ATLAS Offline Software
TrigT1ResultByteStreamMonitoringConfig Namespace Reference


def L1MuonBSConverterMonitoringCfg (flags, name, encoder=False)
def L1TriggerByteStreamDecoderMonitoringCfg (flags, name, decoderTools)

Function Documentation

◆ L1MuonBSConverterMonitoringCfg()

def TrigT1ResultByteStreamMonitoringConfig.L1MuonBSConverterMonitoringCfg (   flags,
  encoder = False 

Definition at line 8 of file

8 def L1MuonBSConverterMonitoringCfg(flags, name, encoder=False):
10  tool = GenericMonitoringTool(flags, 'MonTool')
11  tool.HistPath = f'HLTFramework/L1BSConverters/{name}'
12  tool.defineHistogram('NumWordsInROD', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F',
13  title='Size of the MUCTPI ROD payload;N words;N events',
14  xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=100)
15  tool.defineHistogram('WordType,WordTypeCount;WordTypeCounts', path='EXPERT', type='TH2F',
16  title='Counts of each word type in MUCTPI ROD payload;;Count per event',
17  xbins=6, xmin=0, xmax=6,
18  ybins=150, ymin=0, ymax=150, # max candidate word count per time slice in hardware is 352
19  xlabels=['Undefined', 'Timeslice', 'Multiplicity', 'Candidate', 'Topo', 'Status'])
20  tool.defineHistogram('BCIDOffsetsWrtROB', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F',
21  title='BCID difference between timeslice header and ROB header;BCID difference;N time slices',
22  xbins=201, xmin=-100.5, xmax=100.5)
23  tool.defineHistogram('SubsysID', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F',
24  title='RoI candidate subsys ID;;N RoIs',
25  xbins=4, xmin=0, xmax=4,
26  xlabels=['Undefined','Barrel', 'Forward', 'Endcap'])
27  if flags.Trigger.L1.doMuonTopoInputs:
28  tool.defineHistogram('topoSubsysID', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F',
29  title='Topo TOB subsys ID;;N RoIs',
30  xbins=4, xmin=0, xmax=4,
31  xlabels=['Undefined','Barrel', 'Forward', 'Endcap'])
34  if not encoder:
35  tool.defineHistogram('BCOffset,NumOutputRoIs;NumOutputRoIs', path='EXPERT', type='TH2F',
36  title='Number of output xAOD::MuonRoI objects in each time slice per event;Time slice;N RoIs',
37  xbins=5, xmin=-2, xmax=3,
38  xlabels=[str(n) for n in range(-2,3)],
39  ybins=100, ymin=0, ymax=100) # max candidate word count per time slice in hardware is 352
40  tool.defineHistogram('DataStatusWordErrors', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F',
41  title='Error bits set in data status word;Bit number;N errors',
42  xbins=16, xmin=0, xmax=16)
43  if flags.Trigger.L1.doMuonTopoInputs:
44  tool.defineHistogram('BCOffset,NumOutputTopoTOBs;NumOutputTopoTOBs', path='EXPERT', type='TH2F',
45  title='Number of output LVL1::MuCTPIL1TopoCandidate objects in each time slice per event;Time slice;N TOBs',
46  xbins=5, xmin=-2, xmax=3,
47  xlabels=[str(n) for n in range(-2,3)],
48  ybins=100, ymin=0, ymax=100)
49  tool.defineHistogram('BCOffset,NumOutputDiffRoITopo;NumOutputDiffRoITopo', path='EXPERT', type='TProfile',
50  title='Average difference between the number of output RoIs and Topo TOBs;Time slice;N RoIs - N TOBs',
51  xbins=5, xmin=-2, xmax=3,
52  xlabels=[str(n) for n in range(-2,3)])
54  for subsysName in ['Barrel', 'Forward', 'Endcap']:
55  tool.defineHistogram(f'roiEta_{subsysName}', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F',
56  title=f'Eta of output RoIs in the {subsysName} subsystem;eta;N RoIs',
57  xbins=60, xmin=-3, xmax=3)
58  tool.defineHistogram(f'roiPhi_{subsysName}', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F',
59  title=f'Phi of output RoIs in the {subsysName} subsystem;phi;N RoIs',
60  xbins=64, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
61  if flags.Trigger.L1.doMuonTopoInputs:
62  tool.defineHistogram(f'topoEta_{subsysName}', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F',
63  title=f'Eta of output Topo TOBs in the {subsysName} subsystem;eta;N TOBs',
64  xbins=60, xmin=-3, xmax=3)
65  tool.defineHistogram(f'topoPhi_{subsysName}', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F',
66  title=f'Phi of output Topo TOBs in the {subsysName} subsystem;phi;N TOBs',
67  xbins=64, xmin=-3.2, xmax=3.2)
68  tool.defineHistogram(f'topoPtThreshold_{subsysName}', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F',
69  title=f'pT threshold [GeV] of output Topo TOBs in the {subsysName} subsystem;pT threshold [GeV];N TOBs',
70  xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=50)
72  acc.setPrivateTools(tool)
73  return acc

◆ L1TriggerByteStreamDecoderMonitoringCfg()

def TrigT1ResultByteStreamMonitoringConfig.L1TriggerByteStreamDecoderMonitoringCfg (   flags,

Definition at line 75 of file

75 def L1TriggerByteStreamDecoderMonitoringCfg(flags, name, decoderTools):
76  acc = ComponentAccumulator()
78  if flags.Trigger.doHLT:
79  monTool = GenericMonitoringTool(flags, 'MonTool', HistPath = f'HLTFramework/L1BSConverters/{name}')
80  topDir = 'EXPERT'
81  elif flags.DQ.Steering.doHLTMon: # if used in offline reconstruction respect DQ convention (ATR-26371)
82  from AthenaMonitoring import AthMonitorCfgHelper
83  helper = AthMonitorCfgHelper(flags, 'HLTFramework')
84  monTool = helper.addGroup(None, f'{name}MonTool', f'/HLT/HLTFramework/L1BSConverters/{name}')
85  topDir = None
86  acc.merge(helper.result())
87  else:
88  return acc
90  monTool.defineHistogram('TIME_execute', path=topDir, type='TH1F',
91  title='Time of the alg execute() method;Time [ms];N events',
92  xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=100)
94  # In hindsight, it would be better for RoIBResult decoder to have the same property interface as the other tools
95  def getRobIds(decoder):
96  if 'RoIBResult' not in decoder.getName():
97  return decoder.ROBIDs
98  robIds = []
99  robIds += [int(SourceIdentifier(SubDetector.TDAQ_CTP, decoder.CTPModuleId))] if decoder.CTPModuleId!=0xff else []
100  robIds += [int(SourceIdentifier(SubDetector.TDAQ_MUON_CTP_INTERFACE, decoder.MUCTPIModuleId))] if decoder.MUCTPIModuleId!=0xff else []
101  robIds += [int(SourceIdentifier(SubDetector.TDAQ_CALO_CLUSTER_PROC_ROI, modId)) for modId in decoder.EMModuleIds]
102  robIds += [int(SourceIdentifier(SubDetector.TDAQ_CALO_JET_PROC_ROI, modId)) for modId in decoder.JetModuleIds]
103  robIds += [int(SourceIdentifier(SubDetector.TDAQ_CALO_TOPO_PROC, modId)) for modId in decoder.L1TopoModuleIds]
104  return robIds
106  allRobIds = []
107  for decoder in decoderTools:
108  decoderName = decoder.getName()
109  allRobIds += getRobIds(decoder)
110  monTool.defineHistogram(f'TIME_prepareROBs_{decoderName}', path=topDir, type='TH1F',
111  title=f'Time of preparing ROB inputs for {decoderName};Time [ms];N events',
112  xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=100)
113  monTool.defineHistogram(f'TIME_convert_{decoderName}', path=topDir, type='TH1F',
114  title=f'Time of the convertFromBS() method of {decoderName};Time [ms];N events',
115  xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=100)
116  monTool.defineHistogram(f'LumiBlock,MissingROBFraction_{decoderName};MissingROBFraction_{decoderName}', path=topDir, type='TProfile',
117  title=f'Fraction of missing ROBs requested by {decoderName} vs LBN;LumiBlock;N missing ROBs / N requested ROBs',
118  xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=100, opt='kCanRebin', merge=None if flags.Trigger.doHLT else 'merge')
119  monTool.defineHistogram(f'LumiBlock,CorruptedROBFraction_{decoderName};CorruptedROBFraction_{decoderName}', path=topDir, type='TProfile',
120  title=f'Fraction of corrupted ROBs requested by {decoderName} vs LBN;LumiBlock;N corrupted ROBs / N retrieved ROBs',
121  xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=100, opt='kCanRebin', merge=None if flags.Trigger.doHLT else 'merge')
122  monTool.defineHistogram(f'LumiBlock,ErroneousROBFraction_{decoderName};ErroneousROBFraction_{decoderName}', path=topDir, type='TProfile',
123  title=f'Fraction of erroneous ROBs requested by {decoderName} vs LBN;LumiBlock;N erroneous ROBs / N retrieved ROBs',
124  xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=100, opt='kCanRebin', merge=None if flags.Trigger.doHLT else 'merge')
126  robIdLabels = [hex(id) for id in sorted(list(set(allRobIds)))]
127  monTool.defineHistogram('MissingROB', path=topDir, type='TH1F',
128  title='Count of missing obligatory ROBs;ROB ID;N events with ROB missing',
129  xbins=len(robIdLabels), xmin=0, xmax=len(robIdLabels), xlabels=robIdLabels)
130  monTool.defineHistogram('MissingROBAllowed', path=topDir, type='TH1F',
131  title='Count of missing optional ROBs;ROB ID;N events with ROB missing',
132  xbins=len(robIdLabels), xmin=0, xmax=len(robIdLabels), xlabels=robIdLabels)
133  monTool.defineHistogram('CorruptedROB', path=topDir, type='TH1F',
134  title='Count of corrupted obligatory ROBs;ROB ID;N events with ROB errors',
135  xbins=len(robIdLabels), xmin=0, xmax=len(robIdLabels), xlabels=robIdLabels)
136  monTool.defineHistogram('CorruptedROBAllowed', path=topDir, type='TH1F',
137  title='Count of corrupted optional ROBs;ROB ID;N events with ROB errors',
138  xbins=len(robIdLabels), xmin=0, xmax=len(robIdLabels), xlabels=robIdLabels)
139  monTool.defineHistogram('ErroneousROB', path=topDir, type='TH1F',
140  title='Count of erroneous obligatory ROBs;ROB ID;N events with ROB errors',
141  xbins=len(robIdLabels), xmin=0, xmax=len(robIdLabels), xlabels=robIdLabels)
142  monTool.defineHistogram('ErroneousROBAllowed', path=topDir, type='TH1F',
143  title='Count of erroneous optional ROBs;ROB ID;N events with ROB errors',
144  xbins=len(robIdLabels), xmin=0, xmax=len(robIdLabels), xlabels=robIdLabels)
146  acc.setPrivateTools(monTool)
147  return acc
Definition: GenericMonitoringTool.h:53
def L1TriggerByteStreamDecoderMonitoringCfg(flags, name, decoderTools)
def list(name, path='/')
def L1MuonBSConverterMonitoringCfg(flags, name, encoder=False)
std::vector< typename T::value_type > sorted(T begin, T end)
Helper function to create a sorted vector from an unsorted one.
constexpr std::enable_if_t< is_bitmask_v< E >, E & > set(E &lhs, E rhs)
Convenience function to set bits in a class enum bitmask.
Definition: bitmask.h:224
Definition: BTagTrackIpAccessor.cxx:11