ATLAS Offline Software
Classes | |
struct | ROOT6_NamespaceAutoloadHook |
Enumerations | |
enum | BitDefOQ { DeadHVPS = 0, DeadHVS1S2S3Core = 1, DeadHVS1S2S3Edge = 2, NonNominalHVPS = 3, NonNominalHVS1S2S3 = 4, MissingFEBCellCore = 5, MissingFEBCellEdgePS = 6, MissingFEBCellEdgeS1 = 7, MissingFEBCellEdgeS2 = 8, MissingFEBCellEdgeS3 = 9, MaskedCellCore = 10, MaskedCellEdgePS = 11, MaskedCellEdgeS1 = 12, MaskedCellEdgeS2 = 13, MaskedCellEdgeS3 = 14, BadS1Core = 15, SporadicNoiseLowQCore = 16, SporadicNoiseLowQEdge = 17, HighQCore = 18, HighQEdge = 19, AffectedCellCore = 20, AffectedCellEdgePS = 21, AffectedCellEdgeS1 = 22, AffectedCellEdgeS2 = 23, AffectedCellEdgeS3 = 24, HECHighQ = 25, OutTime =26, LArQCleaning =27, DeadCellTileS0 =28, DeadCellTileS1S2 =29, HighRcell =30 } |
Variables | |
const uint16_t | AuthorUnknown =0x0 |
for the Authors of the egamma objects More... | |
const uint16_t | AuthorElectron =0x1 |
Object Reconstructed by standard cluster-based algorithm. More... | |
const uint16_t | AuthorSofte =0x2 |
Electron reconstructed by the track-based algorithm, here for compatibility with old AOD format. More... | |
const uint16_t | AuthorPhoton =0x4 |
Object Reconstructed by standard cluster-based algorithm. More... | |
const uint16_t | AuthorFwdElectron =0x8 |
Electron reconstructed by the Forward cluster-based algorithm. More... | |
const uint16_t | AuthorAmbiguous =0x10 |
Object Reconstructed by standard cluster-based algorithm. More... | |
const uint16_t | AuthorTrigElectron =0x20 |
trigger Electrons More... | |
const uint16_t | AuthorTrigPhoton =0x40 |
trigger Photons More... | |
const uint16_t | AuthorCaloTopo35 =0x80 |
Photon reconstructed by SW CaloTopo35 seeded clusters. More... | |
const uint16_t | AuthorALL = 0xFFFF |
not an actual author, but used as default in some functions More... | |
const uint32_t | BADCLUSELECTRON |
const uint32_t | BADCLUSPHOTON |
const uint32_t | ALLOQ = 0xFFFFFFFF |
Enumerator | |
DeadHVPS | Dead High Voltage in the EM Presampler. |
DeadHVS1S2S3Core | Dead High Voltage in the EM strips, middle and back affecting the core of the cluster. |
DeadHVS1S2S3Edge | Dead High Voltage in the EM strips, middle and back affecting the edge of the cluster. |
NonNominalHVPS | Non Nominal High Voltage in the EM Presampler. |
NonNominalHVS1S2S3 | Non Nominal High Voltage in the EM strips, middle and back. |
MissingFEBCellCore | Missing FEB in the core of the cluster. |
MissingFEBCellEdgePS | Missing FEB in the edge of the cluster. |
MissingFEBCellEdgeS1 | Missing FEB in the edge of the cluster. |
MissingFEBCellEdgeS2 | Missing FEB in the edge of the cluster. |
MissingFEBCellEdgeS3 | Missing FEB in the edge of the cluster. |
MaskedCellCore | Masked cell in the core of the cluster. |
MaskedCellEdgePS | Masked presampler cell in the edge of the cluster. |
MaskedCellEdgeS1 | Masked strip cell in the edge of the cluster. |
MaskedCellEdgeS2 | Masked middle cell in the edge of the cluster. |
MaskedCellEdgeS3 | Masked back cell in the edge of the cluster. |
BadS1Core | Missing FEB or masked cell in S1 core (corresponding to the 8 strips in front of the core of the cluster) |
SporadicNoiseLowQCore | Sporadic noisy cell in the core of the cluster. |
SporadicNoiseLowQEdge | Sporadic noisy cell in the edge of the cluster. |
HighQCore | High quality factor cell in the core of the cluster. |
HighQEdge | High quality factor cell in the edge of the cluster. |
AffectedCellCore | Affected cell in the core of the cluster. |
AffectedCellEdgePS | Affected presampler cell in the edge of the cluster. |
AffectedCellEdgeS1 | Affected strip cell in the edge of the cluster. |
AffectedCellEdgeS2 | Affected middle cell in the edge of the cluster. |
AffectedCellEdgeS3 | Affected back cell in the edge of the cluster. |
HECHighQ | High quality factor cell in the HEC. |
OutTime | Out of time cell. |
LArQCleaning | Cleaning based on LArQ factor--> sum[ E(Q>4000)/E]. |
DeadCellTileS0 | Dead cell in the Tile Calorimeter S0 affecting the hadronic leakage calculation. |
DeadCellTileS1S2 | Dead cell in the Tile Calorimeter S1,2,3 affecting the hadronic leakage calculation. |
HighRcell | High R_cell -—> Energy of the most energetic cell / total energy of the cluster. |
Definition at line 46 of file EgammaDefs.h.
Enumerator | |
unconverted | unconverted photon |
singleSi | one track only, with Si hits |
singleTRT | one track only, no Si hits (TRT only) |
doubleSi | two tracks, both with Si hits |
doubleTRT | two tracks, none with Si hits (TRT only) |
doubleSiTRT | two tracks, only one with Si hits |
NumberOfVertexConversionTypes | maximum number of types |
Definition at line 267 of file EgammaEnums.h.
Enumerator | |
electron | |
unconvertedPhoton | |
convertedPhoton | |
NumberOfEgammaTypes |
Definition at line 16 of file EgammaEnums.h.
Enumerator | |
e011 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in presampler in a 1x1 window in cells in eta X phi |
e033 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in presampler in a 3x3 window in cells in eta X phi |
e132 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in strips in a 3x2 window in cells in eta X phi |
e1152 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in strips in a 15x2 window in cells in eta X phi |
ethad1 | transverse energy in the first sampling of the hadronic calorimeters behind the cluster calculated from ehad1 |
ethad | ET leakage into hadronic calorimeter with exclusion of energy in CaloSampling::TileGap3. |
ehad1 | E leakage into 1st sampling of had calo (CaloSampling::HEC0 + CaloSampling::TileBar0 + CaloSampling::TileExt0) |
f1 | E1/E = fraction of energy reconstructed in the first sampling, where E1 is energy in all strips belonging to the cluster and E is the total energy reconstructed in the electromagnetic calorimeter cluster. |
f3 | fraction of energy reconstructed in 3rd sampling |
f1core | E1(3x1)/E = fraction of the energy reconstructed in the first longitudinal compartment of the electromagnetic calorimeter, where E1(3x1) the energy reconstructed in +/-3 strips in eta, centered around the maximum energy strip and E is the energy reconstructed in the electromagnetic calorimeter. |
f3core | E3(3x3)/E fraction of the energy reconstructed in the third compartment of the electromagnetic calorimeter, where E3(3x3), energy in the back sampling, is the sum of the energy contained in a 3x3 window around the maximum energy cell. |
e233 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x3 (in cell units eta X phi) |
e235 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x5 |
e255 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 5x5 |
e237 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x7 |
e277 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 7x7 |
e333 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x3 |
e335 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x5 |
e337 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the third sampling in a rectangle of size 3x7 |
e377 | uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 7x7 |
weta1 | shower width using +/-3 strips around the one with the maximal energy deposit: w3 strips = sqrt{sum(Ei)x(i-imax)^2/sum(Ei)}, where i is the number of the strip and imax the strip number of the most energetic one |
weta2 | the lateral width is calculated with a window of 3x5 cells using the energy weighted sum over all cells, which depends on the particle impact point inside the cell: weta2 = sqrt(sum Ei x eta^2)/(sum Ei) -((sum Ei x eta)/(sum Ei))^2, where Ei is the energy of the i-th cell |
e2ts1 | 2nd max in strips calc by summing 3 strips |
e2tsts1 | energy of the cell corresponding to second energy maximum in the first sampling |
fracs1 | shower shape in the shower core : [E(+/-3)-E(+/-1)]/E(+/-1), where E(+/-n) is the energy in ± n strips around the strip with highest energy |
widths1 | same as egammaParameters::weta1 but without corrections on particle impact point inside the cell |
widths2 | same as egammaParameters::weta2 but without corrections on particle impact point inside the cell |
poscs1 | relative position in eta within cell in 1st sampling |
poscs2 | relative position in eta within cell in 2nd sampling |
asy1 | uncorr asymmetry in 3 strips in the 1st sampling |
pos | difference between shower cell and predicted track in +/- 1 cells |
pos7 | Difference between the track and the shower positions: sum_{i=i_m-7}^{i=i_m+7}E_i x (i-i_m) / sum_{i=i_m-7}^{i=i_m+7}E_i, The difference between the track and the shower positions measured in units of distance between the strips, where i_m is the impact cell for the track reconstructed in the inner detector and E_i is the energy reconstructed in the i-th cell in the eta direction for constant phi given by the track parameters. |
barys1 | barycentre in sampling 1 calculated in 3 strips |
wtots1 | shower width is determined in a window detaxdphi = 0,0625 ×~0,2, corresponding typically to 20 strips in eta : wtot1=sqrt{sum Ei x ( i-imax)^2 / sum Ei}, where i is the strip number and imax the strip number of the first local maximum |
emins1 | energy reconstructed in the strip with the minimal value between the first and second maximum |
emaxs1 | energy of strip with maximal energy deposit |
r33over37allcalo | 1-ratio of energy in 3x3 over 3x7 cells; E(3x3) = E0(1x1) + E1(3x1) + E2(3x3) + E3(3x3); E(3x7) = E0(3x3) + E1(15x3) + E2(3x7) + E3(3x7) |
ecore | core energy in em calo E(core) = E0(3x3) + E1(15x2) + E2(5x5) + E3(3x5) |
Reta | e237/e277 |
Rphi | e233/e237 |
Eratio | (emaxs1-e2tsts1)/(emaxs1+e2tsts1) |
Rhad | ethad/et |
Rhad1 | ethad1/et |
DeltaE | e2tsts1-emins1 |
NumberOfShowerShapes | maximum number of enums |
Definition at line 26 of file EgammaEnums.h.
Definition at line 172 of file EgammaEnums.h.
Definition at line 238 of file EgammaEnums.h.
Definition at line 133 of file EgammaDefs.h.
not an actual author, but used as default in some functions
Definition at line 40 of file EgammaDefs.h.
Object Reconstructed by standard cluster-based algorithm.
Ambiguous ==> can be either Electron or Photon
Definition at line 32 of file EgammaDefs.h.
Photon reconstructed by SW CaloTopo35 seeded clusters.
Definition at line 38 of file EgammaDefs.h.
Object Reconstructed by standard cluster-based algorithm.
Surely not Photon ==> Electron
Definition at line 24 of file EgammaDefs.h.
Electron reconstructed by the Forward cluster-based algorithm.
Definition at line 30 of file EgammaDefs.h.
Object Reconstructed by standard cluster-based algorithm.
Surely not Electron ==> Photon
Definition at line 28 of file EgammaDefs.h.
Electron reconstructed by the track-based algorithm, here for compatibility with old AOD format.
Definition at line 26 of file EgammaDefs.h.
trigger Electrons
Definition at line 34 of file EgammaDefs.h.
trigger Photons
Definition at line 36 of file EgammaDefs.h.
Definition at line 116 of file EgammaDefs.h.
Definition at line 124 of file EgammaDefs.h.