ATLAS Offline Software
Functions | Variables
MuonValidation_CreateEffAndRecoFracPlots Namespace Reference


def SetBinomialError (ratio, den)
def CreateRatioPlot (infile, numHist, denHist, var, projXorY=doProjY, x1=None, x2=None, xtitle='', plottype='', doAverage=False)
def main (argv)


int doProjX = 1
int doProjY = 0

Function Documentation

◆ CreateRatioPlot()

def MuonValidation_CreateEffAndRecoFracPlots.CreateRatioPlot (   infile,
  projXorY = doProjY,
  x1 = None,
  x2 = None,
  xtitle = '',
  plottype = '',
  doAverage = False 

Definition at line 48 of file

48 def CreateRatioPlot( infile, numHist, denHist, var, projXorY=doProjY, x1=None, x2=None, xtitle = '', plottype = '', doAverage = False ):
49  #require plottype variable for setting plot title, etc
50  #plottype = 'eff' or 'RecoFrac' to create efficiency or reco fraction histogram
51  if plottype == 'eff':
52  typeName = 'efficiency'
53  elif plottype == 'RecoFrac':
54  typeName = 'Reco Fraction'
55  elif plottype == 'purity':
56  typeName = 'purity'
57  else:
58  print('plottype must be one of the following: \'eff\', \'RecoFrac\', \'purity\'' )
59  return
61  PlotNamePrefix = numHist.GetName()[:numHist.GetName().find('_kinematics')] + '_' + typeName.replace(' ','')
63  #create ratio hist for given eta range
64  if (x1 != None and x2 != None):
65  if '_' in var:
66  if projXorY==doProjX:
67  xvar=var.split('_')[1]
68  yvar=var.split('_')[0]
69  else:
70  xvar=var.split('_')[0]
71  yvar=var.split('_')[1]
72  #PlotName = PlotNamePrefix + '_' + var.split('_')[1] + '_etaRange_{0}_{1}'.format(x1,x2).replace('-','m').replace('.','p')
73  #PlotTitle = var.split('_',1)[1].capitalize() + ' ' + typeName
74  PlotName = PlotNamePrefix + '_' + yvar + '_'+xvar+'Range_{0}_{1}'.format(x1,x2).replace('-','m').replace('.','p')
75  PlotTitle = yvar.capitalize() + ' ' + typeName
77  if x1>=0 and x2>0:
78  if projXorY==doProjX:
79  ibin1 = numHist.GetYaxis().FindBin(x1)
80  ibin2 = numHist.GetYaxis().FindBin(x2)
81  num = numHist.ProjectionX('num_'+xvar+"_"+yvar+"Range",ibin1,ibin2)
82  den = denHist.ProjectionX('den_'+xvar+"_"+yvar+"Range",ibin1,ibin2)
83  else:
84  ibin1 = numHist.GetXaxis().FindBin(x1)
85  ibin2 = numHist.GetXaxis().FindBin(x2)
86  num = numHist.ProjectionY('num_'+xvar+"_"+yvar+"Range",ibin1,ibin2)
87  den = denHist.ProjectionY('den_'+xvar+"_"+yvar+"Range",ibin1,ibin2)
89  if yvar=='eta':
90  if projXorY==doProjX:
91  ibin1 = numHist.GetYaxis().FindBin(-1*x2)
92  ibin2 = numHist.GetYaxis().FindBin(-1*x1)
93  num2 = numHist.ProjectionX('num2_'+xvar+"_"+yvar+"Range",ibin1,ibin2)
94  den2 = denHist.ProjectionX('den2_'+xvar+"_"+yvar+"Range",ibin1,ibin2)
95  else:
96  ibin1 = numHist.GetXaxis().FindBin(-1*x2)
97  ibin2 = numHist.GetXaxis().FindBin(-1*x1)
98  num2 = numHist.ProjectionY('num2_'+xvar+"_"+yvar+"Range",ibin1,ibin2)
99  den2 = denHist.ProjectionY('den2_'+xvar+"_"+yvar+"Range",ibin1,ibin2)
100  num.Add(num2)
101  den.Add(den2)
102  PlotTitle = PlotTitle + ' ({0}<|eta|<{1})'.format(x1,x2)
103  del num2, den2
104  else:
105  if yvar=='pt':
106  PlotTitle = PlotTitle + ' ({0}<pt<{1})'.format(x1,x2)
107  # else:
108  # if projXorY==doProjX:
109  # ibin1 = numHist.GetYaxis().FindBin(x1)
110  # ibin2 = numHist.GetYaxis().FindBin(x2)
111  # num = numHist.ProjectionX('num_'+xvar+"_"+yvar+"Range",ibin1,ibin2)
112  # den = denHist.ProjectionX('den_'+xvar+"_"+yvar+"Range",ibin1,ibin2)
113  # #PlotTitle = PlotTitle + ' (pt>{0})'.format(eta1)
114  # PlotTitle = PlotTitle + ' ({0}<{2}<{1})'.format(x1,x2,yvar)
115  # PlotName = PlotNamePrefix + '_' + var.split('_')[1] + '_ptMin{0}'.format(x1).replace('-','m').replace('.','p')
116  # else:
117  # ibin1 = numHist.GetXaxis().FindBin(x1)
118  # ibin2 = numHist.GetXaxis().FindBin(x2)
119  # num = numHist.ProjectionY('num_'+xvar+"_"+yvar+"Range",ibin1,ibin2)
120  # den = denHist.ProjectionY('den_'+xvar+"_"+yvar+"Range",ibin1,ibin2)
121  # PlotTitle = PlotTitle + ' ({0}<{2}<{1})'.format(x1,x2,yvar)
122  else:
123  PlotTitle = var.capitalize() + ' ' + typeName
124  PlotName = PlotNamePrefix + '_' + var
125  num = numHist.Clone()
126  den = denHist.Clone()
128  #create variable bin histogram for pt to group high bins together
129  if ('_pt' in var and projXorY==doProjY) or var=='pt':
130  #rebin the initial pt hist that is in bins of 1 GeV
131  ptBins = [ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100, 200 ]
132  #ptBins = [ 0, 2,3,4,5,6, 8, 15 ]
133  numRebinned = ROOT.TH1D( 'num_'+var, '', len(ptBins)-1, array( 'f', ptBins ) )
134  denRebinned = ROOT.TH1D( 'den_'+var, '', len(ptBins)-1, array( 'f', ptBins ) )
135  for i in range( 1, numHist.GetNbinsX() + 1 ):
136  numRebinned.Fill( num.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), num.GetBinContent(i) )
137  denRebinned.Fill( den.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(i), den.GetBinContent(i) )
138  #rebin eta and phi
139  else:
140  if 'TH1' in den.IsA().GetName():
141  numRebinned = num.Clone()
142  denRebinned = den.Clone()
143  numRebinned.Rebin(2)
144  denRebinned.Rebin(2)
145  else:
146  return
152  ratio = numRebinned.Clone( PlotName )
153  ratio.Divide( numRebinned, denRebinned, 1, 1 )
154  ratio.SetTitle( PlotTitle )
155  SetBinomialError( ratio, denRebinned ) #root binomial error is different - custom done
157  # Define x and y-axis name from histogram name (var)
158  if 'TH2' in ratio.IsA().GetName():
159  if '_' in var:
160  ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle( var.split('_')[0] )
161  ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle( var.split('_')[1] )
162  ratio.GetZaxis().SetTitle( typeName.lower() )
163  else:
164  print 'WARNING Could not get axes name from histogram name'
165  elif 'TH1' in ratio.IsA().GetName():
166  ymax = ratio.GetBinContent( ratio.GetMaximumBin() ) + ratio.GetBinError( ratio.GetMaximumBin() )
167  ratio.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(0, ymax*1.2 )
168  ratio.GetYaxis().SetTitle( typeName.lower() )
169  if xtitle == '':
170  xtitle = var
171  ratio.GetXaxis().SetTitle( xtitle )
173  if doAverage and den.Integral() > 0 and num.Integral() > 0:
174  tot_eff = ROOT.TF1( 'aveline', "[0]", ratio.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(1), ratio.GetXaxis().GetBinUpEdge( ratio.GetNbinsX() ) )
175  ratio.GetListOfFunctions().Add( tot_eff )
176  f1 = ratio.GetFunction( "aveline" )
177  f1.SetParameter( 0, num.Integral()/den.Integral() )
178  f1.SetLineColor( ROOT.kRed )
179  #f1.SetBit(ROOT.TF1.kNotDraw)
181  PlotDirName = PlotNamePrefix.replace('__','_').split('_')
182  if not infile.GetDirectory( '/'.join( PlotDirName ) ):
183  PlotDir = infile.Get( '/'.join( PlotDirName[:-1] ) ).mkdir( PlotDirName[-1] )
184  else:
185  PlotDir = infile.Get( '/'.join( PlotDirName ) )
186  PlotDirName = '/'.join( PlotDirName )
188  if not infile.GetDirectory(PlotDirName).WriteTObject( ratio, PlotName, "Overwrite" ):
189  print('WARNING failed to write histogram to file: ' + PlotDirName + '/' + PlotName )
190  del ratio, num, den
192 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------

◆ main()

def MuonValidation_CreateEffAndRecoFracPlots.main (   argv)
Main function to be executed when starting the code.

Definition at line 193 of file

193 def main( argv ):
194  """
195  Main function to be executed when starting the code.
196  """
198  if len( argv ) < 2:
199  print( 'No filename given' )
200  print( 'Usage: python '+argv[0]+' physval_filename [doAverage]' )
201  exit(1)
203  filename = argv[1]
204  if not os.path.exists( filename ):
205  print ( 'File not found: ' + filename )
206  exit(1)
208  if len(argv) > 2 and argv[2] == 'doAverage':
209  doAverage = True
210  else:
211  doAverage = False
213  infile = ROOT.TFile.Open( filename, 'update' )
215  muonTypesEff = [ 'All', 'Prompt', 'InFlight', 'NonIsolated' ]
216  muonTypesReco = [ 'Prompt', 'InFlight', 'NonIsolated', 'Rest' ]
217  Variables = [ 'pt', 'eta', 'phi', 'eta_phi', 'eta_pt' ]
219  Xtitles = {
220  'pt' : 'p_{T} [GeV]',
221  'eta' : '|#eta|',
222  'phi' : '#phi',
223  'eta_phi' : '#phi',
224  'eta_pt' : 'p_{T} [GeV]' }
226  #Efficiency plots
227  Authors = []
228  for muType in muonTypesEff:
229  if not infile.Get( 'Muons/' + muType ):
230  print( 'INFO TDirectory not found: Muons/' + muType )
231  continue
232  #get list of authors from matched dir
233  AuthDir = infile.Get( 'Muons/{0}/matched'.format( muType ) )
234  if Authors == []:
235  Authors = [ i.GetName() for i in AuthDir.GetListOfKeys() if AuthDir.Get( i.GetName() ).InheritsFrom( 'TDirectory' ) ]
236  for author in Authors:
237  truthDirName = 'Muons/{0}/truth/all'.format( muType )
238  matchDirName = 'Muons/{0}/matched/{1}/kinematics'.format( muType, author )
239  truthDir = infile.GetDirectory( truthDirName )
240  matchDir = infile.GetDirectory( matchDirName )
241  if not truthDir:
242  print( 'WARNING Directory not found: '+truthDirName )
243  continue
244  if not matchDir:
245  print( 'WARNING Directory not found: '+matchDirName )
246  continue
247  for var in Variables:
248  truthHistName = truthDirName.replace('/','_') + '_' + var
249  truthHist = truthDir.Get( truthHistName )
250  matchHistName = matchDirName.replace('/','_') + '_' + var
251  matchHist = matchDir.Get( matchHistName )
252  if not truthHist:
253  print( 'WARNING histogram not found: '+truthHistName )
254  continue
255  if not matchHist:
256  print( 'WARNING histogram not found: '+matchHistName )
257  continue
258  CreateRatioPlot( infile, matchHist, truthHist, var, xtitle = muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'eff', doAverage = doAverage )
259  if var == 'eta_phi' or var == 'eta_pt':
260  CreateRatioPlot( infile, matchHist, truthHist, var, doProjY, 0, 2.5, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'eff', doAverage = doAverage )
261  CreateRatioPlot( infile, matchHist, truthHist, var, doProjY, 0, 0.1, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'eff', doAverage = doAverage )
262  CreateRatioPlot( infile, matchHist, truthHist, var, doProjY, 0.1, 1.05, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'eff', doAverage = doAverage )
263  CreateRatioPlot( infile, matchHist, truthHist, var, doProjY, 1.05, 2.0, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'eff', doAverage = doAverage )
264  CreateRatioPlot( infile, matchHist, truthHist, var, doProjY, 2.0, 2.5, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'eff', doAverage = doAverage )
265  CreateRatioPlot( infile, matchHist, truthHist, var, doProjY, 2.5, 2.7, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'eff', doAverage = doAverage )
266  if var == 'eta_pt' and author == 'CaloTag' :
267  CreateRatioPlot( infile, matchHist, truthHist, var, doProjX, 10, 1000, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles['eta'], plottype = 'eff', doAverage = doAverage )
268  CreateRatioPlot( infile, matchHist, truthHist, var, doProjX, 15, 1000, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles['eta'], plottype = 'eff', doAverage = doAverage )
269  CreateRatioPlot( infile, matchHist, truthHist, var, doProjX, 20, 1000, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles['eta'], plottype = 'eff', doAverage = doAverage )
270  CreateRatioPlot( infile, matchHist, truthHist, var, doProjX, 25, 1000, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles['eta'], plottype = 'eff', doAverage = doAverage )
271  #Reco Fraction plots
272  for muType in muonTypesReco:
273  if not infile.Get( 'Muons/' + muType ):
274  print( 'INFO TDirectory not found: Muons/' + muType )
275  continue
276  #get list of authors from matched dir
277  AuthDir = infile.Get( 'Muons/{0}/matched'.format( muType ) )
278  if Authors == []:
279  Authors = [ i.GetName() for i in AuthDir.GetListOfKeys() if AuthDir.Get( i.GetName() ).InheritsFrom( 'TDirectory' ) ]
280  for author in Authors:
281  typedir = 'Muons/{0}/reco/{1}/kinematics'.format( muType, author )
282  alldir = 'Muons/All/reco/{0}/kinematics'.format( author )
283  typeRecoDir = infile.Get( typedir )
284  allRecoDir = infile.Get( alldir )
285  if not typeRecoDir:
286  print( 'INFO TDirectory not found: '+typedir )
287  continue
288  if not allRecoDir:
289  print( 'INFO TDirectory not found: '+alldir )
290  continue
291  for var in Variables:
292  typeplot = typedir.replace('/','_') + '_' + var
293  allplot = alldir.replace('/','_') + '_' + var
294  typeRecoHist = typeRecoDir.Get( typeplot )
295  allRecoHist = allRecoDir.Get( allplot )
296  if not typeRecoHist:
297  print( 'WARNING plot not found: ' + typeplot )
298  continue
299  if not allRecoHist:
300  print( 'WARNING plot not found: ' + allplot )
301  continue
302  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, xtitle = muType + ' Muon ' + Xtitles[var], plottype = 'RecoFrac', doAverage = doAverage )
304  #Purity plots (matched/reco)
306  muType = 'All'
307  if not infile.Get( 'Muons/' + muType ):
308  print( 'INFO TDirectory not found: Muons/' + muType )
309  else:
310  #get list of authors from matched dir
311  AuthDir = infile.Get( 'Muons/{0}/matched'.format( muType ) )
312  if Authors == []:
313  Authors = [ i.GetName() for i in AuthDir.GetListOfKeys() if AuthDir.Get( i.GetName() ).InheritsFrom( 'TDirectory' ) ]
314  for author in Authors:
315  typedir = 'Muons/{0}/matched/{1}/kinematicsReco'.format( muType, author )
316  alldir = 'Muons/{0}/reco/{1}/kinematics'.format( muType, author )
317  typeRecoDir = infile.Get( typedir )
318  allRecoDir = infile.Get( alldir )
319  if not typeRecoDir:
320  print( 'INFO TDirectory not found: '+typedir )
321  continue
322  if not allRecoDir:
323  print( 'INFO TDirectory not found: '+alldir )
324  continue
325  for var in Variables:
326  typeplot = typedir.replace('/','_') + '_' + var
327  allplot = alldir.replace('/','_') + '_' + var
328  typeRecoHist = typeRecoDir.Get( typeplot )
329  allRecoHist = allRecoDir.Get( allplot )
330  if not typeRecoHist:
331  print( 'WARNING plot not found: ' + typeplot )
332  continue
333  if not allRecoHist:
334  print( 'WARNING plot not found: ' + allplot )
335  continue
336  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, xtitle = muType + ' Muon ' + Xtitles[var], plottype = 'purity', doAverage = doAverage )
337  if var == 'eta_pt':
338  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, doProjX, 4, 500, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles['pt'], plottype = 'purity', doAverage = doAverage )
339  if var == 'eta_pt' and author == 'CaloTag' :
340  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, doProjX, 10, 500, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles['pt'], plottype = 'purity', doAverage = doAverage )
341  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, doProjX, 15, 500, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles['pt'], plottype = 'purity', doAverage = doAverage )
342  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, doProjX, 20, 500, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles['pt'], plottype = 'purity', doAverage = doAverage )
343  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, doProjX, 25, 500, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles['pt'], plottype = 'purity', doAverage = doAverage )
344  if (var == 'eta_phi' or var == 'eta_pt') and author is not 'CaloTag' :
345  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, doProjY, 0, 0.1, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'purity', doAverage = doAverage )
346  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, doProjY, 0.1, 1.05, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'purity', doAverage = doAverage )
347  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, doProjY, 1.05, 2.0, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'purity', doAverage = doAverage )
348  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, doProjY, 2.0, 2.5, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'purity', doAverage = doAverage )
349  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, doProjY, 0, 2.5, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'purity', doAverage = doAverage )
350  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, doProjY, 2.5, 2.7, muType+' Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'purity', doAverage = doAverage )
352  #unmatched muon reco fraction
353  muType = 'UnmatchedRecoMuons'
354  typedir = 'Muons/{0}/kinematics'.format( muType )
355  allnames = [ i for i in Authors if i == 'AllMuons' or i == 'AllAuthors' ]
356  if len(allnames) == 0:
357  return
358  alldir = 'Muons/All/reco/{0}/kinematics'.format( allnames[0] )
359  if not infile.GetDirectory( typedir ):
360  print( 'INFO directory not found: ' + typedir )
361  elif not infile.GetDirectory( alldir ):
362  print( 'INFO directory not found: ' + alldir )
363  else:
364  for var in Variables:
365  typeplot = 'Muons_{0}__kinematics_{1}'.format( muType, var )
366  allplot = alldir.replace('/','_') + '_{0}'.format( var )
367  #print('Working on Muons_{0}__{1}'.format(muType,var))
368  typeRecoHist = infile.GetDirectory( typedir ).Get( typeplot )
369  allRecoHist = infile.GetDirectory( alldir ).Get( allplot )
370  if typeRecoHist and allRecoHist:
371  CreateRatioPlot( infile, typeRecoHist, allRecoHist, var, xtitle = 'Unmatched Reco Muon '+Xtitles[var], plottype = 'RecoFrac', doAverage = doAverage )
372  infile.Close()
374 #===============================================================================

◆ SetBinomialError()

def MuonValidation_CreateEffAndRecoFracPlots.SetBinomialError (   ratio,

Definition at line 21 of file

21 def SetBinomialError( ratio, den ):
22  if 'TH2' in ratio.IsA().GetName():
23  for j in range(1,ratio.GetNbinsY()+1):
24  for i in range(1,ratio.GetNbinsX()+1):
25  n = den.Integral(i,i,j,j)
26  p = ratio.GetBinContent(i,j)
27  if n <= 0 or p>=1:
28  ratio.SetBinError( i, j, 0 )
29  continue
30  else:
31  ratio.SetBinError( i, j, (p*(1-p)/n)**0.5 )
32  elif 'TH1' in ratio.IsA().GetName():
33  for i in range(1,ratio.GetNbinsX()+1):
34  n = den.Integral(i,i)
35  p = ratio.GetBinContent(i)
36  if n <= 0 or p>=1:
37  ratio.SetBinError( i, 0 )
38  continue
39  else:
40  ratio.SetBinError( i, (p*(1.-p)/n)**0.5 )
41  else:
42  print( 'WARNING ' + ratio.GetName() + 'is not a TH1 or TH2' )
44 #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 #create histograms that require dividing one histogram by another
46 #works for both efficiency and reco fraction plots, set by plottype variable

Variable Documentation

◆ doProjX

int MuonValidation_CreateEffAndRecoFracPlots.doProjX = 1

Definition at line 17 of file

◆ doProjY

int MuonValidation_CreateEffAndRecoFracPlots.doProjY = 0

Definition at line 18 of file

std::string replace(std::string s, const std::string &s2, const std::string &s3)
Definition: hcg.cxx:307
def SetBinomialError(ratio, den)
std::string find(const std::string &s)
return a remapped string
Definition: hcg.cxx:135
def mkdir(path, recursive=True)
Int_t FindBin(const TAxis *axis, const double x)
Definition: RootHelpers.cxx:14
def CreateRatioPlot(infile, numHist, denHist, var, projXorY=doProjY, x1=None, x2=None, xtitle='', plottype='', doAverage=False)
def main(argv)
T * Get(TFile &f, const std::string &n, const std::string &dir="", const chainmap_t *chainmap=0, std::vector< std::string > *saved=0)
get a histogram given a path, and an optional initial directory if histogram is not found,...
Definition: comparitor.cxx:179
void print(char *figname, TCanvas *c1)
Definition: TRTCalib_StrawStatusPlots.cxx:25
std::string join(const std::vector< std::string > &v, const char c=',')
Definition: Trigger/TrigT1/L1Topo/L1TopoCommon/Root/StringUtils.cxx:10
@ split
Definition: LayerMaterialProperties.h:38