ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
18 #define AmgMatrix(col, row) Eigen::Matrix<double,col,row,0,col,row>
19 #define AmgSymMatrix(dim) Eigen::Matrix<double,dim,dim,0,dim,dim>
24 #define AmgVector(col) Eigen::Matrix<double, col, 1, 0, col, 1>
25 #define AmgRowVector(row) Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, row, 0, 1, row>
594 for(
int i = 0;
i <
result.rows(); ++
i ) {
619 template <
typename SCALAR,
int ROWS,
int COLS,
620 struct Zero<Eigen::
@ phiLayer1STGCHoles
number of phi holes in the first STGC trigger layer (STGC1)
TrigInDetTracks produced by TrigIDSCAN, running at trigger LVL2.
@ neutron
for Fatras usage
@ phiLayer1Hits
number of phi hits in the first trigger layer (BML1 ot T4)
@ SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_HeavyIon
@ etaLayer4TGCHoles
number of eta holes in the fourth TGC trigger layer (T3)
@ numberOfPixelHoles
number of pixel layers on track with absence of hits [unit8_t].
@ phiLayer2STGCHits
number of phi hits in the second STGC trigger layer (STGC2)
@ primarySector
primary sector crossed by the muon
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSplitHits
number of Pixel 0th layer barrel hits split by cluster splitting
@ subtrackCreatedWithRecoveredShared
@ NumberOfTrackProperties
maximum number of enums
@ etaLayer2RPCHoles
number of eta holes in the second RPC trigger layer (BML2)
@ xKalman
tracks produced by xKalman
@ numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSplitEndcapHits
number of Pixel 1st layer endcap hits split by cluster splitting
@ etaLayer1Hits
number of eta hits in the first trigger layer (BML1 ot T4)
@ TRTSeededSingleSpTrackFinder
@ etaLayer2TGCHoles
number of eta holes in the second TGC trigger layer (T1)
@ ReverseOrderedTrack
Track which has its hits behind it, e.g.
@ phiLayer2TGCHoles
number of phi holes in the second TGC trigger layer (T1)
@ phiLayer3RPCHoles
number of phi holes in the third RPC trigger layer (BOL1)
@ CalorimeterExit
Parameter defined at the exit of the calorimeter.
@ phiLayer3Hits
number of phi hits in the third trigger layer (BOL1 ot T2)
@ eProbabilityComb
Electron probability from combining the below probabilities [float].
@ numberOfPrecisionHoleLayers
layers with holes AND no hits [unit8_t].
@ numberOfSCTSharedHits
number of SCT hits shared by several tracks [unit8_t].
@ phiLayer2Holes
number of phi holes in the second trigger layer (BML2 ot T1)
@ numberOfSCTSpoiltHits
number of SCT hits with broad errors (width/sqrt(12)) [unit8_t].
@ phiLayer4Hits
number of phi hits in the fourth trigger layer (T3)
@ sharedPixelSharedWithDifferentIBLTrack
@ MuTag
Tracks produced by MuTag.
@ tooManySharedNonRecoverable
@ expectBLayerHit
Do we expect a b-layer hit for this track? [unit8_t] (should be [bool])
@ etaLayer3TGCHits
number of eta hits in the third TGC trigger layer (T2)
@ numberOfDBMHits
these are the number of DBM hits [unit8_t].
@ numberOfContribPixelBarrelInclinedLayers
number of contributing barrel inclined layers of the pixel detector [unit8_t].
@ bremRefitTrackScoreZero
@ outerClosePrecisionHits
number of close precision hits in the outer layer
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSharedEndcapHits
number of Pixel 0th layer endcap hits shared by several tracks.
@ BeamLine
Parameter defined at the Vertex/Beamline.
@ etaLayer3RPCHoles
number of eta holes in the third RPC trigger layer (BOL1)
@ SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LowMomentum
@ numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSplitHits
number of Pixel 1st layer barrel hits split by cluster splitting
@ etaLayer3Holes
number of eta holes in the third trigger layer (BOL1 ot T2)
@ numberOfGangedPixels
number of pixels which have a ganged ambiguity [unit8_t].
@ phiLayer1RPCHits
number of phi hits in the first RPC trigger layer (BML1)
@ numberOfGangedFlaggedFakes
number of Ganged Pixels flagged as fakes [unit8_t].
@ V0Vtx
Vertex from V0 decay.
@ phiLayer1TGCHits
number of phi hits in the first TGC trigger layer (T4)
@ numberOfTRTXenonHits
number of TRT hits on track in straws with xenon [unit8_t].
@ extendedSmallHoles
number of precision holes in the extended small layer
@ phiLayer3RPCHits
number of phi hits in the third RPC trigger layer (BOL1)
@ etaLayer3RPCHits
number of eta hits in the third RPC trigger layer (BOL1)
@ innerOutBoundsPrecisionHits
number of out-of-bounds hits in the inner layer
@ etaLayer1STGCHoles
number of eta holes in the first STGC trigger layer (STGC1)
@ etaLayer2TGCHits
number of eta hits in the second TGC trigger layer (T1)
@ MuGirlLowBeta
@ numberOfPhiHoleLayers
layers with trigger phi holes but no hits [unit8_t].
@ numberOfContribPixelBarrelFlatLayers
number of contributing barrel flat layers of the pixel detector [unit8_t].
@ extendedClosePrecisionHits
number of close precision hits in the extended layer
@ iPatLegacyCnv
Added because of compilation problems.
@ SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ITkConversionTracks
@ phiLayer4TGCHits
number of phi hits in the fourth TGC trigger layer (T3)
@ sharedHitsNotEnoughUniqueHits
@ numberOfPixelEndcapHoles
number of pixel endcap layers on track with absence of hits [unit8_t].
ICaloAffectedTool is abstract interface for tools checking if 4 mom is in calo affected region.
@ numberOfPixelHits
these are the pixel hits, including the b-layer [unit8_t].
@ expectInnermostPixelLayerHit
Do we expect a 0th-layer barrel hit for this track?
@ numberOfTRTHits
number of TRT hits [unit8_t].
@ middleLargeHoles
number of precision holes in the middle large layer
TrigInDetTracks produced by TrigTRTLUT, running at trigger LVL2.
@ pixelSplitButTooManyShared3Ptc
@ tooManySharedRecoverable
@ etaLayer2Holes
number of eta holes in the second trigger layer (BML2 ot T1)
@ BremFit
A brem fit was performed on this track.
@ CalorimeterEntrance
Parameter defined at the entrance to the calorimeter.
@ GlobalChi2Fitter
Track's from Thijs' global chi^2 fitter or the ACTS implementation.
@ numberOfTRTTubeHits
number of TRT tube hits [unit8_t].
@ LastMeasurement
Parameter defined at the position of the last measurement.
@ FatrasSimulation
Fatras Simulation.
Enum allowing us to know where in ATLAS the parameters are defined.
@ outerLargeHoles
number of precision holes in the outer large layer
Enumerates the different types of information stored in Summary.
@ outerOutBoundsPrecisionHits
number of out-of-bounds hits in the outer layer
@ noHypothesis
For material collection.
@ TrigTRTxK
TrigInDetTracks produced by TrigTRTxK, running at trigger LVL2.
@ NoVtx
Dummy vertex. TrackParticle was not used in vertex fit.
@ phiLayer4RPCHits
number of phi hits in the fourth RPC trigger layer (BOL2)
@ Muonboy
Tracks from MuonBoy.
@ numberOfBLayerHits
these are the hits in the first pixel layer, i.e.
@ numberOfBLayerSplitHits
number of Pixel b-layer hits split by cluster splitting [unit8_t].
@ innerLargeHits
number of precision hits in the inner large layer
@ SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_VeryLowMomentum
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerEndcapOutliers
number of 0th layer endcap outliers
@ TRTTrackOccupancy
TRT track occupancy.
@ extendedOutBoundsPrecisionHits
number of out-of-bounds hits in the extended layer
@ numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits
number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold (only xenon counted) [unit8_t].
@ cscUnspoiledEtaHits
number of unspoiled CSC eta clusters on track
@ phiLayer2RPCHits
number of phi hits in the second RPC trigger layer (BML2)
@ numberOfTRTHighThresholdHitsTotal
total number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold [unit8_t].
@ etaLayer3Hits
number of eta hits in the third trigger layer (BOL1 ot T2)
@ middleLargeHits
number of precision hits in the middle large layer
@ Unknown
Track fitter not defined.
@ outerSmallHoles
number of precision holes in the outer small layer
@ numberOfTRTSharedHits
number of TRT hits used by more than one track
@ phiLayer3Holes
number of phi holes in the third trigger layer (BOL1 ot T2)
@ etaLayer1RPCHits
number of eta hits in the first RPC trigger layer (BML1)
@ numberOfContribPixelEndcap
number of contributing endcap layers of the pixel detector [unit8_t].
@ firstHitSharedAndExtraShared
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerOutliers
number of 0th layer barrel outliers
@ phiLayer2Hits
number of phi hits in the second trigger layer (BML2 ot T1)
@ MuidStandAlone
AmgVector(N) toEigen(const ConstVectorMap< N > &xAODvec)
@ etaLayer1TGCHoles
number of eta holes in the first TGC trigger layer (T4)
@ numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSharedEndcapHits
number of Pixel 1st layer endcap hits shared by several tracks.
@ numberOfTRTHighThresholdOutliers
number of TRT high threshold outliers (only xenon counted) [unit8_t].
@ etaLayer2Hits
number of eta hits in the second trigger layer (BML2 ot T1)
@ innerLargeHoles
number of precision holes in the inner large layer
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerEndcapHits
these are the hits in the 0th pixel layer endcap [unit8_t].
@ numberOfPixelSharedHits
number of Pixel all-layer hits shared by several tracks [unit8_t].
Enumerates the different types of information stored in Summary.
@ SiCTBTracking
Tracks from SiCTBTracking.
@ expectNextToInnermostPixelLayerHit
Do we expect a 1st-layer barrel hit for this track?
@ numberOfTriggerEtaLayers
layers with trigger eta hits [unit8_t].
@ numberOfPixelBarrelFlatHits
these are the pixel hits, in the barrel flat layers [unit8_t].
@ numberOfPixelBarrelInclinedHoles
number of pixel barrel flat inclined on track with absence of hits [unit8_t].
@ numberOfTriggerEtaHoleLayers
layers with trigger eta holes but no hits [unit8_t].
@ pixelSplitButTooManyShared2Ptc
@ extendedLargeHits
number of precision hits in the extended large layer
@ tooManySharedAfterIncreasingShared
@ MuidCombined
@ innerClosePrecisionHits
number of close precision hits in the inner layer
@ FirstMeasurement
Parameter defined at the position of the 1st measurement.
@ SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_BeamGas
@ SecVtx
Secondary vertex.
@ FastTrackFinderSeed
for tracks seeded by the FastTrackFinder
@ GaussianSumFilter
Tracks from Gaussian Sum Filter.
@ SlimmedTrack
A slimmed track.
@ TrigSiTrack
TrigInDetTracks produced by TrigSiTrack, running at trigger LVL2.
@ InDetAmbiguitySolver
Tracks with InDetAmbiguitySolver used.
@ etaLayer2STGCHoles
number of eta holes in the second STGC trigger layer (STGC2)
@ MuGirlUnrefitted
Tracks from MuGirl not refitted with iPat.
@ middleClosePrecisionHits
number of close precision hits in the middle layer
@ middleSmallHoles
number of precision holes in the middle small layer
@ LowPtTrack
A LowPt track.
Allow customizing how aux data types are treated.
@ combinedTrackOutBoundsPrecisionHits
total out-of-bounds hits on the combined track
@ phiLayer4TGCHoles
number of phi holes in the fourth TGC trigger layer (T3)
@ numberOfPixelOutliers
these are the pixel outliers, including the b-layer [unit8_t].
@ cscEtaHits
number of CSC eta clusters on the track
xAOD::ParametersCovMatrixFilled_t makeFullCovMatrix()
Helper function creating a matrix representing a fully available covariance matrix.
@ standardDeviationOfChi2OS
100 times the standard deviation of the chi2 from the surfaces [unit8_t].
@ numberOfPixelSplitHits
number of Pixel all-layer hits split by cluster splitting [unit8_t].
@ numberOfSCTHoles
number of SCT holes [unit8_t].
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSplitEndcapHits
number of Pixel 0th layer endcap hits shared by several tracks.
@ StraightTrack
A straight track.
@ isSmallGoodSectors
if non-deweighted track chambers are small
@ SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_LargeD0
@ phiLayer3TGCHits
number of phi hits in the third TGC trigger layer (T2)
@ SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool
Added because of compilation problems.
@ numberOfTrackSummaryTypes
@ etaLayer2RPCHits
number of eta hits in the second RPC trigger layer (BML2)
@ MuonboyFitter
Track produced with Muonboy's internal fitter.
@ MooreToTrackTool
tracks produced by Moore
@ numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerEndcapHits
these are the hits in the 0.5th and 1st pixel layer endcap rings [unit8_t].
@ bremRefitSubtrackCreated
@ etaLayer2STGCHits
number of eta hits in the second STGC trigger layer (STGC2)
@ TRTSeededTrackFinder
Tracks from TRT Seeded Track finder.
@ etaLayer1Holes
number of eta holes in the first trigger layer (BML1 ot T4)
@ MuidComb
Back compatibility with older ESD versions.
@ xKalmanLegacyCnv
Added because of compilation problems.
@ iPatTrackFitter
tracks produced by iPat
@ KalmanFitter
tracks produced by the Kalman Fitter
@ numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerOutliers
number of 1st pixel layer barrel outliers
@ numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits
these are the hits in the 1st pixel barrel layer
@ middleSmallHits
number of precision hits in the middle small layer
xAOD::ParametersCovMatrixFilled_t makeDiagCovMatrix()
Helper function creating a matrix representing a covariance matrix for which only the diagonal elemen...
@ innerSmallHoles
number of precision holes in the inner small layer
@ MuidMuonRecoveryTool
Muons found by the ID seeded muon recovery.
@ Fatras
Track from FATRAS.
@ numberOfBLayerSharedHits
number of Pixel b-layer hits shared by several tracks [unit8_t].
@ numberOfPixelSpoiltHits
number of pixel hits with broad errors (width/sqrt(12)) [unit8_t].
@ phiLayer1Holes
number of phi holes in the first trigger layer (BML1 ot T4)
@ isEndcapGoodLayers
if non-deweighted track chambers are in endcap
@ sharedHitsNotEnoughUniqueSiHits
@ firstHitSharedAndPixIBL
@ strategyA
L2Star strategies.
@ outerSmallHits
number of precision hits in the outer small layer
@ etaLayer4RPCHoles
number of eta holes in the fourth RPC trigger layer (BOL2)
@ MooreLegacyCnv
Back compatibility with old type of ESD.
@ nonInteractingMuon
for Fatras usage
@ phiLayer1TGCHoles
number of phi holes in the first TGC trigger layer (T4)
@ etaLayer1RPCHoles
number of eta holes in the first RPC trigger layer (BML1)
@ BremFitSuccessful
A brem fit was performed on this track and this fit was successful.
@ numberOfPixelBarrelInclinedHits
these are the pixel hits, in the barrel inclined layers [unit8_t].
@ numberOfTRTOutliers
number of TRT outliers [unit8_t].
@ phiLayer3TGCHoles
number of phi holes in the third TGC trigger layer (T2)
@ MuonNotHittingTileVolume
Track which (physically) does not intersect the ID or Calo.
@ numberOfPixelBarrelFlatHoles
number of pixel barrel flat layers on track with absence of hits [unit8_t].
@ pixeldEdx
the dE/dx estimate, calculated using the pixel clusters [?]
@ secondarySector
secondary sector crossed by the muon (set to the primary if the muon only passed one sector)
@ outerLargeHits
number of precision hits in the outer large layer
@ NumberOfTrackRecoInfo
maximum number of enums
@ numberOfOutliersOnTrack
number of measurements flaged as outliers in TSOS [unit8_t].
@ TRTStandalone
TRT Standalone.
@ NumberOfTrackFitters
maximum number of enums
@ SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_Cosmic
Entries allowing to distinguish different seed makers.
@ InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool
Added because of compilation problems.
@ extendedLargeHoles
number of precision holes in the extended large layer
@ MuidStandaloneRefit
Standalone muon that was obtained by refitting a combined muon using the calorimeter information of t...
@ numberOfSCTOutliers
number of SCT outliers [unit8_t].
@ DeterministicAnnealingFilter
Adpative track fitter with fuzzy hit assignment.
@ numberOfSCTDeadSensors
number of dead SCT sensors crossed [unit8_t].
@ phiLayer2RPCHoles
number of phi holes in the second RPC trigger layer (BML2)
@ KalmanDNAFitter
Kalman DNA Fitter.
@ numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerEndcapOutliers
number of 1st layer endcap disk outliers
@ etaLayer3TGCHoles
number of eta holes in the third TGC trigger layer (T2)
@ MuidVertexAssociator
@ etaLayer1STGCHits
number of eta hits in the first STGC trigger layer (STGC1)
@ etaLayer4Holes
number of eta holes in the fourth trigger layer (T3)
@ phiLayer4Holes
number of phi holes in the fourth trigger layer (T3)
@ numberOfGoodPrecisionLayers
layers with at least 3 hits that are not deweighted [uint8_t]
@ eProbabilityHT
Electron probability from High Threshold (HT) information [float].
@ etaLayer1TGCHits
number of eta hits in the first TGC trigger layer (T4)
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits
number of Pixel 0th layer barrel hits shared by several tracks.
@ etaLayer4RPCHits
number of eta hits in the fourth RPC trigger layer (BOL2)
@ SiSPSeededFinder
Tracks from SiSPSeedFinder.
@ numberOfMuonSummaryTypes
@ numberOfContribPixelLayers
number of contributing layers of the pixel detector [unit8_t].
@ numberOfSCTHits
number of hits in SCT [unit8_t].
@ InDetExtensionProcessor
Tracks with InDetExtensionProcessor used.
@ MuonSpectrometerEntrance
Parameter defined at the entrance to the Muon Spectrometer.
@ numberOfPixelEndcapHits
these are the pixel hits, in the endcap layers [unit8_t].
@ ConvVtx
Conversion vertex.
Tracks produced by STACO.
@ phiLayer4RPCHoles
number of phi holes in the fourth RPC trigger layer (BOL2)
@ numberOfPixelDeadSensors
number of dead pixel sensors crossed [unit8_t].
@ SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ForwardTracks
Entries allowing to distinguish different seed makers.
@ middleOutBoundsPrecisionHits
number of out-of-bounds hits in the middle layer
@ phiLayer1STGCHits
number of phi hits in the first STGC trigger layer (STGC1)
@ TrackInCaloROI
A track in a CaloROI.
@ extendedSmallHits
number of precision hits in the extended small layer
@ numberOfSCTDoubleHoles
number of Holes in both sides of a SCT module [unit8_t].
Eigen::Matrix< bool, 5, 5, 0, 5, 5 > ParametersCovMatrixFilled_t
@ innerSmallHits
number of precision hits in the inner small layer
@ StacoLowPt
Tracks produced by StacoLowpt.
Define macros for attributes used to control the static checker.
@ numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits
number of Pixel 1st layer barrel hits shared by several tracks.
@ etaLayer4TGCHits
number of eta hits in the fourth TGC trigger layer (T3)
@ numberOfPhiLayers
layers with a trigger phi hit [unit8_t].
@ numberOfTRTHoles
number of TRT holes [unit8_t].
@ HardScatterOrKink
A track with a kink or a hard scatter.
@ NotSpecified
Default value, no explicit type set.
@ phiLayer1RPCHoles
number of phi holes in the first RPC trigger layer (BML1)
Helper to specialize how to make an initialized instance of T.
@ numberOfTRTDeadStraws
number of dead TRT straws crossed [unit8_t].
@ etaLayer4Hits
number of eta hits in the fourth trigger layer (T3)
AmgSymMatrix(N) toEigen(const ConstMatrixMap< N > &xAODmat)
@ numberOfBLayerOutliers
number of blayer outliers [unit8_t].
@ sharedIBLSharedWithNoIBLTrack
@ phiLayer2STGCHoles
number of phi holes in the second STGC trigger layer (STGC2)
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits
these are the hits in the 0th pixel barrel layer
@ DistributedKalmanFilter
Fast Kalman filter from HLT with simplified material effects.
@ phiLayer2TGCHits
number of phi hits in the second TGC trigger layer (T1)
@ numberOfPrecisionLayers
layers with at least 3 hits [unit8_t].