ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #--------------------------------------------------------------
2 # JobOptions for user setting in SCTCalib/SCTCalibWriteSvc
3 # - Minimum inputs to run each algorithm
4 #--------------------------------------------------------------
6 #--------------------------------------------------------------
7 # RunNumber and number of events
8 #--------------------------------------------------------------
9 RunNumber = 191933
10 EvtMax = -1
12 #--------------------------------------------------------------
13 # Geometry and Conditons Tag
14 # - If empty, one tag is automatically chosen in topOptions
15 #--------------------------------------------------------------
16 GeometryTag = '' # empty in default
17 ConditionsTag = '' # empty in default
19 #--------------------------------------------------------------
20 # Global flags and beam flag
21 #--------------------------------------------------------------
22 DataSource = 'data' # 'data' or 'geant4'
23 beamType = 'collisions' # 'cosmics', 'singlebeam' or 'collisions'
25 #------------------------------------------------------------
26 # Flags for input
27 # - TrkVal/BS : NoisyStrips, HV, DeadChip, DeadStrip
28 # - HIST : NoiseOccupancy, RawOccupancy, Efficiency, BSErrorDB, LorentzAngle
29 #------------------------------------------------------------
30 ReadBS = True
31 #------------------------------------------------------------
32 # Algorithm turned on
33 # - Set only one flag to True and others to False
34 #------------------------------------------------------------
35 #--- Algs using TrkVal or BS
36 DoNoisyStrip = True
37 DoNoisyLB = True
38 DoHV = False
39 DoDeadStrip = False
40 DoDeadChip = False
41 #--- Algs using HIST
42 DoNoiseOccupancy = False
43 DoRawOccupancy = False
44 DoEfficiency = False
45 DoBSErrorDB = False
46 DoLorentzAngle = False
48 #------------------------------------------------------------
49 # Default setup for specific flags in SCTCalib
50 # - This default is for NoisyStrips
51 #------------------------------------------------------------
52 UseDCS = False
53 UseConfiguration = True
54 UseCalibration = True
55 UseMajority = True
56 UseBSError = False
57 #agrohsje not used: UseMonitor = False #True
58 DoHitMaps = True
59 ReadHitMaps = True # True = 2 steps of HitMap production and analysis, False = simultaneous production and analysis
60 DoBSErrors = False
62 #------------------------------------------------------------
63 # Properties in SCTCalib
64 #------------------------------------------------------------
65 #--- local DB
66 WriteToCool = True
68 #--- Noisy strips
69 NoisyUpdate = True # True = Write out difference from the existing data, False = Write out all
70 NoisyMinStat = 10000 # 50000 (enough), 10000 (still possible), 5000 (for commissioning)
71 NoisyStripAll = True # True = All noisy strips into DB, False = Only newly found strips
72 NoisyStripThrDef = True # True = Offline, False = Calib
73 NoisyStripThrOffline = 1.500E-2 # Threshold in Offline
74 NoisyStripThrOnline = 1.500E-3 # Threshold in Online/Calibration (TBD)
75 NoisyWaferFinder = True # True = turn on noisy wafer criteria, False = turn off
76 NoisyWaferWrite = True # True = include noisy wafer, False = do not include
77 NoisyWaferAllStrips = True # True = write out all strips, False = only noisy strips
78 NoisyWaferThrBarrel = 1.000E-4
79 NoisyWaferThrECA = 1.000E-4
80 NoisyWaferThrECC = 1.000E-4
81 NoisyWaferFraction = 0.500
82 NoisyChipFraction = 0.500
83 NoisyUploadTest = True
84 NoisyModuleAverageInDB = -1.
85 NoisyStripLastRunInDB = -999
86 NoisyStripAverageInDB = -999.
87 NoisyModuleList = 200
88 NoisyModuleDiff = 0.200
89 NoisyStripDiff = 128
91 #--- Dead strips/chips
92 DeadStripMinStat = 1600000
93 DeadStripMinStatBusy = 200000
94 DeadChipMinStat = 200000
95 DeadStripSignificance = 10
96 DeadChipSignificance = 10
97 BusyThr4DeadFinding = 1E-4
98 NoisyThr4DeadFinding = 1.500E-3
99 DeadChipUploadTest = True
100 DeadStripUploadTest = True
102 #--- HIST
103 NoiseOccupancyTriggerAware = False
104 NoiseOccupancyMinStat = 5000
105 RawOccupancyMinStat = 5000
106 EfficiencyMinStat = 5000
107 BSErrorDBMinStat = 5000
108 LorentzAngleMinStat = 5000
110 #--------------------------------------------------------------
111 # Tags for local DB and XML files in SCTCalib/SCTCalibWriteSvc
112 #--------------------------------------------------------------
113 TagID4NoisyStrips = 'SctDerivedMonitoring-UPD4-002' # UPD4, open IOV for BLK
114 TagID4DeadStrips = 'SctDerivedDeadStrips-003-00'
115 TagID4DeadChips = 'SctDerivedDeadChips-003-00'
116 TagID4NoiseOccupancy = 'SctDerivedNoiseOccupancy-003-01'
117 TagID4RawOccupancy = 'SctDerivedRawOccupancy-003-00'
118 TagID4Efficiency = 'SctDerivedEfficiency-003-00'
119 TagID4BSErrors = 'SctDerivedBSErrors-003-00'
120 TagID4LorentzAngle = 'SctDerivedLorentzAngle-001-01'
122 #--------------------------------------------------------------
123 # A list of GeometryTags
124 # - One tag is chosen in topOptions from magnet current info
125 #--------------------------------------------------------------
126 GeometryTagSTF = 'ATLAS-GEO-20-00-01' # Solenoide=ON, BarrelTroid=ON
127 GeometryTagNTF = 'ATLAS-GEO-20-00-01' # Solenoide=ON, BarrelTroid=OFF
128 GeometryTagNSF = 'ATLAS-GEO-20-00-01' # Solenoide=OFF, BarrelTroid=ON
129 GeometryTagNF = 'ATLAS-GEO-20-00-01' # Solenoide=OFF, BarrelTroid=OFF
130 GeometryTagMC = 'ATLAS-GEO-20-00-01' # MC
132 #--------------------------------------------------------------
133 # A list of ConditionsTags
134 # - One tag is chosen in topOptions from magnet current info
135 #--------------------------------------------------------------
136 #--- MC
137 ConditionsTagMC = 'OFLCOND-DR-BS7T-ANom-00' # digi+rec for MC09 - Nominal
138 #--- BLK : bulk production
139 #ConditionsTagSTF = 'COMCOND-BLKPST-004-02' # Solenoide=ON, BarrelTroid=ON
140 #ConditionsTagNTF = 'COMCOND-BLKPS-004-02' # Solenoide=ON, BarrelTroid=OFF
141 #ConditionsTagNSF = 'COMCOND-BLKPT-004-02' # Solenoide=OFF, BarrelTroid=ON
142 #ConditionsTagNF = 'COMCOND-BLKP-004-02' # Solenoide=OFF, BarrelTroid=OFF
143 ConditionsTagSTF = 'COMCOND-BLKPA-006-03' # Solenoide=ON, BarrelTroid=ON
144 ConditionsTagNTF = 'COMCOND-BLKPA-006-03' # Solenoide=ON, BarrelTroid=OFF
145 ConditionsTagNSF = 'COMCOND-BLKPA-006-03' # Solenoide=OFF, BarrelTroid=ON
146 ConditionsTagNF = 'COMCOND-BLKPA-006-03' # Solenoide=OFF, BarrelTroid=OFF
147 #--- ES1 : prompt reconstruction
148 # agrohsje not properly done, check for the current one !!!
149 #ConditionsTagSTF = 'COMCOND-ES1PA-006-02' # Solenoide=ON, BarrelTroid=ON
150 #ConditionsTagNTF = 'COMCOND-ES1PA-006-02' # Solenoide=ON, BarrelTroid=OFF
151 #ConditionsTagNSF = 'COMCOND-ES1PA-006-02' # Solenoide=OFF, BarrelTroid=ON
152 #ConditionsTagNF = 'COMCOND-ES1PA-006-02' # Solenoide=OFF, BarrelTroid=OFF
153 #--- REP : reporcessing
154 #ConditionsTagSTF = 'COMCOND-REPPST-006-00' # Solenoide=ON, BarrelTroid=ON
155 #ConditionsTagNTF = 'COMCOND-REPPS-006-00' # Solenoide=ON, BarrelTroid=OFF
156 #ConditionsTagNSF = 'COMCOND-REPPT-006-00' # Solenoide=OFF, BarrelTroid=ON
157 #ConditionsTagNF = 'COMCOND-REPP-006-00' # Solenoide=OFF, BarrelTroid=OFF
159 #--------------------------------------------------------------
160 # Read /SCT/Derived/Monotoring in COOL
161 # - Used in a criteria for upload of NoisyStrips
162 NoisyReadNumRuns = 5
163 TagID4NoisyUploadTest = 'SctDerivedMonitoring-UPD4-002'