ATLAS Offline Software
IKinematicConstraint Class Reference

#include <IKinematicConstraint.h>

Collaboration diagram for IKinematicConstraint:

Detailed Description

Kinematic constraints are implemented as a set of equation that depend on the cartesian coordinates of the kinematic particles. Constraint-equations used by the KinematicVertexFitter are implemented in a general form which contains: a vector with the current values of each constraint-equation for a given set of KinematicParticle and a matrix with the derivatives of the constraint-equations vs the cartesian coordinates of the particles

Kiril.nosp@m.l.Pr.nosp@m.okofi.nosp@m.ev@c.nosp@m.ern.c.nosp@m.h March 2008

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: