ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
@ PredictedOutlier
determined from fit result without this state
@ FilterOutlier
progressive fit: removed to stabilise fit
@ GeneralOutlier
outlier for unspecified reason
@ ExternalOutlier
input outlier from pattern or previous fit
@ Hole
a hole on track, or a generic surface on track
@ Fittable
normal MeasurementBase
@ AssProbOutlier
cut on hit assignment probability (also state)
@ TrackOutlier
selected outlier to enhance track probability
@ SensorOutlier
track prediction is signif'ly outside sensor
enum describing the flavour of MeasurementBase
@ DuplicateOutlier
same hit is already on track, should not happen!
@ Scatterer
a scatterer, i.e.
Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.
@ AnyState
fittable or outlier
@ MissedOutlier
progressive fit: missed by extrapolation
@ StateOutlier
standard cut on pull or smoothed state Chi2
enum describing the role of track states during cleaning and outlier removal.
@ NumberOfMeasurementTypes