![]() |
ATLAS Offline Software
#include <PixelClusterAnalysisAlg.h>
Public Types | |
enum | Environment_t { Environment_t::user = 0, Environment_t::online, Environment_t::tier0, Environment_t::tier0Raw, Environment_t::tier0ESD, Environment_t::AOD, Environment_t::altprod } |
Specifies the processing environment. More... | |
enum | DataType_t { DataType_t::userDefined = 0, DataType_t::monteCarlo, DataType_t::collisions, DataType_t::cosmics, DataType_t::heavyIonCollisions } |
Specifies what type of input data is being monitored. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
PixelClusterAnalysisAlg (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator) | |
virtual | ~PixelClusterAnalysisAlg () override=default |
virtual StatusCode | initialize () override |
initialize More... | |
virtual StatusCode | fillHistograms (const EventContext &ctx) const override |
adds event to the monitoring histograms More... | |
virtual StatusCode | execute (const EventContext &ctx) const override |
Applies filters and trigger requirements. More... | |
void | fill (const ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > &groupHandle, std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Monitored::IMonitoredVariable >> &&variables) const |
Fills a vector of variables to a group by reference. More... | |
void | fill (const ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > &groupHandle, const std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Monitored::IMonitoredVariable >> &variables) const |
Fills a vector of variables to a group by reference. More... | |
template<typename... T> | |
void | fill (const ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > &groupHandle, T &&... variables) const |
Fills a variadic list of variables to a group by reference. More... | |
void | fill (const std::string &groupName, std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Monitored::IMonitoredVariable >> &&variables) const |
Fills a vector of variables to a group by name. More... | |
void | fill (const std::string &groupName, const std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Monitored::IMonitoredVariable >> &variables) const |
Fills a vector of variables to a group by name. More... | |
template<typename... T> | |
void | fill (const std::string &groupName, T &&... variables) const |
Fills a variadic list of variables to a group by name. More... | |
Environment_t | environment () const |
Accessor functions for the environment. More... | |
Environment_t | envStringToEnum (const std::string &str) const |
Convert the environment string from the python configuration to an enum object. More... | |
DataType_t | dataType () const |
Accessor functions for the data type. More... | |
DataType_t | dataTypeStringToEnum (const std::string &str) const |
Convert the data type string from the python configuration to an enum object. More... | |
const ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > & | getGroup (const std::string &name) const |
Get a specific monitoring tool from the tool handle array. More... | |
const ToolHandle< Trig::TrigDecisionTool > & | getTrigDecisionTool () const |
Get the trigger decision tool member. More... | |
bool | trigChainsArePassed (const std::vector< std::string > &vTrigNames) const |
Check whether triggers are passed. More... | |
SG::ReadHandle< xAOD::EventInfo > | GetEventInfo (const EventContext &) const |
Return a ReadHandle for an EventInfo object (get run/event numbers, etc.) More... | |
virtual float | lbAverageInteractionsPerCrossing (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
Calculate the average mu, i.e. More... | |
virtual float | lbInteractionsPerCrossing (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
Calculate instantaneous number of interactions, i.e. More... | |
virtual float | lbAverageLuminosity (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
Calculate average luminosity (in ub-1 s-1 => 10^30 cm-2 s-1). More... | |
virtual float | lbLuminosityPerBCID (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
Calculate the instantaneous luminosity per bunch crossing. More... | |
virtual double | lbDuration (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
Calculate the duration of the luminosity block (in seconds) More... | |
virtual float | lbAverageLivefraction (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
Calculate the average luminosity livefraction. More... | |
virtual float | livefractionPerBCID (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
Calculate the live fraction per bunch crossing ID. More... | |
virtual double | lbLumiWeight (const EventContext &ctx=Gaudi::Hive::currentContext()) const |
Calculate the average integrated luminosity multiplied by the live fraction. More... | |
virtual StatusCode | parseList (const std::string &line, std::vector< std::string > &result) const |
Parse a string into a vector. More... | |
virtual StatusCode | sysInitialize () override |
Override sysInitialize. More... | |
virtual bool | isClonable () const override |
Specify if the algorithm is clonable. More... | |
virtual unsigned int | cardinality () const override |
Cardinality (Maximum number of clones that can exist) special value 0 means that algorithm is reentrant. More... | |
virtual StatusCode | sysExecute (const EventContext &ctx) override |
Execute an algorithm. More... | |
virtual const DataObjIDColl & | extraOutputDeps () const override |
Return the list of extra output dependencies. More... | |
virtual bool | filterPassed (const EventContext &ctx) const |
virtual void | setFilterPassed (bool state, const EventContext &ctx) const |
ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & | evtStore () |
The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc . More... | |
const ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & | evtStore () const |
The standard StoreGateSvc (event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc . More... | |
const ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > & | detStore () const |
The standard StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc . More... | |
virtual StatusCode | sysStart () override |
Handle START transition. More... | |
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > | inputHandles () const override |
Return this algorithm's input handles. More... | |
virtual std::vector< Gaudi::DataHandle * > | outputHandles () const override |
Return this algorithm's output handles. More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &t) |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleKey &hndl, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &) |
Declare a new Gaudi property. More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleBase &hndl, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleType &) |
Declare a new Gaudi property. More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, SG::VarHandleKeyArray &hndArr, const std::string &doc, const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType &) |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc, const SG::NotHandleType &) |
Declare a new Gaudi property. More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase * | declareProperty (const std::string &name, T &property, const std::string &doc="none") |
Declare a new Gaudi property. More... | |
void | updateVHKA (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &) |
MsgStream & | msg () const |
MsgStream & | msg (const MSG::Level lvl) const |
bool | msgLvl (const MSG::Level lvl) const |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | renounceArray (SG::VarHandleKeyArray &handlesArray) |
remove all handles from I/O resolution More... | |
std::enable_if_t< std::is_void_v< std::result_of_t< decltype(&T::renounce)(T)> > &&!std::is_base_of_v< SG::VarHandleKeyArray, T > &&std::is_base_of_v< Gaudi::DataHandle, T >, void > | renounce (T &h) |
void | extraDeps_update_handler (Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase &ExtraDeps) |
Add StoreName to extra input/output deps as needed. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
ToolHandleArray< GenericMonitoringTool > | m_tools {this,"GMTools",{}} |
Array of Generic Monitoring Tools. More... | |
PublicToolHandle< Trig::TrigDecisionTool > | m_trigDecTool {this, "TrigDecisionTool",""} |
Tool to tell whether a specific trigger is passed. More... | |
ToolHandleArray< IDQFilterTool > | m_DQFilterTools {this,"FilterTools",{}} |
Array of Data Quality filter tools. More... | |
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< LuminosityCondData > | m_lumiDataKey {this,"LuminosityCondDataKey","LuminosityCondData","SG Key of LuminosityCondData object"} |
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< LBDurationCondData > | m_lbDurationDataKey {this,"LBDurationCondDataKey","LBDurationCondData","SG Key of LBDurationCondData object"} |
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< TrigLiveFractionCondData > | m_trigLiveFractionDataKey {this,"TrigLiveFractionCondDataKey","TrigLiveFractionCondData", "SG Key of TrigLiveFractionCondData object"} |
AthMonitorAlgorithm::Environment_t | m_environment |
Instance of the Environment_t enum. More... | |
AthMonitorAlgorithm::DataType_t | m_dataType |
Instance of the DataType_t enum. More... | |
Gaudi::Property< std::string > | m_environmentStr {this,"Environment","user"} |
Environment string pulled from the job option and converted to enum. More... | |
Gaudi::Property< std::string > | m_dataTypeStr {this,"DataType","userDefined"} |
DataType string pulled from the job option and converted to enum. More... | |
Gaudi::Property< std::string > | m_triggerChainString {this,"TriggerChain",""} |
Trigger chain string pulled from the job option and parsed into a vector. More... | |
std::vector< std::string > | m_vTrigChainNames |
Vector of trigger chain names parsed from trigger chain string. More... | |
Gaudi::Property< std::string > | m_fileKey {this,"FileKey",""} |
Internal Athena name for file. More... | |
Gaudi::Property< bool > | m_useLumi {this,"EnableLumi",false} |
Allows use of various luminosity functions. More... | |
Gaudi::Property< float > | m_defaultLBDuration {this,"DefaultLBDuration",60.} |
Default duration of one lumi block. More... | |
Gaudi::Property< int > | m_detailLevel {this,"DetailLevel",0} |
Sets the level of detail used in the monitoring. More... | |
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo > | m_EventInfoKey {this,"EventInfoKey","EventInfo"} |
Key for retrieving EventInfo from StoreGate. More... | |
Private Types | |
typedef std::vector< std::reference_wrapper< Monitored::IMonitoredVariable > > | MonVarVec_t |
typedef ServiceHandle< StoreGateSvc > | StoreGateSvc_t |
Private Member Functions | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyType &) |
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey> More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleKeyArrayType &) |
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKeyArray> More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &hndl, const SG::VarHandleType &) |
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleBase> More... | |
Gaudi::Details::PropertyBase & | declareGaudiProperty (Gaudi::Property< T > &t, const SG::NotHandleType &) |
specialization for handling everything that's not a Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey> or a <SG::VarHandleKeyArray> More... | |
Private Attributes | |
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::PixelClusterContainer > | m_pixelClusterContainerKey |
Gaudi::Property< std::string > | m_monGroupName {this, "MonGroupName", "ActsClusterAnalysisAlg"} |
const PixelID * | m_pixelID {} |
std::string | m_name |
std::unordered_map< std::string, size_t > | m_toolLookupMap |
const ToolHandle< GenericMonitoringTool > | m_dummy |
Gaudi::Property< bool > | m_enforceExpressTriggers |
DataObjIDColl | m_extendedExtraObjects |
Extra output dependency collection, extended by AthAlgorithmDHUpdate to add symlinks. More... | |
StoreGateSvc_t | m_evtStore |
Pointer to StoreGate (event store by default) More... | |
StoreGateSvc_t | m_detStore |
Pointer to StoreGate (detector store by default) More... | |
std::vector< SG::VarHandleKeyArray * > | m_vhka |
bool | m_varHandleArraysDeclared |
Definition at line 15 of file PixelClusterAnalysisAlg.h.
privateinherited |
Definition at line 365 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
privateinherited |
Definition at line 388 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
stronginherited |
Specifies what type of input data is being monitored.
An enumeration of the different types of data the monitoring application may be running over. This can be used to select which histograms to produce, e.g. to prevent the production of colliding-beam histograms when running on cosmic-ray data. Strings of the same names may be given as jobOptions.
Enumerator | |
userDefined | |
monteCarlo | |
collisions | |
cosmics | |
heavyIonCollisions |
Definition at line 191 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
stronginherited |
Specifies the processing environment.
The running environment may be used to select which histograms are produced, and where they are located in the output. For example, the output paths of the histograms are different for the "user", "online" and the various offline flags. Strings of the same names may be given as jobOptions.
Enumerator | |
user | |
online | |
tier0 | |
tier0Raw | |
tier0ESD | |
AOD | |
altprod |
Definition at line 172 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
ActsTrk::PixelClusterAnalysisAlg::PixelClusterAnalysisAlg | ( | const std::string & | name, |
ISvcLocator * | pSvcLocator | ||
) |
Definition at line 10 of file PixelClusterAnalysisAlg.cxx.
overridevirtualdefault |
overridevirtualinherited |
Cardinality (Maximum number of clones that can exist) special value 0 means that algorithm is reentrant.
Override this to return 0 for reentrant algorithms.
Override this to return 0 for reentrant algorithms.
Definition at line 75 of file AthCommonReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
inlineinherited |
Accessor functions for the data type.
Definition at line 221 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
inherited |
Convert the data type string from the python configuration to an enum object.
Definition at line 140 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
inlineprivateinherited |
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKeyArray>
Definition at line 170 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineprivateinherited |
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey>
Definition at line 156 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineprivateinherited |
specialization for handling Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleBase>
Definition at line 184 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineprivateinherited |
specialization for handling everything that's not a Gaudi::Property<SG::VarHandleKey> or a <SG::VarHandleKeyArray>
Definition at line 199 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Declare a new Gaudi property.
name | Name of the property. |
hndl | Object holding the property value. |
doc | Documentation string for the property. |
This is the version for types that derive from SG::VarHandleBase
. The property value object is put on the input and output lists as appropriate; then we forward to the base class.
Definition at line 245 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Declare a new Gaudi property.
name | Name of the property. |
hndl | Object holding the property value. |
doc | Documentation string for the property. |
This is the version for types that derive from SG::VarHandleKey
. The property value object is put on the input and output lists as appropriate; then we forward to the base class.
Definition at line 221 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 259 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Declare a new Gaudi property.
name | Name of the property. |
property | Object holding the property value. |
doc | Documentation string for the property. |
This is the generic version, for types that do not derive from SG::VarHandleKey
. It just forwards to the base class version of declareProperty
Definition at line 333 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Declare a new Gaudi property.
name | Name of the property. |
property | Object holding the property value. |
doc | Documentation string for the property. |
This dispatches to either the generic declareProperty
or the one for VarHandle/Key/KeyArray.
Definition at line 352 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 145 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
The standard StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore
Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc
Definition at line 95 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
Accessor functions for the environment.
Definition at line 205 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
inherited |
Convert the environment string from the python configuration to an enum object.
Definition at line 112 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
inlineinherited |
The standard StoreGateSvc
(event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc
Definition at line 85 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineinherited |
The standard StoreGateSvc
(event store) Returns (kind of) a pointer to the StoreGateSvc
Definition at line 90 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
overridevirtualinherited |
Applies filters and trigger requirements.
Then, calls fillHistograms().
ctx | event context for reentrant Athena call |
Definition at line 73 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
protectedinherited |
Add StoreName to extra input/output deps as needed.
use the logic of the VarHandleKey to parse the DataObjID keys supplied via the ExtraInputs and ExtraOuputs Properties to add the StoreName if it's not explicitly given
overridevirtualinherited |
Return the list of extra output dependencies.
This list is extended to include symlinks implied by inheritance relations.
Definition at line 94 of file AthCommonReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
overridevirtual |
adds event to the monitoring histograms
User will overwrite this function. Histogram booking is no longer done in C++. This function is called in execute once the filters are all passed.
ctx | forwarded from execute |
Implements AthMonitorAlgorithm.
Definition at line 27 of file PixelClusterAnalysisAlg.cxx.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 96 of file AthCommonReentrantAlgorithm.h.
inherited |
Return a ReadHandle for an EventInfo object (get run/event numbers, etc.)
ctx | EventContext for the event |
Definition at line 107 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
inherited |
Get a specific monitoring tool from the tool handle array.
Finds a specific GenericMonitoringTool instance from the list of monitoring tools (a ToolHandleArray). Throws a FATAL warning if the object found is empty.
name | string name of the desired tool |
Definition at line 164 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
inherited |
Get the trigger decision tool member.
The trigger decision tool is used to check whether a specific trigger is passed by an event.
Definition at line 194 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from AthMonitorAlgorithm.
Definition at line 14 of file PixelClusterAnalysisAlg.cxx.
overridevirtualinherited |
Return this algorithm's input handles.
We override this to include handle instances from key arrays if they have not yet been declared. See comments on updateVHKA.
overridevirtualinherited |
Specify if the algorithm is clonable.
Reentrant algorithms are clonable.
Definition at line 68 of file AthCommonReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 24 of file AthCommonMsg.h.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 27 of file AthCommonMsg.h.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 30 of file AthCommonMsg.h.
overridevirtualinherited |
Return this algorithm's output handles.
We override this to include handle instances from key arrays if they have not yet been declared. See comments on updateVHKA.
virtualinherited |
Parse a string into a vector.
The input string is a single long string of all of the trigger names. It parses this string and turns it into a vector, where each element is one trigger or trigger category.
line | The input string. |
result | The parsed output vector of strings. |
Definition at line 341 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
inlineprotectedinherited |
Definition at line 380 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlineprotectedinherited |
remove all handles from I/O resolution
Definition at line 364 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 100 of file AthCommonReentrantAlgorithm.h.
overridevirtualinherited |
Execute an algorithm.
We override this in order to work around an issue with the Algorithm base class storing the event context in a member variable that can cause crashes in MT jobs.
Definition at line 85 of file AthCommonReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
overridevirtualinherited |
Override sysInitialize.
Override sysInitialize from the base class.
Loop through all output handles, and if they're WriteCondHandles, automatically register them and this Algorithm with the CondSvc
Scan through all outputHandles, and if they're WriteCondHandles, register them with the CondSvc
Reimplemented from AthCommonDataStore< AthCommonMsg< Gaudi::Algorithm > >.
Reimplemented in InputMakerBase, and HypoBase.
Definition at line 61 of file AthCommonReentrantAlgorithm.cxx.
overridevirtualinherited |
Handle START transition.
We override this in order to make sure that conditions handle keys can cache a pointer to the conditions container.
inherited |
Check whether triggers are passed.
For the event, use the trigger decision tool to check that at least one of the triggers listed in the supplied vector is passed.
vTrigNames | List of trigger names. |
Definition at line 199 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.cxx.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 308 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
protectedinherited |
Instance of the DataType_t enum.
Definition at line 351 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
DataType string pulled from the job option and converted to enum.
Definition at line 353 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Default duration of one lumi block.
Definition at line 360 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Sets the level of detail used in the monitoring.
Definition at line 361 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
privateinherited |
Pointer to StoreGate (detector store by default)
Definition at line 393 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
protectedinherited |
Array of Data Quality filter tools.
Definition at line 341 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
privateinherited |
Definition at line 369 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
privateinherited |
Definition at line 372 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Instance of the Environment_t enum.
Definition at line 350 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Environment string pulled from the job option and converted to enum.
Definition at line 352 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Key for retrieving EventInfo from StoreGate.
Definition at line 362 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
privateinherited |
Pointer to StoreGate (event store by default)
Definition at line 390 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
privateinherited |
Extra output dependency collection, extended by AthAlgorithmDHUpdate to add symlinks.
Empty if no symlinks were found.
Definition at line 114 of file AthCommonReentrantAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Internal Athena name for file.
Definition at line 358 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 345 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 343 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
private |
Definition at line 29 of file PixelClusterAnalysisAlg.h.
privateinherited |
Definition at line 366 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
private |
Definition at line 25 of file PixelClusterAnalysisAlg.h.
Definition at line 32 of file PixelClusterAnalysisAlg.h.
privateinherited |
Definition at line 367 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Array of Generic Monitoring Tools.
Definition at line 338 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Tool to tell whether a specific trigger is passed.
Definition at line 340 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Trigger chain string pulled from the job option and parsed into a vector.
Definition at line 355 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 347 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
protectedinherited |
Allows use of various luminosity functions.
Definition at line 359 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.
privateinherited |
Definition at line 399 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
privateinherited |
Definition at line 398 of file AthCommonDataStore.h.
protectedinherited |
Vector of trigger chain names parsed from trigger chain string.
Definition at line 356 of file AthMonitorAlgorithm.h.