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jet::JetConstituentFiller Class Reference

#include <JetConstituentFiller.h>

Collaboration diagram for jet::JetConstituentFiller:

Public Types

typedef std::vector< std::string > NameList

Public Member Functions

 JetConstituentFiller (bool isTrig=false)
int extractConstituents (xAOD::Jet &jet, const NameList *pghostlabs, const fastjet::PseudoJet *ppj=0)
 Build and fill constituents of jet from its PseudoJet (or from ppj) Returns the number of pseudojet constituents without user info or < 0 for error. More...
int extractConstituents (xAOD::Jet &jet, const fastjet::PseudoJet *ppj=0)
 Build and fill constituents of jet from its PseudoJet (or from ppj) Returns the number of pseudojet constituents without user info or < 0 for error. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static PseudoJetVector constituentPseudoJets (const xAOD::Jet &jet, bool ignoreGhosts=true, bool requireJetStructure=false)
 Returns the jet's constituents as a vector of PseudoJet if ignoreGhosts==true, ghost constituents are removed from the output. More...

Protected Attributes

bool m_isTrigger

Detailed Description

Definition at line 27 of file JetConstituentFiller.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ NameList

typedef std::vector<std::string> jet::JetConstituentFiller::NameList

Definition at line 33 of file JetConstituentFiller.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ JetConstituentFiller()

jet::JetConstituentFiller::JetConstituentFiller ( bool  isTrig = false)

Definition at line 31 of file JetConstituentFiller.h.

31 :m_isTrigger(isTrig){}

Member Function Documentation

◆ constituentPseudoJets()

PseudoJetVector JetConstituentFiller::constituentPseudoJets ( const xAOD::Jet jet,
bool  ignoreGhosts = true,
bool  requireJetStructure = false 

Returns the jet's constituents as a vector of PseudoJet if ignoreGhosts==true, ghost constituents are removed from the output.

Definition at line 164 of file JetConstituentFiller.cxx.

164  {
166  static const SG::AuxElement::Accessor<const fastjet::PseudoJet*> pjAccessor("PseudoJet");
167  const fastjet::PseudoJet* jet_pj = nullptr;
168  if(pjAccessor.isAvailable(jet)) jet_pj = pjAccessor(jet);
170  PseudoJetVector constituents;
172  if(jet_pj && !ignoreGhosts ){ // Retrieve constituents from the PseudoJet
173  constituents = jet_pj->constituents(); // all constituents, including ghosts
174  // Removed block for (existing jet_pt and ignoreGhosts), because
175  // in the PseudoJetContainer model, the constituent user info is
176  // not attached, and hence it's not possible to know if a pj is
177  // ghost or constituent.
178  } else { // no PseudoJet in jet or need to reject ghosts. Build them from constituents.
180  // For SoftDrop variables like zg, rg, the structure of the jet is needed and
181  // constituents have to be retrieved from the Pseudojet
182  if(jet_pj && requireJetStructure){
183  PseudoJetVector constituents_all = jet_pj->constituents(); // all constituents, including ghosts
184  //Filter out ghosts before calculating variables (comparison to constituents)
185  xAOD::JetConstituentVector constituents_tmp = jet.getConstituents();
186  constituents.reserve( jet.numConstituents() );
187  for(size_t i = 0; i < constituents_all.size(); i++){
188  for(size_t j = 0; j < constituents_tmp.size(); j++){
189  if(std::abs((constituents_all[i].px()-constituents_tmp[j].Px())/constituents_tmp[j].Px()) < 0.0001 &&
190  std::abs((constituents_all[i].py()-constituents_tmp[j].Py())/constituents_tmp[j].Py()) < 0.0001 &&
191  std::abs((constituents_all[i].pz()-constituents_tmp[j].Pz())/constituents_tmp[j].Pz()) < 0.0001){
192  constituents.push_back(constituents_all[i]);
193  break;
194  }
195  }
196  }
197  }
198  else{
199  xAOD::JetConstituentVector constituents_tmp = jet.getConstituents();
200  constituents.reserve( jet.numConstituents() );
201  for(size_t i = 0; i < constituents_tmp.size(); i++){
202  constituents.emplace_back( constituents_tmp[i].Px(), constituents_tmp[i].Py(), constituents_tmp[i].Pz(), constituents_tmp[i].E() );
203  }
204  }
205  }
206  return constituents;
207 }

◆ extractConstituents() [1/2]

int JetConstituentFiller::extractConstituents ( xAOD::Jet jet,
const fastjet::PseudoJet *  ppj = 0 

Build and fill constituents of jet from its PseudoJet (or from ppj) Returns the number of pseudojet constituents without user info or < 0 for error.

If the jet does not have an associated pseudojet, then the last argument is used in its place. This is for backwards compatability with code that targets release 19.1

Definition at line 158 of file JetConstituentFiller.cxx.

158  {
159  return extractConstituents(jet, nullptr, ppj2);
160 }

◆ extractConstituents() [2/2]

int JetConstituentFiller::extractConstituents ( xAOD::Jet jet,
const NameList pghostlabs,
const fastjet::PseudoJet *  ppj = 0 

Build and fill constituents of jet from its PseudoJet (or from ppj) Returns the number of pseudojet constituents without user info or < 0 for error.

If the jet does not have an associated pseudojet, then the last argument is used in its place. The second argments holds the list of ghost association names.

Definition at line 40 of file JetConstituentFiller.cxx.

42  {
44  static const SG::AuxElement::Accessor<const fastjet::PseudoJet*> pjAccessor("PseudoJet");
45  const fastjet::PseudoJet* ppseudojet = nullptr;
46  if(pjAccessor.isAvailable(jet)) ppseudojet = pjAccessor(jet);
48  if ( ppseudojet == nullptr ) {
49  ppseudojet = ppj2;
50  }
51  if ( ppseudojet == nullptr ) return -1;
52  int nbad = 0;
53  const PseudoJetVector& cons = ppseudojet->constituents();
55  MuonSegmentMap outms;
56  PtMap ptout;
57  ParTypeVector partypes;
58  const LabelIndex* pli = nullptr;
59  for ( PseudoJetVector::const_iterator icon=cons.begin(); icon!=cons.end(); ++icon ) {
60  if ( icon->has_user_info<IConstituentUserInfo>() ) {
61  const IConstituentUserInfo& cui = icon->user_info<IConstituentUserInfo>();
62  // Initialize with the first constituent.
63  if ( pli == nullptr ) {
64  pli = cui.labelMap();
65  if ( pli == nullptr ) return -2;
66  unsigned int maxli = pli->size() + 1; // +1 because LabelIndex starts at 1;
67  out.resize(maxli); // +1 because LabelIndex starts at 1
68  outms.resize(maxli);
69  for ( unsigned int ili=0; ili<maxli; ++ili ) {
70  ptout.push_back(0.0);
71  }
72  for ( ParType& partype : partypes ) partype = UNDEF;
73  for ( unsigned int idx=0; idx<maxli; ++idx ) {
74  std::string lab = pli->label(idx);
75  if ( lab.empty() ) {
76  partypes.push_back(UNDEF);
77  if ( idx ) return -3;
78  } else if ( lab.find("MuonSegment") != std::string::npos ) {
79  partypes.push_back(MUSEG);
80  } else {
81  partypes.push_back(IPART);
82  }
83  }
84  }
85  if ( pli != cui.labelMap() ) return -4;
86  const IParticle* ppar = cui.particle();
87  const MuonSegment* pms = nullptr;
88  // If this is not an IParticle, find the full type.
89  unsigned int icui = cui.index();
90  ParType partype = partypes[icui];
91  if ( ppar == nullptr ) {
92  const MuonSegmentCUI* pmscui = dynamic_cast<const MuonSegmentCUI*>(&cui);
93  if ( pmscui == nullptr ) return -5;
94  pms = pmscui->object();
95  if ( partype != MUSEG ) return -6;
96  } else {
97  if ( partype != IPART ) return -7;
98  }
99  Label lab = cui.label();
100  // Add to constituent list or associated object list.
101  if ( ! cui.isGhost() ) {
102  jet.addConstituent(ppar);
103  jet.setConstituentsSignalState( cui.constitScale() );
104  } else {
105  if ( partype == MUSEG ) {
106  outms[icui].push_back(pms);
107  } else if ( partype == IPART ) {
108  out[icui].push_back(ppar);
109  }
110  }
111  } else {
112  ++nbad;
113  }
114  }
116  // Set ghost associated particles:
117  if (pli){
118  for ( size_t i=1; i<out.size(); ++i ) {
119  if ( pghostlabs) {
120  const NameList& ghostlabs = *pghostlabs;
121  if ( find(ghostlabs.begin(), ghostlabs.end(), pli->label(i)) == ghostlabs.end() ) {
122  nbad += out[i].size();
123  continue;
124  }
125  }
126  ParType& partype = partypes[i];
127  std::string cname = pli->label(i) + "Count";
128  std::string ptname = pli->label(i) + "Pt";
129  // Check if this is in the parent jet
130  int count_test; // dummy var to retrieve into -- we don't care about the value
131  const static SG::AuxElement::ConstAccessor<ElementLink<xAOD::JetContainer> > cacc_parent("Parent");
132  if(!m_isTrigger) {
133  if(cacc_parent.isAvailable(jet) && cacc_parent(jet).isValid()) {
134  if(!(*cacc_parent(jet))->getAttribute(cname,count_test)) {
135  nbad += out[i].size(); // Skip if the parent does not have this
136  continue;
137  }
138  }
139  }
140  if ( partype == MUSEG ) {
141  // Record associated muons.
142  jet.setAssociatedObjects(pli->label(i) , outms[i]);
143  jet.setAttribute<int>(cname, outms[i].size());
144  } else if ( partype == IPART ) {
145  // Record associated particles.
146  jet.setAssociatedObjects(pli->label(i), out[i]);
147  jet.setAttribute<int>(cname, out[i].size());
148  jet.setAttribute<float>(ptname, ptout[i]);
149  if ( ! outms[i].empty() ) return -9;
150  } else {
151  return -10;
152  }
153  }
154  }
155  return nbad;
156 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_isTrigger

bool jet::JetConstituentFiller::m_isTrigger

Definition at line 57 of file JetConstituentFiller.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
IndexedConstituentUserInfo::Label Label
Definition: IndexedConstituentUserInfo.cxx:11
std::string find(const std::string &s)
return a remapped string
Definition: hcg.cxx:135
Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data.
Definition: Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/Accessor.h:68
std::vector< MuonSegmentVector > MuonSegmentMap
Definition: JetConstituentFiller.cxx:29
size_t size() const
number of constituents
Definition: JetConstituentVector.cxx:102
std::vector< ParticleVector > ParticleMap
Definition: JetConstituentFiller.cxx:22
Definition: TriggerThresholdValue.h:17
Helper class to provide constant type-safe access to aux data.
Definition: ConstAccessor.h:55
virtual const xAOD::IParticle * particle() const =0
bool isValid(const T &p)
Av: we implement here an ATLAS-sepcific convention: all particles which are 99xxxxx are fine.
Definition: AtlasPID.h:620
int extractConstituents(xAOD::Jet &jet, const NameList *pghostlabs, const fastjet::PseudoJet *ppj=0)
Build and fill constituents of jet from its PseudoJet (or from ppj) Returns the number of pseudojet c...
Definition: JetConstituentFiller.cxx:41
MuonSegment_v1 MuonSegment
Reference the current persistent version:
Definition: Event/xAOD/xAODMuon/xAODMuon/MuonSegment.h:13
bool empty(TH1 *h)
Definition: computils.cxx:295
Definition: IndexedTConstituentUserInfo.h:31
bool m_isTrigger
Definition: JetConstituentFiller.h:57
Definition: JetCalibTools_PlotJESFactors.cxx:23
int i
virtual bool isGhost() const
Returns true if this constituent is a ghost.
Definition: IConstituentUserInfo.cxx:26
virtual const LabelIndex * labelMap() const
Definition: IConstituentUserInfo.cxx:20
const T * object() const
@ pz
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:40
virtual Index index() const
Definition: IConstituentUserInfo.cxx:14
virtual Label label() const =0
virtual xAOD::JetConstitScale constitScale() const
Return the constituent scale used to build the PseudoJet.
Definition: IConstituentUserInfo.cxx:32
@ py
Definition: GeoPrimitives.h:39
@ E
Definition: VP1PartSpectFlags.h:21
std::vector< fastjet::PseudoJet > PseudoJetVector
Definition: JetConstituentFiller.cxx:17
IJetConstituentsRetriever::NameList NameList
Definition: JetConstituentsRetriever.cxx:22
Definition: IConstituentUserInfo.h:26
Index size() const
Number of label stored in this map. WARNING the index starts at 1, so range is [1....
Definition: LabelIndex.cxx:76
std::vector< ParType > ParTypeVector
Definition: JetConstituentFiller.cxx:36
A vector of jet constituents at the scale used during jet finding.
Definition: JetConstituentVector.h:117
std::vector< double > PtMap
Definition: JetConstituentFiller.cxx:23
Definition: Event/EventKernel/EventKernel/IParticle.h:43