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GetLBsToIgnore Namespace Reference


def getLBsToIgnore (runnum, burstsFromCosmic=True, bulkProcessing=False, dropNonReady=True)


 serverfile = open("/afs/cern.ch/user/l/larmon/public/atlasdqmpass.txt")
 password = serverfile.readline().strip()
bool burstsFromCosmic = True
bool bulkProcessing = False
bool dropNonReady = True
 outputFN = None
bool burstsFromCosmics = False
 run = int(args[0])
def badLBset = getLBsToIgnore(run,burstsFromCosmic,bulkProcessing, dropNonReady)
 badLBsorted = sorted(badLBset)
 out = open(outputFN,"w")

Function Documentation

◆ getLBsToIgnore()

def GetLBsToIgnore.getLBsToIgnore (   runnum,
  burstsFromCosmic = True,
  bulkProcessing = False,
  dropNonReady = True 

Definition at line 21 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

21 def getLBsToIgnore(runnum,burstsFromCosmic=True,bulkProcessing=False, dropNonReady=True):
23  badLBs=set()
25  # 1. Get LB range for this run and LBs without "ATLAS-READY"
26  nReadyLBs=0
27  nNotReadyLBs=0
28  tdaqdb=indirectOpen('COOLONL_TDAQ/CONDBR2')
29  if (tdaqdb is None):
30  print ("ERROR: Can't access COOLONL_TDAQ/CONDBR2")
31  sys.exit(-1)
33  fmode=tdaqdb.getFolder("/TDAQ/RunCtrl/DataTakingMode")
35  since=(runnum<<32)+1
36  until=((1+runnum)<<32)-1
37  maxLb=0
38  minLb=1
39  itr=fmode.browseObjects(since,until,cool.ChannelSelection.all())
40  while itr.goToNext():
41  obj=itr.currentRef()
42  pl=obj.payload()
43  isReady=pl["ReadyForPhysics"]
44  lb1=max(since,obj.since()) & 0xFFFFFFFF
45  ts2=obj.until()
46  if ts2<until: #ignore the IOV beyond the end of the run
47  lb2=ts2 & 0xFFFFFFFF
48  if lb2>maxLb:
49  maxLb=lb2
50  if not isReady:
51  if dropNonReady:
52  print ("Ignoring LumiBlocks %i - %i not ATLAS READY" % (lb1,lb2))
53  badLBs.update(range(lb1,lb2))
54  nNotReadyLBs+=(lb2-lb1)
55  else:
56  nReadyLBs+=(lb2-lb1)
57  pass
58  pass
59  pass
60  pass
61  itr.close()
62  tdaqdb.closeDatabase()
64  print ("Run %i goes up to LB %i" % (runnum,maxLb))
66  #2. Get problematic LBs
67  #2.1 Look for collisions in empty bunches - Fetch from DQ Web Server
68  source = 'tier0'
69  stream = 'physics_CosmicCalo'
71  serverstring="https://%s@atlasdqm.cern.ch" % password
72  server = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy(serverstring)
73  multicall = xmlrpc.client.MultiCall(server)
75  # Look for the highest(latest) processing version of CosmicCalo by retrieving amitag
76  run_spec = {'source': source, 'high_run': runnum, 'low_run': runnum}
77  multicall.get_procpass_amitag_mapping(run_spec)
78  results = multicall()
79  if len(results[0])==0:
80  print ("Nothing found about run",runnum,"on DQM server")
81  proc = 0
82  try:
83  list = results[0][str(runnum)]
84  for item in list:
85  if ("f" in item[2] and bulkProcessing and "CosmicCalo" in item[1] and item[0]>proc):
86  proc = 2
87  if ("x" in item[2] and (not bulkProcessing) and "CosmicCalo" in item[1] and item[0]>proc):
88  print (item)
89  proc = 1
90  pass
91  pass
92  except Exception as e:
93  print ("ERROR: can't retrieve the AMI Tag")
94  print (e)
96  if (proc == 0):
97  print ("I haven't found any processing version for CosmicCalo. Assume express processing")
98  proc=1
101  try:
102  multicall = xmlrpc.client.MultiCall(server)
103  run_spec = {'source': source, 'high_run': runnum, 'stream': stream, 'proc_ver': proc, 'low_run': runnum}
104  multicall.get_timestamp(run_spec)
105  results=multicall()
106  timestamp=results[0][str(runnum)]
107  from time import asctime,localtime
108  print ("DQM server timestamp:", asctime(localtime(timestamp)))
109  print ("Now: ",asctime())
110  except Exception as e:
111  print ("ERROR: can't get timestamp from DQM server")
112  print (e)
115  multicall = xmlrpc.client.MultiCall(server)
116  run_spec = {'source': source, 'high_run': runnum, 'stream': stream, 'proc_ver': proc, 'low_run': runnum}
117  multicall.get_dqmf_all_results(run_spec,'LAr/LAR_GLOBAL/Collisions-Bkg/LArCollTimeLumiBlockTimeCut')
118  results = multicall()
119  RE = re.compile(r'\‍((?P<lb>\S+)\.0*\‍)')
121  try:
122  list = results[0][str(runnum)]
123  for item in list:
124  if 'NBins' in item:
125  continue
126  m = RE.search(item).groupdict()
127  lb=int(m['lb'])
128  ncollisions=int(results[0][str(runnum)][item])
129  if ncollisions > 50:
130  badLBs.add(lb)
131  print ("LumiBlock %i ignored because it is empty bunches are polluted with collisions" % lb)
132  pass
133  pass
134  except Exception as e:
135  print ("ERROR: can't get LArCollTimeLumiBlockTimeCut from DQM server")
136  print (e)
138  if (burstsFromCosmic):# CosmicCalo stream : from the DQ web
139  histoName = {'EMBC':'BarrelC','EMBA':'BarrelA','EMECC':'EMECC','EMECA':'EMECA'}
140  for iPart in histoName.keys():
141  multicall = xmlrpc.client.MultiCall(server)
142  #multicall.get_dqmf_all_results(run_spec,'LAr/%s/Noise/Partition/NoisyEvent_TimeVeto_%s'%(iPart,histoName[iPart]))
143  multicall.get_dqmf_all_results(run_spec,'/LAr/%s/Occupancy-Noise/Noise_Burst/NoisyEvent_TimeVeto_%s'%(iPart,iPart))
145  results = multicall()
146  try:
147  resultlist = results[0][str(runnum)]
148  #print ("Got %i items for NoisyEvent_TimeVeto_%s" % (len(list),histoName[iPart]))
149  for item in resultlist:
150  if 'NBins' in item:
152  continue
153  m = RE.search(item).groupdict()
154  lb=int(m['lb'])
155  yieldbursts=float(results[0][str(runnum)][item])
156  if yieldbursts > 0:
157  badLBs.add(lb)
158  print ("LumiBlock %i ignored because it contains bursts in CosmicCalo stream in %s" % (lb,iPart))
159  pass
160  pass
161  except Exception as e:
162  print ("ERROR: can't get NoisyEvent from DQM server")
163  print (e)
166  del multicall
167  del server
169  #3.2 Get defects from Defects DB
170  db = DefectsDB()
171  lar_defects = [d for d in (db.defect_names | db.virtual_defect_names) if d.startswith("LAR")]
172  defects = db.retrieve((runnum, minLb), (runnum, maxLb), lar_defects)
173  for defect in defects:
174  part=defect.channel.split("_")[1]
175  #3.2.1 Check for HV trip
176  if "HVTRIP" in defect.channel and defect.present:
177  for lb in range(defect.since.lumi,defect.until.lumi):
178  badLBs.add(lb)
179  print ("LumiBlock %i ignored because of a HV trip in partition %s" % (lb,part))
180  pass
181  pass
182  #3.2.2 Check for Noise Bursts from the defects
183  if (not burstsFromCosmic):
184  if not bulkProcessing:
185  if "NOISEBURST" in defect.channel and defect.present:
186  for lb in range(defect.since.lumi,defect.until.lumi):
187  badLBs.add(lb)
188  print ("LumiBlock %i ignored because of a noise burst in partition %s" % (lb,part))
189  pass
190  pass
191  else: #not bulk processing
192  if "SEVNOISEBURST" in defect.channel and defect.present:
193  for lb in range(defect.since.lumi,defect.until.lumi):
194  badLBs.add(lb)
195  print ("LumiBlock %i ignored because of a severe noise burst in partition %s" % (lb,part))
196  pass
197  pass
199  del db #Close Defects DB
201  nBadLBs=len(badLBs)
202  if dropNonReady:
203  nBadLBs=nBadLBs-nNotReadyLBs
205  print ("Found %i not-ready LBs, %i atlas-ready LBs and %i bad LBs" % (nNotReadyLBs,nReadyLBs,nBadLBs))
207  return badLBs

Variable Documentation

◆ args


Definition at line 227 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

◆ badLBset

Definition at line 260 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

◆ badLBsorted

GetLBsToIgnore.badLBsorted = sorted(badLBset)

Definition at line 262 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

◆ bulkProcessing

bool GetLBsToIgnore.bulkProcessing = False

Definition at line 222 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

◆ burstsFromCosmic

bool GetLBsToIgnore.burstsFromCosmic = True

Definition at line 221 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

◆ burstsFromCosmics

bool GetLBsToIgnore.burstsFromCosmics = False

Definition at line 230 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

◆ dropNonReady

bool GetLBsToIgnore.dropNonReady = True

Definition at line 223 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

◆ opts


Definition at line 227 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

◆ out

GetLBsToIgnore.out = open(outputFN,"w")

Definition at line 266 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

◆ outputFN

GetLBsToIgnore.outputFN = None

Definition at line 225 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

◆ password

GetLBsToIgnore.password = serverfile.readline().strip()

Definition at line 13 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

◆ run

GetLBsToIgnore.run = int(args[0])

Definition at line 246 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

◆ serverfile

GetLBsToIgnore.serverfile = open("/afs/cern.ch/user/l/larmon/public/atlasdqmpass.txt")

Definition at line 12 of file GetLBsToIgnore.py.

constexpr double max()
Definition: ap_fixedTest.cxx:33
def getLBsToIgnore(runnum, burstsFromCosmic=True, bulkProcessing=False, dropNonReady=True)
Definition: GetLBsToIgnore.py:21
Definition: LArMinBiasAlgConfig.py:59
Definition: plotBeamSpotVxVal.py:195
constexpr std::enable_if_t< is_bitmask_v< E >, E & > set(E &lhs, E rhs)
Convenience function to set bits in a class enum bitmask.
Definition: bitmask.h:232
Definition: BTagTrackIpAccessor.cxx:11
def indirectOpen(coolstr, readOnly=True, debug=False)
Definition: AtlCoolLib.py:130
Definition: LArMinBiasAlgConfig.py:65