Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js
ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
8 #include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
void setAlignTSOSCollection(AlignTSOSCollection *atsosColl)
sets collection of AlignTSOS
void setTrackAlignParamQuality(int i, double val)
void setActualSecondDerivatives(std::vector< std::pair< AlignModule *, std::vector< double > > > *vec)
void setOriginalTrack(const Track *track)
set pointer to original track
Const iterator class for DataVector/DataList.
DataVector< AlignTSOS > AlignTSOSCollection
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > VectorX
Dynamic Vector - dynamic allocation.
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > MatrixX
Dynamic Matrix - dynamic allocation.
const Amg::SymMatrixX * m_fullCovarianceMatrix
matrix containing full covariance matrix from track fitter
@ VertexMember
Refitted with 3DoF from the VTX.
void setResidualVector(Amg::VectorX *vec)
std::vector< std::pair< AlignModule *, std::vector< double > > > * m_actualSecondDerivatives
Amg::SymMatrixX * m_localErrorMatInv
inverse matrix containing local error matrices along diagonal
Cached pointer with atomic update.
Amg::VectorX * m_residuals
void setRefitZ0(bool flag)
const Amg::SymMatrixX * localErrorMatrixInv() const
inverse local error matrix, calculated by AlignTrack by calling atsos->hitDistanceVar()
void setChi2dof(double chi2dof)
const Amg::SymMatrixX * weightMatrixFirstDeriv() const
First deriv weight matrix can be either W from Si alignment (see Eqn.
const_iterator cend() const noexcept
Return a const_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.
double * m_trackAlignParamQuality
std::vector< size_t > vec
Amg::SymMatrixX * m_localErrorMat
matrix containing local error matrices along diagonal
void setRefitPhi(bool flag)
std::string dumpAlignTrackType(const AlignTrack::AlignTrackType type)
bool isSLTrack() const
method to determine whether a straight line track or not
const Amg::SymMatrixX * localErrorMatrix() const
local error matrix, calculated by AlignTrack by calling atsos->hitDistanceVar()
const Track * m_originalTrack
point to original track
std::pair< AlignModule *, std::vector< Amg::VectorX > > AlignModuleDerivatives
std::vector< AlignModuleDerivatives > * m_derivativeErr
void setFullCovarianceMatrix(const Amg::SymMatrixX *matrix)
int m_nAlignTSOSMeas
bool refitD0() const
get refit flags
std::vector< AlignModuleDerivatives > * m_derivatives
typename vecDetail::vec_typedef< T, N >::type vec
Define a nice alias for the vectorized type.
const std::vector< AlignModuleDerivatives > * derivativeErr() const
The Amg::VectorX is a vector of errors in first-derivatives of the alignTSOS on the alignTrack w....
const Amg::MatrixX * derivativeMatrix() const
set and get derivative matrix
void findPerigee() const
Find perigee in the vector of track parameters.
const std::vector< AlignModuleDerivatives > * derivatives() const
The Amg::VectorX is a vector of first-derivatives of the alignTSOS on the alignTrack w....
AlignTSOSCollection::const_iterator firstAtsos() const
retrieve iterator pointer to first element in collection
@ BeamspotConstrained
refitted with beamspot constraint
(Non-const) Iterator class for DataVector/DataList.
double chi2dof() const
locally calculated chi2
const Amg::MatrixX * m_derivativeMatrix
matrix containing derivative matrix from track fitter
CxxUtils::CachedUniquePtr< Trk::Track > m_trackWithoutScattering
describes the quality of contribution to track to alignment parameter (used by shifting derivatives)
Cached unique_ptr with atomic update.
void dump(MsgStream &msg)
dump align track information
const AlignVertex * getVtx() const
set and get pointer to the associated vertex
const Amg::VectorX * residualVector() const
Vector of residuals of the alignTSOS on the alignTrack, to be set by AlignTrackDresser.
Amg::MatrixX * m_weightsFirstDeriv
void setRefitTheta(bool flag)
const Trk::Track * trackWithoutScattering() const
returns track with ScatteringAngle pointers all set to zero (used for refit by iPat)
void setWeightMatrixFirstDeriv(Amg::SymMatrixX *mat)
const Amg::SymMatrixX * weightMatrix() const
Weight matrix is W from Si alignment (see Eqn.
const std::vector< std::pair< AlignModule *, std::vector< double > > > * actualSecondDerivatives() const
The Amg::VectorX is a vector of first-derivatives of the alignTSOS on the alignTrack w....
Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.
void setDerivativeErr(std::vector< AlignModuleDerivatives > *vec)
void setVtx(AlignVertex *const vtx)
int nAlignTSOSMeas() const
number of alignTSOS (including scatterers if included on AlignTrack
const Track * originalTrack() const
retrieve pointer to original track
AlignVertex * m_vtx
pointer to the associated vertex
const_iterator end() const noexcept
Return a const_iterator pointing past the end of the collection.
AlignTSOSCollection * m_alignTSOSCollection
collection of alignTSOS that make up the alignTrack
DataVector< AlignTSOS >::const_iterator AlignTSOSIt
const AlignTSOSCollection * alignTSOSCollection() const
returns collection of alignTSOS
AlignTrackType m_type
refit type of this alignTrack
An STL vector of pointers that by default owns its pointed-to elements.
double chi2() const
locally calculated chi2
static void dumpTrackInfo(const Track &track, MsgStream &msg)
dump track information
void setWeightMatrix(Amg::SymMatrixX *mat)
@ Original
not refitted, just copy constructed from original Track
@ NormalRefitted
normally refitted, without adding any pseudo-measurement
MsgStream & operator<<(MsgStream &sl, const AlignModule &alignModule)
overload of << operator for MsgStream for debug output
void setAlignParameters()
sets derivatives of alignment parameters
void doFindPerigee() const
For the AlignTrack, if there is pseudo-measurement in the TSOS collection, the perigee will not alway...
void setRefitD0(bool flag)
set refit flags
void setChi2(double chi2)
double trackAlignParamQuality(int i) const
set and get array (one entry per alignment parameter) of fit chi2 of chi2 vs.
void setRefitQovP(bool flag)
static void dumpLessTrackInfo(const Track &track, MsgStream &msg)
dump less track information
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept
Return a const_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.
AlignTrack & operator=(const AlignTrack &alignTrack)
assignment operator
@ NTrackTypes
total number of track types
@ VertexConstrained
refitted with vertex constraint
AlignVertex is a simple structure to store objects belonging to a vertex. Contains a pointer to the o...
virtual ~AlignTrack()
void setDerivativeMatrix(const Amg::MatrixX *matrix)
const Amg::SymMatrixX * fullCovarianceMatrix() const
set and get full covariance matrix
const_iterator begin() const noexcept
Return a const_iterator pointing at the beginning of the collection.
void setType(AlignTrackType type)
void setDerivatives(std::vector< AlignModuleDerivatives > *vec)
AlignTSOSCollection::const_iterator lastAtsos() const
returns iterator pointer to last element in collection
AlignTrackType type() const
get and set the refit type
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic > SymMatrixX