetup the environment in LocalDriver More...
static const std::string optNumParallelProcs = "nc_num_parallel_processes"
 the option to specify the number of parallel jobs in LocalDriver (0 = number of hardware cores) (default=1) More...
static const std::string optBackgroundProcess = "nc_background_process"
 the option to do processing in a background process in PROOF More...
static const std::string optOutputSampleName = "nc_outputSampleName"
 the output sample name More...
static const std::string optGridDestSE = "nc_destSE"
 description: grid-specific options rationale: these are named so as to correspond to prun equivalents, bare the optGrid prefix. More...
static const std::string optGridSite = "nc_site"
static const std::string optGridExcludedSite = "nc_excludedSite"
static const std::string optGridNGBPerJob = "nc_nGBPerJob"
static const std::string optGridMemory = "nc_memory"
static const std::string optGridMaxCpuCount = "nc_maxCpuCount"
static const std::string optGridNFiles = "nc_nFiles"
static const std::string optGridNFilesPerJob = "nc_nFilesPerJob"
static const std::string optGridNJobs = "nc_nJobs"
static const std::string optGridMaxFileSize = "nc_maxFileSize"
static const std::string optGridMaxNFilesPerJob = "nc_maxNFilesPerJob"
static const std::string optGridNEventsPerJob = "nc_nEventsPerJob"
static const std::string optGridExpress = "nc_express"
static const std::string optGridNoSubmit = "nc_noSubmit"
static const std::string optGridMergeOutput = "nc_mergeOutput"
static const std::string optGridAddNthFieldOfInDSToLFN = "nc_addNthFieldOfInDSToLFN"
static const std::string optGridWorkingGroup = "nc_workingGroup"
static const std::string optGridShowCmd = "nc_showCmd"
static const std::string optGridCpuTimePerEvent = "nc_cpuTimePerEvent"
static const std::string optGridMaxWalltime = "nc_maxWalltime"
static const std::string optGridAvoidVP = "nc_avoidVP"
static const std::string optGridPrunShipAdditionalFilesOrDirs = "nc_prunShipAdditionalFilesOrDirs"
 Enables to ship additional files to the tarbal sent to the grid Should be a list of comma separated path to files and/or directories Beware for root or heavy files you should also add their name (not their full path) to EL::Job::optUserFiles Otherwise prun ignore those files. More...
static const std::string optTmpDir = "nc_tmpDir"
static const std::string optRootVer = "nc_rootVer"
static const std::string optCmtConfig = "nc_cmtConfig"
static const std::string optGridDisableAutoRetry = "nc_disableAutoRetry"
static const std::string optOfficial = "nc_official"
static const std::string optVoms = "nc_voms"
static const std::string optGridReporting = "nc_gridReporting"
 whether to use grid reporting even when not running on the grid More...
static const std::string optUserFiles = "nc_EventLoop_UserFiles"
 a list of files that need to be available within the worker job More...
static const std::string optBatchSharedFileSystem = "nc_sharedFileSystem"
 description: batch-specific options rationale: these options are for configuring batch drivers More...
static const std::string optBatchSlurmExtraConfigLines = "nc_SlurmExtraConfig"
 The content of this string will be executed in the job script on the worker node before the main executable is run. More...
static const std::string optBatchSlurmWrapperExec = "nc_SlurmWrapperExec"
 Append a command before the main executable is called This is useful is you want to execute the command e.g. More...
static const std::string optBatchSetupCommand = "nc_BatchSetupCommand"
 This overrides the asetup command if you need to use a custom one. More...
static const std::string optDockerImage = "nc_DockerImage"
 this is the name of the docker image, when using docker with a supported batch driver More...
static const std::string optDockerOptions = "nc_DockerOptions"
 any extra options we may want to pass to docker More...
static const std::string optBatchConfigFile = "nc_BatchConfigFile"
 the job submission configuration file (used by some drivers that need more complex configuration) More...
static const std::string optBatchSetupFile = "nc_BatchSetupFile"
 the job submission setup file. More...
static const std::string histogramStreamName = "HISTOGRAM"
 the name of the histogram output stream More...
static const std::string optRetries = SH::MetaNames::openRetries()
 these options are defined in SH::MetaNames More...
static const std::string optRetriesWait = SH::MetaNames::openRetriesWait()
Options controlling the memory monitoring behaviour of the job
static const std::string optMemResidentPerEventIncreaseLimit
 The minimal per-event resident memory increase for triggering an error. More...
static const std::string optMemVirtualPerEventIncreaseLimit
 The minimal per-event virtual memory increase for triggering an error. More...
static const std::string optMemResidentIncreaseLimit = "nc_resMemAbsIncrease"
 The minimal resident memory increase necessary to trigger an error. More...
static const std::string optMemVirtualIncreaseLimit = "nc_virtMemAbsIncrease"
 The minimal virtual memory increase necessary to trigger an error. More...
static const std::string optMemFailOnLeak = "nc_failOnMemLeak"
 Failure behaviour of the code when a "significant memory leak" is found. More...

Private Attributes

SH::SampleHandler m_sampleHandler
 description: members directly corresponding to accessors More...
std::vector< EL::OutputStreamm_output
SH::MetaObject m_options
EL::JobConfig m_jobConfig
 the JobConfig object we use More...


void swap (Job &a, Job &b)
 effects: standard swap guarantee: no-fail More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 50 of file Job.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ outputIter

Definition at line 143 of file Job.h.

◆ outputMIter

description: the list of output datasets used guarantee: no-fail / strong failures(3): out of memory II requires(3,soft): !outputHas (val_output.label()) note: while it is not a requirement it is highly recommended that you add the outputs from Algorithm::doSetupJob.

That way they get automatically enabled/disabled when you enable/disable the algorithms. Plus your code will be slightly less spread out.

Definition at line 142 of file Job.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Job() [1/2]

EL::Job::Job ( )

effects: standard default constructor guarantee: strong failures: low level errors I

Definition at line 149 of file Job.cxx.

151  {
154  RCU_NEW_INVARIANT (this);
155  }

◆ Job() [2/2]

EL::Job::Job ( const Job that)

effects: standard copy constructor guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II

Definition at line 159 of file Job.cxx.

162  that.m_sampleHandler)),
163  m_output (that.m_output),
164  m_options (that.m_options),
165  m_jobConfig (that.m_jobConfig)
166  {
167  RCU_NEW_INVARIANT (this);
168  }

◆ ~Job()

EL::Job::~Job ( )

effects: standard destructor guarantee: no-fail

Definition at line 172 of file Job.cxx.

174  {
176  }

Member Function Documentation

◆ algsAdd() [1/7]

void EL::Job::algsAdd ( Algorithm alg_swallow)

Definition at line 264 of file Job.cxx.

266  {
267  algsAdd (std::unique_ptr<Algorithm> (alg_swallow));
268  }

◆ algsAdd() [2/7]

void EL::Job::algsAdd ( const AnaAlgorithmConfig config)

Definition at line 272 of file Job.cxx.

274  {
275  // no invariant used
276  if (config.useXAODs())
277  useXAOD ();
278  algsAdd (std::make_unique<AnaAlgorithmWrapper> (config));
279  }

◆ algsAdd() [3/7]

void EL::Job::algsAdd ( const AnaReentrantAlgorithmConfig config)

Definition at line 283 of file Job.cxx.

285  {
286  // no invariant used
287  algsAdd (std::make_unique<AnaReentrantAlgorithmWrapper> (config));
288  }

◆ algsAdd() [4/7]

void EL::Job::algsAdd ( const asg::AsgServiceConfig config)

Definition at line 292 of file Job.cxx.

294  {
295  // no invariant used
296  algsAdd (std::make_unique<AsgServiceWrapper> (config));
297  }

◆ algsAdd() [5/7]

void EL::Job::algsAdd ( const EL::PythonConfigBase config)

Definition at line 301 of file Job.cxx.

303  {
304  // no invariant used
305  useXAOD ();
306  if (config.componentType() == "AnaAlgorithm")
307  algsAdd (std::make_unique<AnaAlgorithmWrapper> (AnaAlgorithmConfig (config)));
308  else if (config.componentType() == "AnaReentrantAlgorithm")
309  algsAdd (std::make_unique<AnaReentrantAlgorithmWrapper> (AnaReentrantAlgorithmConfig (config)));
310  else if (config.componentType() == "AsgTool")
311  algsAdd (std::make_unique<AsgToolWrapper> (asg::AsgToolConfig (config)));
312  else if (config.componentType() == "AsgService")
313  algsAdd (std::make_unique<AsgServiceWrapper> (asg::AsgServiceConfig (config)));
314  else
315  RCU_THROW_MSG ("unknown component type: \"" + config.componentType() + "\"");
316  }

◆ algsAdd() [6/7]

void EL::Job::algsAdd ( std::unique_ptr< Algorithm val_algorithm)

Definition at line 222 of file Job.cxx.

224  {
225  using namespace msgEventLoop;
228  RCU_REQUIRE_SOFT (val_algorithm != nullptr);
231  std::string myname = val_algorithm->GetName();
232  if (myname.empty() || algsHas (myname))
233  {
234  if (myname.empty())
235  myname = "UnnamedAlgorithm";
236  bool unique = false;
237  for (unsigned iter = 1; !unique; ++ iter)
238  {
239  std::ostringstream str;
240  str << myname << iter;
241  if (!algsHas (str.str()))
242  {
243  myname = str.str();
244  unique = true;
245  }
246  }
247  if (strlen (val_algorithm->GetName()) > 0)
248  ANA_MSG_WARNING ("renaming algorithm " << val_algorithm->GetName() << " to " << myname << " to make the name unique");
249  val_algorithm->SetName (myname.c_str());
250  if (val_algorithm->GetName() != myname)
251  {
252  std::ostringstream message;
253  message << "failed to rename algorithm " << val_algorithm->GetName() << " to " << myname;
254  RCU_THROW_MSG (message.str());
255  }
256  }
258  val_algorithm->sysSetupJob (*this);
259  algsAdd (std::make_unique<AlgorithmWrapper> (std::move (val_algorithm)));
260  }

◆ algsAdd() [7/7]

void EL::Job::algsAdd ( std::unique_ptr< IAlgorithmWrapper val_algorithm)

description: the list of algorithms used guarantee: no-fail / strong failures: out of memory II invariant: alg != 0

Definition at line 209 of file Job.cxx.

211  {
212  using namespace msgEventLoop;
215  RCU_REQUIRE_SOFT (val_algorithm != nullptr);
217  ANA_CHECK_THROW (m_jobConfig.addAlgorithm (std::move (val_algorithm)));
218  }

◆ algsAddClone()

void EL::Job::algsAddClone ( const Algorithm alg)

add a clone of the given algorithm

This is to be used when the user wants to reuse an algorithm for multiple Job objects or for some reason needs to delete it himself.

algorithm cloning failures
out of memory I

Definition at line 320 of file Job.cxx.

322  {
323  // no invariant used
324  algsAdd (dynamic_cast<Algorithm*>(alg.Clone()));
325  }

◆ algsHas()

bool EL::Job::algsHas ( const std::string &  name) const

returns: whether we have the algorithm with the given name guarantee: no-fail

Definition at line 329 of file Job.cxx.

331  {
333  return m_jobConfig.getAlgorithm (name) != nullptr;
334  }

◆ jobConfig()

const JobConfig & EL::Job::jobConfig ( ) const

the JobConfig object we are wrapping


Definition at line 427 of file Job.cxx.

429  {
431  return m_jobConfig;
432  }

◆ operator=()

Job & EL::Job::operator= ( const Job that)

effects: standard assignment operator returns: *this guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II

Definition at line 180 of file Job.cxx.

182  {
183  // no invariant used
184  Job tmp (that);
185  swap (*this, tmp);
186  return *this;
187  }

◆ options() [1/2]

SH::MetaObject * EL::Job::options ( )

description: the list of options to the job guarantee: no-fail postcondition: result != 0

Definition at line 409 of file Job.cxx.

411  {
413  return &m_options;
414  }

◆ options() [2/2]

const SH::MetaObject * EL::Job::options ( ) const

Definition at line 418 of file Job.cxx.

420  {
422  return &m_options;
423  }

◆ outputAdd()

void EL::Job::outputAdd ( const OutputStream val_output)

Definition at line 374 of file Job.cxx.

376  {
378  RCU_REQUIRE2_SOFT (!outputHas (val_output.label()), ("trying to create two output streams with the label " + val_output.label() + "\nplease make sure that every output stream has a unique label").c_str());
379  m_output.push_back (val_output);
380  }

◆ outputBegin() [1/2]

Job::outputMIter EL::Job::outputBegin ( )

Definition at line 338 of file Job.cxx.

340  {
342  return ( m_output.size() ? &m_output[0] : nullptr );
343  }

◆ outputBegin() [2/2]

Job::outputIter EL::Job::outputBegin ( ) const

Definition at line 347 of file Job.cxx.

349  {
351  return ( m_output.size() ? &m_output[0] : nullptr );
352  }

◆ outputEnd() [1/2]

Job::outputMIter EL::Job::outputEnd ( )

Definition at line 356 of file Job.cxx.

358  {
360  return ( m_output.size() ? &m_output[m_output.size()] : nullptr );
361  }

◆ outputEnd() [2/2]

Job::outputIter EL::Job::outputEnd ( ) const

Definition at line 365 of file Job.cxx.

367  {
369  return ( m_output.size() ? &m_output[m_output.size()] : nullptr );
370  }

◆ outputHas()

bool EL::Job::outputHas ( const std::string &  name) const

returns: whether we have an output with the given name guarantee: no-fail

Definition at line 384 of file Job.cxx.

386  {
388  for (outputIter iter = outputBegin(),
389  end = outputEnd(); iter != end; ++ iter)
390  {
391  if (iter->label() == name)
392  return true;
393  }
394  return false;
395  }

◆ sampleHandler() [1/2]

const SH::SampleHandler & EL::Job::sampleHandler ( ) const

description: the sample handler used guarantee: no-fail / strong failures: out of memory II

Definition at line 191 of file Job.cxx.

193  {
195  return m_sampleHandler;
196  }

◆ sampleHandler() [2/2]

void EL::Job::sampleHandler ( const SH::SampleHandler val_sampleHandler)

Definition at line 200 of file Job.cxx.

202  {
204  m_sampleHandler = val_sampleHandler;
205  }

◆ testInvariant()

void EL::Job::testInvariant ( ) const

effects: test the invariant of this object guarantee: no-fail

Definition at line 141 of file Job.cxx.

143  {
144  RCU_INVARIANT (this);
145  }

◆ useXAOD()

void EL::Job::useXAOD ( )

effects: register this job to use XAODs guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II failures: TEventSvc not available

Definition at line 399 of file Job.cxx.

401  {
404  options()->setBool (Job::optXAODInput, true);
405  }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ swap

void swap ( Job a,
Job b 

effects: standard swap guarantee: no-fail

Definition at line 132 of file Job.cxx.

133  {
134  swap (a.m_sampleHandler, b.m_sampleHandler);
135  a.m_jobConfig.swap (b.m_jobConfig);
136  swap (a.m_output, b.m_output);
137  }

Member Data Documentation

◆ histogramStreamName

const std::string EL::Job::histogramStreamName = "HISTOGRAM"

the name of the histogram output stream

Normally users don't need to worry about the histogram output stream, and it just gets created for you automatically, but in some situations you will need to reconfigure the histogram output stream.

Definition at line 602 of file Job.h.

◆ m_jobConfig

EL::JobConfig EL::Job::m_jobConfig

the JobConfig object we use

Definition at line 622 of file Job.h.

◆ m_options

SH::MetaObject EL::Job::m_options

Definition at line 618 of file Job.h.

◆ m_output

std::vector<EL::OutputStream> EL::Job::m_output

Definition at line 616 of file Job.h.

◆ m_sampleHandler

SH::SampleHandler EL::Job::m_sampleHandler

description: members directly corresponding to accessors

Definition at line 614 of file Job.h.

◆ optAlgorithmMemoryMonitor

const std::string EL::Job::optAlgorithmMemoryMonitor = "nc_EventLoop_AlgorithmMemoryMonitor"

a boolean flag for whether to add a memory monitor for the algorithms

Definition at line 210 of file Job.h.

◆ optAlgorithmTimer

const std::string EL::Job::optAlgorithmTimer = "nc_EventLoop_AlgorithmTimer"

a boolean flag for whether to add a timer for the algorithms

Definition at line 205 of file Job.h.

◆ optBackgroundProcess

const std::string EL::Job::optBackgroundProcess = "nc_background_process"

the option to do processing in a background process in PROOF

Definition at line 448 of file Job.h.

◆ optBatchConfigFile

const std::string EL::Job::optBatchConfigFile = "nc_BatchConfigFile"

the job submission configuration file (used by some drivers that need more complex configuration)

Definition at line 532 of file Job.h.

◆ optBatchSetupCommand

const std::string EL::Job::optBatchSetupCommand = "nc_BatchSetupCommand"

This overrides the asetup command if you need to use a custom one.

Definition at line 521 of file Job.h.

◆ optBatchSetupFile

const std::string EL::Job::optBatchSetupFile = "nc_BatchSetupFile"

the job submission setup file.

unlike optBatchConfigFile this only gets used once per submission instead of once per job.

Definition at line 537 of file Job.h.

◆ optBatchSharedFileSystem

const std::string EL::Job::optBatchSharedFileSystem = "nc_sharedFileSystem"

description: batch-specific options rationale: these options are for configuring batch drivers

Definition at line 513 of file Job.h.

◆ optBatchSlurmExtraConfigLines

const std::string EL::Job::optBatchSlurmExtraConfigLines = "nc_SlurmExtraConfig"

The content of this string will be executed in the job script on the worker node before the main executable is run.

Definition at line 516 of file Job.h.

◆ optBatchSlurmWrapperExec

const std::string EL::Job::optBatchSlurmWrapperExec = "nc_SlurmWrapperExec"

Append a command before the main executable is called This is useful is you want to execute the command e.g.

within shifter.

Definition at line 519 of file Job.h.

◆ optCacheLearnEntries

const std::string EL::Job::optCacheLearnEntries = "nc_EventLoop_CacheLearnEntries"

description: this option allows to configure the number of tree entries used for learning cache behavior.

rationale: there is a trade-off here, if you set this too low you will fail to cache more rarely used variables. if you set it too high it will take too long until the cache kicks in. warning: right now this is performed on a per-file basis, which at some point will be raised to a per-job basis, which is the limit of how far caching can go in this approach. if you need multi-job support, either use D3PDReader or contact me on how to do this.

Definition at line 324 of file Job.h.

◆ optCacheSize

const std::string EL::Job::optCacheSize = "nc_cache_size"

description: this option allows to configure the TTreeCache size for this job.

warning: this has to be synchronized with SampleHandler::MetaFields.

if it is smaller or equal to 0, the cache is turned off. rationale: if you read data from across the network using the cache mechanism will greatly increase your performance. for local disks you may gain or lose performance.

I can't just copy it here, because the order of initialization is undefined

Definition at line 309 of file Job.h.

◆ optCmtConfig

const std::string EL::Job::optCmtConfig = "nc_cmtConfig"

Definition at line 488 of file Job.h.

◆ optCondorConf

const std::string EL::Job::optCondorConf = "nc_EventLoop_CondorConf"

description: the name of the option for supplying extra parameters for condor systems

Definition at line 299 of file Job.h.

◆ optD3PDCacheMinByte

const std::string EL::Job::optD3PDCacheMinByte = "nc_EventLoop_D3PDCacheMinByte"

Definition at line 375 of file Job.h.

◆ optD3PDCacheMinByteFraction

const std::string EL::Job::optD3PDCacheMinByteFraction = "nc_EventLoop_D3PDCacheMinByteFraction"

Definition at line 376 of file Job.h.

◆ optD3PDCacheMinEvent

const std::string EL::Job::optD3PDCacheMinEvent = "nc_EventLoop_D3PDCacheMinEvent"

description: these options configure the D3PDReader TTreeCache settings.

if you use more than one option, the result is undefined. warning: this only works if you use D3PDReader rationale: the idea is that in your first job you create the D3PDReadStats object, which you then pass to subsequent jobs.

Definition at line 373 of file Job.h.

◆ optD3PDCacheMinEventFraction

const std::string EL::Job::optD3PDCacheMinEventFraction = "nc_EventLoop_D3PDCacheMinEventFraction"

Definition at line 374 of file Job.h.

◆ optD3PDPerfStats

const std::string EL::Job::optD3PDPerfStats = "nc_EventLoop_D3PDPerfStats"

description: the name of the option for turning on D3PDPerfStats.

To use D3PDPerfStats set this to a non-zero value. warning: this only works if you read data through D3PDReader rationale: this can be used for fine-tuning TTreeCache or generally optimizing i/o performance

Definition at line 334 of file Job.h.

◆ optD3PDReadStats

const std::string EL::Job::optD3PDReadStats = "nc_EventLoop_D3PDReadStats"

description: the name of the D3PDPerfStats object produced as I gather it, as well as the name of the option passed into the job.

rationale: I use the same name in two places to allow reading the stats object from one output and passing it to the next

Definition at line 343 of file Job.h.

◆ optDisableMetrics

const std::string EL::Job::optDisableMetrics = "nc_disable_metrics"

description: the option to turn off collection of performance data

Definition at line 421 of file Job.h.

◆ optDockerImage

const std::string EL::Job::optDockerImage = "nc_DockerImage"

this is the name of the docker image, when using docker with a supported batch driver

Definition at line 525 of file Job.h.

◆ optDockerOptions

const std::string EL::Job::optDockerOptions = "nc_DockerOptions"

any extra options we may want to pass to docker

Definition at line 528 of file Job.h.

◆ optEventsPerWorker

const std::string EL::Job::optEventsPerWorker = "nc_EventLoop_EventsPerWorker"

description: the name of the option for selecting the number of events per batch job.

(only BatchDriver and derived drivers). warning: this option will be ignored unless you have called SH::scanNEvents first. rationale: this allows to make your jobs all approximately equal size and gives you much finer control of the lengths of your jobs. if you did run SH::scanNEvents, but didn't specify a number of events per worker this will produce the same number of jobs as you would have otherwise, but spread the workload more evenly.

Definition at line 271 of file Job.h.

◆ optFactoryPreload

const std::string EL::Job::optFactoryPreload = "nc_EventLoop_FactoryPreload"

a boolean flag for whether to perform a component factory preload

Definition at line 214 of file Job.h.

◆ optFilesPerWorker

const std::string EL::Job::optFilesPerWorker = "nc_EventLoop_FilesPerWorker"

description: the name of the option for selecting the number of files per batch job.

(only BatchDriver and derived drivers). rationale: this is typically used if you are either processing fairly small input files or are producing a skim with a very high reduction factor. it will reduce the inefficiency associated with starting a lot of jobs or reading a lot of output files

Definition at line 256 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridAddNthFieldOfInDSToLFN

const std::string EL::Job::optGridAddNthFieldOfInDSToLFN = "nc_addNthFieldOfInDSToLFN"

Definition at line 475 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridAvoidVP

const std::string EL::Job::optGridAvoidVP = "nc_avoidVP"

Definition at line 480 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridCpuTimePerEvent

const std::string EL::Job::optGridCpuTimePerEvent = "nc_cpuTimePerEvent"

Definition at line 478 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridDestSE

const std::string EL::Job::optGridDestSE = "nc_destSE"

description: grid-specific options rationale: these are named so as to correspond to prun equivalents, bare the optGrid prefix.

Definition at line 460 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridDisableAutoRetry

const std::string EL::Job::optGridDisableAutoRetry = "nc_disableAutoRetry"

Definition at line 489 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridExcludedSite

const std::string EL::Job::optGridExcludedSite = "nc_excludedSite"

Definition at line 462 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridExpress

const std::string EL::Job::optGridExpress = "nc_express"

Definition at line 472 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridMaxCpuCount

const std::string EL::Job::optGridMaxCpuCount = "nc_maxCpuCount"

Definition at line 465 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridMaxFileSize

const std::string EL::Job::optGridMaxFileSize = "nc_maxFileSize"

Definition at line 469 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridMaxNFilesPerJob

const std::string EL::Job::optGridMaxNFilesPerJob = "nc_maxNFilesPerJob"

Definition at line 470 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridMaxWalltime

const std::string EL::Job::optGridMaxWalltime = "nc_maxWalltime"

Definition at line 479 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridMemory

const std::string EL::Job::optGridMemory = "nc_memory"

Definition at line 464 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridMergeOutput

const std::string EL::Job::optGridMergeOutput = "nc_mergeOutput"

Definition at line 474 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridNEventsPerJob

const std::string EL::Job::optGridNEventsPerJob = "nc_nEventsPerJob"

Definition at line 471 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridNFiles

const std::string EL::Job::optGridNFiles = "nc_nFiles"

Definition at line 466 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridNFilesPerJob

const std::string EL::Job::optGridNFilesPerJob = "nc_nFilesPerJob"

Definition at line 467 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridNGBPerJob

const std::string EL::Job::optGridNGBPerJob = "nc_nGBPerJob"

Definition at line 463 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridNJobs

const std::string EL::Job::optGridNJobs = "nc_nJobs"

Definition at line 468 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridNoSubmit

const std::string EL::Job::optGridNoSubmit = "nc_noSubmit"

Definition at line 473 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridPrunShipAdditionalFilesOrDirs

const std::string EL::Job::optGridPrunShipAdditionalFilesOrDirs = "nc_prunShipAdditionalFilesOrDirs"

Enables to ship additional files to the tarbal sent to the grid Should be a list of comma separated path to files and/or directories Beware for root or heavy files you should also add their name (not their full path) to EL::Job::optUserFiles Otherwise prun ignore those files.

Definition at line 485 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridReporting

const std::string EL::Job::optGridReporting = "nc_gridReporting"

whether to use grid reporting even when not running on the grid

Definition at line 494 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridShowCmd

const std::string EL::Job::optGridShowCmd = "nc_showCmd"

Definition at line 477 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridSite

const std::string EL::Job::optGridSite = "nc_site"

Definition at line 461 of file Job.h.

◆ optGridWorkingGroup

const std::string EL::Job::optGridWorkingGroup = "nc_workingGroup"

Definition at line 476 of file Job.h.

◆ optLocalNoUnsetup

const std::string EL::Job::optLocalNoUnsetup = "nc_local_no_unsetup"

the option not to unsetup the environment in LocalDriver

Definition at line 433 of file Job.h.

◆ optMaxEvents

const std::string EL::Job::optMaxEvents = "nc_EventLoop_MaxEvents"

description: the name of the option used for setting the maximum number of events to process per sample rationale: this is used for test runs where you don't want to process all events, but just want a quick look

Definition at line 222 of file Job.h.

◆ optMemFailOnLeak

const std::string EL::Job::optMemFailOnLeak = "nc_failOnMemLeak"

Failure behaviour of the code when a "significant memory leak" is found.

This flag allows the user to select what should happen when the code finds a memory leak in the job that is larger than the values set by optMemResidentPerEventIncreaseLimit, optMemVirtualPerEventIncreaseLimit, optMemResidentIncreaseLimit and optMemVirtualIncreaseLimit.

It's a boolean property. When set to true, the job fails if a significant memory leak is detected. If set to false, only a warning is printed.

Definition at line 591 of file Job.h.

◆ optMemResidentIncreaseLimit

const std::string EL::Job::optMemResidentIncreaseLimit = "nc_resMemAbsIncrease"

The minimal resident memory increase necessary to trigger an error.

It is an integer property, setting the limit in kilobytes. Jobs have to increase their resident memory usage by this amount to trigger a failure.

Definition at line 569 of file Job.h.

◆ optMemResidentPerEventIncreaseLimit

const std::string EL::Job::optMemResidentPerEventIncreaseLimit
Initial value:

The minimal per-event resident memory increase for triggering an error.

This is the main setting for triggering a failure in memory-leaking analysis jobs. It sets the limit on the per-event resident memory increase of the job for it to be still successful. It is an integer property, setting the limit in kilobytes.

Definition at line 551 of file Job.h.

◆ optMemVirtualIncreaseLimit

const std::string EL::Job::optMemVirtualIncreaseLimit = "nc_virtMemAbsIncrease"

The minimal virtual memory increase necessary to trigger an error.

Implemented very similarly to optMemResidentIncreaseLimit. Since normally the virtual memory usage is not considered in producing a failure, it is set to zero by default.

Definition at line 577 of file Job.h.

◆ optMemVirtualPerEventIncreaseLimit

const std::string EL::Job::optMemVirtualPerEventIncreaseLimit
Initial value:

The minimal per-event virtual memory increase for triggering an error.

Implemented very similarly to optMemResidentPerEventIncreaseLimit. But since normally we don't care about the virtual memory usage of the jobs that much, it is set to zero by default. Making optMemResidentPerEventIncreaseLimit control the behaviour of the job.

Definition at line 561 of file Job.h.

◆ optNumParallelProcs

const std::string EL::Job::optNumParallelProcs = "nc_num_parallel_processes"

the option to specify the number of parallel jobs in LocalDriver (0 = number of hardware cores) (default=1)

As an intermediate between running a single job locally and running in batch, this allows to run multiple processes in parallel locally. It is still recommended to just run in batch instead, but sometimes this is more practical.

Definition at line 443 of file Job.h.

◆ optOfficial

const std::string EL::Job::optOfficial = "nc_official"

Definition at line 490 of file Job.h.

◆ optOutputSampleName

const std::string EL::Job::optOutputSampleName = "nc_outputSampleName"

the output sample name

Definition at line 453 of file Job.h.

◆ optPerfTree

const std::string EL::Job::optPerfTree = "nc_EventLoop_PerfTree"

description: the option to turn on the performance tree in PROOF.

if this is set to 1, it will write out the tree rationale: this can help in tuning your PROOF cluster or tuning what you do in PROOF, but it may have some overhead, which is why we don't do it by default

Definition at line 385 of file Job.h.

◆ optPrintPerFileStats

const std::string EL::Job::optPrintPerFileStats = "nc_print_per_file_stats"

description: the option to turn on printing of i/o statistics at the end of each file rationale: while this is not as complete as whole sample statistics, it can be helpful in some circumstances when debugging the performance warning: this is not supported for all drivers

Definition at line 416 of file Job.h.

◆ optRemoveSubmitDir

const std::string EL::Job::optRemoveSubmitDir = "nc_EventLoop_RemoveSubmitDir"

description: the name of the option for overwriting the submission directory.

if you set this to a non-zero value it will remove any existing submit-directory before trying to create a new one. rationale: normally you don't want to silently remove an existing submission directory, since it may contain valuable data, but for some cases like debugging you may be annoyed to delete it manually.

Definition at line 189 of file Job.h.

◆ optResetShell

const std::string EL::Job::optResetShell = "nc_reset_shell"

description: the option to reset the shell on the worker nodes rationale: this is currently only used by the LSFDriver where it is enabled by default to reset it on lxbatch.

Definition at line 428 of file Job.h.

◆ optRetries

const std::string EL::Job::optRetries = SH::MetaNames::openRetries()

these options are defined in SH::MetaNames

Definition at line 499 of file Job.h.

◆ optRetriesWait

const std::string EL::Job::optRetriesWait = SH::MetaNames::openRetriesWait()

Definition at line 500 of file Job.h.

◆ optRootVer

const std::string EL::Job::optRootVer = "nc_rootVer"

Definition at line 487 of file Job.h.

◆ optSkipEvents

const std::string EL::Job::optSkipEvents = "nc_EventLoop_SkipEvents"

description: the name of the option used for skipping a certain number of events in the beginning rationale: this is used for test runs where you are only interested in a particular set of events

Definition at line 230 of file Job.h.

◆ optSubmitDirMode

const std::string EL::Job::optSubmitDirMode = "nc_EventLoop_SubmitDirMode"

the submit-dir mode (allowed values: "no-clobber", "overwrite", "unique", "unique-link")

Definition at line 195 of file Job.h.

◆ optSubmitFlags

const std::string EL::Job::optSubmitFlags = "nc_EventLoop_SubmitFlags"

description: the name of the option for supplying extra submit parameters to batch systems rationale: the primary purpose of this is to allow selecting the right queue on your batch system, but it can be used for all kind of submission options that EventLoop doesn't support directly.

Definition at line 293 of file Job.h.

◆ optTmpDir

const std::string EL::Job::optTmpDir = "nc_tmpDir"

Definition at line 486 of file Job.h.

◆ optUniqueDateFormat

const std::string EL::Job::optUniqueDateFormat = "nc_EventLoop_UniqueDateFormat"

the date-format to use when generating unique submission directory names

Definition at line 200 of file Job.h.

◆ optUserFiles

const std::string EL::Job::optUserFiles = "nc_EventLoop_UserFiles"

a list of files that need to be available within the worker job

Definition at line 506 of file Job.h.

◆ optVoms

const std::string EL::Job::optVoms = "nc_voms"

Definition at line 491 of file Job.h.

◆ optWorkerConfigFile

const std::string EL::Job::optWorkerConfigFile = "nc_EventLoop_WorkerConfigFile"

a python configuration file that will be executed on the worker

This allows to inspect the meta-data of the first input file and configure the job accordingly.

EXPERIMENTAL: This feature is currently (23 Feb 23) new and experimental and details of its implementation and usage may still change.

Definition at line 243 of file Job.h.

◆ optWorkerPostClosedOutputsExecutable

const std::string EL::Job::optWorkerPostClosedOutputsExecutable = "nc_EventLoop_WorkerPostClosedOutputsExecutable"

Optionnal executable to be provided by the user that will be called, by the worker, for every output stream.

It enables to perform action on output files once they are all closed. For every output stream the executable will be provided 2 arguments:

  • the output stream name
  • the output file path You can for instance implement an executable to check that the output files produced by your job are not corrupted. Or perform other type of actions if you want.

Definition at line 283 of file Job.h.

◆ optXaodAccessMode

const std::string EL::Job::optXaodAccessMode = "nc_EventLoop_XaodAccessMode"

description: the option to select the access mode for xAODs.

this can be "branch" for branch access, or "class" for access. if this option isn't specified EventLoop will pick whatever is currently recommended.

Definition at line 397 of file Job.h.

◆ optXaodAccessMode_athena

const std::string EL::Job::optXaodAccessMode_athena = "athena"

Definition at line 400 of file Job.h.

◆ optXaodAccessMode_branch

const std::string EL::Job::optXaodAccessMode_branch = "branch"

Definition at line 398 of file Job.h.

◆ optXaodAccessMode_class

const std::string EL::Job::optXaodAccessMode_class = "class"

Definition at line 399 of file Job.h.

◆ optXAODInput

const std::string EL::Job::optXAODInput = "nc_EventLoop_XAODInput"

the option to select whether our input is xAODs

Definition at line 390 of file Job.h.

◆ optXAODPerfStats

const std::string EL::Job::optXAODPerfStats = "nc_EventLoop_XAODPerfStats"

description: the name of the option for turning on XAODPerfStats.

To use XAODPerfStats set this to a non-zero value. warning: this only works if you read data through XAODReader rationale: this can be used for fine-tuning TTreeCache or generally optimizing i/o performance

Definition at line 353 of file Job.h.

◆ optXAODReadStats

const std::string EL::Job::optXAODReadStats = "nc_EventLoop_XAODReadStats"

description: the name of the XAODPerfStats object produced as I gather it, as well as the name of the option passed into the job.

rationale: I use the same name in two places to allow reading the stats object from one output and passing it to the next

Definition at line 362 of file Job.h.

◆ optXAODSummaryReport

const std::string EL::Job::optXAODSummaryReport = "nc_xaod_summary_report"

the option to turn on/off the xAOD summary reporting at the end of the job

Definition at line 406 of file Job.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
SH::MetaObject * options()
description: the list of options to the job guarantee: no-fail postcondition: result !...
Definition: Job.cxx:410
const IAlgorithmWrapper * getAlgorithm(std::string_view name) const noexcept
get the algorithm with the given name, or nullptr if there is no algorithm with that name
effects: standard default constructor guarantee: strong failures: low level errors I
Definition: Job.cxx:150
friend void swap(Job &a, Job &b)
effects: standard swap guarantee: no-fail
Definition: Job.cxx:132
bool algsHas(const std::string &name) const
returns: whether we have the algorithm with the given name guarantee: no-fail
Definition: Job.cxx:330
EL::JobConfig m_jobConfig
the JobConfig object we use
Definition: Job.h:622
def Algorithm(name)
std::vector< EL::OutputStream > m_output
Definition: Job.h:616
void setBool(const std::string &name, bool value)
set the meta-data boolean with the given name
static const std::string optXAODInput
the option to select whether our input is xAODs
Definition: Job.h:390
Definition: PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/AssociationUtils/python/
SH::MetaObject m_options
Definition: Job.h:618
Definition: DataQuality/DataQualityUtils/scripts/
SH::SampleHandler m_sampleHandler
description: members directly corresponding to accessors
Definition: Job.h:614
check whether the given expression was successful, throwing an exception on failure
Definition: Control/AthToolSupport/AsgMessaging/AsgMessaging/MessageCheck.h:339
an object that can create a AsgTool
Definition: AsgToolConfig.h:22
Definition: Assert.h:153
#define ANA_MSG_WARNING(xmsg)
Macro printing warning messages.
Definition: Control/AthToolSupport/AsgMessaging/AsgMessaging/MessageCheck.h:292
bool outputHas(const std::string &name) const
returns: whether we have an output with the given name guarantee: no-fail
Definition: Job.cxx:385
string tmp
#define RCU_INVARIANT(x)
Definition: Assert.h:201
::StatusCode addAlgorithm(std::unique_ptr< IAlgorithmWrapper > &&val_algorithm)
add an algorithm
std::string name
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:195
an object that can create a AsgService
Definition: AsgServiceConfig.h:25
void algsAdd(std::unique_ptr< IAlgorithmWrapper > val_algorithm)
description: the list of algorithms used guarantee: no-fail / strong failures: out of memory II invar...
Definition: Job.cxx:210
#define RCU_REQUIRE2_SOFT(x, y)
Definition: Assert.h:155
void check_root_version()
effects: check whether we are using a consistent root version guarantee: strong failures: version mis...
Definition: CheckRootVersion.cxx:31
outputMIter outputBegin()
Definition: Job.cxx:339
DataModel_detail::iterator< DVL > unique(typename DataModel_detail::iterator< DVL > beg, typename DataModel_detail::iterator< DVL > end)
Specialization of unique for DataVector/List.
Definition: DVL_algorithms.h:135
TList * a
Definition: liststreamerinfos.cxx:10
Definition: Assert.h:235
const OutputStream * outputIter
Definition: Job.h:143
outputMIter outputEnd()
Definition: Job.cxx:357
void useXAOD()
effects: register this job to use XAODs guarantee: strong failures: out of memory II failures: TEvent...
Definition: Job.cxx:400
Definition: Assert.h:231
Definition: BTagTrackIpAccessor.cxx:11
#define RCU_THROW_MSG(message)
Definition: PrintMsg.h:58
Definition: Assert.h:229
Definition: Assert.h:233