ATLAS Offline Software
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9 #include "AthLinks/ElementLink.h"
void setMeasDim(TrackStateIndexType)
Set the measurement dimensions.
Base class for elements of a container that can have aux data.
void setPredicted(TrackStateIndexType)
Set the Predicted index.
const TrackStateIndexType * filteredPtr() const
pointers API needed by MTJ
ICaloAffectedTool is abstract interface for tools checking if 4 mom is in calo affected region.
TrackStateIndexType jacobian() const
index in the TrackJacobianContainer corresponding to this TrackStates container
void setChi2(float)
Set the Chi2 value of this track state.
void setSurfaceIndex(unsigned int)
Set the index in surface container.
TrackStateIndexType * filteredPtr()
void setCalibrated(TrackStateIndexType)
Set the Calibrated index.
uint64_t typeFlags() const
Get the type of this track state.
const TrackStateIndexType * jacobianPtr() const
pointers API needed by MTJ
double pathLength() const
get path length of this track state
const TrackStateIndexType * measDimPtr() const
pointers API needed by MTJ
const xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurement * uncalibratedMeasurement() const
EL to uncalibrated measurement Can be invalid sometimes!
void setGeometryId(uint64_t)
set geometry ID associated with uncalibrated measurement
const TrackStateIndexType * predictedPtr() const
pointers API needed by MTJ
void setNext(TrackStateIndexType)
Set the next index.
TrackStateIndexType next() const
inverse (with respect to the
const TrackStateIndexType * nextPtr() const
pointers API needed by MTJ
TrackStateIndexType predicted() const
index in the TrackParametersContainer corresponding to this TrackStates container It points to the pa...
TrackStateIndexType * predictedPtr()
const double * pathLengthPtr() const
pointers API needed by MTJ
const TrackStateIndexType * smoothedPtr() const
pointers API needed by MTJ
uint32_t TrackStateIndexType
const TrackStateIndexType * previousPtr() const
pointers API needed by MTJ
uint64_t geometryId() const
geometry ID associated with uncalibrated measurement
void setUncalibratedMeasurement(const xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurement *)
Set EL to uncalibrated measurement.
TrackStateIndexType calibrated() const
index in TrackMeasurementContainer corresponding to this TracksTate
TrackStateIndexType measDim() const
measurement dimensions
void setPathLength(double)
set path length of this track state
unsigned int surfaceIndex() const
index of the surfaces in the surfaces collection
void setJacobian(TrackStateIndexType)
Set the Jacobian index.
TrackStateIndexType * measDimPtr()
TrackStateIndexType * smoothedPtr()
uint64_t * typeFlagsPtr()
TrackStateIndexType previous() const
set the index of preceding TrackState TrackStates in the collection from multitude of short one-direc...
void setSmoothed(TrackStateIndexType)
Set the Smoothed index.
void setPrevious(TrackStateIndexType)
Set the Previous index.
TrackStateIndexType * calibratedPtr()
TrackStateIndexType * nextPtr()
const TrackStateIndexType * calibratedPtr() const
pointers API needed by MTJ
void setTypeFlags(uint64_t)
Set the type of this track state.
const float * chi2Ptr() const
pointers API needed by MTJ
TrackStateIndexType filtered() const
index in the TrackParametersContainer corresponding to this TrackStates container Points to filtered ...
TrackStateIndexType * previousPtr()
void setFiltered(TrackStateIndexType)
Set the Filtered index.
float chi2() const
get chi2 of this track state
const uint64_t * typeFlagsPtr() const
pointers API needed by MTJ
class describing TrackState - backend of navigation object of Acts::MultiTrajectory
TrackStateIndexType * jacobianPtr()
Base class for elements of a container that can have aux data.
TrackStateIndexType smoothed() const
index in the TrackParametersContainer corresponding to this TrackStates container Points to the smoot...