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ATLAS Offline Software
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5 #ifndef TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm_h
6 #define TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm_h
96 ToolHandleArray<IAsgElectronLikelihoodTool>
98 ToolHandleArray<IAsgElectronLikelihoodTool>
"ElectronDNNSelectorTool", {},
"DNN tools" };
107 Gaudi::Property<bool>
false };
113 Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>>
"isEMResultNames", {} };
115 Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>>
"LHResultNames", {} };
117 Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>>
m_dnnname {
"DNNResultNames", {}, };
133 const ToolHandle<Trig::TrigDecisionTool>&
const {
return m_trigdec;};
141 float dR(
const float,
const float,
const float,
const float)
143 std::string
const std::string& trigger)
182 #define GETTER(_name_) float getShowerShape_##_name_(const xAOD::Egamma* eg) const;
209 #define GETTER(_name_) float getIsolation_##_name_(const xAOD::Electron* eg) const;
217 #define GETTER(_name_) float getIsolation_##_name_(const xAOD::Egamma* eg) const;
227 #define GETTER(_name_) float getCluster_##_name_(const xAOD::Egamma* eg) const;
234 #define GETTER(_name_) float getTrack_##_name_(const xAOD::Electron* eg) const;
244 #define GETTER(_name_) float getTrackSummary_##_name_(const xAOD::Electron* eg) const;
261 #define GETTER(_name_) float getTrackSummaryFloat_##_name_(const xAOD::Electron* eg) const;
268 #define GETTER(_name_) float getCaloTrackMatch_##_name_(const xAOD::Electron* eg) const;
291 typedef std::map<std::string, std::string>
Property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a ReadHandle is made.
float getDEmaxs1(const xAOD::Egamma *eg) const
ToolHandleArray< IAsgPhotonIsEMSelector > m_photonIsEMTool
Offline isEM Photon Selectors.
bool isIsolated(const xAOD::Electron *, const std::string &) const
Check if electron fulfils isolation criteria.
float getEnergyBE1(const xAOD::Egamma *eg) const
float dR(const float, const float, const float, const float) const
Get delta R.
Extra patterns decribing particle interation process.
@ deltaPhi0
difference between the cluster phi (presampler) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the presampl...
@ topoetcone20
Topo-cluster ET-sum.
const std::map< std::string, TrigInfo > & getTrigInfoMap()
Helper methods.
@ ptvarcone20
Mini-Isolation http://arxiv.org/abs/1007.2221.
@ eProbabilityComb
Electron probability from combining the below probabilities [float].
@ deltaPhi3
difference between the cluster eta (3rd sampling) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the 3rd sa...
StatusCode parse(std::tuple< Tup... > &tup, const Gaudi::Parsers::InputData &input)
Scalar phi() const
phi method
ToolHandle< Trig::TrigDecisionTool > m_trigdec
Trigger decision tool.
float getEt(const xAOD::Electron *eg) const
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
asg::AcceptData setAccept(const TrigCompositeUtils::Decision *, const TrigInfo &, const bool) const
Set the accept object for all trigger levels.
@ numberOfTRTXenonHits
number of TRT hits on track in straws with xenon [unit8_t].
bool ApplyPhotonPid(const xAOD::Photon *eg, const std::string &) const
Get offline electron decision.
@ deltaEta0
difference between the cluster eta (presampler) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the presampl...
@ deltaEta2
difference between the cluster eta (second sampling) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the sec...
@ ptcone20
Track isolation.
@ ethad1
transverse energy in the first sampling of the hadronic calorimeters behind the cluster calculated fr...
@ numberOfPixelHits
these are the pixel hits, including the b-layer [unit8_t].
@ expectInnermostPixelLayerHit
Do we expect a 0th-layer barrel hit for this track?
@ deltaPhiRescaled3
difference between the cluster eta (3rd sampling) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the 3rd sa...
@ numberOfTRTHits
number of TRT hits [unit8_t].
const ToolHandle< Trig::TrigDecisionTool > & tdt() const
Get the TDT
struct _triginfo TrigInfo
float getE0Eaccordion(const xAOD::Egamma *eg) const
@ wtots1
shower width is determined in a window detaxdphi = 0,0625 ×~0,2, corresponding typically to 20 strips...
float getEnergyBE0(const xAOD::Egamma *eg) const
float getEnergyBE3(const xAOD::Egamma *eg) const
@ numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits
number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold (only xenon counted) [unit8_t].
@ deltaPhi1
difference between the cluster eta (1st sampling) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the 1st sa...
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< std::string > > m_dnnname
dnn names
Base class for Athena Monitoring Algorithms.
@ f3
fraction of energy reconstructed in 3rd sampling
bool isHLTTruncated() const
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerOutliers
number of 0th layer barrel outliers
@ ethad
ET leakage into hadronic calorimeter with exclusion of energy in CaloSampling::TileGap3.
TrigInfo getTrigInfo(const std::string &) const
Get the trigger info parsed from the chain name (only single lepton triggers)
@ numberOfTRTHighThresholdOutliers
number of TRT high threshold outliers (only xenon counted) [unit8_t].
std::map< std::string, TrigInfo > m_trigInfo
creates map of trigger name and TrigInfo struct
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_defaultProbePidElectron
default probe pid for electron trigitems that don't have pid in their name
void setTrigInfo(const std::string &)
Set the trigger info parsed from the chain name.
@ etcone20
Calorimeter isolation.
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
@ emins1
energy reconstructed in the strip with the minimal value between the first and second maximum
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_tp
TP Trigger Analysis.
ToolHandle< Trig::TrigEgammaEmulationToolMT > m_emulatorTool
@ e011
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in presampler in a 1x1 window in cells in eta X phi
@ deltaEta3
difference between the cluster eta (3rd sampling) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the 3rd sa...
@ numberOfPixelOutliers
these are the pixel outliers, including the b-layer [unit8_t].
@ deltaPhiRescaled2
difference between the cluster phi (second sampling) and the phi of the track extrapolated to the sec...
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_doEmulation
Do emulation.
ToolHandleArray< IAsgElectronIsEMSelector > m_electronIsEMTool
Offline isEM Selectors.
@ deltaPhiRescaled0
difference between the cluster phi (presampler) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the presampl...
Class used to describe composite objects in the HLT.
float getEaccordion(const xAOD::Egamma *eg) const
ToolHandleArray< IAsgElectronLikelihoodTool > m_electronLHTool
Offline LH Selectors.
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< std::string > > m_isemname
isem names
float getEta2(const xAOD::Egamma *eg) const
Features helper.
bool ApplyElectronPid(const xAOD::Electron *eg, const std::string &) const
Get offline electron decision.
float getSigmaD0(const xAOD::Electron *eg) const
@ deltaPhi2
difference between the cluster phi (second sampling) and the phi of the track extrapolated to the sec...
std::vector< Dict_t > VecDict_t
ToolHandle< TrigEgammaMatchingToolMT > m_matchTool
TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
const ToolHandle< TrigEgammaMatchingToolMT > & match() const
Get the e/g match tool.
@ numberOfTRTOutliers
number of TRT outliers [unit8_t].
@ pixeldEdx
the dE/dx estimate, calculated using the pixel clusters [?]
@ deltaPhiRescaled1
difference between the cluster eta (1st sampling) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the 1st sa...
Gaudi::Property< std::vector< std::string > > m_lhname
lh names
ToolHandleArray< IAsgElectronLikelihoodTool > m_electronDNNTool
Offline DNN Selectors.
float getD0sig(const xAOD::Electron *eg) const
@ numberOfSCTOutliers
number of SCT outliers [unit8_t].
@ numberOfSCTDeadSensors
number of dead SCT sensors crossed [unit8_t].
std::map< std::string, std::string > Dict_t
virtual StatusCode fillHistograms(const EventContext &) const override
adds event to the monitoring histograms
float rTRT(const xAOD::Electron *eg) const
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_detailedHists
Include more detailed histograms.
@ eProbabilityHT
Electron probability from High Threshold (HT) information [float].
@ numberOfSCTHits
number of hits in SCT [unit8_t].
@ e277
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 7x7
@ numberOfPixelDeadSensors
number of dead pixel sensors crossed [unit8_t].
@ weta1
shower width using +/-3 strips around the one with the maximal energy deposit: w3 strips = sqrt{sum(E...
@ e132
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in strips in a 3x2 window in cells in eta X phi
@ Eratio
@ e237
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) of the middle sampling in a rectangle of size 3x7
#define GETTER(_name_)
C Macros for plotting.
@ deltaEta1
difference between the cluster eta (first sampling) and the eta of the track extrapolated to the firs...
float getEnergyBE2(const xAOD::Egamma *eg) const
@ f3core
E3(3x3)/E fraction of the energy reconstructed in the third compartment of the electromagnetic calori...
@ e2tsts1
energy of the cell corresponding to second energy maximum in the first sampling
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
Gaudi::Property< std::string > m_defaultProbePidPhoton
default probe pid for photon trigitems that don't have pid in their name
bool isPrescaled(const std::string &) const
Check if the event is prescaled.
@ emaxs1
energy of strip with maximal energy deposit
virtual ~TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm()
std::string getL1Item(const std::string &trigger) const
Creates static map to return L1 item from trigger name.
@ fracs1
shower shape in the shower core : [E(+/-3)-E(+/-1)]/E(+/-1), where E(+/-n) is the energy in ± n strip...
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits
these are the hits in the 0th pixel barrel layer
float getEtCluster37(const xAOD::Egamma *eg) const
@ weta2
the lateral width is calculated with a window of 3x5 cells using the energy weighted sum over all cel...