ATLAS Offline Software
Variables | |
const std::vector< std::string > | excludedChains |
const std::regex | gammaXeChain {"HLT_g.*_xe.*"} |
const std::regex | egammaDiEtcut {".*etcut.*etcut.*"} |
const std::regex | egammaEtcut {".*etcut.*"} |
const std::regex | egammaCombinedWithEtcut {"HLT_(e|g).*_(e|g).*etcut.*"} |
const std::regex | isTopo {".*(Jpsi|Zee).*"} |
const std::regex | specialEchain {"HLT_e26_lhmedium_nod0_mu8noL1"} |
const std::regex | specialElMuChain {"HLT_e2[46]_lhmedium(?:_nod0)?_L1EM2[02]VHI_mu8noL1"} |
const std::regex | mu2MunoL1Special {"HLT_mu(11|18)_((L1MU(10|11)_)?2mu4noL1(_nscan\\d{2}_L1MU(10|11)_2MU6(_bTau)?)?)"} |
const std::regex | tauXeChain {"HLT.*tau.*xe.*"} |
const std::regex | bjetMuChain {"HLT_mu.*_j.*_split_.*"} |
const std::regex SpecialCases::bjetMuChain {"HLT_mu.*_j.*_split_.*"} |
Definition at line 38 of file SpecialCases.h.
const std::regex SpecialCases::egammaCombinedWithEtcut {"HLT_(e|g).*_(e|g).*etcut.*"} |
Definition at line 32 of file SpecialCases.h.
const std::regex SpecialCases::egammaDiEtcut {".*etcut.*etcut.*"} |
Definition at line 30 of file SpecialCases.h.
const std::regex SpecialCases::egammaEtcut {".*etcut.*"} |
Definition at line 31 of file SpecialCases.h.
const std::vector<std::string> SpecialCases::excludedChains |
Definition at line 8 of file SpecialCases.h.
const std::regex SpecialCases::gammaXeChain {"HLT_g.*_xe.*"} |
Definition at line 29 of file SpecialCases.h.
const std::regex SpecialCases::isTopo {".*(Jpsi|Zee).*"} |
Definition at line 33 of file SpecialCases.h.
const std::regex SpecialCases::mu2MunoL1Special {"HLT_mu(11|18)_((L1MU(10|11)_)?2mu4noL1(_nscan\\d{2}_L1MU(10|11)_2MU6(_bTau)?)?)"} |
Definition at line 36 of file SpecialCases.h.
const std::regex SpecialCases::specialEchain {"HLT_e26_lhmedium_nod0_mu8noL1"} |
Definition at line 34 of file SpecialCases.h.
const std::regex SpecialCases::specialElMuChain {"HLT_e2[46]_lhmedium(?:_nod0)?_L1EM2[02]VHI_mu8noL1"} |
Definition at line 35 of file SpecialCases.h.
const std::regex SpecialCases::tauXeChain {"HLT.*tau.*xe.*"} |
Definition at line 37 of file SpecialCases.h.