ATLAS Offline Software
Functions | Variables
PixelPostProcessing Namespace Reference


def normalize_perEvent (inputs)
def badEtaPhi_forAllMaskPatterns (inputs)
def evaluateModuleHistograms (inputs, minBinStat=5, mvaThr=0.5, excludeOutOfAcc=True, historyDepth=10)


 LB_deg = ROOT.TH1F('TotalDegradationPerLumi', 'b-tag degradation;LB;total b-tag degradation', 3000, -0.5, 2999.5)
list degFactor70 = [0.0032, 0.0078, 0.011, 0.020, 0.023, 0.018, 0.098, 0.10, 0.26, 0.36, 0.33, 0.17, 0.65, 0.79, 0.81]

Function Documentation

◆ badEtaPhi_forAllMaskPatterns()

def PixelPostProcessing.badEtaPhi_forAllMaskPatterns (   inputs)

Definition at line 28 of file

29  Th = 0.5
30  LB = inputs[0][0]['LB']
31  rv = []
32  rv1 = []
33  rv_IBL = ROOT.TH2F()
34  rv_BLayer = ROOT.TH2F()
35  rv_Layer1 = ROOT.TH2F()
36  rv_Layer2 = ROOT.TH2F()
37  totalDeg = 0.0
38  for i in range(len(inputs[0][1])):
39  plots = [_[1][i] for _ in inputs] # all plots passed as first element of list
40  for m, plot in enumerate(plots):
41  etaMin = []
42  etaMax = []
43  phiMin = []
44  phiMax = []
45  sec = inputs[m][0]['sec']
46  rv.append(ROOT.TH2F('defectPlot', 'badFERegion', 500, -3.0, 3.0, 500, -math.pi, math.pi))
47  rv[m].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_' + sec)
48  rv[m].GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta')
49  rv[m].GetYaxis().SetTitle('#phi')
50  with importlib.resources.open_text('PixelMonitoring', 'FE_EtaEdge_' + sec + '.txt') as etaInfo:
51  for line in etaInfo.readlines():
52  toks = line.split()
53  etaMin.append(float(toks[3]))
54  etaMax.append(float(toks[4]))
55  with importlib.resources.open_text('PixelMonitoring', 'FE_PhiEdge_' + sec + '.txt') as phiInfo:
56  for line in phiInfo.readlines():
57  toks = line.split()
58  if float(toks[3]) < -math.pi:
59  phiMin.append(float(toks[3]) + 2*math.pi)
60  else:
61  phiMin.append(float(toks[3]))
62  if float(toks[4]) > math.pi:
63  phiMax.append(float(toks[4]) - 2*math.pi)
64  else:
65  phiMax.append(float(toks[4]))
66  for xbin in range(plot.GetNbinsX()):
67  for ybin in range(plot.GetNbinsY()):
68  if(plot.GetBinContent(xbin+1, ybin+1) < Th):
69  continue
70  etaMin_bin = rv[m].GetXaxis().FindBin(etaMin[xbin] + 3.0/500)
71  etaMax_bin = rv[m].GetXaxis().FindBin(etaMax[xbin] + 3.0/500)
72  phiMin_bin = rv[m].GetYaxis().FindBin(phiMin[ybin] + math.pi/500)
73  phiMax_bin = rv[m].GetYaxis().FindBin(phiMax[ybin] + math.pi/500)
74  for eta_bin in range(etaMin_bin, etaMax_bin):
75  eta = rv[m].GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(eta_bin)
76  for phi_bin in range(phiMin_bin, phiMax_bin):
77  phi = rv[m].GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(phi_bin)
78  rv[m].Fill(eta, phi)
79  if phiMin[ybin] > phiMax[ybin]:
80  for phi_bin in range(1, phiMax_bin):
81  phi = rv[m].GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(phi_bin)
82  rv[m].Fill(eta, phi)
83  for phi_bin in range(phiMin_bin, rv[m].GetNbinsY()+1):
84  phi = rv[m].GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(phi_bin)
85  rv[m].Fill(eta, phi)
87  if sec == 'IBL':
88  rv_IBL = rv[m].Clone()
89  rv_IBL.SetName('badFE_EtaPhi_IBL_new')
90  elif sec == 'BLayer':
91  rv_BLayer = rv[m].Clone()
92  rv_BLayer.SetName('badFE_EtaPhi_BLayer_new')
93  elif sec == 'Layer1':
94  rv_Layer1 = rv[m].Clone()
95  rv_Layer1.SetName('badFE_EtaPhi_Layer1_new')
96  elif sec == 'Layer2':
97  rv_Layer2 = rv[m].Clone()
98  rv_Layer2.SetName('badFE_EtaPhi_Layer2_new')
100  for m in range(0, 15):
101  rv1.append(ROOT.TH2F('defectPlot', 'badFEOverlaps', 500, -3.0, 3.0, 500, -math.pi, math.pi))
102  rv1[m].GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta')
103  rv1[m].GetYaxis().SetTitle('#phi')
104  for xbin in range(rv[0].GetNbinsX()):
105  eta = rv[0].GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(xbin+1)
106  for ybin in range(rv[0].GetNbinsY()):
107  phi = rv[0].GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(ybin+1)
108  entIBL = rv_IBL.GetBinContent(xbin+1, ybin+1)
109  entBLayer = rv_BLayer.GetBinContent(xbin+1, ybin+1)
110  entLayer1 = rv_Layer1.GetBinContent(xbin+1, ybin+1)
111  entLayer2 = rv_Layer2.GetBinContent(xbin+1, ybin+1)
112  if entIBL >= 1 and entBLayer >= 1 and entLayer1 >= 1 and entLayer2 >= 1: # IBL, B-Layer, Layer1, Layer2
113  rv1[0].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_IBL_BLayer_Layer1_Layer2')
114  rv1[0].Fill(eta, phi)
115  elif entIBL >= 1 and entBLayer >= 1 and entLayer1 >= 1: # IBL, B-Layer, Layer1
116  rv1[1].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_IBL_BLayer_Layer1')
117  rv1[1].Fill(eta, phi)
118  elif entIBL >= 1 and entBLayer >= 1 and entLayer2 >= 1: # IBL, B-Layer, Layer2
119  rv1[2].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_IBL_BLayer_Layer2')
120  rv1[2].Fill(eta, phi)
121  elif entIBL >= 1 and entLayer1 >= 1 and entLayer2 >= 1: # IBL, Layer2, Layer2
122  rv1[3].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_IBL_Layer1_Layer2')
123  rv1[3].Fill(eta, phi)
124  elif entBLayer >= 1 and entLayer1 >= 1 and entLayer2 >= 1: # B-Layer, Layer2, Layer2
125  rv1[4].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_BLayer_Layer1_Layer2')
126  rv1[4].Fill(eta, phi)
127  elif entIBL >= 1 and entBLayer >= 1: # IBL, B-Layer
128  rv1[5].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_IBL_BLayer')
129  rv1[5].Fill(eta, phi)
130  elif entIBL >= 1 and entLayer1 >= 1: # IBL, Layer1
131  rv1[6].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_IBL_BLayer')
132  rv1[6].Fill(eta, phi)
133  elif entIBL >= 1 and entLayer2 >= 1: # IBL, Layer2
134  rv1[7].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_IBL_BLayer')
135  rv1[7].Fill(eta, phi)
136  elif entBLayer >= 1 and entLayer1 >= 1: # B-Layer, Layer1
137  rv1[8].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_BLayer_Layer1')
138  rv1[8].Fill(eta, phi)
139  elif entBLayer >= 1 and entLayer2 >= 1: # B-Layer, Layer2
140  rv1[9].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_BLayer_Layer2')
141  rv1[9].Fill(eta, phi)
142  elif entLayer1 >= 1 and entLayer2 >= 1: # Layer1, Layer2
143  rv1[10].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_Layer1_Layer2')
144  rv1[10].Fill(eta, phi)
145  elif entIBL >= 1: # IBL
146  rv1[11].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_onlyIBL')
147  rv1[11].Fill(eta, phi)
148  elif entBLayer >= 1: # B-Layer
149  rv1[12].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_onlyBLayer')
150  rv1[12].Fill(eta, phi)
151  elif entLayer1 >= 1: # Layer1
152  rv1[13].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_onlyLayer1')
153  rv1[13].Fill(eta, phi)
154  elif entLayer2 >= 1: # Layer2
155  rv1[14].SetTitle('badFE_EtaPhi_onlyLayer2')
156  rv1[14].Fill(eta, phi)
158  for m in range(0, 15):
159  nBadRegion = rv1[m].Integral()
160  badFrac = nBadRegion/(500*500)
161  deg = (1.0-degFactor70[m])*badFrac
162  totalDeg = totalDeg + deg
164  a = LB.split('_')
165  LB_deg.Fill(int(a[1]), totalDeg)
166  binNum = LB_deg.FindBin(int(a[1]))
167  LB_deg.SetBinError(binNum, 0)
168  return [rv_IBL, rv_BLayer, rv_Layer1, rv_Layer2, rv1[0], rv1[1], rv1[2], rv1[3], rv1[4], rv1[5], rv1[6], rv1[7], rv1[8], rv1[9], rv1[10], rv1[11], rv1[12], rv1[13], rv1[14], LB_deg]

◆ evaluateModuleHistograms()

def PixelPostProcessing.evaluateModuleHistograms (   inputs,
  minBinStat = 5,
  mvaThr = 0.5,
  excludeOutOfAcc = True,
  historyDepth = 10 

Definition at line 172 of file

172 def evaluateModuleHistograms(inputs, minBinStat=5, mvaThr=0.5, excludeOutOfAcc=True, historyDepth=10):
173  layer = inputs[0][0]['layer']
174  ohisto = inputs[0][1][1].Clone()
175  ohisto.Reset()
176  i_layer = baselayers.index(layer)
178  # from this histo get current LB
179  lbhisto = inputs[0][1][2]
180  lbn = lbhisto.FindLastBinAbove(0)
181  currentLB = lbn + 1
182  if currentLB<historyDepth: # do nothing, return empty histogram
183  return [ohisto]
185  histos = [_[1][0] for _ in inputs]
186  for ih, histo in enumerate(histos):
187  #
188  # collect info from module's past behaviour
189  #
190  stat = 0
191  cont = 0
192  for inputbin in range(currentLB-historyDepth, currentLB):
193  stat += histo.GetBinEntries(inputbin)
194  cont += histo.GetBinContent(inputbin)*histo.GetBinEntries(inputbin)
195  #
196  # from module name get binx, biny of output histo
197  #
198  splits = histo.GetName().split('_')
199  if (layer in ['BLayer','Layer1','Layer2']):
200  x = splits[3]
201  y = splits[1] + '_' + splits[2]
202  elif layer=='IBL':
203  #S0_M1A -> A1_0
204  x = splits[3][2] + splits[3][1] + '_' + splits[2][1]
205  #B14 -> #S14
206  y = 'S'+splits[1][1:]
207  else:
208  # D1 -> Disk 1
209  x = 'Disk ' + splits[0][1]
210  # remove 'A' or 'C'
211  y = splits[1] + '_' + splits[2] + '_' + splits[3][:-1]
212  i_x = LabelX[i_layer].index(x)+1
213  i_y = LabelY[i_layer].index(y)+1
214  i_bin = i_y*(xbinsl[i_layer]+2) + i_x
216  # assessment
217  if (i_x<5 or i_x>ohisto.GetNbinsX()-4) and layer=='IBL' and excludeOutOfAcc :
218  ohisto.SetBinContent(i_x,i_y,0)
219  ohisto.SetBinEntries(i_bin,1) #OK (out of acceptance)
220  elif (i_x==1 or i_x==ohisto.GetNbinsX()) and layer=='BLayer' and excludeOutOfAcc :
221  ohisto.SetBinContent(i_x,i_y,0)
222  ohisto.SetBinEntries(i_bin,1) #OK (out of acceptance)
223  else:
224  if stat>=minBinStat:
225  if cont/stat>mvaThr: #not OK
226  ohisto.SetBinContent(i_x,i_y,1.0)
227  ohisto.SetBinEntries(i_bin,1)
228  else: #OK
229  ohisto.SetBinContent(i_x,i_y,0)
230  ohisto.SetBinEntries(i_bin,1)
231  else: #not enough info - empty
232  ohisto.SetBinContent(i_x,i_y,0)
233  ohisto.SetBinEntries(i_bin,0)
236  if layer=='IBL':
237  ohisto.SetBinContent(11,13,0) # FE S13-C3-M0 - OK
238  ohisto.SetBinEntries(ohisto.GetBin(11,13),1)
240  ohisto.SetName('FixMe_'+str(layer))
241  if 'IBL' in layer:
242  ohisto.SetTitle('Front-Ends to fix, '+str(layer))
243  else:
244  ohisto.SetTitle('Modules to fix, '+str(layer))
245  ohisto.SetOption("colztext")
246  return [ohisto]

◆ normalize_perEvent()

def PixelPostProcessing.normalize_perEvent (   inputs)

Definition at line 13 of file

13 def normalize_perEvent(inputs):
14  layer = inputs[0][0]['sec']
15  nEventLB = inputs[0][1][1]
16  nAllEvents = nEventLB.Integral(1, nEventLB.GetNbinsX()+1)
18  histoName = inputs[0][1][0].GetName()
19  histo = inputs[0][1][0].Clone()
20  errorName = histoName.split('_')[0]
21  histo.SetName(errorName + '_Norm_' + layer)
22  histoTitle = histo.GetTitle().split(",")[0]
23  if nAllEvents != 0:
24  histo.Scale(1.0/nAllEvents)
25  histo.SetTitle(histoTitle + " per event, " + layer)
26  return [histo]

Variable Documentation

◆ degFactor70

list PixelPostProcessing.degFactor70 = [0.0032, 0.0078, 0.011, 0.020, 0.023, 0.018, 0.098, 0.10, 0.26, 0.36, 0.33, 0.17, 0.65, 0.79, 0.81]

Definition at line 11 of file

◆ LB_deg

PixelPostProcessing.LB_deg = ROOT.TH1F('TotalDegradationPerLumi', 'b-tag degradation;LB;total b-tag degradation', 3000, -0.5, 2999.5)

Definition at line 10 of file
def normalize_perEvent(inputs)
Int_t FindBin(const TAxis *axis, const double x)
Definition: RootHelpers.cxx:14
Definition: LArRodBlockPhysicsV0.cxx:567
def evaluateModuleHistograms(inputs, minBinStat=5, mvaThr=0.5, excludeOutOfAcc=True, historyDepth=10)
Definition: BTagTrackIpAccessor.cxx:11
def badEtaPhi_forAllMaskPatterns(inputs)
@ split
Definition: LayerMaterialProperties.h:38