33 HistPath =
35 montool.defineHistogram(
'etaClust', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F', title=
"MuCluHypoTool: Eta of the muon RoI cluster; eta; nclusters", xbins=60, xmin=-3., xmax=3.)
36 montool.defineHistogram(
'phiClust', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F', title=
"MuCluHypoTool: Phi of the muon RoI cluster; phi; nclusters", xbins=32, xmin=-math.pi, xmax=math.pi)
37 montool.defineHistogram(
'numberRoI', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F', title=
"MuCluHypoTool: RoIs in Passing muon RoI clusters; number of RoI; nclusters", xbins=25, xmin=0., xmax=25.)
39 montool.defineHistogram(
'nRoIBarrel,nRoIBarrelPass', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH2F', title=
"MuCluHypoTool: nRoI in All Barrel Clusters vs nRoI in all Passing Clusters; number of Barrel RoI; number of Passing Barrel RoI", xbins=25, xmin=0., xmax=25., ybins=25, ymin=0., ymax=25.)
40 montool.defineHistogram(
'nRoIEndcap,nRoIEndcapPass', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH2F', title=
"MuCluHypoTool: nRoI in All Endcap Clusters vs nRoI in all Passing Clusters; number of Endcap RoI; number of Passing Endcap RoI", xbins=25, xmin=0., xmax=25., ybins=25, ymin=0., ymax=25.)
41 montool.defineHistogram(
'result', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F', title=
"MuCluHypoTool: Number of MuonRoIClusters accepted by the trigger; bool; nclusters", xbins=2, xmin=0., xmax=2.)
42 montool.defineHistogram(
'chainActive', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F', title=
'MuCluHypoTool: Bool if number of previous Decision IDs matching this cahin > 0; bool; nCallsToHypoTool', xbins=2, xmin=0., xmax=2.)
43 montool.defineHistogram(
'phiClust,etaClust', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH2F', title=
"MuCluHypoTool: 2D Phi vs Eta of All muon RoI clusters; phi; eta", xbins=128, xmin=-math.pi, xmax=math.pi, ybins=120, ymin=-3., ymax=3.)
44 montool.defineHistogram(
'phiClustPass,etaClustPass', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH2F', title=
"MuCluHypoTool: 2D Phi vs Eta of Passing muon RoI clusters; phi; eta", xbins=128, xmin=-math.pi, xmax=math.pi, ybins=120, ymin=-3., ymax=3.)
46 montool.defineHistogram(
'numberRoI,etaClustPass', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH2F', title=
"MuCluHypoTool: 2D Number of RoIs in Passing muon RoI clusters vs Eta of Passing muon RoI clusters; nRoIs; eta", xbins=10, xmin=0., xmax=10., ybins=60, ymin=-3., ymax=3.)
48 montool.defineHistogram(
'TIME_HypoTool', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F', title=
'MuClusHypoTool: Timing Variable for entire HypoTool Execution; time (us); nTools', xbins=100, xmin=-20., xmax=1500.)
49 montool.defineHistogram(
'TIME_HypoTool_GetCluster', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F', title=
'MuClusHypoTool: Timing Variable for HypoTool to Locate MuonRoICluster Object; time (us); nTools', xbins=100, xmin=-20., xmax=1500.)
50 montool.defineHistogram(
'TIME_HypoTool_Selection', path=
'EXPERT', type=
'TH1F', title=
'MuClusHypoTool: Timing Variable for HypoTool to Decide Pass/Fail; time (us); nTools', xbins=100, xmin=-20., xmax=1500.)