ATLAS Offline Software
GenericMonitoringTool Namespace Reference


def _invalidName (flags, name)
 Check if name is an allowed histogram/branch name. More...
def _alias (varname)
 Generate an alias for a set of variables. More...
def _validateOptions (user, default)
 Validate user inputs for "opt" argument of defineHistogram. More...
def _options (opt)
 Generate dictionary entries for opt strings. More...
def defineHistogram (flags, varname, type='TH1F', path=None, title=None, weight=None, xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=1, xlabels=None, ybins=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, ylabels=None, zmin=None, zmax=None, zlabels=None, opt=None, convention=None, cutmask=None, treedef=None, merge=None)
 Generate histogram definition string for the GenericMonitoringTool.Histograms property. More...
def defineTree (flags, varname, treedef, path=None, title=None, opt='', convention=None, cutmask=None)
 Generate tree definition string for the GenericMonitoringTool.Histograms property. More...

Function Documentation

◆ _alias()

def GenericMonitoringTool._alias (   varname)

Generate an alias for a set of variables.

A helper function is useful for this operation, since it is used both by the module function defineHistogram, as well as by the GenericMonitoringArray defineHistogram member function.

varList, alias

Definition at line 199 of file

199 def _alias(varname):
200  variableAliasSplit = varname.split(';')
201  varList = [v.strip() for v in variableAliasSplit[0].split(',')]
202  if len(variableAliasSplit)==1:
203  return varList, '_vs_'.join(reversed(varList))
204  elif len(variableAliasSplit)==2:
205  return varList, variableAliasSplit[1]
206  else:
207  message = 'Invalid variable or alias for {}. Histogram(s) not defined.'
208  log.warning(message.format(varname))
209  return None, None

◆ _invalidName()

def GenericMonitoringTool._invalidName (   flags,

Check if name is an allowed histogram/branch name.

Certain characers are best avoided in ROOT histogram names as it makes interactive use awkward. Also there are additional constraints from OH and MDA archiving for online running (ATR-15173).

flagsconfiguration flags
namestring to check
set of forbidden characters found

Definition at line 185 of file

185 def _invalidName(flags, name):
186  blacklist = '/\\'
187  if flags.Common.isOnline:
188  blacklist += '=,:.()'
189  return set(name).intersection(blacklist)

◆ _options()

def GenericMonitoringTool._options (   opt)

Generate dictionary entries for opt strings.

optstring or dictionary specifying type
dictionary full of options

Definition at line 238 of file

238 def _options(opt):
239  # Set the default dictionary of options
240  settings = {
241  'Sumw2': False, # store sum of squares of weights
242  'kLBNHistoryDepth': 0, # length of lumiblock history
243  'kAddBinsDynamically': False, # add new bins if fill is outside axis range
244  'kRebinAxes': False, # increase axis range without adding new bins
245  'kCanRebin': False, # allow all axes to be rebinned
246  'kVec': False, # add content to each bin from each element of a vector
247  'kVecUO': False, # same as above, but use 0th(last) element for underflow(overflow)
248  'kCumulative': False, # fill bin of monitored object's value, and every bin below it
249  'kLive': 0, # plot only the last N lumiblocks on y_vs_LB plots
250  'kAlwaysCreate': False # create the histogram, even if it is empty
251  }
252  if opt is None:
253  # If no options are provided, skip any further checks.
254  pass
255  elif isinstance(opt, dict):
256  # If the user provides a partial dictionary, update the default with user's.
257  _validateOptions(opt, settings) # check validity of user's options
258  settings.update(opt) # update the default dictionary
259  elif isinstance(opt, str) and len(opt)>0:
260  # If the user provides a comma- or space-separated string of options.
261  settings = _options (opt.replace(',',' ').split())
263  elif isinstance(opt,str):
264  # empty string case
265  pass
266  elif isinstance(opt, list):
267  # process each item in list
268  unknown = []
269  for o in opt:
270  kv = o.split('=', maxsplit=1)
271  key = kv[0]
272  if len(kv)==2:
273  value = False if kv[1]=='False' else int(kv[1]) # only bool and int supported
274  else:
275  value = True
276  if key in settings:
277  assert(type(settings[key])==type(value)) # ensure same type as in defaults
278  settings[key] = value
279  else:
280  unknown.append(key)
282  assert len(unknown)==0, f'Unknown option(s) provided: {", ".join(unknown)}.'
283  else:
284  raise ValueError("Unknown opt type")
285  return settings

◆ _validateOptions()

def GenericMonitoringTool._validateOptions (   user,

Validate user inputs for "opt" argument of defineHistogram.

Check that the user-provided option for a specific "opt" argument exists in the default dictionary, and that it has the expected type.

userthe option dictionary provided by the user
defaultthe default dictionary of options

Definition at line 218 of file

218 def _validateOptions(user, default):
219  for key, userVal in user.items():
220  # (1) Check that the requested key exists
221  assert key in default,\
222  f'Unknown option {key} provided. Choices are [{", ".join(default)}].'
223  # (2) Check that the provided type is correct
224  userType = type(userVal)
225  defaultVal = default[key]
226  defaultType = type(defaultVal)
227  if isinstance(userVal, bool) or isinstance(defaultVal, bool):
228  assert isinstance(userVal, bool) and isinstance(defaultVal, bool),\
229  f'{key} provided {userType}, expected bool.'
230  else:
231  assert isinstance(defaultVal, userType),\
232  f'{key} provided {userType}, expected {defaultType}'

◆ defineHistogram()

def GenericMonitoringTool.defineHistogram (   flags,
  type = 'TH1F',
  path = None,
  title = None,
  weight = None,
  xbins = 100,
  xmin = 0,
  xmax = 1,
  xlabels = None,
  ybins = None,
  ymin = None,
  ymax = None,
  ylabels = None,
  zmin = None,
  zmax = None,
  zlabels = None,
  opt = None,
  convention = None,
  cutmask = None,
  treedef = None,
  merge = None 

Generate histogram definition string for the GenericMonitoringTool.Histograms property.

For full details see the GenericMonitoringTool documentation.

flagsconfiguration flags object
varnameone (1D) or two (2D) variable names separated by comma optionally give histogram name by appending ";" plus the name
typehistogram type
pathtop-level histogram directory (e.g. EXPERT, SHIFT, etc.)
titleHistogram title and optional axis title (same syntax as in TH constructor)
weightName of the variable containing the fill weight
cutmaskName of the boolean-castable variable that determines if the plot is filled
optString or dictionary of histogram options (see _options())
treedefInternal use only. Use defineTree() method.
xlabelsList of x bin labels.
ylabelsList of y bin labels.
zlabelsList of x bin labels.
mergeMerge method to use for object, if not default. Possible algorithms for offline DQM are given in

Definition at line 306 of file

306 def defineHistogram(flags, varname, type='TH1F', path=None,
307  title=None, weight=None,
308  xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=1, xlabels=None,
309  ybins=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, ylabels=None,
310  zmin=None, zmax=None, zlabels=None,
311  opt=None, convention=None, cutmask=None,
312  treedef=None, merge=None):
314  # All of these fields default to an empty string
315  stringSettingsKeys = ['xvar', 'yvar', 'zvar', 'type', 'path', 'title', 'weight',
316  'cutMask', 'convention', 'alias', 'treeDef', 'merge']
317  # All of these fileds default to 0
318  numberSettingsKeys = ['xbins', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ybins', 'ymin', 'ymax', 'zbins',
319  'zmin', 'zmax']
320  # All of these fields default to an empty array
321  arraySettingsKeys = ['allvars', 'xlabels', 'xarray', 'ylabels', 'yarray', 'zlabels']
322  # Initialize a dictionary with all possible fields
323  settings = dict((key, '') for key in stringSettingsKeys)
324  settings.update(dict((key, 0.0) for key in numberSettingsKeys))
325  settings.update(dict((key, []) for key in arraySettingsKeys))
327  # Alias
328  varList, alias = _alias(varname)
329  if alias is None or alias.strip() == '':
330  log.warning(f'Unable to define histogram using definition "{varname}" since we cannot determine its name.')
331  return ''
333  invalid = _invalidName(flags, alias)
334  if invalid:
335  log.warning('%s is not a valid histogram name. Illegal characters: %s',
336  alias, ' '.join(invalid))
337  return ''
339  settings['alias'] = alias
341  # Variable names
342  if len(varList)>0:
343  settings['xvar'] = varList[0]
344  if len(varList)>1:
345  settings['yvar'] = varList[1]
346  if len(varList)>2:
347  settings['zvar'] = varList[2]
348  settings['allvars'] = varList
349  nVars = len(varList)
351  # Type
352  if flags.Common.isOnline and type in ['TTree']:
353  log.warning('Object %s of type %s is not supported for online running and '
354  'will not be added.', varname, type)
355  return ''
356  # Check that the histogram's dimension matches the number of monitored variables
357  # Add TTree to the lists, it can have any number of vars
358  hist2D = ['TH2','TProfile','TEfficiency', 'TTree']
359  hist3D = ['TProfile2D','TEfficiency', 'TTree']
360  if nVars==2:
361  assert any([valid2D in type for valid2D in hist2D]),'Attempting to use two '
362  'monitored variables with a non-2D histogram.'
363  elif nVars==3:
364  assert any([valid3D in type for valid3D in hist3D]),'Attempting to use three '
365  'monitored variables with a non-3D histogram.'
366  settings['type'] = type
368  # Path
369  if path is None:
370  path = ''
371  settings['path'] = path
373  # Title
374  if title is None:
375  title = varname
376  settings['title'] = title
378  # Weight
379  if weight is not None:
380  settings['weight'] = weight
382  # Cutmask
383  if cutmask is not None:
384  settings['cutMask'] = cutmask
386  # Output path naming convention
387  if convention is not None:
388  settings['convention'] = convention
390  # Bin counts and ranges
391  # Possible types allowed for bin counts
392  binTypes = (int, list, tuple)
394  # X axis count and range
395  assert isinstance(xbins, binTypes),'xbins argument must be int, list, or tuple'
396  if isinstance(xbins, int): # equal x bin widths
397  settings['xbins'], settings['xarray'] = xbins, []
398  else: # x bin edges are set explicitly
399  settings['xbins'], settings['xarray'] = len(xbins)-1, xbins
400  settings['xmin'] = xmin
401  settings['xmax'] = xmax
403  # Y axis count and range
404  if ybins is not None:
405  assert isinstance(ybins, binTypes),'ybins argument must be int, list, or tuple'
406  if isinstance(ybins, int): # equal y bin widths
407  settings['ybins'], settings['yarray'] = ybins, []
408  else: # y bin edges are set explicitly
409  settings['ybins'], settings['yarray'] = len(ybins)-1, ybins
410  if ymin is not None:
411  settings['ymin'] = ymin
412  if ymax is not None:
413  settings['ymax'] = ymax
415  # Z axis count and range
416  if zmin is not None:
417  settings['zmin'] = zmin
418  if zmax is not None:
419  settings['zmax'] = zmax
421  # Then, parse the [xyz]label arguments
422  if xlabels is not None and len(xlabels)>0:
423  assert isinstance(xlabels, (list, tuple)),'xlabels must be list or tuple'
424  settings['xbins'] = len(xlabels)
425  settings['xlabels'] = xlabels
426  if ylabels is not None and len(ylabels)>0:
427  assert isinstance(ylabels, (list, tuple)),'ylabels must be list or tuple'
428  settings['ybins'] = len(ylabels)
429  settings['ylabels'] = ylabels
430  # if user did not specify ymin and ymax, set it here, as cannot have ymin=ymax=0
431  if ymin is None: settings["ymin"] = 0
432  if ymax is None: settings["ymax"] = settings["ymin"]+1
433  if zlabels is not None and len(zlabels)>0:
434  assert isinstance(zlabels, (list, tuple)),'zlabels must be list or tuple'
435  settings['zlabels'] = zlabels
437  # Tree branches
438  if treedef is not None:
439  assert type=='TTree','cannot define tree branches for a non-TTree object'
440  settings['treeDef'] = treedef
442  # Add all other options
443  settings.update(_options(opt))
445  # some things need merging
446  if ((settings['kAddBinsDynamically'] or settings['kRebinAxes'] or settings['kCanRebin'])
447  and (not flags.Common.isOnline and 'OFFLINE' in settings['convention'])):
448  if merge is None:
449  log.warning(f'Merge method for {alias} is not specified but needs to be "merge" due to histogram definition; overriding for your convenience')
450  merge = 'merge'
452  # merge method
453  if merge is not None:
454  assert type not in ['TEfficiency', 'TTree', 'TGraph'],'only default merge defined for non-histogram objects'
455  settings['merge'] = merge
457  # LB histograms always need to be published online (ADHI-4947)
458  if settings['kLBNHistoryDepth']>0 and flags.Common.isOnline:
459  settings['kAlwaysCreate'] = True
460  log.debug('Setting kAlwaysCreate for lumiblock histogram "%s"', varname)
462  # Check that kLBNHistoryDepth and kLive are both non-negative
463  assert settings['kLBNHistoryDepth']>=0, f'Histogram "{alias}" has invalid kLBNHistoryDepth.'
464  assert settings['kLive']>=0, f'Histogram "{alias}" has invalid kLive.'
465  # kLBNHistoryDepth and kLive options are mutually exclusive. User may not specify both.
466  assert settings['kLBNHistoryDepth']==0 or settings['kLive']==0,\
467  f'Cannot use both kLBNHistoryDepth and kLive for histogram {alias}.'
468  # kLive histograms are only available for Online monitoring.
469  assert settings['kLive']==0 or flags.Common.isOnline,\
470  f'Cannot use kLive with offline histogram {alias}.'
472  return json.dumps(settings)

◆ defineTree()

def GenericMonitoringTool.defineTree (   flags,
  path = None,
  title = None,
  opt = '',
  convention = None,
  cutmask = None 

Generate tree definition string for the GenericMonitoringTool.Histograms property.

Convenience tool for

For full details see the GenericMonitoringTool documentation.

flagsconfiguration flags object
varnameat least one variable name (more than one should be separated by comma); optionally give the name of the tree by appending ";" plus the tree name
treedefTTree branch definition string. Looks like the standard TTree definition (see In fact if only scalars are given, it is exactly the same as you would use to define the TTree directly: "varA/F:varB/I:...". Vectors can be defined by giving "vector<int>", etc., instead of "I".
pathtop-level histogram directory (e.g. EXPERT, SHIFT, etc.)
titleHistogram title and optional axis title (same syntax as in TH constructor)
cutmaskName of the boolean-castable variable that determines if the plot is filled
optTTree options (none currently)
conventionExpert option for how the objects are placed in ROOT

Definition at line 491 of file

491 def defineTree(flags, varname, treedef, path=None, title=None,
492  opt='', convention=None,
493  cutmask=None):
494  return defineHistogram(flags, varname, type='TTree', path=path, title=title,
495  treedef=treedef, opt=opt, convention=convention,
496  cutmask=cutmask)
def _invalidName(flags, name)
Check if name is an allowed histogram/branch name.
def _options(opt)
Generate dictionary entries for opt strings.
std::vector< std::string > intersection(std::vector< std::string > &v1, std::vector< std::string > &v2)
Definition: compareFlatTrees.cxx:25
def _alias(varname)
Generate an alias for a set of variables.
constexpr std::enable_if_t< is_bitmask_v< E >, E & > set(E &lhs, E rhs)
Convenience function to set bits in a class enum bitmask.
Definition: bitmask.h:232
std::string join(const std::vector< std::string > &v, const char c=',')
Definition: Trigger/TrigT1/L1Topo/L1TopoCommon/Root/StringUtils.cxx:10
def defineTree(flags, varname, treedef, path=None, title=None, opt='', convention=None, cutmask=None)
Generate tree definition string for the GenericMonitoringTool.Histograms property.
def defineHistogram(flags, varname, type='TH1F', path=None, title=None, weight=None, xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=1, xlabels=None, ybins=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, ylabels=None, zmin=None, zmax=None, zlabels=None, opt=None, convention=None, cutmask=None, treedef=None, merge=None)
Generate histogram definition string for the GenericMonitoringTool.Histograms property.
def _validateOptions(user, default)
Validate user inputs for "opt" argument of defineHistogram.
@ split
Definition: LayerMaterialProperties.h:38