ATLAS Offline Software
python.EventFlagFilterToolConfig Namespace Reference


def EventFlagFilterToolCfg (flags, name="EventFlagFilter", doLAr=True, doTile=True, doSCT=True, doCore=True, alwaysReturnTrue=False)

Function Documentation

◆ EventFlagFilterToolCfg()

def python.EventFlagFilterToolConfig.EventFlagFilterToolCfg (   flags,
  name = "EventFlagFilter",
  doLAr = True,
  doTile = True,
  doSCT = True,
  doCore = True,
  alwaysReturnTrue = False 
Configure an instance of the bad LB filter tool.  If called twice with the same options, will return the same instance.
    - name: name of instance to create
    - doLAr: do LAr cleaning (optional; default=True)
    - doTile: do Tile cleaning (optional; default=True)
    - doSCT: do SCT cleaning (optional; default=True)
    - doCore: do Core event building cleaning (optional; default=True)
    - alwaysReturnTrue: short-circuit all checks and return True (optional; default=False)

Definition at line 5 of file

5 def EventFlagFilterToolCfg(flags,name="EventFlagFilter", doLAr=True, doTile=True, doSCT=True, doCore=True, alwaysReturnTrue=False):
6  """
7  Configure an instance of the bad LB filter tool. If called twice with the same options, will return the same instance.
8  Arguments:
9  - name: name of instance to create
10  - doLAr: do LAr cleaning (optional; default=True)
11  - doTile: do Tile cleaning (optional; default=True)
12  - doSCT: do SCT cleaning (optional; default=True)
13  - doCore: do Core event building cleaning (optional; default=True)
14  - alwaysReturnTrue: short-circuit all checks and return True (optional; default=False)
15  """
16  from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
17  log = logging.getLogger('EventFlagFilterTool')
18  log.debug('Setting up DQEventFlagFilter tool with arguments doLAr=%s, doTile=%s, doSCT=%s, doCore=%s, alwaysReturnTrue=%s)',
19  doLAr, doTile, doSCT, doCore, alwaysReturnTrue)
21  monFilterTool = CompFactory.DQEventFlagFilterTool(name, doLAr=doLAr, doTile=doTile,
22  doSCT=doSCT, doCore=doCore,
23  alwaysReturnTrue=alwaysReturnTrue)
25  return monFilterTool
def EventFlagFilterToolCfg(flags, name="EventFlagFilter", doLAr=True, doTile=True, doSCT=True, doCore=True, alwaysReturnTrue=False)