ATLAS Offline Software
python.CaloConfigFlags Namespace Reference


def createCaloConfigFlags ()

Function Documentation

◆ createCaloConfigFlags()

def python.CaloConfigFlags.createCaloConfigFlags ( )

Definition at line 6 of file

7  ccf=AthConfigFlags()
9  #CaloNoise Flags
10  ccf.addFlag("Calo.Noise.fixedLumiForNoise", -1)
11  ccf.addFlag("Calo.Noise.useCaloNoiseLumi", True)
13  #CaloCell flags
14  ccf.addFlag("Calo.Cell.doPileupOffsetBCIDCorr", True)
15  ccf.addFlag("Calo.Cell.doDeadCellCorr", True)
16  ccf.addFlag("Calo.Cell.doPedestalCorr",
17  lambda prevFlags: not prevFlags.Input.isMC)
18  ccf.addFlag("Calo.Cell.doEnergyCorr",
19  lambda prevFlags: not prevFlags.Input.isMC and not prevFlags.Common.isOnline)
20  ccf.addFlag("Calo.Cell.doTimeCorr",
21  lambda prevFlags: not prevFlags.Input.isMC and not prevFlags.Common.isOnline)
23  # TopoCluster Flags:
24  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.doTwoGaussianNoise", True)
25  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.doTreatEnergyCutAsAbsolute", False)
26  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.doTopoClusterLocalCalib", True)
27  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.doTimeCut",
28  lambda prevFlags: not prevFlags.Trigger.doHLT and not prevFlags.Reco.EnableHI)
29  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.extendTimeCut",
30  lambda prevFlags: prevFlags.Calo.TopoCluster.doTimeCut)
31  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.useUpperLimitForTimeCut",
32  lambda prevFlags: prevFlags.Calo.TopoCluster.doTimeCut)
33  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.timeCutUpperLimit", 20.0)
34  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.xtalkEM2", False)
35  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.xtalkEM2D", False)
36  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.xtalkEM2n", False)
37  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.xtalkEM3", False)
38  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.xtalkEMEta", False)
39  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.xtalkDeltaT", 15.0)
40  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.xtalk2Eratio1", 4.)
41  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.xtalk2Eratio2", 25.)
42  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.xtalk3Eratio", 10.)
43  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.xtalkEtaEratio", 4.)
44  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.xtalk2DEratio", 4.)
45  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.writeExtendedClusterMoments", True)
46  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.CalibrationHitDecorationName","calclus_NLeadingTruthParticleBarcodeEnergyPairs")
47  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.addCalibrationHitDecoration",False)
48  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.doCalibHitMoments",False)
49  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.writeCalibHitClusterMoments",False)
50  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.doCellWeightCalib", False)
51  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.addCPData",False)
52  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.skipWriteList", lambda prevFlags:
53  ["CaloCalTopoClusters", "CaloTopoClusters"] if prevFlags.Reco.HIMode is HIMode.HI else [])
54  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.UseGPUCompatibleCriteria", False)
56  ccf.addFlag("Calo.TopoCluster.xtalkInfoDumper", False) # dump raw energy, digits and some calibration for xtalk studies
60  ccf.addFlag ('Calo.ClusterCorrection.doSlidingWindowCellWeights', False)
62  # If true, then among groups of clusters very close to each other,
63  # remove all clusters but one.
64  ccf.addFlag ('Calo.ClusterCorrection.doSlidingWindowRemoveDuplicates', False)
66  # If true, remove clusters with energy below a threshold.
67  ccf.addFlag ('Calo.ClusterCorrection.doSlidingWindowRemoveBad', True)
69  # Defines from where we should try to construct the tools.
70  # May be one of 'jo', 'pool', 'cool'.
71  # May also be a list of them, to try in order.
72  # It may also be set to a string defined in poolfiles to try to
73  # read all tools from that file (except those marked as nopool).
74  ccf.addFlag ('Calo.ClusterCorrection.defaultSource',
75  ['cool', 'pool', 'jo'])
77  # Override the default correction version for sliding window clusters.
78  ccf.addFlag ('Calo.ClusterCorrection.caloSwWhichCorrection', '')
80  # Override the default correction version for EM topo clusters.
81  ccf.addFlag ('Calo.ClusterCorrection.caloTopoEMWhichCorrection', '')
83  # This flag allows setting additional correction arguments for
84  # sliding window clusters. It should normally be empty, but it may be
85  # set for testing new correction versions.
86  ccf.addFlag ('Calo.ClusterCorrection.caloSwCorrectionArgs', {})
88  # This flag allows setting additional correction arguments for
89  # EM topo clusters. It should normally be empty, but it may be
90  # set for testing new correction versions.
91  ccf.addFlag ('Calo.ClusterCorrection.caloTopoEMCorrectionArgs', {})
93  # Correction generation string that's embedded in database tags.
94  # This string gets changed every time the database is updated.
95  ccf.addFlag ('Calo.ClusterCorrection.caloSwGeneration', '')
97  # Correction generation string that's embedded in database tags.
98  # This string gets changed every time the database is updated.
99  ccf.addFlag ('Calo.ClusterCorrection.caloTopoEMGeneration', '')
101  # This flag allows overriding the subdetector name used for
102  # database connections. It's a dictionary, the keys of which are the
103  # correction classes (normally either `CaloSwClusterCorrections'
104  # or `EMTopoClusterCorrections'). If the correction class isn't
105  # found, we use a key of None instead as a default.
106  #
107  # The subdetector name is normally `CALO'. However, it can be set to the
108  # name of a local sqlite file to force reading COOL information from there.
109  ccf.addFlag ('Calo.ClusterCorrection.dbSubdetName', {None : 'CALO'})
111  # Flags from Forward Towers:
112  ccf.addFlag('Calo.FwdTower.prepareLCW', True)
113  ccf.addFlag('Calo.FwdTower.clusterRange', 2.5)
114  ccf.addFlag('Calo.FwdTower.WriteToAOD',
115  lambda prevFlags: prevFlags.Reco.HIMode is not HIMode.HI)
117  # Flag for thinning negative energy clusters
118  ccf.addFlag('Calo.Thin.NegativeEnergyCaloClusters', True)
120  return ccf
def createCaloConfigFlags()