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ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
16 #include "Identifier/Identifier.h"
20 #include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
27 class MuonDetectorManager;
virtual Amg::Transform3D AmdbLRSToGlobalTransform() const
Ensure that the Athena extensions are properly loaded.
std::string m_statname
examples are BMS5, CSS1, EML1
const Amg::Transform3D & absTransform() const
Identifier m_id
extended data-collection identifier
std::string m_techname
MDT or RPC or TGC or CSC plus a two digits subtype; example RPC17.
int m_caching
0 if we want to avoid caching geometry info for tracking interface
void setHasCutouts(bool flag)
double getStationS() const
Seems to be exclusively used by the MDTs --> Move it to MdtReadoutElement.
int m_eta
Identifier field of the station eta.
IdentifierHash m_detectorElIdhash
detector element hash identifier
virtual void fillCache()=0
const Amg::Transform3D & defTransform() const
virtual Amg::Transform3D GlobalToAmdbLRSTransform() const
IdentifierHash detectorElementHash() const
Returns the IdentifierHash of the detector element.
void setParentStationPV()
void setLongRsize(double)
const MuonStation * m_parentMuonStation
Trk::DetectorElemType m_type
const std::string & getTechnologyName() const
bool const RAWDATA *ch2 const
double getLongSsize() const
void setIndexOfREinMuonStation()
int m_phi
Identifier field of the station phi.
Base class for the XxxReadoutElement, with Xxx = Mdt, Rpc, Tgc, Csc.
const Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvc * idHelperSvc() const
double getLongRsize() const
virtual void clearCache()=0
virtual Amg::Vector3D GlobalToAmdbLRSCoords(const Amg::Vector3D &x) const
const std::string & getStationName() const
double getLongZsize() const
void setIdentifier(const Identifier &id)
Sets the Identifier, hashes & station names.
const MuonStation * parentMuonStation() const
Eigen::Affine3d Transform3D
PVConstLink m_parentStationPV
void setTechnologyName(const std::string &str)
Class to provide easy MsgStream access and capabilities.
const MuonDetectorManager * manager() const
bool m_hasCutouts
true is there are cutouts in the readdout-element
std::string getTechnologyType() const
const Amg::Vector3D globalPosition() const
void setLongSsize(double)
int getIndexOfREinMuonStation() const
Trk::DetectorElemType detectorType() const override final
Return the Detector element type.
void setStationName(const std::string &)
Definition of ATLAS Math & Geometry primitives (Amg)
IdentifierHash m_idhash
data-collection hash identifier
void setLongZsize(double)
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
double m_LongZsize
size in the specified direction
Amg::Transform3D toParentStation() const
int getStationIndex() const
MuonDetectorManager * m_muon_mgr
virtual Amg::Vector3D AmdbLRSToGlobalCoords(const Amg::Vector3D &x) const
virtual ~MuonReadoutElement()
The MuonDetectorManager stores the transient representation of the Muon Spectrometer geometry and pro...
ServiceHandle< Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvc > m_idHelperSvc
virtual bool containsId(const Identifier &id) const =0
std::string getStationType() const
Identifier identify() const override final
Returns the ATLAS Identifier of the MuonReadOutElement.
Interface for Helper service that creates muon Identifiers and can be used to print Identifiers.
int m_indexOfREinMuonStation
index of this RE in the mother MuonStation
int m_stIdx
Identifier field of the station index.
IdentifierHash identifyHash() const override final
Returns the IdentifierHash of the MuonStation, i.e.
Amg::Vector3D parentMuonStationPos() const
This is a "hash" representation of an Identifier. This encodes a 32 bit index which can be used to lo...
Define macros for attributes used to control the static checker.
MuonReadoutElement(GeoVFullPhysVol *pv, MuonDetectorManager *mgr, Trk::DetectorElemType detType)
PVConstLink parentStationPV() const
void setParentMuonStation(const MuonStation *)
int getStationPhi() const
int getStationEta() const