ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
bool valid(const Identifier &id) const
Public validation of levels.
static constexpr unsigned int s_phiDim
8 phi stations
unsigned int moduleHashIdx(const Identifier &id) const
int initialize_from_dictionary(const IdDictMgr &dict_mgr) override
Initialization from the identifier dictionary.
void idChannels(const Identifier &id, std::vector< Identifier > &vect) const
static int measuresPhiMax()
virtual ~CscIdHelper()=default
int stationName(const Identifier &id) const
bool isValid(const T &p)
Av: we implement here an ATLAS-sepcific convention: all particles which are 99xxxxx are fine.
static int measuresPhiMin()
static int chamberLayerMin()
unsigned int m_stationShift
Minimal station index found.
int channel(const Identifier &id) const override
static int stationEtaMax()
Identifier::size_type size_type
int wireLayer(const Identifier &id) const
static constexpr unsigned int s_modHashDim
bool isStNameInTech(const std::string &stationName) const override
The valid element checks converted the identifier to a stationName string in order to assess whether ...
std::array< unsigned int, s_modHashDim > m_module_hashes
Identifier parentID(const Identifier &id) const
get parent id from channel id
static int stationEtaMin()
Access to min and max of level ranges.
IdDictFieldImplementation m_str_impl
bool validChannel(const Identifier &id, int stationName, int stationEta, int stationPhi, int chamberLayer, int wireLayer, int measuresPhi, int strip) const
int get_module_hash(const Identifier &id, IdentifierHash &hash_id) const override
static int wireLayerMax()
unsigned int m_stripMaxPhi
int gasGap(const Identifier &id) const override
get the hashes
IdDictFieldImplementation m_lay_impl
int stationPhi(const Identifier &id) const
static int stationPhiMin()
int sector(const Identifier &id) const
Identifier channelID(int stationName, int stationEta, int stationPhi, int chamberLayer, int wireLayer, int measuresPhi, int strip) const
static constexpr unsigned int s_detHashDim
unsigned int m_stripMaxEta
bool validElement(const Identifier &id) const
int stationEta(const Identifier &id) const
IdDictFieldImplementation m_cla_impl
IdDictFieldImplementation m_mea_impl
static constexpr unsigned int s_stDim
Identifier elementID(int stationName, int stationEta, int stationPhi) const
static int chamberLayerMax()
int strip(const Identifier &id) const
associate a clid and a version to a type eg
static constexpr unsigned int s_etaDim
static constexpr unsigned int s_mlDim
2 multi layer
unsigned int detEleHashIdx(const Identifier &id) const
bool measuresPhi(const Identifier &id) const override
IdDictFieldImplementation is used to capture the specification of a single field of an Identifier.
This is a "hash" representation of an Identifier. This encodes a 32 bit index which can be used to lo...
static int wireLayerMin()
int get_detectorElement_hash(const Identifier &id, IdentifierHash &hash_id) const override
static int stationPhiMax()
int chamberLayer(const Identifier &id) const
int cscTechnology() const
Utility methods.
std::array< unsigned int, s_detHashDim > m_detectorElement_hashes