7 newMonTool.defineHistogram(
'allVertexNTracks' , type=
"N of Input Tracks of all vertices" , xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=50)
8 newMonTool.defineHistogram(
'primVertexNTracks' , type=
"N of Input Tracks of primary vertices", xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=50)
10 newMonTool.defineHistogram(
'NVertices', type=
"N of Vertices ", xbins=50, xmin=0., xmax=50)
14 newMonTool.defineHistogram(
'allVertexZ', type=
"All Vertex Z position", xbins=400, xmin=-50., xmax=50)
15 newMonTool.defineHistogram(
'allVertexChi2', type=
"All Vertex Chi2 of the fit", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=10)
16 newMonTool.defineHistogram(
'allVertexnDoF', type=
"All Vertex nDoF of the fit", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=10)
18 newMonTool.defineHistogram(
'allVertexX, allVertexY',path=
'EXPERT', type=
19 title=
"All vertices Y vs X; Vertex X [mm]; Vertex Y [mm]",
20 xbins=200, xmin=-5, xmax=5, ybins=200, ymin=-5, ymax=5)
25 newMonTool.defineHistogram(
'primVertexZ', type=
"Primary Vertex Z position", xbins=400, xmin=-50., xmax=50)
26 newMonTool.defineHistogram(
'primVertexChi2', type=
"Primary Vertex Chi2 of the fit", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=10)
27 newMonTool.defineHistogram(
'primVertexnDoF', type=
"Primary Vertex nDoF of the fit", xbins=100, xmin=0., xmax=10)
29 newMonTool.defineHistogram(
'primVertexX, primVertexY',path=
'EXPERT', type=
30 title=
"Primary Vertex Y vs X; Vertex X [mm]; Vertex Y [mm]",
31 xbins=200, xmin=-5, xmax=5, ybins=200, ymin=-5, ymax=5)