ATLAS Offline Software
unsigned short m_cnvID
ID if the basic TP converter (inside the TL converter)
unsigned short topLevelCnvID() const
returns the ID if the top-level converter for the referenced object
unsigned m_index
the position of the referenced object in the storage vecto
unsigned value() const
Returns the type ID as an integer.
Default constructor - generates and empty reference (like a NULL pointer)
unsigned short m_TLCnvID
ID of the top-level TP converter.
typeID_t m_typeID
the type ID of the referenced object
bool isNull() const
Tests if the type is defined.
bool isNull() const
Tests if the reference is NULL.
unsigned short cnvID() const
Returns the ID of the basic TP converter.
typeID_t(unsigned short tlCnvID=0, unsigned short cnvID=0)
unsigned index() const
returns the position of the referenced object in the storage vector
unsigned short topLevelCnvID() const
Returns the ID of the top-level TP converter.
TPObjRef(const typeID_t &typeID, int index)
Constructor with parameters.
unsigned typeID() const
returns the type ID (as integer) of the referenced object