ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 # Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
4 """
5 This module contains helper functions which allow users to manipluate multiple
6 YODA files corresponding to different subsamples of a given process/generator,
7 different sources of theory uncertainty, etc. and combine them, plotting the
8 theory error bands along the way.
10 Can be used either as a standalone exectuable or the functions can be imported
11 intot a custom python script.
13 This module uses a loosely-defined datatype which shall be referred to as
14 AnalysisObject, which is effectively a dict of np.arrays and strings.
15 This encodes the information from a yoda.Scatter2D(), yoda.Histo1D(),
16 root.TGraphAsymmErrors() or root.TH1D() in the same format, and which
17 can be easily manipulated since it consists of np.arrays or strings
18 An AO has the following keys:
20 `ao['name']` the name of the object a la YODA
21 `ao['path']` the path of the object a la YODA
22 `ao['annotations']` a dict of annotations a la YODA
23 `ao['bw']` np.array of widths of each bin
24 `ao['x']` np.array of mid-points of bins
25 `ao['xup']` np.array of high bin edges
26 `ao['xdn']` np.array of low bin edges
27 `ao['y']` np.array of y values
28 `ao['yup']` np.array of y + err_up values
29 `ao['ydn']` np.array of y-err_dn values
30 `ao['nbins']` number of bins
32 This should probably be replaced by a Class in the next version !
34 For a full list of functions and their usage, type:
35 pydoc systematicsTool
37 TODO (perspectives for future development):
38 - Also handle ROOT as input/output instead of YODA
39 - Replace AnalysisObject by an actual Class rather than loosely-defined dicts
40 - Implement combineVariationsReplicas()
41 - Support other types in readFromYODA
43 Author: Louie D. Corpe (CERN)
44 Email:
45 """
46 from random import randint
47 import tarfile
48 try:
49  import yoda
50 except Exception:
51  print("[ERROR], looks like the YODA packages are not installed. Please run this command and try again:")
52  print("source")
53  exit(1)
54 try:
55  import yaml
56 except Exception:
57  print("[ERROR], looks like the YAML packages are not installed. Please run this command and try again:")
58  print("source")
59  exit(1)
60 try:
61  import lhapdf
62 except Exception:
63  print("[ERROR], looks like the LHAPDF packages are not installed. Please run this command and try again:")
64  print("source")
65  exit(1)
66 try:
67  import numpy as np
68 except Exception:
69  print("[ERROR], looks like the NUMPY packages are not installed. Please run this command and try again:")
70  print("source")
71  exit(1)
72 import os
73 import sys
74 import re
75 import optparse
76 import readDatabase as rDB
77 import copy
78 import time
79 from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
80 import ROOT as r
81 from array import array
82 from collections import OrderedDict
85 def renameFilesWithoutPrefix(directory):
86  """
87  `directory` String
88  `return` None
90  Renames the files in a given directory, such that the longest common prefix
91  which occurs in all filenames is ommitted. Useful if your GRID jobs were
92  submitted with the format <prefix>.<weights_names>.yoda and you want to
93  lose the <prefix>. bit !
94  """
96  fileList = []
97  for fn in os.listdir(directory):
98  fileList += [fn]
100  if len(fileList) == 1: return
102  prefix = os.path.commonprefix(fileList)
103  for fn in os.listdir(directory):
104  os.system("mv %s/%s %s/%s" % (directory, fn, directory, fn.replace(prefix, "")))
107 def customReplacements(name, removeExtension=True, customReps=None):
108  """
109  `name` String
110  `removeExtension` Bool [optional] (remove the file extension, eg .root, or .yoda)
111  `OrderedDict` of replacements to make, or txt file with one replacemement per line
112  separated by `-->`
113  `return` String
114  """
115  if customReps is None: return name
116  mydict = OrderedDict()
117  if type(customReps) is str:
118  f = open(customReps, 'r')
119  for line in f.readlines():
120  line = line.replace("\n", "")
121  tokens = line.split("-->")
122  mydict[str(tokens[0])] = str(tokens[1])
123  elif type(customReps) is OrderedDict:
124  mydict = customReps
125  else:
126  print("[ERROR], customReps must be either OrderedDict or path to a txt file, not ", type(OrderedDict))
127  exit(1)
128  name = name.replace("user.", "userp")
129  name = name.replace(".yoda", "pyoda")
130  name = name.replace("yoda.", "yodap")
131  name = name.replace(".root", "proot")
132  for find, rep in mydict.items():
133  name = name.replace(find, rep)
134  name = name.replace("userp", "user.")
135  name = name.replace("pyoda", ".yoda")
136  name = name.replace("yodap", "yoda.")
137  name = name.replace("proot", ".root")
138  if (removeExtension and ".root" in name): name = name.rpartition(".root")[0]
139  if (removeExtension and ".yoda" in name): name = name.rpartition(".yoda")[0]
140  return name
143 def safeFileName(name, removeExtension=True, reverse=False):
144  """
145  `name` String
146  `removeExtension` Bool [optional] (remove the file extension, eg .root, or .yoda)
147  `return` String
149  Converts an input string (eg a weight name) which may contain non-standard
150  characters into a string which is safe to use as a filename.
151  In particular, the following substitutions are made:
152  '.' --> 'p'
153  ' ' --> '_'
154  ':' --> '_'
155  """
156  name = name.replace("user.", "userp")
157  name = name.replace(".yoda", "pyoda")
158  name = name.replace("yoda.", "yodap")
159  name = name.replace(".root", "proot")
160  name = rivetINameReplacements(name)
161  name = name.replace(r"\+", "")
162  name = name.replace("userp", "user.")
163  name = name.replace("pyoda", ".yoda")
164  name = name.replace("yodap", "yoda.")
165  name = name.replace("proot", ".root")
166  if (removeExtension and ".root" in name): name = name.rpartition(".root")[0]
167  if (removeExtension and ".yoda" in name): name = name.rpartition(".yoda")[0]
168  return name
171 def rivetINameReplacements(name, escapePlus=False):
172  reps = OrderedDict()
173  reps[" nominal "] = ""
174  reps[" set = "] = "_"
175  reps[" = "] = "_"
176  reps["="] = ""
177  if escapePlus: reps["+"] = r"\+"
178  reps[","] = ""
179  reps["."] = ""
180  reps[":"] = ""
181  reps[" "] = "_"
182  reps["#"] = "num"
183  reps["\n"] = "_"
184  reps["/"] = "over"
185  for find, rep in reps.items():
186  name = name.replace(find, rep)
187  return name
190 def lookupPDFSetName(lhapdfid):
191  """
192  `lhapdfid` Int
193  `return` String
195  Takes a LHAPDF ID code and figures out what is the name of the PDF Set
196  which it belons to.
197  """
198  lhapdfid = int(lhapdfid)
199  for a in lhapdf.availablePDFSets():
200  b = lhapdf.getPDFSet(a)
201  if (lhapdfid >= b.lhapdfID) and (lhapdfid < (b.lhapdfID + b.size)):
202  return a
203  # return empty sting if nothing is found
204  return ""
207 def getSumOfWeights(path, nominalWeight="", sumwHistName=""):
208  if 'root' in path:
209  f = r.TFile.Open(path)
210  for i in f.GetListOfKeys():
211  if sumwHistName in i.GetName():
212  return f.Get(i.GetName()).Integral()
213  else:
214  aos =, patterns='.*/_EVTCOUNT.*')
215  if '/_EVTCOUNT' not in aos.keys():
216  return 1.
217  elif '/_EVTCOUNT[' in aos.keys():
218  return aos['/_EVTCOUNT[%s]' % nominalWeight].sumW()
219  else:
220  return aos['/_EVTCOUNT'].sumW()
223 def weightCorrection(var, nom, sampleDir="", varWeightName="", nominalWeightName="", sumwHistName=""):
224  """
225  `var` String (name of YODA file for variation to get the correction for)
226  `nom` String (name of YODA file for nominal to get correct away from)
227  `sampleDir` String [optional] (directory path for a given subsample)
228  `varWeightName` String [optional] (name of the variation to get weight correction for)
229  `nominalWeightName` String [optional] (name of the nominal variation to get weight correction with respect to)
230  `sumwHistName` String [optional] (name of the sum-of-weights TH1 in the case of root files)
231  `return` Float
233  Computes the on-the-fly weight correction of the systematic variation with
234  respect to the nominal. This is needed for YODA files because by default,
235  Rivet normalises by the sum of weights for a given instance (ie variation)
236  rather than by the nominal. This weight is used to fix the issue.
237  """
238  w_var = 1.
239  w_nom = 1.
240  # Construct the filenames for variation and nominal
241  fn = {}
242  fn['var'] = '%s' % (var)
243  fn['nom'] = '%s' % (nom)
244  for k, v in fn.items():
245  if not os.path.isfile(fn[k]):
246  fn[k] = fn[k] + '.yoda'
247  if not os.path.isfile(fn[k]):
248  fn[k] = fn[k].replace('.yoda', '.root')
249  if not os.path.isfile(fn[k]):
250  print("\n[ERROR] Could not open the file:" + repr(fn[k]))
251  print("[ERROR] Available files in " + repr(sampleDir))
252  for varFile in os.listdir(sampleDir):
253  print(varFile)
254  exit(1)
255  # get the sum of weights for nom and var, using _EVTCOUNT
256  w_var = getSumOfWeights(fn['var'], varWeightName, sumwHistName)
257  w_nom = getSumOfWeights(fn['nom'], nominalWeightName, sumwHistName)
258  return w_var / w_nom
261 def getXSFromYODA(path):
262  """
263  `path` String (path to YODA file)
264  `return` Float
265  """
266  if '/_XSEC' not in, patterns='.*/_XSEC.*').keys():
267  return 1.
268  else:
269  return, patterns='.*/_XSEC.*')['/_XSEC'].points()[0].x()
272 def getXS(dsid, campaign=15, userFile=None):
273  """
274  `dsid` Int (dataset ID of the ATLAS dataset you want to get the
275  cross-section for
276  `campaign` String [optional] (the MC campaign number 15 for mc15_13TeV
277  datasets, 16 for mc16_13TeV. If campaign > 16 look instead for a local
278  file `data/PMGxsecDB_manual.txt` where the user can input the XS info)
279  `return` Float
281  Fetch the cross-section (XS) of the dataset whose ID you specified.
282  This function checks for the DSID in the central PMG XS database on cvmfs
283  but by setting campaign = 999 you can force it to check in a local file:
284  PMGxsecDB_manual.txt where the user can input the XS info manually.
285  """
286  if userFile is not None:
287  campaign = 14
288  # this triggers a search in the manual, local XS file
289  if campaign > 16 or campaign < 15:
290  dataDir = os.environ["SYSTTOOLSPATH"] + "/data/"
291  if userFile is None:
292  pmgXSFile = "%s/PMGxsecDB_manual.txt" % dataDir
293  else:
294  pmgXSFile = userFile
295  else:
296  pmgXSFile = "/cvmfs/" % campaign
298  # these are defined keep track of whether the desired DSID was found in the
299  # requestd XS file
300  foundDataset = 0
301  thisSampleFinalCrossSection = 0.
302  thisSampleKFactorUncertainty = 0.
303  hasKFactor = 0
304  thisSampleKFactor = 0
306  # use a TTree to read the file, faster/more efficient than a python loop.
307  pmgXSTree = r.TTree()
308  pmgXSTree.ReadFile(pmgXSFile)
309  for dsidLine in pmgXSTree:
310  if int(dsid) == int(dsidLine.dataset_number):
311  thisSampleCrossSection = dsidLine.crossSection
312  thisSampleFilterEff = dsidLine.genFiltEff
313  thisSampleKFactor = dsidLine.kFactor
314  try:
315  thisSampleKFactorUncertainty = (dsidLine.relUncertUP + dsidLine.relUncertDOWN) * 0.5
316  except Exception:
317  thisSampleFinalCrossSection = 0
318  thisSampleFinalCrossSection = thisSampleCrossSection * thisSampleFilterEff * thisSampleKFactor
319  foundDataset = 1
320  if dsidLine.kFactor != 1: hasKFactor = 1
321  break
322  # if we can't fine the desired DSID, recursively try elsewhere before failing
323  if not foundDataset:
325  print("[WARNING] could not find " + str(dsid) + " in " + pmgXSFile + " for campaign " + str(campaign))
326  if campaign > 16:
327  print("[ERROR] could not find " + str(dsid) + " in " + pmgXSFile)
328  print("--> you'll need to add it in manually before continuing")
329  return -1, -1, 0
330  else: thisSampleFinalCrossSection, hasKFactor, thisSampleKFactorUncertainty = getXS(dsid, campaign + 1, userFile)
332  return thisSampleFinalCrossSection, thisSampleKFactor, thisSampleKFactorUncertainty
335 def safeDiv(numerator, denominator):
336  """
337  `numerator` np.array()
338  `denominator` np.array()
339  `return` np.array
341  Old:Avoid NaNs when doing division. Replaces NaN with 0 in the array.
342  New:Does the division 'where' denominator does not equal zero. When denominator is zero for an indice, 0 is put in the array
343  """
344  ratio = np.divide(numerator, denominator, out=np.zeros_like(numerator), where=denominator != 0)
345  return ratio
348 def splitOperand(operand, bracket="()"):
349  """
350  `operand` String (The operand which you want to decompose into chunks)
351  `bracket` String [optional] (The type of bracket you want to avoid splitting,
352  eg (), {}, []...)
353  `return` list(String)
355  Splits the operand of a formula into comma-separated chunks without splitting
356  operands of nested functions.
357  eg: Funcion1(foo, Function2(bar, foo), Function3(foo, Function4 (bar, foo)))
358  --> [foo, Function2(bar, foo), Function3(foo, Function4 (bar, foo))]
359  """
360  parts = []
361  bracketLevel = 0
362  current = []
363  isQuote = False
364  # trick to remove special-case of trailing chars
365  for c in (operand + ","):
366  if ((c == "," and not isQuote) or c == bracket[1]) and bracketLevel == 0:
367  parts.append("".join(current).strip('"'))
368  current = []
369  else:
370  if c == bracket[0]:
371  bracketLevel += 1
372  current.append(c)
373  elif c == bracket[1]:
374  bracketLevel -= 1
375  current.append(c)
376  elif c == '"':
377  isQuote = not isQuote
378  current.append(c)
379  elif c == ' ':
380  if isQuote: current.append(c)
381  else:
382  current.append(c)
384  return parts
387 def getFormulaComponents(formula):
388  """
389  `formula` String
390  `return` list(String)
392  Take this formula written in this string and recusively optain a list of
393  basic components which is needs eg:
394  Funcion1(foo, Function2(bar, foo), Function3(foo, Function4 (bar, foo)))
395  --> [foo, bar, foo, foo, bar, foo]
396  """
397  result = []
398  if ")" not in formula:
399  # if there are no brackets in the formula, then there is just one element,
400  # so add it to the list
401  result += [formula]
402  return result
403  else:
404  # if not, open the first level of brackets and recursively re-apply
405  # this function to the arguments
406  operation = formula.partition("(")[0]
407  operand = formula.partition("(")[-1].rpartition(")")[0]
408  if 'Value' != operation:
409  for argument in splitOperand(operand):
410  result += getFormulaComponents(argument)
411  return result
414 def resolveFormula(nominal, formula, componentsMap, level=0, verbose=0):
415  """
416  `nominal` AnalysisObject (nominal object, which gives us the centeal values.
417  The typ is a dict of np.arrays() encoding information equivalent
418  to a Scatter2D, Histo1D, TGraphAsymmErrors or TH1D. See module description
419  for more information about this format. TODO: dedicated class for this?)
420  `formula` String (The formula with which to combine the components)
421  `componentsMap` dict(filenames, AnalysisObjects) (this is a map between the
422  file which the component corresponds to and the AnalysisObject which it
423  corresponds to.
424  `level` Int [optional] (keeps track of how deep in the recursiom we have gone)
425  `verbose` Int [optional] (0 or 1, whether or not to print(a lot of debug messages) )
426  `return` AnalysisObject
428  Resolves the formula iteratively, using the AnalysisObjects listed in the
429  componentsMap. resolveFormula supports the following functions:
431  `Central(arg1)`: Use the central value of arg1, and set errors to 0
433  `DownUpNominal(arg0, arg1, arg2)`: Produce a new AO where ydn is taken from
434  the central value ('y') of arg0, yup is taken from the central value of arg1,
435  and y is taken from the central value of arg2.
437  `Envelope(arg1,..., argN)`: Take the min/max envelope of the arguments as the
438  up/down errors of the resulting AO. The central value is taken from 'nominal'.
440  `Inverse(arg1)`: Take the inverse of the AO, so y--> 1/y, and the errors are
441  propagated as yerr --> |yerr/y **2|
443  `Product(arg1,..., argN)`: Take the product of the arguments of the function.
444  The 'y' value is the product of the 'y' values of the arguments, the errors
445  are propagated according the relative errors in quadrature.
448  `Average(arg1,..., argN)`: Take the product of the arguments of the function.
449  The 'y' value is the avergae of the 'y' values of the arguments, the errors
450  are taken from the first argument.
452  `QuadSum(arg1,.., argN)`: Sum in quadrature of the errors of the arguments,
453  and central value taken from nominal AO.
455  `Value(arg1)`: Used to scan an AO and its errors by the float specified in arg1.
457  `CopyError(arg1, arg2)`: Copy the up/down errors.
458  """
459  # for debug statements, prepare a prefix which is proportional to the level
460  # of iteration
461  prefix = ""
462  y, yup, ydn = 'y', 'yup', 'ydn'
463  if 'z' in nominal.keys():
464  y, yup, ydn = 'z', 'zup', 'zdn'
465  for i in range(level): prefix += "-->"
466  if (verbose): print(prefix + " processing " + formula)
468  # if there is no bracket in the formula, this means we've reached a
469  # basic component of the formula. In this case just return the relevant AO!
470  if ")" not in formula:
471  result = None
473  # now find the relevant AO from the name of the compoenent
474  for k, v in componentsMap.items():
475  componentName = k.split("/")[-1].replace(".yoda", "").replace(".root", "")
476  if componentName == safeFileName(formula):
477  result = v
478  if result is None:
479  if componentName.split(":")[0] == safeFileName(formula):
480  result = v
481  # print(error and quit if no matching AO is found!)
482  if result is None:
483  print("[ERROR] could not find a match for " + formula)
484  print(" (%s) " % safeFileName(formula) + " in list of available weights:")
485  for k, v in componentsMap.items():
486  print(k.split("/")[-1])
487  exit(1)
489  # if all went well, return the AO
490  if (verbose): print(prefix + "--> result:" + result)
491  return result
493  # If there are brackets in the formula then it either needs to be evaluated
494  # of brocket down further
495  else:
497  # get the operation and the operand of the formula
498  operation = formula.partition("(")[0]
499  operand = formula.partition("(")[-1].rpartition(")")[0]
500  arguments = []
501  argumentNames = []
503  # Split the operand into chunks (arguments). If the chunk is itself a
504  # a formula, it will need to be evluated first
505  if operation == "Value":
506  arguments = [float(operand)]
507  else:
508  for argument in splitOperand(operand):
510  # evaluate each argument, recursively
511  arg = resolveFormula(nominal, argument, componentsMap, level + 1)
512  argumentNames += [argument]
513  arguments += [arg]
514  if (verbose): print(prefix + "argument of" + operation + ": " + arg)
516  # Now that we have evluated the arguments, we can combine them according to
517  # the specified operation.
518  result = None
520  # Perform a sum in quadrature of the errors of the arguments, and the
521  # centreak value is taken from the nominal
522  if operation == "QuadSum":
523  result = None
524  for argument in arguments:
525  if result is None: result = copy.deepcopy(argument)
526  else:
527  if not (np.allclose(nominal[y], argument[y])):
528  print("[ERROR] trying to take the quadratic sum of uncertainties which don't have the same central value!")
529  print("If you are using an alternative PDF directly int his function, please take the difference with the nominal and use that instead!")
530  exit(1)
531  result[yup] = nominal[y] + np.sqrt((argument[yup] - nominal[y]) ** 2 + (result[yup] - nominal[y]) ** 2)
532  result[ydn] = nominal[y] - np.sqrt((argument[ydn] - nominal[y]) ** 2 + (result[ydn] - nominal[y]) ** 2)
534  # Get the central value of this AO, setting the errors to 0
535  elif operation == "Central":
536  result = copy.deepcopy(arguments[0])
537  result[yup] = result[y]
538  result[ydn] = result[y]
540  # Produce a new AO where ydn is taken from the central value ('y') of arg0,
541  # yup is taken from the central value of arg1, and y is taken from the
542  # central value of arg2.
543  elif operation == "DownUpNominal":
544  if len(arguments) != 3:
545  print("[ERROR] DownUpNominal() must take exactly three arguments, found " + len(arguments))
546  exit(1)
547  result = copy.deepcopy(arguments[2])
548  result[yup] = copy.deepcopy(arguments[1][y])
549  result[ydn] = copy.deepcopy(arguments[0][y])
551  # Take the product of the arguments of the function. The 'y' value is the
552  # product of the 'y' values of the arguments, the errors are propagated
553  # according the relative errors in quadrature.
554  elif operation == "Product":
555  result = None
556  for arg in arguments:
557  if result is None: result = copy.deepcopy(arg)
558  else:
559  centralProduct = result[y] * arg[y]
560  upError = centralProduct * np.sqrt((safeDiv(result[y] - result[yup], result[y])) ** 2 + (safeDiv(arg[y] - arg[yup], arg[y])) ** 2)
561  dnError = centralProduct * np.sqrt((safeDiv(result[y] - result[ydn], result[y])) ** 2 + (safeDiv(arg[y] - arg[ydn], arg[y])) ** 2)
562  result[y] = centralProduct
563  result[yup] = centralProduct + upError
564  result[ydn] = centralProduct - dnError
565  elif operation == "Average":
566  result = None
567  N = len(arguments)
568  for arg in arguments:
569  if result is None: result = copy.deepcopy(arg)
570  else:
571  result[y] = result[y] + arg[y]
572  result[y] = result[y] / N
574  # Take the min/max envelope of the arguments as the up/down errors of the
575  # resulting AO. The central value is taken from 'nominal'
576  elif operation == "Envelope":
577  argumentDict = {}
578  for i in range(len(arguments)):
579  argumentDict[argumentNames[i]] = arguments[i]
580  cen, dn, up = combineVariationsEnvelope(nominal, argumentDict, asym=True, includeErrorsInEnvelope=True)
581  result = copy.deepcopy(nominal)
582  result[y] = cen
583  result[yup] = up
584  result[ydn] = dn
585  elif operation == "EnvelopeIgnoreErrors":
586  argumentDict = {}
587  for i in range(len(arguments)):
588  argumentDict[argumentNames[i]] = arguments[i]
589  cen, dn, up = combineVariationsEnvelope(nominal, argumentDict, asym=True, includeErrorsInEnvelope=False)
590  result = copy.deepcopy(nominal)
591  result[y] = cen
592  result[yup] = up
593  result[ydn] = dn
595  # Take the inverse of the AO, so y--> 1/ y, and the errors are propagated
596  # as yerr --> |yerr/ y ** 2|
597  elif operation == "Inverse":
598  if len(arguments) != 1:
599  print("[ERROR] Inverse() must take exactly 1 argument, found " + len(arguments))
600  exit(1)
601  arg = arguments[0]
602  result = copy.deepcopy(arg)
603  result[y] = safeDiv(np.ones(len(arg[y])), arg[y])
604  result[yup] = result[y] + np.abs(safeDiv(arg[y] - arg[yup], arg[y] ** 2))
605  result[ydn] = result[y] - np.abs(safeDiv(arg[y] - arg[ydn], arg[y] ** 2))
607  elif operation == "Value":
608  if len(arguments) != 1:
609  print("[ERROR] Value() must take exactly 1 argument, found " + len(arguments))
610  exit(1)
611  arg = arguments[0]
612  result = copy.deepcopy(nominal)
613  result[y] = arg * np.ones(len(result[y]))
614  result[yup] = arg * np.zeros(len(result[y]))
615  result[ydn] = arg * np.zeros(len(result[y]))
617  # Anything else needs to be implemented here:)
618  # elif operation == "FooBar":...
619  else:
620  print("[ERROR] this operation" + operation + " is not yet supported! Please implement it in resolveFormula() before continuing")
621  exit(1)
623  # return the result of the operation on the arguments
624  return result
627 def combineVariationsLHAPDF(nom, variations, pset, asym=False):
628  """
629  `nom` AnalysisObject (of the nominal variation)
630  `variations` dict(String, AnalysisObject)
631  `pset` LHAPDF PDFSet (obtained from lhapdf.getPDFSet(pdfSetName))
632  `asym` Bool [optional] (return asymmetric errors? Or symmetrize?)
633  `return` AnalysisObject
635  Combines PDF variations according to the LHAPDF PDFSet prescription.
636  """
637  y = 'y'
638  if 'z' in nom.keys(): y = 'z'
639  nom_y = nom[y]
640  pdfsyst = np.array(nom_y)
641  nbins = len(nom_y)
642  variationsArray = []
643  for k in sorted(variations.keys()):
644  var = variations[k]
645  if np.allclose(nom_y, var[y]):
646  variationsArray = [var[y]] + variationsArray
647  else:
648  variationsArray.append(var[y])
649  if len(variationsArray) != pset.size:
650  print("[WARNING], there are not enough weights (%d) to evaluate this PDFSET (should have %d), skipping." % (len(variationsArray), pset.size))
651  return None
652  pdfvars = np.asarray(variationsArray)
653  pdfcen = np.array([pset.uncertainty(pdfvars[:, i]).central for i in range(nbins)])
654  pdfup = np.array([pset.uncertainty(pdfvars[:, i]).errplus for i in range(nbins)])
655  pdfdn = np.array([pset.uncertainty(pdfvars[:, i]).errminus for i in range(nbins)])
656  pdfsym = np.array([pset.uncertainty(pdfvars[:, i]).errsymm for i in range(nbins)])
657  pdfrel = safeDiv(pdfsym, pdfcen)
658  pdfrelup = safeDiv(pdfup, pdfcen)
659  pdfreldn = safeDiv(pdfdn, pdfcen)
660  pdfsyst = pdfrel * nom_y
661  pdfsystup = pdfrelup * nom_y
662  pdfsystdn = pdfreldn * nom_y
663  if asym: return (nom_y, nom_y - pdfsystdn, nom_y + pdfsystup)
664  else: return (nom_y, nom_y - pdfsyst, nom_y + pdfsyst)
667 def combineVariationsEnvelope(nom, variations, asym=True, includeErrorsInEnvelope=False):
668  """
669  `nom` AnalysisObject (of the nominal variation)
670  `variations` dict(String, AnalysisObject)
671  `asym` Bool [optional] (return asymmetric errors? Or symmetrize?)
672  `includeErrorsInEnvelope` Bool [optional]
673  `return` AnalysisObject
675  Take the min/max envelope of the arguments as the up/down errors of the
676  resulting AO. The central value is taken from 'nominal'.
677  """
678  y, yup, ydn = 'y', 'yup', 'ydn'
679  if 'z' in nom.keys():
680  y, yup, ydn = 'z', 'zup', 'zdn'
681  systup = np.array(nom[y])
682  systdn = np.array(nom[y])
683  for var in variations.values():
684  if includeErrorsInEnvelope:
685  systup = map(max, zip(systup, var[yup], var[ydn]))
686  systdn = map(min, zip(systdn, var[yup], var[ydn]))
687  else:
688  systup = map(max, zip(systup, var[y]))
689  systdn = map(min, zip(systdn, var[y]))
690  if not asym:
691  var_tmp = 0.5 * (abs(nom[y] - systup) + abs(nom[y] - systdn))
692  systup = nom[y] + var_tmp
693  systdn = nom[y] - var_tmp
694  return np.array(nom[y]), np.array(systdn), np.array(systup)
697 def combineVariationsReplicas(nom, variations, asym=True):
698  """
699  `nom` AnalysisObject (of the nominal variation)
700  `variations` dict(String, AnalysisObject)
701  `asym` Bool [optional] (return asymmetric errors? Or symmetrize?)
702  `return` AnalysisObject
704  Takes the standard deviation of the variations... in principle
705  This is a placeholder for now... needs to be implemented TODO
706  """
707  return np.array(nom['y']), np.array(nom['y']), np.array(nom['y'])
710 def combineVariationsAlphaS(nom, variations):
711  """
712  `nom` AnalysisObject (of the nominal variation)
713  `variations` dict(String, AnalysisObject)
714  `return` AnalysisObject
716  Get the alphaS variation. This is just a special case of Envelope
717  where the error is symmetrized!
718  """
719  return combineVariationsEnvelope(nom, variations, asym=False, includeErrorsInEnvelope=False)
722 def combineVariationsHessian(nom, variations, asym=True):
723  """
724  `nom` AnalysisObject (of the nominal variation)
725  `variations` dict(String, AnalysisObject)
726  `asym` Bool [optional] (return asymmetric errors? Or symmetrize?)
727  `return` AnalysisObject
729  Combine the specified variations according to the Hession prescription
730  Central value given by nom.
731  """
732  y = 'y'
733  if 'z' in nom.keys(): y = 'z'
734  nom_y = nom[y]
735  systup = np.array(nom_y)
736  systdn = np.array(nom_y)
737  sumsq = np.array(nom_y) - np.array(nom_y)
738  for var in variations:
739  sumsq += (nom_y - var) ** 2
740  systup += np.sqrt(sumsq)
741  systdn -= np.sqrt(sumsq)
743  return nom_y, systdn, systup
746 def combineVariationsFromFormula(nom, variations, formula):
747  """
748  `nom` AnalysisObject (of the nominal variation)
749  `variations` dict(String, AnalysisObject)
750  `formula` String (custom formula to combine uncertainties)
751  `return` AnalysisObject
753  Combine the specified variations according to custom formula given by formula
754  """
755  y, yup, ydn = 'y', 'yup', 'ydn'
756  if 'z' in nom.keys():
757  y, yup, ydn = 'z', 'zup', 'zdn'
758  output = resolveFormula(nom, formula, variations)
759  return output[y], output[ydn], output[yup]
763  """
764  `nom` AnalysisObject (of the nominal variation)
765  `return` AnalysisObject
767  Dummy function which currently just grabs the dn/up errs as the stat errs.
768  """
769  y, yup, ydn = 'y', 'yup', 'ydn'
770  if 'z' in nom.keys():
771  y, yup, ydn = 'z', 'zup', 'zdn'
772  return nom[y], nom[ydn], nom[yup]
775 def combineVariationsNorm(nom, val=0.05):
776  """
777  `nom` AnalysisObject (of the nominal variation)
778  `val` relative size of the normalisation uncertainty
779  `return` AnalysisObject
781  Apply a k-factor normalization uncertainty
782  """
783  y = 'y'
784  if 'z' in nom.keys():
785  y = 'z'
786  return nom[y], nom[y] * (1 - val), nom[y] * (1 + val)
789 def readFromFile(filename, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None):
790  """
791  `filename` String (path to file which is to be read)
792  `regexFilter` String [optional] (AOs whose names match regex are processed)
793  `regexVeto` String [optional](AOs whose names match regex are NOT processed)
794  `return` dict{String, AnalysisObject}
796  decides whether to process a file as ROOT or YODA depending on the file extension
797  """
798  rootExtensions = ['.root', '.root1', '.root2']
799  yodaExtensions = ['.yoda', '.yoda1', '.yoda.gz']
800  if filename is None: return {}
801  if filename == "": return {}
802  filenameSplit = filename.split(":")
803  for rex in rootExtensions:
804  if filenameSplit[0].endswith(rex):
805  return readFromROOT(filename, regexFilter, regexVeto)
806  for ye in yodaExtensions:
807  if filenameSplit[0].endswith(ye):
808  return readFromYODA(filename, regexFilter, regexVeto)
809  print("[ERROR] could not identify input file type of %s ! please name your files with one of the following extensions:" % repr(filenameSplit))
810  print("[ERROR]" + repr(rootExtensions) + " for ROOT files")
811  print("[ERROR]" + repr(yodaExtensions) + " for YODA files")
812  exit(1)
815 def getFileKeys(d, basepath="/"):
816  """
817  `d` TDirectory or TFile (name of file or directory to be read)
818  `basepath` String [optional] (absolute path leading to `d` in the file)
819  `return` list[String, AnalysisObject]
821  Recursively gets the list of Histogram/TGraph names inside a ROOT file directory (supports nested directories)
822  """
823  for key in d.GetListOfKeys():
824  kname = key.GetName()
825  if key.IsFolder():
826  if d.Get(kname).ClassName() == "TList": continue
827  if d.Get(kname).ClassName() == "TTree": continue
828  for i in getFileKeys(d.Get(kname), basepath + kname + "/"):
829  yield i
830  else:
831  yield basepath + kname, d.Get(kname)
834 def readFromROOT(filename, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None):
835  """
836  `filename` String (path to file which is to be read)
837  `regexFilter` String [optional] (AOs whose names match regex are processed)
838  `regexVeto` String [optional](AOs whose names match regex are NOT processed)
839  `return` dict{String, AnalysisObject}
841  Open a ROOT file, read the contents and return them as AnalysisObjects.
842  Control which AOs to select/reject using the optional regexFilter/regexVeto
843  arguments.
844  Only supports TH1D and TGraphAsymmErrors types for now. TODO Support other types.
845  """
846  result = {}
847  filename = filename.split(":")
848  rootfile = r.TFile.Open(filename[0])
849  tfd = rootfile
850  path = ""
851  debug = 0
852  if len(filename) > 1:
853  if '/' in filename[1]:
854  path = filename[1].split("/")[0]
855  tfd = rootfile.Get(path)
856  for aoName in tfd.GetListOfKeys():
857  if debug: print("DEBUG open ao:", aoName)
858  if path == "":
859  aoName = aoName.GetName()
860  else:
861  aoName = path + "/" + aoName.GetName()
862  if debug: print("DEBUG modified name for ao:", aoName)
863  # apply the filters and vetos
864  if debug: print("DEBUG regex filte =%s, veto=%s" % (regexFilter, regexVeto))
865  if (regexFilter is not None):
866  if debug: print("DEBUG re.findall(regexFilter, aoName))", re.findall(regexFilter, aoName))
867  if (aoName not in re.findall(regexFilter, aoName)):
868  if debug: print("DEBUG ao is not in finall: continue")
869  continue
870  if (regexVeto is not None):
871  if debug: print("DEBUG re.findall(regexVeto, aoName))", re.findall(regexVeto, aoName))
872  if (aoName in re.findall(regexVeto, aoName)):
873  if debug: print("DEBUG ao is in finall: continue")
874  continue
875  rep = ""
876  newAoName = ""
877  if debug: print("DEBUG start AONAME replacement, filename", filename)
878  if len(filename) > 1:
879  rep = filename[1].replace("!AONAME", "")
880  filt = filename[1].replace("!AONAME", ".*")
881  capt = filename[1].replace("!AONAME", "(.*)")
882  if debug: print("DEBUG AONAME replacement. rep=", rep, "filt=", filt, "capt=", capt)
883  if debug: print("DEBUG AONAME re.findall(filt, aoName)", re.findall(filt, aoName))
884  if (aoName not in re.findall(filt, aoName)):
885  if debug: print("DEBUG AONAME not in re.findall(filt, aoName): continue")
886  continue
888  newAoName = re.findall(capt, aoName)[0]
889  else:
890  newAoName = aoName.replace(rep, "")
891  ao = rootfile.Get(aoName)
892  aoName = newAoName
894  aoResult = {}
895  aoResult['name'] = aoName
896  aoResult['path'] = filename[0] + '/' + aoName
897  if (type(r.TH1D()) == type(ao)) or (type(r.TH1F()) == type(ao)):
898  binRange = range(1, ao.GetNbinsX() + 1)
899  aoResult['info'] = 'Was_a_TH1'
900  aoResult['bw'] = np.array([ao.GetBinWidth(b) for b in binRange])
901  aoResult['y'] = np.array([ao.GetBinContent(b) for b in binRange])
902  stat = np.array([ao.GetBinError(b) for b in binRange])
903  aoResult['yup'] = (aoResult['y'] + stat)
904  aoResult['ydn'] = (aoResult['y'] - stat)
905  aoResult['x'] = np.array([ao.GetBinCenter(b) for b in binRange])
906  aoResult['xup'] = np.array([ao.GetBinLowEdge(b + 1) for b in binRange])
907  aoResult['xdn'] = np.array([ao.GetBinLowEdge(b) for b in binRange])
908  aoResult['nbins'] = len(binRange)
909  elif (type(r.TH2D()) == type(ao)) or (type(r.TH2F()) == type(ao)):
910  xbinRange = range(1, ao.GetNbinsX() + 1)
911  ybinRange = range(1, ao.GetNbinsY() + 1)
912  aoResult['info'] = 'Was_a_TH2'
913  aoResult['xbw'] = np.array([ao.GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(b) for b in xbinRange for c in ybinRange])
914  aoResult['ybw'] = np.array([ao.GetYaxis().GetBinWidth(c) for b in xbinRange for c in ybinRange])
915  aoResult['z'] = np.array([ao.GetBinContent(b, c) for b in xbinRange for c in ybinRange])
916  stat = np.array([ao.GetBinError(b, c) for b in xbinRange for c in ybinRange])
917  aoResult['zup'] = (aoResult['z'] + stat)
918  aoResult['zdn'] = (aoResult['z'] - stat)
919  aoResult['x'] = np.array([ao.GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(b) for b in xbinRange for c in ybinRange])
920  aoResult['xup'] = np.array([ao.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b + 1) for b in xbinRange for c in ybinRange])
921  aoResult['xdn'] = np.array([ao.GetXaxis().GetBinLowEdge(b) for b in xbinRange for c in ybinRange])
922  aoResult['y'] = np.array([ao.GetYaxis().GetBinCenter(c) for b in xbinRange for c in ybinRange])
923  aoResult['yup'] = np.array([ao.GetYaxis().GetBinLowEdge(c + 1) for b in xbinRange for c in ybinRange])
924  aoResult['ydn'] = np.array([ao.GetYaxis().GetBinLowEdge(c) for b in xbinRange for c in ybinRange])
925  aoResult['nbinsx'] = len(xbinRange)
926  aoResult['nbinsy'] = len(ybinRange)
927  elif type(r.TGraphAsymmErrors()) == type(ao):
928  binRange = range(0, ao.GetN())
929  aoResult['info'] = 'Was_a_TG'
930  aoResult['bw'] = np.array([ao.GetErrorXlow(b) + ao.GetErrorXhigh(b) for b in binRange]) # dummy
931  aoResult['y'] = np.array([ao.GetY()[b] for b in binRange])
932  aoResult['yup'] = np.array([ao.GetY()[b] + ao.GetErrorYhigh(b) for b in binRange])
933  aoResult['ydn'] = np.array([ao.GetY()[b] - ao.GetErrorYlow(b) for b in binRange])
934  aoResult['x'] = np.array([ao.GetX()[b] for b in binRange])
935  aoResult['xup'] = np.array([ao.GetX()[b] + ao.GetErrorXhigh(b) for b in binRange])
936  aoResult['xdn'] = np.array([ao.GetX()[b] - ao.GetErrorXlow(b) for b in binRange])
937  aoResult['nbins'] = len(binRange)
938  elif type(r.TTree) is type(ao):
939  aoResult['tree'] = ao.GetTree()
940  else:
941  continue
942  result[aoName] = aoResult
943  if len(result) == 0:
944  print("[ERROR] no analysis objects passed your filter, or your input files are empty of TH1 or TGraph objects. Exiting")
945  exit(1)
946  return result
949 def readFromYODA(filename, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None):
950  """
951  `filename` String (path to file which is to be read)
952  `regexFilter` String [optional] (AOs whose names match regex are processed)
953  `regexVeto` String [optional](AOs whose names match regex are NOT processed)
954  `return` dict{String, AnalysisObject}
956  Open a YODA file, read the contents and return them as AnalysisObjects.
957  Control which AOs to select/reject using the optional regexFilter/regexVeto
958  arguments.
959  """
960  result = {}
961  filename = filename.split(":")
962  patterns = "" if regexFilter is None else '.*' + regexFilter + '.*'
963  unpatterns = [] if regexVeto is None else ['.*' + regexVeto + '.*']
964  if patterns == "" and len(filename) > 1:
965  patterns = filename[1].replace("!AONAME", ".*").replace("[", r"\[").replace("]", r"\]")
966  unpatterns += ["RAW/.*", "/REF/.*"]
967  histList =[0], patterns=patterns, unpatterns=unpatterns)
968  for aoName, ao in histList.items():
969  # apply the filters and vetos
970  if (regexFilter is not None):
971  if (aoName not in re.findall(regexFilter, aoName)): continue
972  if (regexVeto is not None):
973  if (aoName in re.findall(regexVeto, aoName)): continue
975  rep = ""
976  if len(filename) > 1:
977  rep = filename[1].replace("!AONAME", "")
978  filt = filename[1].replace("!AONAME", ".*")
979  filt = filename[1].replace("!AONAME", ".*").replace("[", r"\[").replace("]", r"\]")
980  if (aoName not in re.findall(filt, aoName)): continue
981  aoName = aoName.replace(rep, "")
983  aoResult = {}
984  aoResult['name'] =, "")
985  aoResult['path'] = ao.path().replace(rep, "")
986  aoResult['fname'] = filename
987  aoResult['annotations'] = {ann: ao.annotation(ann) for ann in ao.annotations()}
988  aoResult['annotations']['Path'] = aoResult['path']
989  if type(yoda.Histo1D()) == type(ao):
990  aoResult['bw'] = np.array([b.xWidth() for b in ao.bins()])
991  aoResult['y'] = np.array([b.sumW() for b in ao.bins()]) / aoResult['bw']
992  stat = np.array([b.sumW2() for b in ao.bins()]) / (aoResult['bw']) ** 2
993  aoResult['yup'] = (aoResult['y'] + np.sqrt(stat))
994  aoResult['ydn'] = (aoResult['y'] - np.sqrt(stat))
995  aoResult['x'] = np.array([b.xMid() for b in ao.bins()])
996  aoResult['xup'] = np.array([b.xMax() for b in ao.bins()])
997  aoResult['xdn'] = np.array([b.xMin() for b in ao.bins()])
998  aoResult['nbins'] = len(ao.bins())
999  elif type(yoda.Scatter2D()) == type(ao):
1000  aoResult['bw'] = np.array([b.yErrs()[1] + b.yErrs()[0] for b in ao.points()]) # dummy
1001  aoResult['y'] = np.array([b.y() for b in ao.points()])
1002  aoResult['yup'] = np.array([b.y() + b.yErrs()[1] for b in ao.points()])
1003  aoResult['ydn'] = np.array([b.y() - b.yErrs()[0] for b in ao.points()])
1004  aoResult['x'] = np.array([b.x() for b in ao.points()])
1005  aoResult['xup'] = np.array([b.x() + b.xErrs()[1] for b in ao.points()])
1006  aoResult['xdn'] = np.array([b.x() - b.xErrs()[0] for b in ao.points()])
1007  aoResult['nbins'] = len(ao.points())
1008  elif type(yoda.Histo2D()) == type(ao):
1009  aoResult['xbw'] = np.array([b.xWidth() for b in ao.bins()])
1010  aoResult['ybw'] = np.array([b.yWidth() for b in ao.bins()])
1011  aoResult['z'] = np.array([b.sumW() for b in ao.bins()]) / (aoResult['xbw'] * aoResult['ybw'])
1012  stat = np.array([b.sumW2() for b in ao.bins()]) / ((aoResult['xbw'] * aoResult['ybw'])) ** 2
1013  aoResult['zup'] = (aoResult['z'] + np.sqrt(stat))
1014  aoResult['zdn'] = (aoResult['z'] - np.sqrt(stat)) # / aoResult['bw']
1015  aoResult['x'] = np.array([b.xMid() for b in ao.bins()])
1016  aoResult['xup'] = np.array([b.xMax() for b in ao.bins()])
1017  aoResult['xdn'] = np.array([b.xMin() for b in ao.bins()])
1018  aoResult['y'] = np.array([b.yMid() for b in ao.bins()])
1019  aoResult['yup'] = np.array([b.yMax() for b in ao.bins()])
1020  aoResult['ydn'] = np.array([b.yMin() for b in ao.bins()])
1021  aoResult['nbinsx'] = ao.numBinsX()
1022  aoResult['nbinsy'] = ao.numBinsY()
1023  else:
1024  continue
1025  result[aoName] = aoResult
1027  if len(result) == 0:
1028  print("[ERROR] no analysis objects passed your filter, or your input files are empty of Histo1D or Scatter2D objects. Exiting")
1029  print("[ERROR] FYI: filename =%s, filter =%s, veto =%s " % (filename, regexFilter, regexVeto))
1030  exit(1)
1032  return result
1035 def writeToFile(histDict, fOut):
1036  """
1037  `histDict` dict{String, AnalysisObject} (AOs to write out)
1038  `fOut` String (output file to write to)
1039  `return` None
1041  Write AOs out to a file, auto-determines root or yoda from file extension of fOut.
1042  """
1043  rootExtensions = ['.root', '.root1', '.root2']
1044  yodaExtensions = ['.yoda', '.yoda1', '.yoda.gz']
1045  for rex in rootExtensions:
1046  if fOut.endswith(rex):
1047  writeToROOT(histDict, fOut)
1048  return
1049  for ye in yodaExtensions:
1050  if fOut.endswith(ye):
1051  writeToYODA(histDict, fOut)
1052  return
1053  print("[ERROR] could not identify input file type to write to ! Assuming YODA.")
1054  writeToYODA(histDict, fOut)
1055  return
1058 def writeToYODA(histDict, fOut):
1059  """
1060  `histDict` dict{String, AnalysisObject} (AOs to write out)
1061  `fOut` String (output file to write to)
1062  `return` None
1064  Write AOs out to a YODA file.
1065  """
1066  f = open(fOut, 'w')
1067  for aoKey, inAO in histDict.items():
1068  if 'z' in inAO.keys(): continue # TODO... for now, need to rewrite this function for 2D histos
1069  outAO = yoda.Scatter2D()
1070  for k, v in inAO['annotations'].items():
1071  if k == "Type": continue
1072  outAO.setAnnotation(k, v)
1073  for i in range(inAO['nbins']):
1074  p = yoda.Point2D()
1075  p.setX(inAO['x'][i])
1076  p.setY(inAO['y'][i])
1077  p.setErrs(1, (abs(inAO['xdn'][i] - inAO['x'][i]), abs(inAO['xup'][i] - inAO['x'][i])))
1078  p.setErrs(2, (abs(inAO['ydn'][i] - inAO['y'][i]), abs(inAO['yup'][i] - inAO['y'][i])))
1079  outAO.addPoint(p)
1080  yoda.writeYODA(outAO, f)
1081  f.close()
1084 def writeToROOT(histDict, fOut):
1085  """
1086  `histDict` dict{String, AnalysisObject} (AOs to write out)
1087  `fOut` String (output file to write to)
1088  `return` None
1090  Write AOs out to a ROOT file.
1091  """
1092  f = r.TFile.Open(fOut, "RECREATE")
1093  for aoKey, inAO in histDict.items():
1094  if 'z' not in inAO.keys(): # no 'z' filled for 1D graphs and TH1Ds
1095  outAO = r.TGraphAsymmErrors()
1096  outAO.SetName(aoKey)
1097  outAO.SetTitle(aoKey)
1098  if len(inAO['xdn']): binningInfo = [inAO['xdn'][0]]
1099  else: continue
1100  for xup in inAO['xup']: binningInfo += [xup]
1101  binArray = array('d', binningInfo)
1102  outAO_up = r.TH1D(aoKey + "__1up", aoKey + "__1up", len(binArray) - 1, binArray)
1103  outAO_down = r.TH1D(aoKey + "__1down", aoKey + "__1down", len(binArray) - 1, binArray)
1104  outAO.SetName(aoKey)
1105  outAO.SetTitle(aoKey)
1106  for i in range(inAO['nbins']):
1107  outAO.SetPoint(i, inAO['x'][i], inAO['y'][i])
1108  outAO.SetPointError(i, inAO['x'][i] - inAO['xdn'][i], inAO['xup'][i] - inAO['x'][i], abs(inAO['y'][i] - inAO['ydn'][i]), abs(inAO['yup'][i] - inAO['y'][i]))
1109  outAO_up.SetBinContent(i + 1, inAO['yup'][i])
1110  outAO_up.SetBinError(i + 1, 0.)
1111  outAO_down.SetBinContent(i + 1, inAO['ydn'][i])
1112  outAO_down.SetBinError(i + 1, 0.)
1113  outAO.Write()
1114  outAO_up.Write()
1115  outAO_down.Write()
1117  else:
1118  xbins = []
1119  ybins = []
1120  for y in inAO['ydn']:
1121  while y not in ybins:
1122  ybins.append(y)
1123  for x in inAO['xdn']:
1124  while x not in xbins:
1125  xbins.append(x)
1126  xbins.append(inAO['xup'][np.where(inAO['xdn'] == x)][0])
1127  ybins.append(inAO['yup'][np.where(inAO['ydn'] == y)][0])
1128  xbinArray = array('d', xbins)
1129  ybinArray = array('d', ybins)
1130  outAO = r.TH2D(aoKey, "histo", len(xbinArray) - 1, xbinArray, len(ybinArray) - 1, ybinArray)
1131  outAO.Sumw2()
1132  outAO.SetName(aoKey)
1133  outAO.SetTitle(aoKey)
1134  for iBin in range(len(inAO['z'])):
1135  ix = inAO['x'][iBin]
1136  iy = inAO['y'][iBin]
1137  xybin = outAO.GetBin(outAO.GetXaxis().FindBin(ix), outAO.GetYaxis().FindBin(iy))
1138  outAO.SetBinContent(xybin, inAO['z'][iBin])
1139  outAO.SetBinError(xybin, abs(inAO['z'][iBin] - inAO['zup'][iBin]))
1140  outAO.Write()
1141  f.Close()
1144 def getAverageUncertaintySizePerBin(fIn, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None):
1145  """
1146  `fIn` String (input file to evaluate)
1147  `regexFilter` String [optional] (AOs whose names match regex are processed)
1148  `regexVeto` String [optional] (AOs whose names match regex are NOT processed)
1149  `return` Float
1151  Get a rough estimate of the average symmetric relative error per bin, used to
1152  determine what order to plot the uncertaities in.
1153  """
1154  averageUncertaintySizePerBin = None
1155  nominalHists = readFromFile(fIn)
1156  for ao in nominalHists.keys():
1157  # apply filters/vetos
1158  if (regexFilter is not None):
1159  if (ao not in re.findall(regexFilter, ao)): continue
1160  if (regexVeto is not None):
1161  if (ao in re.findall(regexVeto, ao)): continue
1162  noms = nominalHists[ao]
1163  y, yup, ydn = 'y', 'yup', 'ydn'
1164  if 'z' in noms.keys():
1165  y, yup, ydn = 'z', 'zup', 'zdn'
1166  # get symmetrix, relative error
1167  relativeError = safeDiv(0.5 * (abs(noms[yup] - noms[y]) + abs(noms[ydn] - noms[y])), abs(noms[y]))
1168  if (averageUncertaintySizePerBin is None): averageUncertaintySizePerBin = relativeError
1169  else:
1170  if np.average(averageUncertaintySizePerBin) != 0:
1171  # if it's much larger than the other AOs we've processed, something has probably
1172  # gone wrong and we should ignore it...
1173  if np.average(relativeError) > 100 * np.average(averageUncertaintySizePerBin): continue
1174  averageUncertaintySizePerBin = np.append(averageUncertaintySizePerBin, relativeError)
1176  return np.average(averageUncertaintySizePerBin)
1179 def combineVariation(wName, wInfo, fOut, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None):
1180  """
1181  `wName` String (Name of the systemtic weight to combine)
1182  `wInfo` dict in output format of the readDatabase.getWeight() tool.
1183  See
1184  for more info.
1185  `regexFilter` String [optional] (AOs whose names match regex are processed)
1186  `regexVeto` String [optional] (AOs whose names match regex are NOT processed)
1187  `return` None
1189  Produce aand write a YODA file for the systematioc uncertainty wName by
1190  combining the weights listed in wInfo['weights'], according to the procedure
1191  specified in wInfo['combination'] for each AO.
1193  The following values of wInfo['combination'] are suppored: stat, lhapdf,
1194  replicas, alphas, envelope, hessian, and customFunction (in this case, the
1195  formula given in wInfo['function'] is evaluated).
1196  """
1197  # if this is a PDF set, set up LHAPDF
1198  if wInfo['combination'] == 'lhapdf':
1199  if ('nominal_pdf' not in wInfo.keys()) or (len(wInfo['weights']) == 1):
1200  # sometimes a variation claims to be a PDFSet, but if there is only
1201  # one weight, it should just be taken as its own nominal.
1202  wInfo['combination'] = 'stat'
1203  else:
1204  nominalPDF = int(wInfo['nominal_pdf'])
1205  pdfSetName = lookupPDFSetName(nominalPDF)
1206  pset = lhapdf.getPDFSet(pdfSetName)
1207  pset.mkPDFs()
1209  # Get the nominal and variated AOs for each weight
1210  nominalHists = readFromFile(wInfo['nominal'], regexFilter, regexVeto)
1211  variationHists_Var_AO = {}
1212  variationHists = {}
1213  for var in wInfo['weights']:
1214  if "Weight" in var: continue
1215  if ":" in var and 'yoda' in var:
1216  variationHists_Var_AO[var] = readFromFile(var, regexFilter, regexVeto)
1217  else:
1218  variationHists_Var_AO[var] = readFromFile(var, regexFilter, regexVeto)
1219  # probably a more elegant way to do this....
1220  for var, aoDict in variationHists_Var_AO.items():
1221  for ao, info in aoDict.items():
1222  if ao not in variationHists.keys():
1223  variationHists[ao] = {}
1224  variationHists[ao][var] = info
1226  # now loop though AOs and process them
1227  outputHists = copy.deepcopy(nominalHists)
1228  for ao in sorted(nominalHists.keys()):
1229  noms = nominalHists[ao]
1230  y, yup, ydn = 'y', 'yup', 'ydn'
1231  if 'z' in noms.keys():
1232  y, yup, ydn = 'z', 'zup', 'zdn'
1233  variations = variationHists[ao]
1234  systCentral = np.array(noms)
1235  systUp = np.array(noms)
1236  systDn = np.array(noms)
1238  # calculate the value of the combined uncertainty according to the
1239  # specified method
1240  if wInfo['type'] == 'Nominal' or wInfo['combination'] == 'stat':
1241  systCentral, systDn, systUp = combineVariationsStat(noms)
1242  elif wInfo['combination'] == 'lhapdf':
1243  res = combineVariationsLHAPDF(noms, variations, pset, asym=False)
1244  if res is None: continue
1245  systCentral, systDn, systUp = res
1246  elif wInfo['combination'] == 'replicas':
1247  systCentral, systDn, systUp = combineVariationsReplicas(noms, variations, asym=True)
1248  elif wInfo['combination'] == 'envelope':
1249  systCentral, systDn, systUp = combineVariationsEnvelope(noms, variations, asym=True, includeErrorsInEnvelope=False)
1250  elif wInfo['combination'] == 'alphaS':
1251  systCentral, systDn, systUp = combineVariationsAlphaS(noms, variations)
1252  elif wInfo['combination'] == 'hessian':
1253  systCentral, systDn, systUp = combineVariationsHessian(noms, variations, asym=True)
1254  elif wInfo['combination'] == 'norm':
1255  systCentral, systDn, systUp = combineVariationsNorm(noms, val=wInfo['value'])
1256  elif wInfo['combination'] == 'customFunction':
1257  systCentral, systDn, systUp = combineVariationsFromFormula(noms, variations, wInfo['function'])
1258  else:
1259  print("[ERROR] combination type:" + wInfo['combination'] + "is not yet supported... skipping this systematic uncertainty:" + wName)
1261  systUp = (systUp)
1262  systDn = (systDn)
1263  systCentral = (systCentral)
1265  outputHists[ao][y] = systCentral
1266  outputHists[ao][yup] = systUp
1267  outputHists[ao][ydn] = systDn
1269  # write the outputs!
1270  writeToFile(outputHists, fOut)
1271  print("[INFO] done combining this systematic: " + wName + " using method: " + repr(wInfo['combination']))
1272  if wInfo['combination'] == 'customFunction':
1273  print("[INFO] customFunction = " + repr(wInfo['function']))
1276 def arrayDictToTGraph(ao, isData=False, setYErrorsToZero=False, nominalAOForRatio=None):
1277  """
1278  `ao` AnalysisObject (the one to convert to a TGraph)
1279  `isData` Bool [optional] (modify style of TGraph for data points)
1280  `setYErrorsToZero` Bool [optional](Might want to do this if you don't care about the
1281  error bands for some uncertainty component)
1282  `nominalAOForRatio` [optional]AnalysisObject or None (if not None, make a ratio plot
1283  with respect to this AnalysisObject)
1284  `return` ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors()
1286  Fill a TGraphAsymmErrors from an AO, for plotting purposes.
1287  Can format as MC or Data. If nominalAOForRatio is specified (ie not None),
1288  the TGraphAsymmErrors is divided by the 'y' value of the nominalAOForRatio
1289  in each bin.
1290  """
1291  tg = r.TGraphAsymmErrors()
1292  for i in range(len(ao['y'])):
1293  scaleBy = 1.
1294  if (nominalAOForRatio is not None):
1295  if not (nominalAOForRatio['y'][i] == 0. or np.isnan(nominalAOForRatio['y'][i])): scaleBy = 1. / nominalAOForRatio['y'][i]
1296  yVal = ao['y'][i]
1297  if(np.isnan(yVal)):
1298  yVal = 0
1299  tg.SetPoint(i, ao['x'][i], yVal * scaleBy)
1300  yErrUp = 0. if (setYErrorsToZero or np.isnan(ao['yup'][i] - ao['y'][i])) else (ao['yup'][i] - ao['y'][i]) * scaleBy
1301  yErrDn = 0. if (setYErrorsToZero or np.isnan(ao['y'][i] - ao['ydn'][i])) else (ao['y'][i] - ao['ydn'][i]) * scaleBy
1302  tg.SetPointError(i, ao['x'][i] - ao['xdn'][i],
1303  ao['xup'][i] - ao['x'][i],
1304  yErrDn, yErrUp,
1305  )
1306  if not isData:
1307  tg.SetLineWidth(2)
1308  else:
1309  tg.SetMarkerSize(1)
1310  tg.SetMarkerStyle(20)
1311  tg.SetLineWidth(3)
1313  return tg
1316 def getPlotInfo(aoName, pathInRivetEnv):
1317  """
1318  `aoName` String (name to access plot info for)
1319  `pathInRivetEnv` String (.plot file where to get the plot info from)
1320  `return` dict{String, String} (the list of plotting specifications from the
1321  .plot file, as a dict)
1323  Rivet uses a separate .plot file to format plots. We want to use the same
1324  information to format our plots, and this function is a helper to retrieve
1325  that info in a more usable format from a given .plot file.
1326  """
1327  f = open(pathInRivetEnv, 'r')
1328  inBlock = False
1329  res = {}
1330  for line in f.readlines():
1331  line = line.strip()
1332  if "BEGIN" in line:
1333  regex = line.split()[-1].replace("..", ".*") + ".*"
1334  try:
1335  match = re.findall(regex, aoName)
1336  except Exception:
1337  print("[WARNING] this line in .plot does not provide a valid regex..: " + line)
1338  return res
1339  if len(match) > 0: inBlock = True
1340  continue
1341  elif "END" in line:
1342  inBlock = False
1343  elif inBlock:
1344  k = line.partition("=")[0]
1345  v = line.partition("=")[-1]
1346  res[k] = v
1347  return res
1350 def safeRootLatex(unsafeLatex):
1351  """
1352  `unsafeLatex` String (unsafe Latex string to be converted)
1353  `return` String (safe TLatex string which can be used on ROOT plots)
1355  TLatex is not quite the same as regular latex, and won't compiled properly
1356  out of the box unless a few changes are made. This function does that
1357  hopefully in the majority of cases! No promises though... *sigh*
1358  """
1359  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace("$", "")
1360  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace("\\", "#")
1361  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace("^#text", "^")
1362  while "#text" in unsafeLatex:
1363  operand = unsafeLatex.partition("#text{")[-1].partition("}")[0]
1364  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace("#text{%s}" % operand, operand)
1365  while "#mathrm" in unsafeLatex:
1366  operand = unsafeLatex.partition("#mathrm{")[-1].partition("}")[0]
1367  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace("#mathrm{%s}" % operand, operand)
1368  while "#dfrac" in unsafeLatex:
1369  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace("}{", " / ")
1370  right = unsafeLatex.partition("#dfrac{")[-1]
1371  text = []
1372  bracketLeunsafeLatexel = 0
1373  for item in right:
1374  if item == "{": bracketLeunsafeLatexel += 1
1375  if item == "}":
1376  if bracketLeunsafeLatexel == 0:
1377  break
1378  bracketLeunsafeLatexel -= 1
1379  text += [item]
1380  text = "".join(text)
1381  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace("#dfrac{" + text + "}", text)
1383  missingBrackets = re.findall(r"\^.", unsafeLatex)
1384  for mb in missingBrackets:
1385  if "{" in mb: continue
1386  if "#" in mb: continue
1387  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace(mb, mb.replace("^", "^{") + "}")
1388  missingBrackets = re.findall(r"\_.", unsafeLatex)
1389  for mb in missingBrackets:
1390  if "{" in mb: continue
1391  if "#" in mb: continue
1392  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace(mb, mb.replace("_", "_{") + "}")
1393  if "#ge" in unsafeLatex and "#geq" not in unsafeLatex:
1394  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace("#ge", "#geq")
1395  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace("#ell", "l") # not supported in TLatex
1396  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace("#cos", "cos ") # not supported in TLatex
1397  unsafeLatex = unsafeLatex.replace("#sin", "sin ") # not supported in TLatex
1399  return unsafeLatex
1402 def makeDummyHisto(tg, isLog=False, XandYMinAndMax=None, ratioZoom=None, isRatio=False):
1403  """
1404  `tg` TGraphAsymmErrors (use this to build the dummy TH1D)
1405  `isLog` Bool [optional] (Max/Min will need to be adjusted differently
1406  in case of a log plot)
1407  `XandYMinAndMax` [Float, Float, Float, Float] or None (if not None, use this factor as the low/high limits of the
1408  plot axes)
1409  `ratioZoom` [Float, Float] or None (if not None, use this factor as the low/high limits of the
1410  ratio plot)
1411  `isRatio` Bool [optional] (Specify whether or not this is a ratio plot)
1412  `return` TH2D (with appropriate max/min on each axis)
1414  In order to control better what axis ranges to use, construct a dummy TH1D
1415  with the desired max/min on each axis to be able to show the TGraphs nicely
1416  """
1417  multiplierUp = 1.
1418  multiplierDn = 1.
1419  if not isRatio:
1420  multiplierUp = 2.
1421  nBins = tg.GetN()
1422  xmin = tg.GetX()[0] - tg.GetErrorXlow(0)
1423  xmax = tg.GetX()[nBins - 1] + tg.GetErrorXhigh(nBins - 1)
1424  ymin = min([tg.GetY()[i] - tg.GetErrorYlow(i) for i in range(nBins)])
1425  ymax = max([tg.GetY()[i] + tg.GetErrorYhigh(i) for i in range(nBins)])
1426  if isLog:
1427  # if it's a log plot, the multpliers need to be much larger, and ymin >0
1428  if ymin < 0: ymin = min([tg.GetY()[i] for i in range(nBins)])
1429  multiplierUp = ymax / ymin if ymin > 0 else ymax
1430  multiplierUp *= 50
1431  multiplierDn = 0.5
1432  ymin *= multiplierDn
1433  ymax *= multiplierUp
1434  else:
1435  ymax *= multiplierUp
1436  if ratioZoom is not None:
1437  # if a particular axis rangefor the ratio plot is specified, use that
1438  ymin = ratioZoom[0] + 0.001
1439  ymax = ratioZoom[1] - 0.001
1440  multiplierUp = 1.
1441  multiplierDn = 1.
1442  elif isRatio:
1443  av = (abs(1 - ymin) + abs(1 - ymax)) / 2
1444  ymin = 1 - av
1445  ymax = 1 + av
1446  multiplierUp = 1.1
1447  multiplierDn = 1. / 1.1
1448  ymin *= multiplierDn
1449  ymax *= multiplierUp
1450  if XandYMinAndMax is not None:
1451  if XandYMinAndMax[0] is not None: xmin = float(XandYMinAndMax[0])
1452  if XandYMinAndMax[1] is not None: xmax = float(XandYMinAndMax[1])
1453  if XandYMinAndMax[2] is not None: ymin = float(XandYMinAndMax[2])
1454  if XandYMinAndMax[3] is not None: ymax = float(XandYMinAndMax[3])
1455  res = r.TH2D('dummy', '', nBins, xmin, xmax, nBins, ymin, ymax)
1456  res.SetDirectory(0)
1457  return res
1460 def makeSystematicsPlotsWithROOT(mergedSystDict, outdir, nominalName="Nominal", ratioZoom=None, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None, label="", plotInfo=None):
1461  """
1462  `mergedSystDict` dict{String, String} (format is as follows {N!label:filename},
1463  where N is the order in which to plot the variations, labels is what to put on
1464  the legend, and filename is the name of the YODA/ROOT file to use as input)
1465  `outdir` String (the output dir for the plots)
1466  `nominalName` String (which entry of mergedSystDict is the nominal? One of the
1467  entries in mergedSystDict should have this as a label)
1468  `ratioZoom` [Float, Float] or None (if not None, use this factor as the low/high limits of the
1469  ratio plot)
1470  `regexFilter` String [optional] (AOs whose names match regex are processed)
1471  `regexVeto` String [optional](AOs whose names match regex are NOT processed)
1472  `label` String [optional](additional label to add to the plots name)
1473  `plotInfo` String [optional](path to plot info file (will try to find it dynamically if not specified)
1474  `return` dict of output plots
1476  This is a generic macro which will make the output plots of the AOs contained
1477  in the files listed in mergedSystDict.
1478  """
1479  r.gROOT.SetBatch()
1480  r.gStyle.SetOptStat(00000)
1481  outputPlots = []
1482  # Want to try to retrive a .plot and reference .yoda file for the relevant analysis!
1483  # This is where to check first..
1485  os.system("mkdir -p %s" % (outdir))
1487  # sort the dict and collect <label>:<filename> pairs
1488  # fileNames = ["%s:'%s'" % (v, k.split("!")[-1]) for k, v in sorted(mergedSystDict.items())]
1489  fileNames = ["%s:'%s'" % (k, v) for k, v in sorted(mergedSystDict.items())]
1491  # holders for the aos to plot, and the ratios wrt nominal
1492  aos = {}
1493  aos_ratio = {}
1495  # The plots will be coloured in this order
1496  colorList = [r.kMagenta, r.kRed, r.kOrange, r.kYellow, r.kGreen, r.kBlue,
1497  r.kViolet, r.kPink, r.kSpring, r.kTeal, r.kCyan,
1498  r.kAzure]
1500  # holder for the plotting info for each AO
1501  plotInfoDict = {}
1503  # Get the nominal variation, with respect to which the ratios are made
1504  fnIndex = -1
1505  nominalForRatio = None
1506  for fn in fileNames:
1507  if nominalName in fn:
1508  nominalForRatio = copy.deepcopy(readFromFile(fn.split(":")[0]))
1509  if nominalForRatio is None:
1510  print("WARNING, could not identify nominal ! exit()")
1511  exit(1)
1513  # Now collect the AOs for each variation/filename, in the order they were specified
1514  for fn in fileNames:
1515  fnIndex += 1
1516  aosThisFN = readFromFile(fn.split(":")[0], regexFilter, regexVeto)
1517  for aoName in aosThisFN.keys():
1518  if "superAO" in aoName: continue
1519  aoNameNoRef = aoName.replace("/REF", "")
1520  ao = aosThisFN[aoName]
1521  if aoName not in aos.keys():
1522  aos[aoNameNoRef] = {}
1523  aos_ratio[aoNameNoRef] = {}
1525  # We are not interested in the error bands for alternative PDFs
1526  setYErrorsToZero = False
1527  if "altPDF" in fn:
1528  setYErrorsToZero = True
1530  # fill the holding dicts with TGraphs
1531  nfr = ""
1532  if aoName in nominalForRatio.keys():
1533  nfr = nominalForRatio[aoName]
1534  elif "/REF" + aoName in nominalForRatio.keys():
1535  nfr = nominalForRatio["/REF" + aoName]
1536  aos[aoNameNoRef][fn] = arrayDictToTGraph(ao, False, setYErrorsToZero)
1537  aos_ratio[aoNameNoRef][fn] = arrayDictToTGraph(ao, False, setYErrorsToZero, nfr)
1539  # this is the best guess as to where the reference data might be !
1540  dataDir = os.environ["SYSTTOOLSPATH"] + "/data/"
1541  rivetAnalysis = aoName.split("/")[1] if len(aoName.split("/")) > 1 else ""
1542  pathInRivetEnv = "%s/Rivet/%s.yoda" % (RIVET_ANALYSIS_PATH, rivetAnalysis)
1543  # for the first file, also get the .plot which will be needed to format
1544  # the output plot. Also look for any reference data!
1545  if fnIndex == len(fileNames) - 1 and 'Data' not in nominalName:
1546  # now try to get the style .plot file and save the formatting info
1547  refDataPath = ""
1548  if os.path.isfile(pathInRivetEnv):
1549  refDataPath = pathInRivetEnv
1550  elif os.path.isfile("%s.yoda" % rivetAnalysis):
1551  refDataPath = "%s.yoda" % rivetAnalysis
1552  elif os.path.isfile("%s/%s.yoda" % (dataDir, rivetAnalysis)):
1553  refDataPath = "%s/%s.yoda" % (dataDir, rivetAnalysis)
1554  else:
1555  pass
1557  # if reference data was found, also produce TGraphs for that
1558  # and ratio wrt Nominal
1559  theAOs = readFromFile(refDataPath, regexFilter, regexVeto)
1560  theAO = None
1561  if "/REF" + aoNameNoRef in theAOs.keys() or aoNameNoRef in theAOs.keys():
1562  if "/REF" + aoNameNoRef in theAOs.keys():
1563  theAO = theAOs["/REF" + aoNameNoRef]
1564  elif aoNameNoRef in theAOs.keys():
1565  theAO = theAOs[aoNameNoRef]
1566  aos[aoNameNoRef][rivetAnalysis] = arrayDictToTGraph(theAO,
1567  True
1568  )
1569  aos_ratio[aoNameNoRef][rivetAnalysis] = arrayDictToTGraph(theAO,
1570  True, # isData
1571  False, # setYErrorsToZero
1572  nfr # divide by this nominal
1573  )
1574  else:
1575  print("[WARNING] could not find AO with name " + aoNameNoRef + " or " + "REF" + aoNameNoRef + " in REF file " + refDataPath)
1576  print(" Perhaps due to a version mis-match where the AO names were changed... skip this data file for now")
1578  if plotInfo is not None:
1579  plotInfoDict[aoNameNoRef] = getPlotInfo(aoNameNoRef, plotInfo)
1580  elif os.path.isfile(pathInRivetEnv.replace("yoda", "plot")):
1581  plotInfoDict[aoNameNoRef] = getPlotInfo(aoNameNoRef, pathInRivetEnv.replace("yoda", "plot"))
1582  elif os.path.isfile("%s.plot" % rivetAnalysis):
1583  plotInfoDict[aoNameNoRef] = getPlotInfo(aoNameNoRef, "%s.plot" % rivetAnalysis)
1584  elif os.path.isfile("%s/%s.plot" % (dataDir, rivetAnalysis)):
1585  plotInfoDict[aoNameNoRef] = getPlotInfo(aoNameNoRef, "%s/%s.plot" % (dataDir, rivetAnalysis))
1586  else:
1587  pass
1588  for k, v in plotInfoDict.items():
1589  pass
1590  # now loop through the AOs, and plot each variation
1591  aoNames = []
1592  for aoName in aos.keys():
1593  if 'RAW' in aoName: continue
1594  aoNames += [aoName]
1596  for aoName in aoNames:
1597  print("[INFO] processing ao %d/%d: %s " % (aoNames.index(aoName), len(aoNames), aoName))
1599  aoNameSafe = aoName.replace("/", "__")
1601  # place the legend and format
1602  nFilesToProcess = len(fileNames)
1603  leg = r.TLegend(0.17, 0.9 - 0.1 * ((2 + nFilesToProcess) / 2), 0.88, 0.80)
1604  leg.SetLineWidth(0)
1605  leg.SetTextFont(43)
1606  leg.SetTextSize(13)
1607  leg.SetNColumns(2)
1609  # TLatex style and prepare holder for all the TLatex instances to write
1610  latexes = [] # format wil be [alignment, text size (wrt pixel) angle, x, y, text]
1611  latexes.append([11, 17, 0., 0.15, 0.905, "#scale[1.2]{#bf{#it{ATLAS}}} Internal"])
1612  latexes.append([33, 15, 90., 0.005, 0.35, safeRootLatex("Ratio to %s" % nominalName)])
1613  latexes.append([31, 15, 0., 0.9, 0.905, aoName])
1614  lat = r.TLatex()
1615  lat.SetTextFont(43)
1616  lat.SetNDC()
1618  # Now prepare the canvas and pads for main plot and ratio plot
1619  tc = r.TCanvas(aoNameSafe, aoNameSafe, 500, 500)
1620  pad1 = r.TPad("pad1", "pad1", 0.0, 0.30, 1.0, 0.97)
1621  pad2 = r.TPad("pad2", "pad2", 0.0, 0.05, 1.0, 0.35)
1622  r.SetOwnership(pad1, False)
1623  r.SetOwnership(pad2, False)
1624  pad1.SetLeftMargin(0.15)
1625  pad2.SetLeftMargin(0.15)
1626  pad1.SetBottomMargin(0.09)
1627  pad2.SetTopMargin(0.0)
1628  pad2.SetBottomMargin(0.15)
1629  pad1.Draw()
1630  pad2.Draw()
1631  pad2.SetGridy()
1633  pad1.SetLogy(0)
1635  # determine which variations are to be processed, and add the ref data too
1636  # if we have it
1637  rivetAnalysis = aoName.split("/")[1] if len(aoName.split("/")) > 1 else ""
1638  averageErrorSize = {}
1639  for fn in fileNames:
1640  averageErrorSize[fn] = getAverageUncertaintySizePerBin(fn.split(":")[0], regexFilter=".*%s" % aoName)
1642  # order by size of uncertainty
1643  fileNamesToProcess = []
1644  for k, v in sorted(averageErrorSize.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
1645  fileNamesToProcess += [k]
1647  if rivetAnalysis in aos[aoName].keys():
1648  fileNamesToProcess += [rivetAnalysis]
1650  # now loop over the systematics and plot them
1651  fnIndex = -1
1652  for fn in fileNamesToProcess:
1653  fnIndex += 1
1655  # prepare leged entry for this systematic
1656  # legend is usually [<label>] <PDF Set Name>, or other relevant info
1658  if ":" in fn and '[Data]' not in fn:
1659  isData = False
1660  legendName = "%s" % fn.split(":")[1].replace("'", "")
1661  else:
1662  isData = True
1663  legendName = "[Data]"
1664  if 'Nominal' in fn:
1665  legendName += " MC Stat."
1666  if 'altPDF' in fn:
1667  aos[aoName][fn].SetLineStyle(2)
1668  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].SetLineStyle(2)
1669  if ("PDF" in fn) and ('Nominal' not in fn):
1670  pdfstring = ""
1671  if len(re.findall(r'PDF\d+', fn)) > 0:
1672  pdfstring = re.findall(r'PDF\d+', fn)[0].replace("PDF", "")
1673  if len(pdfstring) > 2:
1674  pdfsetName = lookupPDFSetName(int(pdfstring))
1675  legendName += " " + pdfsetName.partition("_")[0]
1676  legendName = (legendName[:20] + '...') if len(legendName) > 20 else legendName
1677  if 'Total Uncertainty' in fn:
1678  aos[aoName][fn].SetFillStyle(3004)
1679  aos[aoName][fn].SetFillColorAlpha(r.kBlack, 0.5)
1680  aos[aoName][fn].SetLineColor(r.kBlack)
1681  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].SetFillStyle(3004)
1682  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].SetFillColorAlpha(r.kBlack, 0.5)
1683  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].SetLineColor(r.kBlack)
1684  elif legendName != "[Data]":
1685  aos[aoName][fn].SetFillColorAlpha(colorList[fnIndex], 0.5)
1686  aos[aoName][fn].SetLineColor(colorList[fnIndex])
1687  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].SetFillColorAlpha(colorList[fnIndex], 0.5)
1688  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].SetLineColor(colorList[fnIndex])
1689  else:
1690  aos[aoName][fn].SetMarkerSize(1)
1691  aos[aoName][fn].SetMarkerStyle(20)
1692  aos[aoName][fn].SetLineWidth(3)
1693  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].SetMarkerSize(1)
1694  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].SetMarkerStyle(20)
1695  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].SetLineWidth(3)
1697  # for the first systematic (usually Total Uncertainty) we need to apply
1698  # the .plot formatting directives, and make a dummy histo to Draw on
1699  # with nice axis ranges
1700  oldRatioZoom = ratioZoom
1701  if (fnIndex == 0):
1702  if aoName not in plotInfoDict.keys():
1703  plotInfoDict[aoName] = {}
1704  if 'LogY' not in plotInfoDict[aoName].keys():
1705  plotInfoDict[aoName]['LogY'] = 0
1706  pad1.SetLogy(0)
1707  else:
1708  pad1.SetLogy(int(plotInfoDict[aoName]['LogY']))
1709  if 'LogX' not in plotInfoDict[aoName].keys():
1710  plotInfoDict[aoName]['LogX'] = 0
1711  pad1.SetLogx(0)
1712  pad2.SetLogx(0)
1713  else:
1714  pad1.SetLogx(int(plotInfoDict[aoName]['LogX']))
1715  pad2.SetLogx(int(plotInfoDict[aoName]['LogX']))
1717  # this is where the dummy TH1s are made, with nice axis ranges
1718  # and sensible Font Styles/Sizes
1719  XandYMinAndMax = [None, None, None, None]
1720  XandYMinAndMax_ratio = [None, None, None, None]
1722  if "XMin" in plotInfoDict[aoName].keys():
1723  XandYMinAndMax[0] = plotInfoDict[aoName]['XMin']
1724  XandYMinAndMax_ratio[0] = plotInfoDict[aoName]['XMin']
1726  if "XMax" in plotInfoDict[aoName].keys():
1727  XandYMinAndMax[1] = plotInfoDict[aoName]['XMax']
1728  XandYMinAndMax_ratio[1] = plotInfoDict[aoName]['XMax']
1730  if "YMin" in plotInfoDict[aoName].keys():
1731  XandYMinAndMax[2] = plotInfoDict[aoName]['YMin']
1732  if "YMax" in plotInfoDict[aoName].keys():
1733  XandYMinAndMax[3] = plotInfoDict[aoName]['YMax']
1735  if "RatioPlotYMin" in plotInfoDict[aoName].keys():
1736  if ratioZoom is None: ratioZoom = [0., 2.]
1737  ratioZoom[0] = float(plotInfoDict[aoName]['RatioPlotYMin'])
1738  if "RatioPlotYMax" in plotInfoDict[aoName].keys():
1739  if ratioZoom is None: ratioZoom = [0., 2.]
1740  ratioZoom[1] = float(plotInfoDict[aoName]['RatioPlotYMax'])
1742  dummyHisto = makeDummyHisto(aos[aoName][fn], int(plotInfoDict[aoName]['LogY']), XandYMinAndMax)
1743  dummyHisto_ratio = makeDummyHisto(aos_ratio[aoName][fn], False, XandYMinAndMax, ratioZoom, True)
1744  ratioZoom = oldRatioZoom
1746  dummyHisto.Draw("")
1748  dummyHisto_ratio.Draw("")
1749  dummyHisto.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(43)
1750  dummyHisto.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(15)
1751  dummyHisto.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(43)
1752  dummyHisto.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0)
1753  dummyHisto_ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(43)
1754  dummyHisto_ratio.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(15)
1755  dummyHisto_ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(43)
1756  dummyHisto_ratio.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(15)
1758  # apply the formatting directives from the .plot file
1759  for k, v in plotInfoDict[aoName].items():
1760  if k == 'XTwosidedTicks':
1761  pad1.SetTickx(int(v))
1762  pad2.SetTickx(int(v))
1763  if k == 'YTwosidedTicks':
1764  pad1.SetTicky(int(v))
1765  pad2.SetTicky(int(v))
1766  if k == 'XCustomMajorTicks':
1767  for i in range(1, dummyHisto.GetNbinsX() + 1):
1768  dummyHisto.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i, "")
1769  dummyHisto_ratio.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(i, safeRootLatex(v.split()[2 * i - 1]))
1770  if k == 'Title':
1771  latexes.append([13, 15, 0., 0.2, 0.88, safeRootLatex(v)])
1772  if k == 'XLabel':
1773  latexes.append([33, 15, 0., 0.9, 0.05, safeRootLatex(v)])
1774  if k == 'YLabel':
1775  latexes.append([33, 15, 90., 0.005, 0.9, safeRootLatex(v)])
1777  # then draw the TGraph, and add entry to the legend
1779  if isData:
1780  # then draw the TGraph, and add entry to the legend
1782  aos[aoName][fn].Draw("pe")
1784  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].Draw("pe")
1785  leg.AddEntry(aos[aoName][fn], legendName, "pe")
1786  elif aos[aoName][fn].GetN() > 1:
1787  aos[aoName][fn].Draw("l3")
1789  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].Draw("l3")
1790  leg.AddEntry(aos[aoName][fn], legendName, "lf")
1791  else:
1792  aos[aoName][fn].Draw("e")
1793  aos[aoName][fn].Draw("e2")
1795  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].Draw("e")
1796  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].Draw("e2")
1797  leg.AddEntry(aos[aoName][fn], legendName, "lf")
1799  elif isData:
1800  # then draw the TGraph, and add entry to the legend
1802  aos[aoName][fn].Draw("pe")
1804  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].Draw("pe")
1805  leg.AddEntry(aos[aoName][fn], legendName, "pe")
1807  else:
1808  # then draw the TGraph, and add entry to the legend
1810  if aos[aoName][fn].GetN() > 1:
1811  aos[aoName][fn].Draw("l3")
1813  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].Draw("l3")
1814  else:
1815  aos[aoName][fn].Draw("e")
1816  aos[aoName][fn].Draw("e2")
1818  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].Draw("e")
1819  aos_ratio[aoName][fn].Draw("e2")
1820  legendMarker = "lf"
1821  if 'altPDF' in fn: legendMarker = "l"
1822  leg.AddEntry(aos[aoName][fn], legendName, legendMarker)
1824  # finally, draw the TLatex instances
1826  leg.Draw()
1828  for latex in latexes:
1829  lat.SetTextAlign(latex[0])
1830  lat.SetTextSize(latex[1])
1831  lat.SetTextAngle(latex[2])
1832  lat.DrawLatex(latex[3], latex[4], latex[5])
1834  # now print(the canvas and move to next AO)
1835  tc.Print("%s/%s%s.pdf" % (outdir, label, aoNameSafe))
1836  tc.Print("%s/%s%s.png" % (outdir, label, aoNameSafe))
1837  outputPlots += ["%s/%s%s.pdf" % (outdir, label, aoNameSafe)]
1838  return outputPlots
1841 def makeSystematicsPlotsWithRIVET(mergedSystDict, plotsDir, nominalName="Nominal", ratioZoom=None, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None, label="", plotInfo=None, normalize=False):
1842  """
1843  `mergedSystDict` dict{String, String} (format is as follows {N!label:filename},
1844  where N is the order in which to plot the variations, labels is what to put on
1845  the legend, and filename is the name of the YODA/ROOT file to use as input)
1846  `return` None
1848  Make some ugly plots using modified rivet make-plots.
1849  """
1850  print("[INFO] Compare histos")
1851  fileNames = mergedSystDict.keys()
1852  print("[INFO] fileNames" + repr(fileNames))
1853  colors = ["GREEN", "PURPLE", "YELLOW", "RED", "GREY", "BLUE", "ORANGE"]
1854  cc = 0
1855  plotText = ""
1856  plotText += 'MBLUE="blue!40!white" ; '
1857  plotText += 'MGREEN="green!40!white" ; '
1858  plotText += 'MRED="red!40!white" ; '
1859  plotText += 'DBLUE="blue!60!white" ; '
1860  plotText += 'DGREEN="green!60!white" ; '
1861  plotText += 'DRED="red!60!white" ; '
1862  plotText += 'MYELLOW="yellow!40!white" ; '
1863  plotText += 'DYELLOW="yellow!60!white" ; '
1864  plotText += 'MORANGE="orange!40!white" ; '
1865  plotText += 'DORANGE="orange!60!white" ; '
1866  plotText += 'MGREY="black!60!white" ; '
1867  plotText += 'DGREY="black!40!white" ; '
1868  plotText += 'MPURPLE="purple!60!white" ; '
1869  plotText += 'DPURPLE="purple!40!white" ; '
1870  if normalize:
1871  plotText += 'COMMON_TAGS="RatioPlotSameStyle=1:ErrorBars=0:ErrorBands=1:ErrorBandOpacity=0.3:NormalizeToIntegral=1" ; '
1872  plotText += " rivet-mkhtml --errs "
1873  else:
1874  plotText += 'COMMON_TAGS="RatioPlotSameStyle=1:ErrorBars=0:ErrorBands=1:ErrorBandOpacity=0.3"; '
1875  plotText += " rivet-mkhtml --reftitle=Data --errs "
1876  for kn, lab in mergedSystDict.items():
1877  if "Nominal" in lab:
1878  plotText += ' %s:RatioPlotSameStyle=1:ErrorBars=1:LineColor=black:"Title=%s" ' % (kn, lab)
1879  elif "PDF_ME" in lab:
1880  col = "RED"
1881  plotText += ' %s:$COMMON_TAGS:ErrorBandColor=$M%s:LineColor=%s:"Title=%s" ' % (kn, col, col.lower(), lab)
1882  elif "scale_ME" in lab:
1883  col = "ORANGE"
1884  plotText += ' %s:$COMMON_TAGS:ErrorBandColor=$D%s:LineColor=%s:"Title=%s" ' % (kn, col, col.lower(), lab)
1885  elif "alphaS" in lab:
1886  col = "BLUE"
1887  plotText += ' %s:$COMMON_TAGS:ErrorBandColor=$D%s:LineColor=%s:"Title=%s" ' % (kn, col, col.lower(), lab)
1888  elif "altPDF" in lab:
1889  col = colors[cc % len(colors)]
1890  cc += 1
1891  plotText += ' %s:LineStyle=dashed:RatioPlotSameStyle=1:ErrorBars=0:LineColor=%s:"Title=%s" ' % (kn, col.lower(), lab)
1892  elif "Total" in lab:
1893  col = "GREY"
1894  plotText += ' %s:$COMMON_TAGS:ErrorBandStyle=hlines:ErrorBandColor=$D%s:LineColor=$M%s:"Title=%s" ' % (kn, col, col, lab)
1895  else:
1896  col = colors[cc % len(colors)]
1897  cc += 1
1898  plotText += ' %s:$COMMON_TAGS:ErrorBandStyle=hlines:ErrorBandColor=$D%s:LineColor=%s:"Title=%s" ' % (kn, col, col.lower(), lab)
1899  plotText = '%s -o %s \n' % (plotText, "tmp")
1901  os.system("mkdir -p tmp")
1902  os.system("mkdir -p %s" % (plotsDir))
1903  os.system(plotText)
1904  res = []
1905  for dirname in os.listdir("tmp"):
1906  ananame = dirname
1907  dirname = "tmp/" + dirname
1908  if os.path.isdir(dirname):
1909  for f in os.listdir(dirname):
1910  if "pdf" not in f: continue
1911  fpng = f.replace("pdf", "png")
1912  fnew = ananame + "__" + f
1913  fnewpng = ananame + "__" + fpng
1914  f = dirname + "/" + f
1915  res += ["%s/%s" % (plotsDir, fnew)]
1916  fpng = dirname + "/" + fpng
1917  os.system("convert -flatten -density 150 %s %s &> /dev/null " % (f, fpng))
1918  os.system("mv %s %s/%s" % (f, plotsDir, fnew))
1919  os.system("mv %s %s/%s" % (fpng, plotsDir, fnewpng))
1920  os.system("rm -r tmp")
1921  print("your plots are here:" + plotsDir)
1922  return res
1925 def getCombinationRecipe(systWeights, combinationRecipeFile=None, combinationRecipeName=None,):
1926  """
1927  `systWeights` list(String) (list of weight types which are avaliable
1928  for a given dsid, to identify the correct combination recipe)
1929  `combinationRecipeName` String [optional] (specify if you want to use a
1930  specific comboination uncertainty, otherwise, it will try to auto-
1931  determine frim the systWeights)
1932  `combinationRecipeFile` String [optional] (specify if the target file is in
1933  a different location to $SYSTTOOLSPATH/data/Syst_Database.yaml
1934  `return` String, dict{components, formula}
1936  Each sample type should have a unique set of weight types/names which allow us
1937  to identify in the Syst_Database.yaml what the correct combination recipe is.
1938  """
1939  if len(systWeights) == 1:
1940  # if there is only one weight, this is not a systematics sample anyway, so skip
1941  # this and return a dummy dictionary
1942  print("[WARNING] the provided systWeights only contain one component, assuming this is nominal and moving on")
1943  return {}, {'combination': systWeights[0]}
1944  else:
1945  dataBaseDir = os.environ["SYSTTOOLSPATH"]
1946  if combinationRecipeFile is not None:
1947  data = yaml.load(open(combinationRecipeFile, 'r'))
1948  else:
1949  data = yaml.load(open('%s/data/Syst_Database.yaml' % dataBaseDir, 'r'))
1950  for recipe, details in data.items():
1951  if combinationRecipeName is not None:
1952  if recipe == combinationRecipeName:
1953  if set(details['components']).issubset(set(systWeights)):
1954  return recipe, details
1955  else:
1956  print("[Warning] requested combination recipe" + combinationRecipeName + 'uses weights ' + repr(details['components']) + 'which are not all present in ' + systWeights)
1957  return recipe, details
1959  if sorted(details['components']) == sorted(systWeights):
1960  return recipe, details
1962  print("[WARNING] could not find systematics recipe for samples with the following ME Weights" + repr(systWeights))
1963  return None, None
1966 def combineAllVariations(weightList, indir, outdir, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None, combinationRecipe=None, returnOnlyVariationsInComination=True, schema="!INDIR/!INFILE.yoda:!AONAME[!WEIGHTNAME]", orderedWeights=None, inFile=None, customWeightNameReplacements=None):
1967  """
1968  `weightList` dict in output format of the readDatabase.getWeight() tool.
1969  See
1970  for more info.
1971  `indir` String (input dir, where to find samples for each weight (merged
1972  across jobs/DSIDs if needed)
1973  `outdir` String (output dir, where to write the output files where the
1974  individual weights are combined into systematic variations)
1975  `regexFilter` String [optional] (AOs whose names match regex are processed)
1976  `regexVeto` String [optional](AOs whose names match regex are NOT processed)
1977  `combinationRecipe` String [optional] (if you want to use a specific
1978  combination recipe, specify it here. If None, then the code will try to
1979  auto-determine the correct recipe from the $SYSTTOOLSPATH/data/Syst_Database.yaml.
1980  supports String:String where the first part is the yaml file containing the recipe)
1981  `returnOnlyVariationsInComination` Bool [optional] (by default the code will return
1982  only a list of files for variations which take part in the combination. Set to False
1983  to return all possible variations)
1984  `schema` String [optional] (tells the code how the naming convention for histograms is
1985  structured within the input file.)
1986  `schema` List[weight names] [optional] (if the `!WEIGHTINDEX!` keyword is used in `schema`
1987  this option is needed so the code can convert from weight name to index)
1988  `inFile` String [optional] (needed if the `!INFILE!` keyword is used in `schema`)
1989  `customWeightNameReplacements` OrderedDict of custom replacements to sequentially apply
1990  to weight names, or txt file with one replacement per line, separated by "-->"
1991  `return` dict{String, String} (format is as follows {N!label:filename},
1992  where N is the order in which to plot the variations, labels is what to put on
1993  the legend, and filename is the name of the YODA/ROOT file to use as input)
1995  Using the information provided by the readDatabase tool (see
1997  combine individual YODA/ROOT files for each Matrix Element weights into
1998  individual YODA/ROOT files for each systematic uncertainty.
1999  """
2000  os.system("mkdir -p %s" % outdir)
2002  # various holders for weights, labels, filenames
2003  weightsToProcess = []
2004  allWeights = []
2005  labels = {}
2006  fOut = {}
2007  averageErrorSize = {}
2008  weightList = copy.deepcopy(weightList)
2010  # find the overall nominal file, and use the weight names to figure out the
2011  # corresponding yoda filenames, and fill holders
2012  NominalFile = ""
2013  for k, v in weightList.items():
2014  weights = []
2015  isRoot = False if 'root' not in schema else 'True'
2016  for oldWeight in v['weights']:
2017  # replace weight names by the path of the YODA files
2018  fileName = schema.replace("!NSFWEIGHTNAME", oldWeight)
2019  fileName = fileName.replace("!WEIGHTNAME", safeFileName(oldWeight, removeExtension=True))
2020  fileName = fileName.replace("!CRWEIGHTNAME", customReplacements(oldWeight, removeExtension=True, customReps=customWeightNameReplacements))
2021  fileName = fileName.replace("!INDIR", indir)
2022  if orderedWeights is not None: fileName = fileName.replace("!WEIGHTINDEX", "%d" % orderedWeights.index(oldWeight))
2023  if inFile is not None:
2024  fileName = fileName.replace("!INFILE", inFile)
2025  fileName = fileName.replace(".root.root", ".root")
2026  fileName = fileName.replace(".yoda.yoda", ".yoda")
2027  if(os.path.isfile(fileName.split(":")[0])):
2028  weights += [fileName]
2029  fOut[oldWeight] = fileName
2030  else:
2031  print("[ERROR] couldn't find file of name " + fileName + " with either .root or .yoda extension!")
2032  exit(1)
2033  v['weights'] = weights
2034  if v['type'] == 'Nominal':
2035  NominalFile = weights[0]
2036  v['nominal'] = NominalFile
2037  weightsToProcess += [k]
2038  elif v['combination'] == 'none': pass
2039  else:
2040  fileName = schema.replace("!NSFWEIGHTNAME", v['nominal'])
2041  fileName = fileName.replace("!WEIGHTNAME", safeFileName(v['nominal'], removeExtension=True))
2042  fileName = fileName.replace("!CRWEIGHTNAME", customReplacements(oldWeight, removeExtension=True, customReps=customWeightNameReplacements))
2043  fileName = fileName.replace("!INDIR", indir)
2044  if orderedWeights is not None: fileName = fileName.replace("!WEIGHTINDEX", "%d" % orderedWeights.index(v['nominal']))
2045  if inFile is not None:
2046  fileName = fileName.replace("!INFILE", inFile)
2047  fileName = fileName.replace(".root.root", ".root")
2048  fileName = fileName.replace(".yoda.yoda", ".yoda")
2049  if(os.path.isfile(fileName.split(":")[0])):
2050  v['nominal'] = fileName
2051  else:
2052  print("[ERROR] couldn't find file of name " + fileName + " with either .root or .yoda extension!")
2053  exit(1)
2054  weightsToProcess += [k]
2055  allWeights += weights
2057  # get the Total uncertainty combination recipe and formula
2058  combinationRecipeFile, combinationRecipeName = None, combinationRecipe
2059  if combinationRecipe:
2060  if ":" in combinationRecipe:
2061  combinationRecipeFile, combinationRecipeName = combinationRecipeName.split(":")
2062  recipe, recipeDetails = getCombinationRecipe(weightList.keys(), combinationRecipeFile, combinationRecipeName)
2063  if recipe is not None: formula = recipeDetails['combination']
2065  # for each systematic, make a new output file, process the
2066  # variation and check how large it's effect is over all AOs
2067  # so that they can be sorted by size for plotting
2068  for syst in weightsToProcess:
2069  if isRoot: fOut[syst] = '%s/%s.root' % (outdir, syst)
2070  else: fOut[syst] = '%s/%s.yoda' % (outdir, syst)
2071  labels[syst] = weightList[syst]['type']
2072  # this is the function that does the hard work!
2073  print("Doing %s with %d weights: %s" % (syst, len(weightList[syst]['weights']), repr(weightList[syst])))
2074  combineVariation(syst, weightList[syst], fOut[syst], regexFilter, regexVeto)
2075  averageErrorSize[syst] = getAverageUncertaintySizePerBin(fOut[syst], regexFilter, regexVeto)
2076  os.system("ls %s" % fOut[syst])
2078  # in Syst_Database, one may define a number of 'user-defined' intermediary systematics
2079  # which need to be constructed according to some formula before the total uncertainty
2080  # is evaluated. So let's do those first
2081  if recipe is not None:
2082  if 'user_defined_components' in recipeDetails.keys():
2083  for syst, details in recipeDetails['user_defined_components'].items():
2084  if isRoot: fOut[syst] = '%s/%s.root' % (outdir, syst)
2085  else: fOut[syst] = '%s/%s.yoda' % (outdir, syst)
2086  labels[syst] = details['type']
2088  # build a dummy 'weightList' object
2089  combinationInfo = {}
2090  combinationInfo['type'] = details['type']
2091  combinationInfo['nominal'] = NominalFile
2092  combinationInfo['weights'] = [fOut[i] for i in getFormulaComponents(details['combination'])]
2093  combinationInfo['combination'] = "customFunction"
2094  combinationInfo['function'] = details['combination']
2096  # build the systematic according to the custom Formula and then check it's size
2097  combineVariation(syst, combinationInfo, fOut[syst], regexFilter, regexVeto)
2098  averageErrorSize[syst] = getAverageUncertaintySizePerBin(fOut[syst], regexFilter, regexVeto)
2099  os.system("ls %s" % fOut[syst])
2101  # now we construct the overall uncertainty according to the recipe
2102  print("[INFO] combining uncertainties using the following recipe:" + recipe)
2103  print("[INFO] which uses formula: " + formula)
2105  # build a dummy 'weightList' object
2106  combinationInfo = {}
2107  combinationInfo['type'] = 'All'
2108  combinationInfo['nominal'] = NominalFile
2109  combinationInfo['weights'] = fOut.values()
2110  combinationInfo['combination'] = "customFunction"
2111  combinationInfo['function'] = formula
2113  # build the total uncertainty according to the custom Formula and then check it's size
2114  fOut['all'] = '%s/all.yoda' % outdir
2115  if isRoot: fOut['all'] = '%s/all.root' % outdir
2116  else: fOut['all'] = '%s/all.yoda' % outdir
2117  combineVariation('All', combinationInfo, fOut['all'], regexFilter, regexVeto)
2118  averageErrorSize['all'] = getAverageUncertaintySizePerBin(fOut['all'], regexFilter, regexVeto) * 10
2119  os.system("ls %s" % fOut[syst])
2121  # now we want to order the output files by size of the corresponding
2122  # uncertainties, so they look nice when plotted.
2123  result = OrderedDict()
2124  counter = 0
2125  formulaComponents = averageErrorSize.keys()
2126  if recipe is not None: formulaComponents = getFormulaComponents(formula)
2127  for k, v in sorted(averageErrorSize.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True):
2128  if k == 'all':
2129  result[fOut[k]] = "[Total Uncertainty]"
2130  else:
2131  isComponent = False
2132  for component in formulaComponents:
2133  if component == k: isComponent = True
2134  if (not isComponent) and returnOnlyVariationsInComination: continue
2135  result[fOut[k]] = '[%s]' % labels[k]
2136  counter += 1
2137  # finally, return the odered files
2138  return result
2141 def extractTarballsFromDirectory(fulldir, force=False, verbose=False, rootOrYoda='yoda', notTGZ=False):
2142  """
2143  `fulldir` String (directory containing tarballs to unpack)
2144  `force` Bool [optional] (re-do untarring even if already done)
2145  `verbose` Bool [optional] (Print more output if set to True)
2146  `rootOrYoda` String [optional] (specify file type of tarred objects)
2148  `return` list of [sample, newfn, filepath]
2150  This function goes through a directpry and unpacks all the tarballs it finds.
2151  By default if a matching unpacked file has been found,
2152  a tarball is not needlessly re-unpacked unless option `force` is used.
2153  """
2154  res = []
2155  if fulldir[-1] == "/": fulldir = fulldir[:-1]
2156  sample = fulldir.split("/")[-1]
2157  counter = -1
2158  os.system("cd %s" % fulldir)
2159  print("\r[INFO] Processing " + sample)
2160  nSubSamples = len([name for name in os.listdir(fulldir)])
2161  sys.stdout.flush()
2162  if force:
2163  os.system("rm %s/merged/*" % fulldir)
2164  os.system("rm %s/merged_tmp/*" % fulldir)
2165  if len(os.listdir(fulldir)) == 0:
2166  print("[ERROR] can't run over empty directory: " + fulldir)
2167  exit(1)
2168  for subsample in os.listdir(fulldir):
2169  if 'root' in subsample:
2170  newfulldir = fulldir + "/" + subsample.replace(".root.tgz", ".untarred")
2171  else:
2172  newfulldir = fulldir + "/" + subsample.replace(".yoda.tgz", ".untarred").replace(".yoda.gz.tgz", ".untarred")
2173  if (not subsample.endswith('gz') and not notTGZ): continue
2174  if ("untarred" in subsample and not force): continue
2175  if ("merged" in subsample and not force): continue
2176  counter += 1
2177  verbose = 1
2178  if ('tgz' in subsample) and not (os.path.isdir(newfulldir) and not notTGZ):
2179  os.system("mkdir -p %s" % newfulldir)
2180  if verbose: sys.stdout.write('\r Unpacking job output %s (%d/%d) ' % (subsample, counter, nSubSamples))
2181  sys.stdout.flush()
2182  with + "/" + subsample, 'r:gz') as tar:
2183  fnames = tar.getnames()
2184  prefix = os.path.commonprefix(fnames)
2185  if len(fnames) == 1: prefix = ""
2186  if len(fnames) > 0:
2187  tar.extractall(newfulldir)
2188  for fn in fnames:
2189  newfn = fn.replace(prefix, "")
2190  if ".yoda.gz" not in fn:
2191  os.rename(newfulldir + "/" + fn, newfulldir + "/" + safeFileName(newfn) + "." + rootOrYoda)
2192  res.append([fulldir, newfn, newfulldir + "/" + safeFileName(newfn, removeExtension=False)])
2193  elif (not notTGZ):
2194  for fn in os.listdir(newfulldir):
2195  res.append([fulldir, fn, newfulldir + "/" + safeFileName(fn, removeExtension=False)])
2196  else:
2197  fn = os.path.basename(newfulldir)
2198  newfulldir = os.path.dirname(newfulldir)
2199  os.system("mkdir -p %s/%s" % (newfulldir, safeFileName(fn, removeExtension=True)))
2200  renamedfn = '_Nominal.yoda'
2201  os.system("cp %s/%s %s/%s/%s" % (newfulldir, fn, newfulldir, safeFileName(fn, removeExtension=True), renamedfn))
2202  res.append([fulldir, renamedfn, newfulldir + "/" + safeFileName(fn, removeExtension=True) + "/" + renamedfn])
2203  print('\r[INFO] Done untar-ing %s' % sample)
2204  return res
2207 def updateProgress(progress, key, message):
2208  """
2209  `progress` dict (a dictionary of the job labels:status)
2210  `key` String (the job label to update)
2211  `message` String (the status to update)
2212  `return` Void
2214  This is a helper function to update and print(a progress update)
2215  when multi-threading
2216  """
2217  progress[key] = message
2218  printProgress(progress)
2221 def printProgress(progress):
2222  """
2223  `progress` dict (a dictionary of the job labels:status)
2224  `return` Void
2226  This is a helper function print(the progress update in multi-)
2227  threader processes
2228  """
2229  printString = ""
2230  nChar = 160
2231  pend = 0
2232  run = 0
2233  done = 0
2234  printString = "--> Running with %d threads: " % progress['N']
2235  for k, v in sorted(progress.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
2236  if v == 'done': done += 1
2237  if v == 'pend': pend += 1
2238  if v == 'run': run += 1
2239  printString += " DONE =%d, RUN =%d, PENDING =%d " % (done, run, pend)
2240  if len(printString) > nChar:
2241  printString = printString[:nChar] + "..."
2242  sys.stdout.write('\r %s' % printString)
2243  sys.stdout.flush()
2246 def mergeInChunks(outfn, paths, progressDict=None, nFilesPerChunk=100, force=False, rootOrYoda='yoda'):
2247  """
2248  `outfn` String (The name of the output Yoda file you wish to produce, with full path)
2249  `paths` list[String] (List of Yoda files to merge, with full paths)
2250  `progressText` String [optional] (An extra string to print(at the end of the progress message) )
2251  `nFilesPerChunk` int [optional] (How many files to do per chunk)
2252  `force` Bool [optional] by default, if there is already a matching merged file, this function does nothing
2253  but `force` forces the merge again
2254  `rootOrYoda` String [optional] (specify file type of objects to merge)
2255  `return` None
2257  This function safely merges multiple yoda files in chunks of nFilesToProcess at a time (if too many, yodamerge can fail!)
2258  Recommended is nFilesPerChunk = 100, but definitely less than 300.
2259  """
2260  fulldir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(outfn))
2261  os.system("mkdir -p %s" % fulldir)
2262  os.system("mkdir -p %s/tmp" % fulldir)
2263  fnShort = os.path.basename(outfn)
2264  mergeTool = " -o "
2265  gzsuffix = ""
2266  if 'root' == rootOrYoda:
2267  assert('root' in fnShort and 'yoda' not in fnShort)
2268  fnShort = fnShort.partition(".root")[0]
2269  mergeTool = "hadd -f "
2270  else:
2271  assert('root' not in fnShort and 'yoda' in fnShort)
2272  fnShort = fnShort.partition(".yoda")[0]
2273  gzsuffix = fnShort.partition(".yoda")[2]
2274  if progressDict is not None:
2275  updateProgress(progressDict, fnShort, "run")
2276  if os.path.isfile(outfn) and not force:
2277  pass
2278  else:
2279  time.sleep(0.1 * randint(1, 50))
2280  filesToMerge = " "
2281  if len(paths) > nFilesPerChunk:
2282  for iChunk in range(0, len(paths), nFilesPerChunk):
2283  # if progressDict is not None:
2284  chunkPaths = paths[iChunk:iChunk + nFilesPerChunk]
2285  chunkFilesToMerge = ' '.join(chunkPaths)
2286  chunkMergedFile = "%s/tmp/%s.chunk%d.%s" % (fulldir, fnShort, iChunk, rootOrYoda + gzsuffix)
2287  os.system("%s %s %s &> out1.%d.log " % (mergeTool, chunkMergedFile, chunkFilesToMerge, iChunk))
2288  print("%s %s %s &> out1.%d.log " % (mergeTool, chunkMergedFile, chunkFilesToMerge, iChunk))
2289  filesToMerge += chunkMergedFile + " "
2290  else:
2291  filesToMerge = ' '.join(paths)
2292  if 'yoda' == rootOrYoda: # this breaks for root files
2293  for p in paths:
2294  if ".yoda.gz" not in p: # breaks for .yoda.gz files
2295  os.system("sed -i 's/|//g' %s" % p)
2296  os.system("%s %s %s &> out2.log " % (mergeTool, outfn, filesToMerge))
2297  if progressDict is not None:
2298  updateProgress(progressDict, fnShort, "done")
2301 def getCrossSectionCorrection(xsList, systFiles, nomFiles, rivetNormalised=False, applyKFactorCorrection=False, varWeightName="", nominalWeightName="", sumwHistName=""):
2302  """
2303  `xsList` list[Float] (list of nominal XS values for the subsamples)
2304  `systFiles` list[String] (list of file names for the variated subsamples
2305  (same order as xsList)
2306  `nomFiles` list[String] (list of file names for the nominal subsamples
2307  `rivetNormalised` Bool [optional] (whether or not to apply the total yield
2308  correction for variation AOs, since by default rivet normalises by sum-of-weights
2309  for that variation rather than sum-of-weight of the nominal)
2310  `applyKFactorCorrection` Bool [optional] (If the sample to merge has a k-factor, there
2311  is an additional correction needed to avoid double counting the normalisation uncertainty)
2312  `varWeightName` String [optional] (name of the variation to get weight correction for)
2313  `nominalWeightName` String [optional] (name of the nominal variation to get weight correction with respect to)
2314  (same order as xsList)
2315  `sumwHistName` String [optional] (name of the TH1 with sum-of-weights in the root file output scenario)
2317  This function takes a list of nominal and variated YODA/ROOT files, and a list of
2318  nominal cross-sections in the same order, to calculate the on-the-fly cross-
2319  section corrections needed for each systFile. For yoda files produced in the Rivet 2.x
2320  series, a correction is needed to undo the fact that Rivet normalises systematics
2321  by the varied sum of weights instead of the nominal sum of weights.
2322  If using a k-factor, an additional correction is needed to avoid double-counting
2323  the normalisation uncertainty. For details, see
2325  """
2327  res = []
2328  inclusive_xs_nom = 0.
2329  inclusive_xs_syst = 0.
2330  assert len(xsList) == len(nomFiles)
2331  assert len(xsList) == len(systFiles)
2333  for i in range(len(xsList)):
2334  nom = nomFiles[i]
2335  syst = systFiles[i]
2336  xs = xsList[i]
2337  inclusive_xs_nom += xs
2338  if rivetNormalised: inclusive_xs_syst += xs * weightCorrection(syst, nom, varWeightName=varWeightName, nominalWeightName=nominalWeightName, sumwHistName=sumwHistName)
2339  else: inclusive_xs_syst += xs * 1.
2341  for i in range(len(xsList)):
2342  nom = nomFiles[i]
2343  syst = systFiles[i]
2344  xs = xsList[i]
2345  weight = xs
2346  if rivetNormalised: weight *= weightCorrection(syst, nom, varWeightName=varWeightName, nominalWeightName=nominalWeightName, sumwHistName=sumwHistName)
2347  if applyKFactorCorrection: weight *= (inclusive_xs_nom / inclusive_xs_syst)
2348  res.append([syst, weight])
2350  return res
2353 def main(argv):
2354  """
2355  This module can also be run as a standalone executable.
2356  For info about the options try:
2357 -h
2359  This is useful for unpacking large GRID job outputs, as it will do all the
2360  book-keeping, untarring of tarballs, merging across jobs, across subsamples,
2361  across samples weighted by DSID, and then finally processing the systematics
2362  and plotting them. Multithreading available.
2363  """
2364  parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options]")
2365  parser.add_option("-d", "--directory", help="Directory containing the rucio downloads.", dest="directory", default="samples")
2366  parser.add_option("-p", "--process", help="Name of process to merge. Will only apply merge to directories containing this name. Also accepts the format regex:label, where the label is used to name the output directory, and the regex to select which directories to merge. Accepts comma separated list of regex:label pairs", dest="process", default="Zee")
2367  parser.add_option("-g", "--generator", help="Name of generator to merge. Will only apply merge to directories containing this name. Also accepts the format regex:label, where the label is used to name the output directory, and the regex to select which directories to merge. Accepts comma separated list of regex:label pairs", dest="generator", default="Sherpa")
2368  parser.add_option("--force", help="By default, if a subsample has already been untarred and merged, it is not done again. This option forces the script to re-untar and re-merge. Slow, unless you use a lot of threads...", dest="force", default=False)
2369  parser.add_option("--plotsDir", help="Where to save the plots to? Default is <generator>_<process>_<label>/plots", dest="plotsDir", default=None)
2370  parser.add_option("-l", "--label", help="An additional label for the output directory of the merge and as a prefix to the plots", dest="label", default="")
2371  parser.add_option("-f", "--filter", help="Only process AOs matching this regex", dest="filter", default=".*")
2372  parser.add_option("-e", "--exclude", help="Do NOT process AOs matching this regex", dest="exclude", default=None)
2373  parser.add_option("-j", "--nThreads", help="Multithread some of the merging steps", dest="nThreads", default=4)
2374  parser.add_option("--noSyst", help="Ignore systematics, only merge/process/draw the nominal weight", dest="noSyst", default=False, action="store_true")
2375  parser.add_option("--notTGZ", help="Use if your input files were just yoda/root files not tarballs", dest="notTGZ", default=False, action="store_true")
2376  parser.add_option("--uxs", "--userXS", help="When looking up cross-sections for each DSID, check the specified file first before defaulting to CVMFS values", dest="userXS", default=None)
2377  parser.add_option("--nw", "--nominalWeight", help="Bypass the DSID_weights database, and use the specified name as the nominal. Only for us with --noSyst", dest="nominalWeight", default="")
2378  parser.add_option("--sp", "--skipPlots", help="Do the merging of files, but just skip the plotting at the end", dest="skipPlots", default=False, action="store_true")
2379  parser.add_option("--normalize", help="Normalize any output plots to unit integral", dest="normalize", default=False, action="store_true")
2380  parser.add_option("--r2n", "--rivet2Normalised", help="Are your histograms normalised by the sum of weights in each variation, as is done typically for Rivet2 analyses? specify 1/0 for True/False", dest="rivetNormalised", default=False)
2381  parser.add_option("--sw", "--sumwHistName", help="Name of the TH1 that stores the sum-of-weights in the case of root file", dest="sumwHistName", default="__EVTCOUNT")
2382  parser.add_option("--cr", "--customReplacements", help="A .txt file specifying which replacements to apply to weight names, one per line, in the format `<old string>--><new string>` (without quotes), eg ` -->` to replace spaces with nothing, and `.-->_` to replace dots with underscores. One replacement per line which will be applied sequentially in the order listed in the file.", dest="customReplacements", default=None)
2383  parser.add_option("--schema", help="Tells the tool how to access the analysis objects from the inputs provided. Format is PathToFile:ObjectName. For example, if you have one YODA file per MC Weight, and each histogram is named the same in each input file, you schema would be !INDIR/!WEIGHTNAME.yoda:!AONAME. If you instead store in a single root file all the variations, where the weight name is appended to the histo name, your schema would be !INDIR/!INFILE.yoda:!AONAME[!WEIGHTNAME]. The available identifiers are: !INDIR (path to input dir), !INFILE (name of input file), !AONAME (analysis object name), !WEIGHTNAME (the MC weight name, assuming that safeFileName was applied to changes spaces to underscores etc...), !NSFWEIGHTNAME (assuming no weight name replacements at all), or !CRWEIGHTNAME (using custom repalcements, in this case please use option --customReplacements or --cr to specify them)", dest="schema", default='!INDIR/!INFILE.yoda:!AONAME[!WEIGHTNAME]')
2384  parser.add_option("--plotInfo", help="A rivet-style .plot file to tell the tool how to format your output plots. See data/ExclusivePlusInclusive.plot as an example. Also works for plots make from root files!", dest="plotInfo", default=None)
2385  (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
2387  r.gErrorIgnoreLevel = r. kError
2388  # Loop through each process,
2389  # and get hold of the corresponding regexes
2390  for process in opts.process.split(","):
2391  if ":" in process:
2392  tokens = process.split(":")
2393  processRegex = tokens[0]
2394  process = tokens[1]
2395  else:
2396  processRegex = process
2398  # Loop through each generator,
2399  # and get hold of the corresponding regexes
2400  for generator in opts.generator.split(","):
2401  if ":" in generator:
2402  tokens = generator.split(":")
2403  generatorRegex = tokens[0]
2404  generator = tokens[1]
2405  else:
2406  generatorRegex = generator
2408  if opts.rivetNormalised is not None:
2409  opts.rivetNormalised = bool(int(opts.rivetNormalised))
2411  # for backwards-compatibility with default rivet2-style outputs
2412  if opts.rivetNormalised is True:
2413  if "--schema" not in sys.argv:
2414  opts.schema = "!INDIR/!WEIGHTNAME.yoda:!AONAME"
2416  rootOrYoda = 'root' if '.root' in opts.schema else 'yoda'
2417  if "WEIGHT" in opts.schema.split(":")[0]:
2418  structure = "OneFilePerVariation"
2419  else:
2420  structure = "AllVariationsInFile"
2422  # constrct the filter for generato/process pair
2423  thisFilter = '.*%s.*%s.*' % (generatorRegex, processRegex)
2425  # construct output dir
2426  if opts.plotsDir is None:
2427  opts.plotsDir = "%s_%s_%s/plots" % (process, generator, opts.label)
2428  os.system("mkdir -p %s" % opts.plotsDir)
2430  infiles = {} # sample: pdftype: [files]
2431  pwd = os.getcwd()
2432  jobsMergedFiles = {}
2433  print("================================================================================")
2434  print("[INFO] Processing files which match this regex " + thisFilter)
2435  print("================================================================================")
2436  print("")
2437  print("")
2439  # unatr grid outputs, merged across jobs
2440  print("-----------------------------------------------------------------------")
2441  print("[INFO] Untar Grid outputs ")
2442  print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
2444  # setup the untar jobs
2445  pool = ThreadPool(int(opts.nThreads))
2446  threadInputs = []
2447  counter = -1
2448  untarredFiles = {}
2449  samplesToProcess = []
2450  workingDir =
2451  if '/afs/' not in workingDir: workingDir = pwd + "/" +
2452  # loop through samples and select those passing the regex
2453  for sample in os.listdir(workingDir):
2454  counter += 1
2455  fulldir = workingDir + "/" + sample
2456  if not, sample): continue
2457  if not'user.', sample): continue
2458  # for each each job start by extracting the tarball if not already done
2459  if not os.path.isfile(fulldir):
2460  samplesToProcess += [fulldir]
2461  for fulldir in samplesToProcess:
2462  threadInputs.append([fulldir, opts.force])
2463  untarredFiles[fulldir] = {}
2464  if len(threadInputs) == 0:
2465  print("[ERROR] no directories in %s matches the requested regex! exit !" % workingDir)
2466  exit(1)
2468  def threadJobFunction(inputs):
2469  return extractTarballsFromDirectory(inputs[0], inputs[1], rootOrYoda=rootOrYoda, notTGZ=opts.notTGZ)
2471  results =, threadInputs)
2472  pool.close()
2473  pool.join()
2474  for jobResult in results:
2475  for res in jobResult:
2476  if structure == "OneFilePerVariation":
2477  untarredFiles[res[0]].setdefault(res[1], []).append(res[2])
2478  else:
2479  untarredFiles[res[0]].setdefault('AllVariations', []).append(res[2])
2481  print("")
2482  print("")
2483  print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
2484  print("[INFO] Merging across jobs for each DSID")
2485  print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
2487  for fulldir in sorted(untarredFiles.keys()):
2488  print("[INFO] Merging files for jobs of " + os.path.basename(fulldir))
2490  infiles = untarredFiles[fulldir]
2491  nFileTypes = len(infiles.keys())
2492  if nFileTypes == 0:
2493  print("[ERROR] 0 file types found in inputs! Exit!")
2494  print(untarredFiles)
2495  exit(1)
2497  # multi-threaded merge of files across jobs
2498  # fn, pathsToMerged, fulldir, progress
2500  def threadJobFunction(inputs):
2501  mergeInChunks(inputs[0], inputs[1], progressDict=inputs[2], rootOrYoda=rootOrYoda)
2503  # setup the threads and do merge
2504  pool = ThreadPool(int(opts.nThreads))
2505  threadInputs = []
2506  counter = -1
2507  progressDict = {}
2508  progressDict['N'] = int(opts.nThreads)
2509  for fn, paths in infiles.items():
2510  counter += 1
2511  basename = safeFileName(os.path.basename(fn))
2512  progressDict[basename] = 'pend'
2513  outfn = "%s/merged/%s.%s" % (fulldir, basename, rootOrYoda)
2514  sampleName = os.path.basename(fulldir)
2515  threadInputs.append([outfn, paths, progressDict])
2516  jobsMergedFiles.setdefault(basename, {})[sampleName] = outfn
2517  results =, threadInputs)
2518  pool.close()
2519  pool.join()
2520  print('\r[INFO] Done Merging %s' % os.path.basename(fulldir))
2522  print("")
2523  print("")
2524  print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
2525  print("[INFO] Get available MEweights from DSID database and make sure they are consistent!")
2526  print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
2528  xsDict = {}
2530  def threadJobFunction(inputs):
2531  fulldir = inputs[0]
2532  noSyst = inputs[1]
2533  xsDict = inputs[2]
2534  dsid = re.findall(r"\.[0-9]{6,6}\.", fulldir)[0].replace(".", "")
2535  print("\r[INFO] Looking up XS and MEWeights for DSID = " + repr(dsid))
2536  if rootOrYoda == 'yoda' and getXSFromYODA(jobsMergedFiles.values()[0][os.path.basename(fulldir)]) != 1.0:
2537  print("\r[INFO] Histograms in YODA file of DSID =%s are already scaled by xsec. Set xsec to 1.0 to avoid double scaling!" % dsid)
2538  xsDict[dsid] = 1.0, 0, 0
2539  else:
2540  xsDict[dsid] = getXS(int(dsid), userFile=opts.userXS)
2541  availableWeights = None
2542  nominalWeight = None
2543  if not noSyst:
2544  if availableWeights is None:
2545  availableWeights = rDB.getWeights(dsid)[0]
2546  for k, v in availableWeights.items():
2547  if v['type'] == 'Nominal':
2548  nominalWeight = v['nominal']
2550  else:
2551  nominalWeight = jobsMergedFiles.keys()[0]
2552  if len(opts.nominalWeight) > 0: nominalWeight = opts.nominalWeight
2553  availableWeights = {'_Nominal':
2554  {'nominal_pdf': '-1', 'type': 'Nominal', 'nominal': '%s' % nominalWeight,
2555  'weights': ['%s' % nominalWeight], 'combination': 'none'
2556  }
2557  }
2558  if xsDict[dsid][2] > 0:
2559  availableWeights["Normalization"] = {'nominal_pdf': '-1', 'type': 'Normalization', 'nominal': nominalWeight, 'weights': [nominalWeight], 'combination': 'norm', "value": xsDict[dsid][2]}
2561  return [availableWeights, dsid]
2563  pool = ThreadPool(int(opts.nThreads))
2564  threadInputs = []
2565  for fulldir in sorted(untarredFiles.keys()):
2566  threadInputs.append([fulldir, opts.noSyst, xsDict])
2568  results =, threadInputs)
2569  pool.close()
2570  pool.join()
2572  print()
2573  print("[INFO] Consistentcy Checks:")
2574  availableWeights = None
2575  uniqueWeights = []
2576  for dsid, xs in xsDict.items():
2577  if (xsDict[dsid][0] == -1):
2578  print("\r[INFO] ERROR: could not find Xs for DSID =%s. Exit." % (str(dsid)))
2579  exit(1)
2580  else:
2581  print("\r[INFO] DSID =%s has XS =%.6f pb (kFactor =%.2f, normUnvertainty =%.2f)" % (str(dsid), xsDict[dsid][0], xsDict[dsid][1], xsDict[dsid][2]) + " and found ME weights")
2582  for res in results:
2583  if availableWeights is None:
2584  availableWeights = res[0]
2585  print("[INFO] DSID = " + res[1] + " has weights" + repr(availableWeights.keys()))
2587  elif(sorted(availableWeights.keys()) == sorted(res[0].keys())):
2588  print("[INFO] DSID = " + res[1] + " has weights consistent with the above")
2589  else:
2590  print("[ERROR] DSID = " + res[1] + " has weights NOT consistent with the above!!")
2591  exit(1)
2593  for k, v in availableWeights.items():
2594  if "_Nominal" in k:
2595  nominalWeight = v
2596  for w in v['weights']:
2597  if w in uniqueWeights: continue
2598  else: uniqueWeights += [w]
2600  if (len(uniqueWeights) == 0 and not opts.noSyst):
2601  print("[ERROR] Your sample DISD = " + res[1] + " has no weights... so it might be missing from the database!")
2602  print("[ERROR] Please contact to get your sample added...")
2603  print("[ERROR] In the meantime, we will exit since no combination recipe is availale... you can still run with --noSyst")
2604  exit(1)
2606  print("")
2607  print("")
2608  print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
2609  print("[INFO] Calculating on the fly corrections to XSs for each systematic")
2610  print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
2612  if opts.rivetNormalised is None:
2613  if rootOrYoda == 'yoda': opts.rivetNormalised = True
2614  else: opts.rivetNormalised = True
2616  allFilesToMerge = {}
2618  def threadJobFunction(inputs):
2619  systName = safeFileName(inputs[0])
2620  progressDict = inputs[4]
2621  updateProgress(progressDict, systName, "run")
2622  res = getCrossSectionCorrection(inputs[1], inputs[2], inputs[3], inputs[5], inputs[6], inputs[7], inputs[8])
2623  updateProgress(progressDict, systName, "done")
2624  return systName, res
2626  pool = ThreadPool(int(opts.nThreads))
2627  threadInputs = []
2629  progressDict = {}
2630  applyKFactorCorrection = None
2631  progressDict['N'] = int(opts.nThreads)
2632  for syst in uniqueWeights:
2633  if structure == "AllVariationsInFile":
2634  sample = jobsMergedFiles.values()[0]
2635  else:
2636  sample = jobsMergedFiles[safeFileName(syst)]
2637  systSampleFiles = []
2638  xsList = []
2639  nomSampleFiles = []
2640  for sampleName, path in sample.items():
2641  dsid = re.findall("[0-9]{6,6}", sampleName)[0].replace(".", "")
2642  xsList += [xsDict[dsid][0]]
2643  if applyKFactorCorrection is None: applyKFactorCorrection = xsDict[dsid][1]
2644  elif applyKFactorCorrection != xsDict[dsid][1]:
2645  print("[ERROR], cannot merge samples with inconsistent k-factors !")
2646  print(xsDict)
2647  exit(1)
2648  else: pass
2649  systSampleFiles += [path]
2650  if structure == "AllVariationsInFile":
2651  nomSampleFiles += [jobsMergedFiles.values()[0][sampleName]]
2652  else:
2653  nomSampleFiles += [jobsMergedFiles[safeFileName(nominalWeight['nominal'])][sampleName]]
2655  if structure == "AllVariationsInFile":
2656  threadInputs += [[syst, xsList, systSampleFiles, nomSampleFiles, progressDict, opts.rivetNormalised, applyKFactorCorrection, safeFileName(syst), safeFileName(nominalWeight['nominal'])]]
2657  else:
2658  threadInputs += [[syst, xsList, systSampleFiles, nomSampleFiles, progressDict, opts.rivetNormalised, applyKFactorCorrection, "", ""]]
2659  progressDict[syst] = 'pend'
2661  results =, threadInputs)
2663  pool.close()
2664  pool.join()
2665  for jobResult in results:
2666  syst = jobResult[0]
2667  for systFile, weight in jobResult[1]:
2668  allFilesToMerge.setdefault(syst, []).append(" %s:%f" % (systFile, weight))
2670  print("")
2671  print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
2672  print("[INFO] Merging files across DSIDs for each systematic")
2673  print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
2675  def threadJobFunction(inputs):
2676  s = inputs[0]
2677  debug = 0
2678  generator = inputs[1]
2679  process = inputs[2]
2680  updateProgress(progressDict, s, "run")
2681  os.system("mkdir -p %s_%s_%s/merged_sample" % (process, generator, opts.label))
2682  if rootOrYoda == 'root':
2684  if structure == "AllVariationsInFile":
2685  mergedFile = "%s_%s_%s/merged_sample/%s.%s" % (process, generator, opts.label, safeFileName(s), rootOrYoda)
2686  thisFilter = "%s__.*" % safeFileName(s)
2687  thisFindAndReplace = "%s__:" % safeFileName(s)
2688  command = "haddw -f %s -r %s %s %s &> out.txt " % (thisFilter, thisFindAndReplace, mergedFile, " ".join(allFilesToMerge[safeFileName(s)]))
2689  if debug: print(command)
2690  os.system(command)
2692  if structure == "OneFilePerVariation":
2693  mergedFile = "%s_%s_%s/merged_sample/%s.%s" % (process, generator, opts.label, safeFileName(s), rootOrYoda)
2694  command = "haddw %s %s &> out.txt " % (mergedFile, " ".join(allFilesToMerge[s]))
2695  os.system(command)
2696  else:
2697  mergedFile = "%s_%s_%s/merged_sample/%s.%s" % (process, generator, opts.label, safeFileName(s), rootOrYoda)
2698  if structure == "AllVariationsInFile":
2699  if rivetINameReplacements(s) != "" and not opts.noSyst:
2700  command = r" --add -o %s %s -m r'.*\[%s\].*' &> out.txt " % (mergedFile, " ".join(allFilesToMerge[safeFileName(s)]), rivetINameReplacements(s, escapePlus=True))
2701  if debug:
2702  print(command)
2703  print(r"sed -i 's/\[%s\]//g' %s" % (rivetINameReplacements(s), mergedFile))
2704  os.system(command)
2705  os.system(r"sed -i 's/\[%s\]//g' %s" % (rivetINameReplacements(s), mergedFile))
2706  if len(allFilesToMerge[safeFileName(s)]) == 1: # to deal with issue where individual files are not scaled by yodamerge
2707  sampleToMerge = allFilesToMerge[safeFileName(s)][0].split(":")
2708  command = "yodascale -c '.* %fx' -i %s &> out.txt \n" % (float(sampleToMerge[1]), mergedFile)
2709  if debug: print(command)
2710  os.system(command)
2712  else:
2713  command = r" --add -o %s %s -M .*\\\[.*\\\].* &> out.txt " % (mergedFile, " ".join(allFilesToMerge[safeFileName(s)]))
2714  if debug: print(command)
2715  os.system(command)
2716  if len(allFilesToMerge[safeFileName(s)]) == 1: # to deal with issue where individual files are not scaled by yodamerge
2717  sampleToMerge = allFilesToMerge[safeFileName(s)][0].split(":")
2718  command = "yodascale -c '.* %fx' -i %s &> out.txt \n" % (float(sampleToMerge[1]), mergedFile)
2719  if debug: print(command)
2720  os.system(command)
2721  if structure == "OneFilePerVariation":
2722  if len(allFilesToMerge[s]) == 1:
2723  sampleToMerge = allFilesToMerge[s][0].split(":")
2724  command = "cp %s %s ; yodascale -c '.* %fx' -i %s &> out.txt \n" % (sampleToMerge[0], mergedFile, float(sampleToMerge[1]), mergedFile)
2725  else:
2726  command = " --add -o %s %s &> out.txt " % (mergedFile, " ".join(allFilesToMerge[s]))
2727  if debug: print(command)
2728  os.system(command)
2730  updateProgress(progressDict, s, "done")
2732  if rootOrYoda == 'root': nThreads = 1 # for the merging of root files, IO errors if running with more than 1 thread
2733  else: nThreads = int(opts.nThreads)
2734  pool = ThreadPool(nThreads)
2735  threadInputs = []
2736  progressDict = {}
2737  progressDict['N'] = nThreads
2738  if (structure == "AllVariationsInFile"):
2739  for i, s in enumerate(uniqueWeights):
2740  progressDict[s] = 'pend'
2741  threadInputs.append([s, generator, process, progressDict])
2742  elif (structure == "OneFilePerVariation"):
2743  for i, s in enumerate(allFilesToMerge.keys()):
2744  progressDict[s] = 'pend'
2745  threadInputs.append([s, generator, process, progressDict])
2747  results =, threadInputs)
2748  pool.close()
2749  pool.join()
2751  print("")
2752  print("")
2753  print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
2754  print("[INFO] Combining variations into named sources of uncertainty")
2755  print("------------------------------------------------------------------------")
2757  mergedSystDict = combineAllVariations(availableWeights, "%s_%s_%s/merged_sample" % (process, generator, opts.label), "%s_%s_%s/merged_final/." % (process, generator, opts.label), opts.filter, opts.exclude, schema="!INDIR/!WEIGHTNAME.%s:!AONAME" % rootOrYoda, customWeightNameReplacements=opts.customReplacements)
2759  print("")
2760  print("-----------------------------------------------")
2761  print("[INFO] Produce plots of the systematic uncertainties (with bands)")
2762  print("-----------------------------------------------")
2764  if not opts.skipPlots and rootOrYoda == "yoda":
2765  plots = makeSystematicsPlotsWithRIVET(mergedSystDict, opts.plotsDir, "Nominal", label=opts.label, plotInfo=opts.plotInfo, normalize=opts.normalize)
2766  for p in plots:
2767  print("[INFO] printed: " + p)
2770 if __name__ == "__main__":
2771  main(sys.argv[1:])
def rivetINameReplacements(name, escapePlus=False)
std::string replace(std::string s, const std::string &s2, const std::string &s3)
Definition: hcg.cxx:307
def updateProgress(progress, key, message)
def makeSystematicsPlotsWithRIVET(mergedSystDict, plotsDir, nominalName="Nominal", ratioZoom=None, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None, label="", plotInfo=None, normalize=False)
def getPlotInfo(aoName, pathInRivetEnv)
def getCrossSectionCorrection(xsList, systFiles, nomFiles, rivetNormalised=False, applyKFactorCorrection=False, varWeightName="", nominalWeightName="", sumwHistName="")
def splitOperand(operand, bracket="()")
#define max(a, b)
Definition: cfImp.cxx:41
def combineVariationsHessian(nom, variations, asym=True)
def getSumOfWeights(path, nominalWeight="", sumwHistName="")
def combineVariationsAlphaS(nom, variations)
def readFromROOT(filename, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None)
def getAverageUncertaintySizePerBin(fIn, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None)
def lookupPDFSetName(lhapdfid)
def combineVariationsLHAPDF(nom, variations, pset, asym=False)
Int_t FindBin(const TAxis *axis, const double x)
Definition: RootHelpers.cxx:14
def getXSFromYODA(path)
def combineVariationsReplicas(nom, variations, asym=True)
def combineVariationsStat(nom)
def main(argv)
def printProgress(progress)
def getXS(dsid, campaign=15, userFile=None)
def readFromYODA(filename, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None)
bool append
def mergeInChunks(outfn, paths, progressDict=None, nFilesPerChunk=100, force=False, rootOrYoda='yoda')
def makeSystematicsPlotsWithROOT(mergedSystDict, outdir, nominalName="Nominal", ratioZoom=None, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None, label="", plotInfo=None)
def combineVariation(wName, wInfo, fOut, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None)
def readFromFile(filename, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None)
def arrayDictToTGraph(ao, isData=False, setYErrorsToZero=False, nominalAOForRatio=None)
def writeToFile(histDict, fOut)
def combineVariationsFromFormula(nom, variations, formula)
def getCombinationRecipe(systWeights, combinationRecipeFile=None, combinationRecipeName=None)
def customReplacements(name, removeExtension=True, customReps=None)
def makeDummyHisto(tg, isLog=False, XandYMinAndMax=None, ratioZoom=None, isRatio=False)
def weightCorrection(var, nom, sampleDir="", varWeightName="", nominalWeightName="", sumwHistName="")
An interface for getting the name of a class as a string.
Definition: AthenaKernel/AthenaKernel/ClassName.h:33
def writeToYODA(histDict, fOut)
def getFormulaComponents(formula)
std::string repr(PyObject *o)
returns the string representation of a python object equivalent of calling repr(o) in python
Definition: PyAthenaUtils.cxx:106
def combineVariationsEnvelope(nom, variations, asym=True, includeErrorsInEnvelope=False)
def extractTarballsFromDirectory(fulldir, force=False, verbose=False, rootOrYoda='yoda', notTGZ=False)
def safeFileName(name, removeExtension=True, reverse=False)
std::vector< typename T::value_type > sorted(T begin, T end)
Helper function to create a sorted vector from an unsorted one.
constexpr std::enable_if_t< is_bitmask_v< E >, E & > set(E &lhs, E rhs)
Convenience function to set bits in a class enum bitmask.
Definition: bitmask.h:224
#define min(a, b)
Definition: cfImp.cxx:40
std::string join(const std::vector< std::string > &v, const char c=',')
Definition: Trigger/TrigT1/L1Topo/L1TopoCommon/Root/StringUtils.cxx:10
def combineVariationsNorm(nom, val=0.05)
def safeDiv(numerator, denominator)
def getFileKeys(d, basepath="/")
def resolveFormula(nominal, formula, componentsMap, level=0, verbose=0)
def safeRootLatex(unsafeLatex)
@ open
Definition: BinningType.h:40
std::string print(const MuPatSegment &)
Definition: MuonTrackSteering.cxx:28
Definition: LArRodBlockPhysicsV0.cxx:569
Definition: BTagTrackIpAccessor.cxx:11
Definition: Control/AthenaPython/python/
def renameFilesWithoutPrefix(directory)
def combineAllVariations(weightList, indir, outdir, regexFilter=None, regexVeto=None, combinationRecipe=None, returnOnlyVariationsInComination=True, schema="!INDIR/!INFILE.yoda:!AONAME[!WEIGHTNAME]", orderedWeights=None, inFile=None, customWeightNameReplacements=None)
setBGCode setTAP setLVL2ErrorBits bool
Definition: TrigDecision_v1.cxx:60
@ split
Definition: LayerMaterialProperties.h:38
def writeToROOT(histDict, fOut)