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ATLAS Offline Software
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Todo List
Class G4UA::ScoringPlane
Class G4UA::G4AtlasTrackingAction
TODO lifetime management of wrapper actions.
Class LVNotifier
Class BoxEnvelope
TODO needs documentation
Class CylindricalEnvelope
TODO needs documentation
Class DetectorGeometryBase
Class FastSimulationBase
TODO needs class documentation
Member G4FieldManagerToolBase::m_fieldOn
TODO why is this duplicated in the g4 field svc?
Class PolyconicalEnvelope
TODO needs documentation
File ThreadLocalHolder.h
Should we optimize these implementations for non-MT environments? One could alternatively just optimze the clients where necessary. I could replace these classes with a simple pointer wrapper if ATHENAHIVE and G4MULTITHREADED are not defined, but the map iteration functionality would need an awkward implementation.
Class G4UA::G4SimTimer
TODO: Enable the run timer using a run-action (now possible).
Member G4UA::MomentumConservation::EndOfEventAction (const G4Event *) override

Does G4PrimaryParticle really have no Get(Total/Kinetic)Energy methods?

Do we need to add up the total energy at the start?

Everything! Use truth strategy as for neutrinos

Member G4UA::MomentumConservation::UserSteppingAction (const G4Step *) override
Should this be GetKineticEnergy?
Class G4UA::G4AtlasSteppingAction
TODO lifetime management of wrapper actions.
Class Geo2G4Svc
Member ActsFatrasWriteHandler::createHits (const ISF::ISFParticle &isp, std::shared_ptr< const Acts::TrackingGeometry > trackingGeometry, const std::vector< ActsFatras::Hit > &hits, SiHitCollection &pixelSiHits, SiHitCollection &sctSiHits) const
: fix edge effects
Class FCS_Param::FCS_StepInfoSDTool
Add more details.
Member iFatras::McMaterialEffectsUpdator::recordBremPhoton (double time, double pElectron, double gammaE, const Amg::Vector3D &vertex, Amg::Vector3D &particleDir, Trk::ParticleHypothesis particle) const
fix non-static
Member iFatras::HitCreatorSilicon::createSimHit (const ISF::ISFParticle &isp, const Trk::TrackParameters &pars, double time, const InDetDD::SiDetectorElement &hitSiDetElement, bool isSiDetElement) const
: fix edge effects
Member iFatras::HitCreatorTRT::createSimHit (const ISF::ISFParticle &isp, const Trk::TrackParameters &, double) const
: fill information, decide which one is pre/post step point
Class ISF::G4PolyconeGeoIDSvc
Member ISF::G4PolyconeGeoIDSvc::pushDimension (AtlasDetDescr::AtlasRegion geoID, double rin, double rou, double z)
Member ISF::G4PolyconeGeoIDSvc::pushDimension (AtlasDetDescr::AtlasRegion geoID, double r, double z)
Member ISF::G4PolyconeGeoIDSvc::m_volume [AtlasDetDescr::fNumAtlasRegions]
Member iGeant4::G4LegacyTransportTool::releaseEvent (const EventContext &) override
: strip hits of the tracks ...
Member iGeant4::G4TransportTool::releaseEvent (const EventContext &) override
: strip hits of the tracks ...
Class ISF::ITruthStrategy
: class description
Class ORUtils::ToolBox
Add some more usage details.
Member ParabolaCscClusterFitter::getCorrectedError (const Muon::CscPrepData *pclu, double slope) const
Read, understand, and verify correctness. @pclu The CSC Prep Data for the cluster @slope The track angle
Member MuonHoughPatternTool::maxLevelHoughPattern (const MuonHoughPatternContainerShip &houghpattern, int id_number) const
should be in houghpattern?
Member Muon::CscStripPrepData::CscStripPrepData (const Identifier &RDOId, const IdentifierHash &collectionHash, const Amg::Vector2D &locpos, const Amg::MatrixX &locErrMat, const MuonGM::CscReadoutElement *detEl, const std::vector< float > &sampleCharges, float timeOfFirstSample, unsigned short samplingRate)

More info.

More info.

Member Muon::CscClusterOnTrack::setValues (const Trk::TrkDetElementBase *, const Trk::PrepRawData *) override final
Throw exception if TrkDetElementBase isn't correct concrete type
Member Muon::MdtDriftCircleOnTrack::idDE () const override final
Member Muon::MMClusterOnTrack::setValues (const Trk::TrkDetElementBase *, const Trk::PrepRawData *)
Throw exception if TrkDetElementBase isn't correct concrete type
Member Muon::RpcClusterOnTrack::setValues (const Trk::TrkDetElementBase *, const Trk::PrepRawData *) override final
Throw exception if TrkDetElementBase isn't correct concrete type
Member Muon::sTgcClusterOnTrack::setValues (const Trk::TrkDetElementBase *, const Trk::PrepRawData *) override final
Throw exception if TrkDetElementBase isn't correct concrete type
Member Muon::TgcClusterOnTrack::setValues (const Trk::TrkDetElementBase *, const Trk::PrepRawData *)
Throw exception if TrkDetElementBase isn't correct concrete type
Member IMuonHoughPatternTool::DeclareInterfaceID (IMuonHoughPatternTool, 1, 0)
should be rethought and possibly using the Moore Interface
Member Muon::MuonTrackScoringTool::m_trkSummaryTool
make this const, once createSummary method is const
Member CP::AsgViewFromSelectionAlg::m_selection
this would probably better be an std::map, but this isn't supported as a property type for AnaAlgorithm right now
Class ORUtils::MuJetOverlapTool
TODO document all the new properties!
page TileCalibAlgs
Most of the algorithms need to be updated to the latest best knowledge of calibration constant calculation. While doing this more detailed documentation will be provided. For the current status of the package a detailed documentation would not make much sense.
Convert to namespace, tool, etc?
Member columnar::ColumnarOffsetType
This type still needs to be adjusted to match whatever uproot uses for its offset maps.
Member columnar::numberOfEventsName
Find a better name than "EventInfo".
Class EL::AnaAlgorithm
This class does not allow to do everything that can currently be done with a EL::Algorithm since it neither knows about incidents, nor has all the virtual methods that were available before.
Class EL::DuplicateChecker
add documentation
Member Simulation::GenEventBeamEffectBooster::m_pbeam2
Get from a service
Member Simulation::GenEventBeamEffectBooster::m_beam1ParticleMass
Get from a service
Class G4AtlasRunManager
sync and reduce code duplication with MT run managers.
Class Geo2G4SvcBase
Class ConstantFieldSvc
Needs documentation
Class G4UA::G4AtlasEventAction
TODO lifetime management of wrapper actions.
Class G4UA::G4AtlasRunAction
TODO lifetime management of wrapper actions.
Class G4UA::G4AtlasStackingAction
TODO lifetime management of wrapper actions.
Member LVL1::CoordToHardware::jepModule (const Coordinate &coord)
Member MuonMatchingTool::searchL2CBLinkInfo (const xAOD::Muon *mu, std::string trigger) const
Consider improving the argument list.
Member MuonMatchingTool::extTrackToPivot (const xAOD::TrackParticle *track) const
Return std::unique_ptr when this is available.
Member MuonMatchingTool::matchReadHandle (const OFFL *offl, float reqdR, SG::ReadHandleKey< DataVector< T > > ReadHandleKey, const EventContext &ctx, std::tuple< bool, double, double >(*trigPosForMatchFunc)(const T *)=&MuonMatchingTool::trigPosForMatch< T >) const
Consider improving the argument list.
Member MuonMatchingTool::matchLinkInfo (const OFFL *offl, std::string trigger, float reqdR, bool &pass, const std::string &containerSGKey="", std::tuple< bool, double, double >(*trigPosForMatchFunc)(const T *)=&MuonMatchingTool::trigPosForMatch< T >) const
Consider improving the argument list.
Member MuonMatchingTool::match (const OFFL *offl, std::string trigger, float reqdR, bool &pass, const std::string &containerSGKey="", std::tuple< bool, double, double >(*trigPosForMatchFunc)(const T *)=&MuonMatchingTool::trigPosForMatch< T >) const
Consider improving the argument list.
Member MuonMatchingTool::matchOff (const EventContext &ctx, const T *trig, float reqdR, std::tuple< bool, double, double >(*offlinePosForMatchFunc)(const xAOD::Muon *), std::tuple< bool, double, double >(*trigPosForMatchFunc)(const T *)=&MuonMatchingTool::trigPosForMatch< T >) const
Consider improving the argument list.
Class TrigMuonMonitorAlgorithm
Support monitoring algorithms using truth muons
Class EfexDefs
FIXME These initial mappings are surely wrong: SJH 07/07/21 tried to get it right
Member LVL1::JetROI::roiWord () const
implement hardware coords in ROI word
Member LVL1::JetROI::thresholdType (int threshold_number) const
Member LVL1::JetROI::roiWord () const
implement hardware coords in ROI word
Member LVL1::JetROI::saturated () const
Member LVL1::CoordToHardware::cpRoIROD (const Coordinate &coord)
check that this is still correct - it seems sensible but hasn't be formally defined
Class LVL1::CoordToHardware
this should probably be a static class.
Member MuonMatchingTool::searchL2SALinkInfo (const xAOD::Muon *mu, std::string trigger) const
Consider improving the argument list.
Class LVL1::QuadLinear
this should probably be a static class.
Member LVL1::Coordinate::checkBounds ()
Tidy up and finish
Class LVL1::CPRoIDecoder
this should probably be a static class.
Class LVL1::JEPRoIDecoder
this should probably be a static class.
Class LVL1::JetEtRoIDecoder
this should probably be a static class.
Class LVL1::L1METvalue
this should probably be a static class.
Member LVL1::RecEmTauRoI::triggerThreshold (unsigned int thresh) const
Thresholds can vary by coordinate. Return value which matches coord of RecRoI
Class LVL1::RoIDecoder
this should probably be a static class.
Class NSWL1::IPadTriggerLogicTool
Note to self: Sandro's original design was to have an interface and then an "Offline" and an "Online" tool. I don't know whether this is still what we want...to be discussed.
Class NSWL1::L1TdrStgcTriggerLogic
add unit test
Member NSWL1::L1TdrStgcTriggerLogic::sTGC_triggerPatternsEtaUp () const
update trigger patterns
Member NSWL1::SingleWedgePadTrigger::areInnerOuterConsistent (const EtaPhiHalf &inner, const EtaPhiHalf &outer)
We need a way to check (enforce) that the single-wedge triggers are one inner and one outer.
Class Trk::TrapezoidBounds
can be speed optimized by calculating kappa/delta and caching it
Page TileCalibAlgs
Most of the algorithms need to be updated to the latest best knowledge of calibration constant calculation. While doing this more detailed documentation will be provided. For the current status of the package a detailed documentation would not make much sense.
Namespace PyJobTransforms.trfFileUtils
make functions timelimited
The main() CLI should migrate to scripts and this module just implement functions
Member Acts::ObjSurfaceWriter::Config::planarPrefix
These aren't used anywhere, should they be dropped?
Class Trk::VertexMapper
add option to also map onto non-sensitive layers
Member Trk::CompoundLayerMaterial::operator*= (double scale) override final
Member Trk::CompoundLayerMaterial::material (size_t bin0, size_t bin1) const override final
measure if this is slow
Member Trk::GlueVolumesDescriptor::registerGlueVolumes (BoundarySurfaceFace, std::vector< TrackingVolume * > &)
change to addGlueVolumes principle
Member Trk::MaterialProperties::addMaterial (const Material &mp, float dInX0)
update ?
Member Trk::ConeSurface::measurementFrame (const Amg::Vector3D &glopos, const Amg::Vector3D &glomom) const override final
fold in alpha
Class Trk::AnnulusBounds
can be speed optimized, inner radius check in inside() can be optimized
Class Trk::CylinderBounds
update the documentation picture for cylinder segments
Class Trk::CylinderSurface
update for new Possibility of CylinderBounds
Member ParabolaCscClusterFitter::fit (const StripFitList &sfits, double dposdz) const
Check cluster profile for overlapping hits.
" </dt><dd> \anchor _todo000189 implement correcly when needed<p> \anchor _todo000190 implement correcly when needed<p> \anchor _todo000191 implement correcly when needed<p> \anchor _todo000192 implement correcly when needed</dd> <dt> \_setscope Trk::LocalDirection Class \_internalref da/d02/classTrk_1_1LocalDirection "Trk::LocalDirection" </dt><dd> \anchor _todo000193 add image of Jean-Francois</dd> <dt> \_setscope Trk::Charged Class \_internalref d4/d5e/classTrk_1_1Charged "Trk::Charged" </dt><dd> \anchor _todo000194 Do we really need a @c double for the charge? Would an @c int be sufficient?</dd> <dt> \_setscope Trk::TrackParticleBase Member \_internalref d6/d7c/classTrk_1_1TrackParticleBase#a3d6f13a0e77af682b0701e9e19c9a802 "Trk::TrackParticleBase::fitQuality" () const
Is this correct? Is it valid to have a TPB with no FQ?
Member Trk::DetectorType
work out how to add muons to this
Member Trk::ReFitTrack::execute ()
: include sorting of outliers
Member Trk::AmbiguityProcessorBase::m_scoringTool
The actual tool that is used should be configured through job options
Member Trk::DenseEnvironmentsAmbiguityScoreProcessorTool::m_scoringTool
The actual tool that is used should be configured through job options
Member Trk::TrackSelectionProcessorTool::m_scoringTool
The actual tool that is used should be configured through job options
Member Trk::TruthTrackBuilder::createTrack (const PRD_TruthTrajectory &prdTraj, SegmentCollection *segs=0) const
: if we need a dedicated electron fitter is has to go in here !
Member TestHepMC::m_thistSvc
Can we use the GenAnalysis / AthHistoAlg methods for histo management?
Member xAOD::AUXSTORE_OBJECT_SETTER_AND_GETTER (TruthEvent_v1, std::vector< float >, weights, setWeights) AUXSTORE_PRIMITIVE_SETTER_AND_GETTER(TruthEvent_v1
Need upgrade to allow string-valued map-like access...
Member xAOD::TruthEvent_v1::weights () const
Need to add the map-like interface for the weights: very important!
Member xAOD::TruthEvent_v1::setWeights (const std::vector< float > &weights)
Need to add named weight access: vector<string>
Member xAOD::TruthEventAuxContainer_v1::weights
Needs to be a map or similar (perhaps two linked vectors?)
Module Functions implementing the xAOD::IParticle interface

Add mappings of e.g.

Add isFirstWith, isLastWith

Member xAOD::TruthParticle_v1::abseta () const
Remove this when/if supported in xAOD::IParticle
Member xAOD::TruthParticle_v1::absrapidity () const
Remove this when/if supported in xAOD::IParticle
Member xAOD::TruthParticle_v1::Polarization::Polarization ()
Use C++11 inline member init when allowed
Member xAOD::TruthPileupEvent_v1::type () const
Some identifying info about the type of pile-up, bunch xing, etc.?
Member xAODMaker::RedoTruthLinksAlg::execute (const EventContext &ctx) const override
AB: Truth particle links should only be made to the signal event... hence the 0. Right?
Member xAODReader::xAODTruthReader::execute (const EventContext &ctx) const
Can the main truth event be a singleton, not a container?
Member BeamHaloGeneratorAlg::genInitialize ()
Use ServiceHandle system instead
Class TestHepMC
Inherit from GenFilter? It is a filter
Member xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v5::numberOfPixelHits
FIXME!Should be bool.
Member CountHepMC::execute () override
Replace the old event ?

Can we be a bit more efficient rather than having to run over all vertices every time? Or allow disabling of this clean-up, with a single clean being run at the end of filtering.

Use neater looping via vertices_match (or iterated vertex_match)

Also look for and report changes in number of no-parent and no-child vertices

Member SimTimeEstimate::execute () override
Use C++ for(:)
Member TestHepMC::execute ()

Clean up / improve / apply to all decaying species

Persuade generator authors to set proper generated masses in HepMC, then really require mass = 0

Member CheckFlow_New.CheckFlow_New
Migrate to a GenBase class or at least AthAlgorithm
Member QCDTruthJetFilter::fitFnR (const double *x, const double *)
Move to an inline in the cc
Member QCDTruthJetFilter::fitFn (const double x)
Move to an inline in the cc
Member QCDTruthMultiJetFilter::fitFnR (const double *x, const double *)
Move to an inline in the cc
Member QCDTruthMultiJetFilter::fitFn (const double x)
Move to an inline in the cc
Member ChargedTracksFilter::ChargedTracksFilter (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
Member xAOD::Muon_v1::muonSegmentLinks () const
complete the various calo energy additions (i.e. depositInCalo etc)
Class CaloCluster
Class G4UA::CaloG4::CalibrationDefaultProcessing::Config
We really don't need a struct for a single string...
Class AthRNGSvc
Move from manual pointer management to smart pointer management.
Class LArWheelCalculator_Impl::DistanceCalculatorFactory
Why is this a class???
Member LArWheelCalculator_Impl::rotate_to_nearest_fan (const LArWheelCalculator *lwc, int &fan_number, const double angle, CLHEP::Hep3Vector &p)
Needs documentation
Member xAOD::BPhysHelper::pv (const pv_type vertexType=BPhysHelper::PV_MIN_A0)
: In case the refitted vertices are augmented with links to the original primary vertices, method origPv will resolve the links and return the original PVs.
Member MissingETBase::Types::objlink_vector_t
Check behaviour of ElementLinkVector<xAOD::IParticleContainer> if incomplete ElementLink<xAOD::IParticleContainer> may exist!
Module Author
- update and add documentation.
Module Summary information
Add documentation. Generic accessor to type information.
Member xAOD::Muon_v1::setMuonType (MuonType type)
- do we actually need this? Deduce it from other information?
Member xAOD::Muon_v1::parameter (float &value, const ParamDef parameter) const
Finish documentation include matchChi2, muonentrancechi2 (instead of outerMatchChi2).
Member xAOD::Muon_v1::quality () const
Finish documentation
Module Links
finish documentation
Member xAOD::Muon_v1::clusterLink () const
Why just one?
Class High2LowByGenParticleClassPt
Move to a sorting utils module
Member xAOD::NeutralParticle_v1::m () const
Get value from somewhere. Also, the TrackParticle took the Pion mass - do we really want to do this? We have ParticleHypo?
Member xAOD::TrackingHelpers::hasValidCovQoverP (const xAOD::TrackParticle *tp)
also check theta ?
Member xAOD::TrackParticle_v1::trackProperties () const
- fix the above (or make something nicer)
Member xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v1::numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits
FIXME!Should be bool.
Member xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v1::numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits
FIXME!Should be bool.
Member xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v1::numberOfPixelHits
FIXME!Should be bool.
Member xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v2::numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits
FIXME!Should be bool.
Member xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v2::numberOfPixelHits
FIXME!Should be bool.
Member xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3::numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits
FIXME!Should be bool.
Member xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v3::numberOfPixelHits
FIXME!Should be bool.
Member xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v4::numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits
FIXME!Should be bool.
Member xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v4::numberOfPixelHits
FIXME!Should be bool.
Member xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v5::numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits
FIXME!Should be bool.
Page LArCalibTools
Member cmpGenParticleByEDesc (HepMC::ConstGenParticlePtr a, HepMC::ConstGenParticlePtr b)
Move into GeneratorUtils (with many friends)
Class TauolaPP
Convert to use standard GenModule base class
Member HepMCReadFromFile::execute () override
Should be a do-while until the read is successful or end of file?
Member PrintMC::execute () override

Avoid use of unprotected std::cout: stringstream + MsgStream would be better

I get the feeling VerboseOutput is being abused here...

Looks like misuse of the verbose output flag

Isn't this if (m_VerboseOutput... redundant?

Isn't this if (m_VerboseOutput... redundant?

Is there no better way to detect unspecified masses than == 0? Final state photons should be 0

Member InDet::TRT_DriftCircleOnTrack::globalPosition () const override final
convention about z coordinate
Member TRT_ToT_dEdx::predictdEdx (const EventContext &ctx, EGasType gasType, const double pTrk, Trk::ParticleHypothesis hypothesis) const
why is it possible that a 20 MeV particle reaches this point? (see Savannah bug 94644)
Member TRT_ToT_dEdx::mass (const EventContext &ctx, const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface *itr, const double pTrk, double dEdx) const
make failsafe
Member TRT_ToT_dEdx::correctToT_corrRZ (const EventContext &ctx, const Trk::TrackStateOnSurface *itr, double length) const
implement possiblity to set the scaling factor run-by-run from database, should probably be done later on track- level
Class PileUpType
Move this elsewhere – it does not implement the GenAccessIO API.
Member Rivet_i::execute () override
Replace with new GenBase const_event() functionality
Page LArCalibUtils
Class LArG4::CalibSDTool
Add more details.
Class LArG4::SimpleSDTool
Add more details.
Member CscCalibTool::findCharge (const float samplingTime, const unsigned int samplingPhase, const std::vector< float > &samples, double &charge, double &time) const override final
find out if a larger range can be used, such as +-1.0
Member Muon::IMDT_RDOtoByteStreamTool::convert (const MdtCsmContainer *cont, MsgStream &log) const =0
Do we really need to pass in a logfile? This is a AlgTool and so can provide its own log objects.
Member Muon::MuonPRD_Collection_p2::m_id
Ideally we wouldn't write this out, and would get the Id from the hash, but this doesn't seem to be easy to do with the current MdtIdHelper.
Member ParabolaCscClusterFitter::fit (const StripFitList &sfits, double dposdz) const

Remove this useless test.

check segment finding efficiency with Y pos = strip number.

Base errors on error propagation in parabola.

Check errors against residuals.

Check for saturation and increase errors.

Check for large amps and increase errors.

Check for small amps and increase errors.

Member GenBase::GeVToMeV (HepMC::GenEvent *evt)
Add HepMC units awareness and do it differently when HepMC provides this functionality directly (and reference-based FourVector accessors)
Member HeavyFlavorHadronFilter::filterEvent ()

This could be so much more efficient! And with so much less code duplication...

This could be so much more efficient!

Member JetFilter::filterEvent ()
Use MCPID to identify leptons
Member PileupTruthParticleSlimmer::PileupTruthParticleSlimmer (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *svcLoc)
TruthParticle -> TruthParticles
Member TTbarMassFilter::filterEvent ()
How generator-portable is this status code assumption?
Member VBFMjjIntervalFilter::checkOverlap (double, double, const std::vector< HepMC::ConstGenParticlePtr > &) const
Provide a helper function for this (and similar)
Member VBFMjjIntervalFilter::checkOverlap (double, double, const std::vector< TLorentzVector > &) const
Provide a helper function for this (and similar)
Member xAODChargedTracksFilter::xAODChargedTracksFilter (const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
Member xAODHeavyFlavorHadronFilter::filterEvent ()
This could be so much more efficient!
Member xAODVBFMjjIntervalFilter::checkOverlap (double, double, const std::vector< const xAOD::TruthParticle * > &)
Provide a helper function for this (and similar)
Member xAODVBFMjjIntervalFilter::checkOverlap (double, double, const std::vector< TLorentzVector > &)
Provide a helper function for this (and similar)
Member GenAnalysis::bookHisto1D (const std::string &name, const std::string &title, const std::vector< double > &binedges, const std::string &xtitle="", const std::string &ytitle="")
Use shorter names (aliases?) like bookH1D, bookP1D, and histo -> hist (or getH1D / getP1D)
Module Utility event-mangling functions
Replace with HepMC units when available
Class CaloTowerGeometry
Allow regional grids (varying segmentation as function of . This requires additional interfaces (or interface changes) and and modifications of the index construction.
Member GenFilter::execute ()
Probably the filter should only look at the first event... right?
Member GenModule::execute ()
Remove hard-coded alg name checking (already incomplete)
Member Herwig7Config.Hw7Config.global_pre_commands (self)
Remove AngularOrdered settungs once they are included in Herwig7 by default
Member Herwig7ConfigFxFx.Hw7ConfigFxFx.fxfx_commands (self, merging_scale, njets_max, lhe_filename="events.lhe", me_pdf_order="NLO", r_clus=1.0, eta_clus_max=15.0, usespin=True, automatic_process_detection=True, ihrd=None, ihvy=None)

Settings which are not FxFx-specific should be identical to the LHEF showering of MG5_aMC@NLO events. This should probably be enforced in some way

Remove ihrd and ihvy parameters beginning with Herwig 7.1.0 since the hard process will be deduced automatically

Member Herwig7ConfigMatchbox.Hw7ConfigMatchbox.do_integrate (self, integration_job)
provide info about the range
Member Herwig7ConfigMerging.Hw7ConfigMerging.do_integrate (self, integration_job)
provide info about the range
Member Herwig7Control.do_integrate (run_name, integration_job)
provide info about the range
Member Herwig7::genInitialize ()
Higher-level API to be provided by the Herwig authors to allow for slimmer interface and for usage of more advanced features such as the setupfile mechanism for modifying existing runfiles.
Member Herwig7::fillEvt (HepMC::GenEvent *evt)
Conversion to HepMC format will possibly be provided by the authors as part of a higher-level API.
Member Herwig7::genFinalize ()
Think of other way to wait for all access to terminate
Member Rivet_i::execute () override

Replace with new GenBase functionality

Actually use back(), for the most recent event, or throw an exception if more than one event found?