ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
15 #include <unordered_map>
21 #include "HepMC3/Data/GenRunInfoData.h"
24 #pragma clang diagnostic push
25 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wkeyword-macro"
27 #define private public
28 #define protected public
35 #pragma clang diagnostic pop
46 #include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
McEventCollectionCnv_p7 & operator=(const McEventCollectionCnv_p7 &rhs)
Assignement operator.
HepMC::GenVertex * GenVertexPtr
IService to read/write HepMC's WeightContainer key names from/to IOVMetaDataContainers author: will b...
virtual void persToTrans(const McEventCollection_p7 *persObj, McEventCollection *transObj, MsgStream &log)
Method creating the transient representation of McEventCollection from its persistent representation ...
HepMC::GenVertexPtr createGenVertex(const McEventCollection_p7 &persEvts, const GenVertex_p7 &vtx, ParticlesMap_t &bcToPart, HepMC::DataPool &datapools, HepMC::GenEvent *parent=nullptr) const
Create a transient GenVertex from a persistent one (version 1) It returns the new GenVertex.
HepMC::GenParticlePtr createGenParticle(const GenParticle_p7 &p, ParticlesMap_t &partToEndVtx, HepMC::DataPool &datapools, const HepMC::GenVertexPtr &parent=nullptr, bool add_to_output=true) const
Create a transient GenParticle from a persistent one (vers.1) It returns the new GenParticle.
GenParticle * GenParticlePtr
virtual ~McEventCollectionCnv_p7()
T_AthenaPoolTPCnvBase< McEventCollection, McEventCollection_p7 > Base_t
This defines the McEventCollection, which is really just an ObjectVector of McEvent objects.
const GenParticle * ConstGenParticlePtr
std::unordered_map< HepMC::GenParticlePtr, int > ParticlesMap_t
int writeGenParticle(const HepMC::GenParticle &p, McEventCollection_p7 &persEvt) const
Method to write a persistent GenParticle object It returns the index of the persistent GenParticle in...
ServiceHandle< IHepMCWeightSvc > m_hepMCWeightSvc
void writeGenVertex(const HepMC::GenVertex &vtx, McEventCollection_p7 &persEvt) const
Method to write a persistent GenVertex object.
Default constructor:
a typed memory pool that saves time spent allocation small object. This is typically used by containe...
virtual void transToPers(const McEventCollection *transObj, McEventCollection_p7 *persObj, MsgStream &log)
Method creating the persistent representation McEventCollection_p7 from its transient representation ...
const HepMC::GenVertex * ConstGenVertexPtr