29 """ With this function we will setup the sequence of offline EgammaAlgorithms so to make a photon for TrigEgamma
31 Sequence of algorithms is the following:
32 - egammaRecBuilder/TrigEgammaRecPhoton creates egammaObjects out of clusters and tracks. Here, at HLT photons we will only use clusters.
33 - photonSuperClusterBuilder algorithm will create superclusters out of the toposlusters and tracks in egammaRec under the photon hypothesis
34 https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/blob/master/Reconstruction/egamma/egammaAlgs/python/egammaSuperClusterBuilder.py#L26
35 - TopoEgammBuilder will create photons and electrons out of trakcs and SuperClusters. Here at HLT photons the aim is to ignore electrons and not use tracks at all.
36 https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/blob/master/Reconstruction/egamma/egammaAlgs/src/xAODEgammaBuilder.cxx
39 log.debug(
'precisionPhotonRecoSequence(RoIs = %s)',RoIs)
44 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Photon.TrigPhotonFactoriesCfg
import TrigTopoEgammaPhotonCfg, TrigTopoEgammaPhotonCfg_HI
46 log.debug(
'retrieve(precisionPhotonRecoSequence,None,RoIs = %s)',RoIs)
55 acc.merge(TrigTopoEgammaPhoton)
58 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Photon.TrigPhotonFactoriesCfg
import PrecisionPhotonTopoMonitorCfg
60 acc.merge(PrecisionPhotonTopoRecoMonAlgo)
63 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Photon.TrigPhotonFactoriesCfg
import PrecisionPhotonSuperClusterMonitorCfg
65 acc.merge(PrecisionPhotonSuperClusterMonAlgo)