17 if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
18 log.debug(
'dictionary is: %s\n', pprint.pformat(chainDict))
21 log.debug(
"Will generate Config for chain: %s", chainDict[
27 for subChainDict
in listOfChainDicts:
29 if subChainDict[
'beamspotChain'] !=
31 log.debug(
"Jet tracking based beamspot chain")
32 log.debug(
"chainDict %s", chainDict)
34 jetConfig = JetChainConfiguration(chainDict)
35 jetConfig.prepareDataDependencies(flags)
36 jetName = jetConfig.jetName
37 log.debug(
"Jet name %s", jetConfig.jetName)
38 jet = jetConfig.assembleChain(flags)
39 log.debug(
'Input jet collection name is %s \n', jetName)
41 Beamspot = BeamspotChainConfiguration(subChainDict, jetName).assembleChain(flags)
42 jet.append_step_to_jet(Beamspot.steps)
44 listOfChainDefs += [ jet ]
45 log.debug(
'length of chaindefs %s', len(listOfChainDefs) )
48 log.debug(
"Traditional beamspot chain")
49 Beamspot = BeamspotChainConfiguration(subChainDict).assembleChain(flags)
51 listOfChainDefs += [Beamspot]
52 log.debug(
'length of chaindefs %s', len(listOfChainDefs) )
55 if len(listOfChainDefs)>1:
56 log.warning(
"This is a chain with more than one chainPart, is this really intended?")
59 theChainDef = listOfChainDefs[0]
61 log.debug(
"theChainDef %s" , theChainDef)