8 montool.defineHistogram(
'Et', title=
'Jet E_{T};E_{T} (GeV)', xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=500, path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F' )
9 montool.defineHistogram(
'TIME_jetHypo,NJetsIn', title=
'JetHypo time vs input jets;time (ms) ;N(jets)', xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=5000, ybins=60, ymin=0, ymax=120, path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH2F' )
10 montool.defineHistogram(
'TIME_jetHypo,NJetsOut', title=
'JetHypo time vs jets;time (ms) ;N(jets)', xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=5000, ybins=30, ymin=-0.5, ymax=29.5, path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH2F' )
11 montool.defineHistogram(
'NJetsIn', title=
'Jet multiplicity input;N(jets)', xbins=30, xmin=-0.5, xmax=29.5, path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F' )
12 montool.defineHistogram(
'NJetsOut', title=
'Jet multiplicity output;N(jets)', xbins=30, xmin=-0.5, xmax=29.5, path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F' )
14 if 'a4' not in histFlags: montool.defineHistogram(
'Mass', title=
'Jet mass;m (GeV)', xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=200, path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F' )
15 if (
'simple' in histFlags)
and (
'a4' in histFlags)
and all(
"HT" not in flag
for flag
in histFlags):
16 montool.defineHistogram(
'Eta,Phi', title=
'Jet #eta vs #phi;#eta;#phi', xbins=40, xmin=-5, xmax=5, ybins=25, ymin=-3.145, ymax=3.145, path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH2F' )
18 if any(
"HT" in flag
for flag
in histFlags) :
19 montool.defineHistogram(
'HT', title=
'Event H_{T};H_{T} (GeV)', xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=3000, path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F' )
20 montool.defineHistogram(
'NJets', title=
'Jet multiplicity;N(jets)', xbins=20, xmin=-0.5, xmax=19.5, path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F' )
21 if any(
"Z" in flag
for flag
in histFlags) :
22 montool.defineHistogram(
'dipz_z', title=
'DIPZ z;z (mm)', xbins=100, xmin=-50, xmax=50, path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F' )
23 montool.defineHistogram(
'dipz_negLogSigma2', title=
'DIPZ negLogSigma2;negLogSigma2', xbins=100, xmin=-20, xmax=5, path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F' )
24 montool.defineHistogram(
'NJets', title=
'Jet multiplicity;N(jets)', xbins=30, xmin=-0.5, xmax=29.5, path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F' )