ATLAS Offline Software
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202 :
public BaseInfo<ConstDataVector<CaloCellContainer> >
char data[hepevt_bytes_allocation_ATLAS]
Const iterator class for DataVector/DataList.
bool isOrderedAndComplete() const
tell wether container is complete and in order
bool checkOrderedAndComplete() const
verify one by one the container is complete (i.e.
bool checkOrdered() const
verify one by one the container is ordered
DataVector adapter that acts like it holds const pointers.
void resetLookUpTable()
reset look up table
void push_back_fast(std::unique_ptr< const CaloCell > cell)
reimplementation of push_back to gain speed in readin (UP version)
void findCellVector(const std::vector< IdentifierHash > &theVectorHash, ::CaloCellContainer::CellVector &theCellVector) const
fast find method given vector of identifier hash.
void order()
order container
bool isOrdered() const
tell wether container is ordered
describes the possible element ownership policies (see e.g. DataVector)
void setIsOrdered(bool ordered)
indicates that the container is ordered
int findIndex(IdentifierHash theHash) const
Return index of the cell with a given hash.
void updateCaloIterators()
fill calo iterators and the index of first and last cell IT IS THE RESPONSABILITY OF THE PRODUCER TO ...
this data object owns its elements
void updateCaloBeginIterators(int ic, int ind)
fills calo iterators and the index of first cell for a given subcalo
void setIsOrderedAndComplete(bool ordered)
indicate that the container is complete and in order
const CaloCell * findCell(IdentifierHash theHash) const
fast find method given identifier hash.
void push_back_fast(const CaloCell *cell)
reimplementation of push_back to gain speed in readin
bool hasTotalSize() const
tell wether container has total hash id size
enumeration of sub calorimeters
Default, invalid implementation of ClassID_traits.
Provide an interface for finding inheritance information at run time.
DV::size_type size_type
Basic types, forwarded from the base.
bool hasCalo(const CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO caloNum) const
tell whether it has been filled with cells (maybe none) of a given calo
::CaloCellContainer * baseContainer()
Return a non-const pointer to the base container.
int indexFirstCellCalo(const CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO caloNum) const
index of first cell of given calorimeter (-1 if none).
bool findInContainer(const CaloCellContainer &data, CaloCell const *const &element, CaloCellContainer::size_type &index)
void setHasTotalSize(bool flag)
If @ flag is true, then the container size equals the maximum hash.
Container class for CaloCell.
Data object for each calorimeter readout cell.
CaloCellContainer that can accept const cell pointers.
void setHasCalo(CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO caloNum)
set which calo has been filled.
DataVector adapter that acts like it holds const pointers.
int indexLastCellCalo(const CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO caloNum) const
index of last cell of given calorimeter (-2 if none) Note that it is normally more efficient to use i...
SG::OwnershipPolicy ownPolicy() const
Return the ownership policy setting for this container.
::CaloCellContainer::const_iterator beginConstCalo(CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO caloNum) const
get const begin iterator on cell of just one calo
This is a "hash" representation of an Identifier. This encodes a 32 bit index which can be used to lo...
::CaloCellContainer::const_iterator endConstCalo(CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO caloNum) const
get const begin iterator on cell of just one calo
int nCellsCalo(const CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO caloNum) const
get number of cels of given calorimeter
Define macros for attributes used to control the static checker.
Metafunction to find the proper DataBucket class for T.
void updateCaloEndIterators(int ic, int ind)
fills calo iterators and the index of last cell for a given subcalo
std::vector< const CaloCell * > CellVector
type to be used for the internal lookup table, and to return list of cells
CaloConstCellContainer(SG::OwnershipPolicy ownPolicy=SG::OWN_ELEMENTS)