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ATLAS Offline Software
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21 #include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h"
22 #include "CaloEvent/CaloClusterContainer.h"
23 #include "AthLinks/ElementLink.h"
24 #include "AthLinks/ElementLinkVector.h"
75 virtual const std::string&
139 unsigned int i)
173 unsigned int i)
214 unsigned int i)
246 unsigned int i)
277 unsigned int i)
312 double significance );
326 double significance );
439 double significance );
453 const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &
sumPi0Vec );
509 unsigned int i )
1035 unsigned int i )
1046 template <
1066 unsigned int i )
1077 template <
1306 template <
class stream>
double seedCalo_etHadCalib() const
Get calibrated hadronic transverse energy.
double seedTrk_etChrgHad() const
Get charged E_T in hadronic calorimeter.
const ElementLink< CaloClusterContainer > & cellEM012ClusterLink() const
Get ElementLink to EM calorimeter cell cluster (const)
@ trkRmsDist
Get the RMS of track distance to calorimeter seed.
unsigned int nLooseTrk() const
Get number of loose tracks.
double m_seedCalo_trkAvgDist
average track distance from calorimeter seed
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector m_sumPi0Vec
Pi0 energy sum vector.
void setSeedCalo_caloIsoCorrected(double caloIsoCorrected)
Set sum of transvers energy of clusters around jet seed within 0.2 < dR < 0.4 (pile up corrected)
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > m_looseTrk
Loose tracks.
void setSeedTrk_nIsolTrk(int n)
Set number of tracks.
double effTopoMeanDeltaR() const
get mean distance to leading topocluster for effective topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidat...
double seedCalo_lead2ClusterEOverAllClusterE() const
Get sum of 2 leading cluster energy over all cluster energy.
double m_topoInvMass
invariant mass from topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
double m_seedCalo_dRmax
maximal dR of tracks associated to calo-seeded tau
double cellBasedEnergyRing1() const
Ring 1: 0.00 < R < 0.05.
Extra patterns decribing particle interation process.
void setSeedTrk_nStrip(int nStrip)
Set the number of strip cells.
void addSeedCalo_wideTrk(const Rec::TrackParticleContainer *cont, const Rec::TrackParticle *track)
Add a seedCalo wide track.
double m_seedTrk_etChrgHadOverSumTrkPt
charged hadronic transverse energy over sum of transverse momenta of all tracks
const ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > & seedCalo_wideTrk() const
Get seedCalo wide track vector (const)
double m_seedCalo_centFrac
Centrality fraction (ET(dr<0.1)/ET(dr<0.4) for all calos.
double m_seedTrk_etEMCL
Transverse energy of cells classified as "pure electromagnetic" seeded by egamma or topo cluster (ste...
void setCellBasedEnergyRing1(double value)
void setEle_E237E277(double value)
set ratio of energy in window of 3X7 cells over 7X7 cells in second layer of ECAL
void setSeedCalo_etHadCalib(double etHadCalib)
Set calibrated hadronic transverse energy.
double seedTrk_etIsolHad() const
Get transverse energy in Had calo.
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > m_seedCalo_wideTrk
SeedCalo wide tracks.
Scalar phi() const
phi method
double ipSigLeadLooseTrk() const
Get impact parameter significance.
void setIpSigLeadLooseTrk(double significance)
Set impact parameter significance.
const Rec::TrackParticle * looseTrk(unsigned int i) const
Get loose track.
@ lead2ClusterEOverAllClusterE
Get sum of 2 leading cluster energy over all cluster energy.
double m_seedTrk_hadLeakEt
hadronic leakage in Et summed over cells
double m_seedTrk_etIsolEM
Transverse energy in EM calo (at EM Scale) in 0.2 < dR < 0.4.
void setSeedTrk_etHadAtEMScale(double et)
Set hadronic E_T at EM scale.
ElementLink< CaloClusterContainer > m_cellEM012Cluster
EM calorimeter cell cluster.
void setSeedCalo_stripWidth2(double stripWidth2)
Set strip width ^2.
double m_seedTrk_secMaxStripEt
Secondary maximum.
double seedCalo_dRmax() const
Get maximal dR of tracks associated to calo-seeded tau.
double m_seedTrk_etChrgEM
Transverse energy of EM cells (at EM scale) classified as "charged electromagnetic" collected in narr...
double ele_E237E277() const
name accessors for electron LLH variables
double topoInvMass() const
get invariant mass from topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
const CaloCluster * cellEM012Cluster() const
Get EM calorimeter cell cluster.
double m_seedCalo_isolFrac
Ratio of the uncalibrated transverse energy of cells within 0.1<dR<0.2 and cells within 0<dR<0....
int m_seedCalo_nStrip
Number of Strip cells within dR < 0.4, with energy above specified threshold.
double m_seedCalo_etEMCalib
Calibrated EM transverse energy.
double leadLooseTrkPt() const
Get p_T of leading loose track.
double ipZ0SinThetaSigLeadTrk() const
Get significance of z0SinTheta.
double m_seedCalo_stripWidth2
Uncalibrated transverse energy weighted width in the strip layer within dR < 0.4.
Storable container for CaloCluster.
void setLeadTrkPt(double pt)
Set leading track p_T.
const Rec::TrackParticle * looseConvTrk(unsigned int i) const
Get loose track.
double m_seedTrk_etChrgHad
Charged transverse energy in narrow window around track(s) in hadronic calorimeter.
const ElementLinkVector< CaloClusterContainer > & pi0LinkVec() const
Get pi0 cluster vector (const)
Trk::RecVertex * m_secVtx
Secondary vertex.
void setSeedCalo_trkAvgDist(double trkAvgDist)
Set average track distance to calorimeter seed.
double effTopoInvMass() const
get invariant mass from effective topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
double m_cellBasedEnergyRing3
Ring 3: 0.075 < R < 0.10.
void setSeedTrk_EMRadius(double EMRadius)
Set EM radius.
ElementLinkVector< CaloClusterContainer > & pi0LinkVec()
Get pi0 cluster vector.
int seedCalo_nStrip() const
Get number of strips.
void setSeedCalo_nIsolLooseTrk(double nIsolTRk)
Set number of isolated tracks.
void setSeedCalo_centFrac(double centFrac)
Set centrality fraction.
double seedCalo_etHadAtEMScale() const
Get Hadronic energy at EM scale.
double cellBasedEnergyRing7() const
Ring 7: 0.2 < R < 0.4.
void addPi0(const CaloCluster *pi0, const CaloClusterContainer *cont)
Add cluster to pi0 cluster vector.
void setSeedCalo_etEMAtEMScale(double energy)
Set EM energy at EM scale.
void setSeedTrk_hadLeakEt(double et)
Set hadronic leakage in Et summed over cells.
void setSeedCalo_hadRadius(double hadRadius)
Set hadron calorimeter radius.
double m_etEflow
E_T from energy flow.
std ::vector< double > m_seedTrk_etResChrgEMTrk
Correction term for eflow calculations (evaluated for each track separately)
void setTrFlightPathSig(double significance)
Set Transverse flight path significance.
double m_seedTrk_isolFrac
Isolation fraction.
double seedCalo_caloIso() const
Get sum of transvers energy of clusters around jet seed within 0.2 < dR < 0.4
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > & looseConvTrk()
Get looseConv track vector.
const std::vector< double > & seedTrk_etChrgEM01TrkVector() const
double m_leadLooseTrkPt
p_T of leading loose track - for Trigger
void setTauJetVtxFraction(double value)
void setSeedCalo_trkRmsDist(double trkRmsDist)
Set RMS of track distance to calorimeter seed.
bool isLooseConvTrk(unsigned int i) const
Check if track is a conversion track.
double seedCalo_centFrac() const
Get centrality fraction.
@ lead3ClusterEOverAllClusterE
Get sum of 3 leading cluster energy over all cluster energy.
double seedTrk_isolFrac() const
Get the isolation fraction.
void setSeedTrk_etIsolEM(double etIsolEM)
Set transverse energy in EM calo.
double seedTrk_etResNeuEM() const
Get eflow correction term.
double seedTrk_secMaxStripEt() const
Get hadronic leakage in Et summed over cells.
void setSeedTrk_isolFracWide(double fraction)
Set wide solation fraction.
double m_seedCalo_etEMAtEMScale
Uncalibrated Sum of Cell Transverse energy in the Presampler + EM1 + EM2 within dR < 0....
void setSeedTrk_etEMCL(double et)
Set E_T of pure EM cells.
double seedTrk_etNeuEM() const
Get E_T of neutral EM cells.
double seedCalo_lead3ClusterEOverAllClusterE() const
Get sum of 3 leading cluster energy over all cluster energy.
double numEffTopoClusters() const
get number of effective topocluster constituents of jet associated to tau candidate !...
double m_LC_TES_precalib
lc+tes precalibration
void setSeedCalo_isolFrac(double isolFrac)
Set isolation fraction.
void setEtEflow(double et)
Set E_T from energy flow.
double ipSigLeadTrk() const
Get impact parameter significance.
void set_LC_TES_precalib(double value)
set LC+TES precalibration
const ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > & looseTrk() const
Get loose track vector (const)
void setIpZ0SinThetaSigLeadTrk(double significance)
Set significance of z0SinTheta.
double seedTrk_etEMCL() const
Get E_T of pure EM cells.
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > & otherTrk()
Get other track vector.
TRTHits high threshold over low threshold used in electron veto.
void setCellBasedEnergyRing4(double value)
@ hadRadius
Get hadron calorimeter radius.
double seedCalo_trkRmsDist() const
Get the RMS of track distance to calorimeter seed.
double m_seedTrk_sumEMCellEtOverLeadTrkPt
Ratio of sum Et of LAr Cells to the pT of leading track.
Trk::RecVertex inherits from Trk::Vertex.
virtual const std::string & className() const
Get name of class.
const CaloCluster * pi0(unsigned int i) const
Get pi0 cluster.
void setSeedTrk_etResNeuEM(double et)
Set eflow correction term.
@ stripWidth2
Get strip width ^2.
double seedTrk_etIsolEM() const
Get transverse energy in EM calo.
double m_seedTrk_etIsolHad
Transverse energy in HAD calo (at EM Scale) in 0.2 < dR < 0.4.
void setSeedTrk_secMaxStripEt(double et)
Set hadronic leakage in Et summed over cells.
@ centFrac
Get centrality fraction.
@ dRmax
Get maximal dR of tracks associated to calo-seeded tau.
virtual ~TauCommonDetails()
Virtual destructor.
double etOverPtLeadTrk() const
Get leading E_T to p_T ratio.
void setSeedTrk_etChrgHadOverSumTrkPt(double fraction)
Set E_T over p_T.
double seedCalo_eta() const
Get eta of TauJet calculated from calorimeter.
double m_trFlightPathSig
Transverse flight path significance for taus with at least 2 associated tracks.
void setTRT_NHT_OVER_NLT(double value)
void setSecVtx(const Trk::RecVertex *secVtx)
Set secondary vertex.
Basic detail class containing information for track and calo seeded tau reconstruction algorithms.
void setPi0ConeDR(double value)
void setEffTopoMeanDeltaR(double value)
set mean distance to leading topocluster for effective topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidat...
void setSeedTrk_etChrgEM01Trk(ITERATOR beg, ITERATOR end)
void setSeedTrk_etResChrgEMTrk(unsigned int i, double et)
Set correction term for eflow calculations per track.
int seedTrk_nIsolTrk() const
Get number of isolated tracks.
double seedTrk_sumEMCellEtOverLeadTrkPt() const
Get ratio of LAr+EM E_T / leading track p_T.
double m_effTopoInvMass
invariant mass from effective topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
double chrgLooseTrk() const
Get chrg of loose tracks.
int seedTrk_nStrip() const
Get the number of strip cells.
int m_seedTrk_nStrip
Number of strip cells.
double seedCalo_EMRadius() const
Get E_T radius.
double m_seedCalo_lead3ClusterEOverAllClusterE
sum of 3 leading cluster energy over all cluster energy
void setCellEM012Cluster(const CaloClusterContainer *cont, const CaloCluster *clust)
Set EM calorimeter cell cluster.
double m_trkWidth2
Width of tracks momenta.
double m_seedCalo_nIsolLooseTrk
Number of isolated tracks.
double m_seedCalo_lead2ClusterEOverAllClusterE
sum of 2 leading cluster energy over all cluster energy
void addOtherTrk(const Rec::TrackParticleContainer *cont, const Rec::TrackParticle *track)
Add a other track.
double m_cellBasedEnergyRing5
Ring 5: 0.125 < R < 0.15.
double m_Ele_ECALFirstFraction
fraction of EM cluster energy in first layer of ECAL
double seedTrk_hadLeakEt() const
Get hadronic leakage in Et summed over cells.
void setCellBasedEnergyRing2(double value)
double cellBasedEnergyRing5() const
Ring 5: 0.125 < R < 0.15.
double cellBasedEnergyRing6() const
Ring 6: 0.15 < R < 0.2.
double mEflow() const
Get mass from energy flow.
void setSeedTrk_etEMAtEMScale(double et)
Set hadronic E_T at EM scale.
double EM_TES_scale() const
EM+TES final scale.
double seedCalo_hadRadius() const
Get hadron calorimeter radius.
double cellBasedEnergyRing3() const
Ring 3: 0.075 < R < 0.10.
@ caloIso
Get sum of transvers energy of clusters around jet seed within 0.2 < dR < 0.4
double cellBasedEnergyRing4() const
Ring 4: 0.10 < R < 0.125.
double m_cellBasedEnergyRing2
Ring 2: 0.05 < R < 0.075.
void setNumTopoClusters(unsigned int value)
set number of topocluster constituents of jet associated to tau candidate
const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector & sumPi0Vec() const
Get the Pi0 energy sum vector.
int TrackFilterQuality() const
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > m_looseConvTrk
Loose Conversion tracks.
double m_chrgLooseTrk
Charge of loose tracks.
double m_Ele_PresamplerFraction
fraction of EM cluster energy in presampler
@ trkAvgDist
Get calibrated EM transverse energy (DEPRECATED since r19)
void setNumEffTopoClusters(double value)
set number of effective topocluster constituents of jet associated to tau candidate !...
const Rec::TrackParticle * seedTrk_wideTrk(unsigned int i) const
Get seedTrk wide track.
void setSeedTrk_etResChrgEMTrk(ITERATOR beg, ITERATOR end)
void setChrgLooseTrk(double charge)
Set chrg of loose tracks.
double m_massTrkSys
Invariant mass of the tracks system.
void setIpSigLeadTrk(double significance)
Set impact parameter significance.
Default constructor.
void setSeedTrk_nOtherCoreTrk(int n)
Set number of other tracks.
unsigned int seedTrk_nWideTrk() const
Get number of seedTrk wide tracks.
double seedCalo_stripWidth2() const
Get strip width ^2.
Object for taus common for ESD and AOD.
double seedTrk_etResChrgEMTrk(unsigned int i) const
Get correction term for eflow calculations per track.
static const std::string s_className
Name of class.
const Trk::RecVertex * secVtx() const
Get secondary vertex.
void setSeedCalo_EMRadius(double EMRadius)
Set E_T radius.
double m_seedCalo_trkRmsDist
RMS of track distance from calorimeter seed.
void setSeedCalo_etEMCalib(double etEMCalib)
Set calibrated EM transverse energy.
int seedTrk_nOtherCoreTrk() const
Get number of other tracks.
Principal data class for CaloCell clusters.
unsigned int numCells() const
get number of cells associated to tau candidate
double m_cellBasedEnergyRing1
Cell-based energies in rings for centrality fraction.
@ caloIsoCorrected
Get sum of transvers energy of clusters around jet seed within 0.2 < dR < 0.4 (pile up corrected)
double m_ipSigLeadTrk
Impact parameter significance of leading track.
void setMassTrkSys(double mass)
Set track system invariant mass.
double m_cellBasedEnergyRing6
Ring 6: 0.15 < R < 0.2.
double m_effTopoMeanDeltaR
mean distance to leading topocluster for effective topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
void setCellBasedEnergyRing3(double value)
void setCellBasedEnergyRing6(double value)
double m_seedCalo_caloIso
sum of transvers energy of clusters around jet seed within 0.2 < dR < 0.4
double LC_TES_precalib() const
LC+TES precalibration.
unsigned int m_numCells
Members for topocluster ID variables.
bool operator!=(const TauCommonDetails &rhs) const
Inequality operator.
const std::vector< bool > & TrackFilterPass() const
Track filter and generic pi0 cone.
double seedCalo_caloIsoCorrected() const
Get sum of transvers energy of clusters around jet seed within 0.2 < dR < 0.4 (pile up corrected)
bool operator==(const TauCommonDetails &rhs) const
Equality operator.
void addLooseTrk(const Rec::TrackParticleContainer *cont, const Rec::TrackParticle *track)
Add a loose track.
double m_seedTrk_isolFracWide
Ratio of Transverse Energy in 0.2 < dr < 0.4 to total transverse energy at EM scale.
void setSeedCalo_phi(double phi)
Set phi of TauJet calculated from calorimeter.
double TauJetVtxFraction() const
Tau Jet Vertex Fraction.
double cellBasedEnergyRing2() const
Ring 2: 0.05 < R < 0.075.
void setTrkWidth2(double trkWidth2)
Set track width ^2.
void setSeedCalo_caloIso(double caloIso)
Set sum of transvers energy of clusters around jet seed within 0.2 < dR < 0.4
std::vector< bool > m_TrackFilterPass
Track filter and generic pi0 cone.
double seedCalo_nIsolLooseTrk() const
Get number of isolated tracks.
double m_seedCalo_eta
eta of TauJet calculated from calorimeter
ElementLinkVector< CaloClusterContainer > m_pi0
Pi0 clusters.
double seedCalo_etEMAtEMScale() const
Get EM energy at EM scale.
double m_cellBasedEnergyRing7
Ring 7: 0.2 < R < 0.4.
double trFlightPathSig() const
Get Transverse flight path significance.
double seedTrk_etEMAtEMScale() const
Get hadronic E_T at EM scale.
double m_ipSigLeadLooseTrk
Impact parameter significance of leading loose track.
double seedTrk_EMRadius() const
Get EM radius.
const std::vector< double > & seedTrk_etResChrgEMTrkVector() const
double m_seedCalo_EMRadius
Uncalibrated Et weighted radius in the Presampler + EM1 + EM2 within dR < 0.4.
void setTrackFilterQuality(int value)
double m_seedCalo_phi
phi of TauJet calculated from calorimeter
void set_EM_TES_scale(double value)
set EM+TES final scale
double m_TauJetVtxFraction
Tau Jet Vertex Fraction.
void setSeedTrk_isolFrac(double isolFrac)
Set the isolation fraction.
void setEffTopoInvMass(double value)
set invariant mass from effective topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
The namespace of all packages in PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging.
unsigned int nOtherTrk() const
Get number of other tracks.
void setSeedCalo_eta(double eta)
Set eta of TauJet calculated from calorimeter.
double etEflow() const
Get E_T from energy flow.
void setNumCells(unsigned int value)
set number of cells associated to tau candidate
void setSeedCalo_dRmax(double dRmax)
Set maximal dR of tracks associated to calo-seeded tau.
void setLeadLooseTrkPt(double pT)
Set p_T of leading loose track.
void setSeedTrk_stripWidth2(double stripWidth2)
Set the strip width ^2.
void setTrackFilterProngs(int value)
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > m_seedTrk_wideTrk
SeedTrk wide tracks.
double m_seedCalo_etHadCalib
Calibrated hadronic transverse energy.
const Rec::TrackParticle * otherTrk(unsigned int i) const
Get other track.
double m_etOverPtLeadTrk
Ratio of E_T of TauCandidate to p_T of leading track.
void addLooseConvTrk(const Rec::TrackParticleContainer *cont, const Rec::TrackParticle *track)
Add a looseConv track.
double m_seedCalo_etHadAtEMScale
Uncalibrated Sum of Cell Transverse energy in the Presampler + EM1 + EM2 within dR < 0....
double charge(const T &p)
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > & seedTrk_wideTrk()
Get seedTrk wide track vector.
@ nStrip
Get number of strips.
double m_leadTrkPt
p_T of leading loose track - for Trigger
void setSeedTrk_etIsolHad(double etIsolHad)
Set transverse energy in EM calo.
double seedTrk_stripWidth2() const
Get the strip width ^2.
void setEle_ECALFirstFraction(double value)
set fraction of EM cluster energy in first layer of ECAL
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > & seedCalo_wideTrk()
Get seedCalo wide track vector.
void setTrackFilterPass(const std::vector< bool > &value)
void setSeedTrk_etChrgEM01Trk(unsigned int i, double et)
Set transverse energy around track.
void setTopoInvMass(double value)
set invariant mass from topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
double m_seedTrk_etHadAtEMScale
Hadronic E_T at EM scale.
const ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > & seedTrk_wideTrk() const
Get seedTrk wide track vector (const)
double seedCalo_phi() const
Get phi of TauJet calculated from calorimeter.
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > m_otherTrk
Other tracks.
void addSeedTrk_etResChrgEMTrk(double et)
Add correction term for eflow calculations per track.
void setCellBasedEnergyRing5(double value)
double m_cellBasedEnergyRing4
Ring 4: 0.10 < R < 0.125.
double m_etOverPtLeadLooseTrk
Ratio of E_T of TauCandidate to p_T of leading loose track.
void setEtOverPtLeadTrk(double ratio)
Set leading E_T to p_T ratio.
void setSumPi0Vec(const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &sumPi0Vec)
Set the Pi0 energy sum vector.
unsigned int m_numTopoClusters
number of topocluster constituents associated to tau candidate
double m_seedTrk_EMRadius
EM radius.
std ::vector< double > m_seedTrk_etChrgEM01Trk
Transverse energy in narrow window around the track(s), EM layers 0 1 only.
double leadTrkPt() const
Get leading track p_T.
void addSeedTrk_etChrgEM01Trk(double et)
Add transverse energy around track.
int m_seedTrk_nIsolTrk
Associated, "not good" quality tracks in core region.
ElementLink< CaloClusterContainer > & cellEM012ClusterLink()
Get ElementLink to EM calorimeter cell cluster.
double seedTrk_etChrgHadOverSumTrkPt() const
Get E_T over p_T.
double m_seedTrk_etResNeuEM
Correction term for eflow calculations.
double seedTrk_etHadAtEMScale() const
Get hadronic E_T at EM scale.
double trkWidth2() const
Get track width ^2.
const ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > & otherTrk() const
Get other track vector (const)
int m_seedTrk_nOtherCoreTrk
Associated, "not good" quality tracks in core region.
TauCommonDetails & operator=(const TauCommonDetails &rhs)
Assignment operator.
unsigned int nPi0() const
Get length of pi0 cluster vector.
void setSeedCalo_lead3ClusterEOverAllClusterE(double lead3ClusterEOverAllClusterE)
Set sum of 3 leading cluster energy over all cluster energy.
void setCellEM012ClusterLink(const ElementLink< CaloClusterContainer > &x)
Set ElementLink to EM calorimeter cell cluster.
double seedTrk_isolFracWide() const
Get wide solation fraction.
@ isolFrac
Get isolation fraction.
Transient Persistent class converter for Analysis::TauCommonDetails.
void setTopoMeanDeltaR(double value)
set mean distance to leading topocluster for topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
unsigned int numTopoClusters() const
get number of topocluster constituents of jet associated to tau candidate
double ele_ECALFirstFraction() const
get fraction of EM cluster energy in first layer of ECAL
void addSeedTrk_wideTrk(const Rec::TrackParticleContainer *cont, const Rec::TrackParticle *track)
Add a seedTrk wide track.
double m_topoMeanDeltaR
mean distance to leading topocluster for topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
void setSeedTrk_sumEMCellEtOverLeadTrkPt(double ratio)
Set LAr+EM E_T / leading track p_T.
void setSeedTrk_etNeuEM(double et)
Set E_T of neutral EM cells.
double seedTrk_etChrgEM01Trk(unsigned int i) const
Get transverse energy around track.
double etOverPtLeadLooseTrk() const
Get E_t to p_T ratio for rau candidate leading loose track.
const ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > & looseConvTrk() const
Get looseConv track vector (const)
double m_EM_TES_scale
em+tes final scale
void setCellBasedEnergyRing7(double value)
double m_seedTrk_etNeuEM
Transverse energy of EM cells (at EM scale), within "core" cone around tau1P3P axis after subtraction...
void setEtOverPtLeadLooseTrk(double ratio)
Set E_t to p_T ratio for rau candidate leading loose track.
double m_seedCalo_caloIsoCorrected
sum of transvers energy of clusters around jet seed within 0.2 < dR < 0.4 (pile up corrected)
void setSeedTrk_etChrgEM(double et)
Set E_T of charged EM cells.
void printOn(stream &o) const
Printing function.
void setSeedCalo_etHadAtEMScale(double energy)
Set hadronic energy at EM scale.
double m_mEflow
mass from energy flow
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > & looseTrk()
Get loose track vector.
void setEle_PresamplerFraction(double value)
set fraction of EM cluster energy in presampler
double ele_PresamplerFraction() const
get fraction of EM cluster energy in presampler
void setSeedTrk_etChrgHad(double et)
Set charged E_T in hadronic calorimeter.
void setSeedCalo_lead2ClusterEOverAllClusterE(double lead2ClusterEOverAllClusterE)
Set sum of 2 leading cluster energy over all cluster energy.
unsigned int seedCalo_nWideTrk() const
Get number of seedCalo wide tracks.
unsigned int nLooseConvTrk() const
Get number of loose tracks.
@ EMRadius
Get E_T radius.
const Rec::TrackParticle * seedCalo_wideTrk(unsigned int i) const
Get seedCalo wide track.
void setSeedCalo_nStrip(int nStrip)
Set number of strips.
double seedCalo_trkAvgDist() const
Get the average track distance to calorimeter seed.
double m_seedCalo_hadRadius
Uncalibrated hadron calorimeter weighted radius.
void setMEflow(double m)
Set mass from energy flow.
double m_ipZ0SinThetaSigLeadTrk
Significance of z0 sin(Theta)
double TRT_NHT_OVER_NLT() const
TRT hits high threshold over low threshold.
double seedTrk_etChrgEM() const
Get E_T of charged EM cells.
double seedCalo_etEMCalib() const
Get calibrated EM transverse energy.
int nProngLoose() const
Number of prongs.
double massTrkSys() const
Get track system invariant mass.
int TrackFilterProngs() const
double m_seedTrk_stripWidth2
Strip width squared.
double m_seedTrk_etEMAtEMScale
EM E_T at EM scale.
double topoMeanDeltaR() const
get mean distance to leading topocluster for topoclusters of jet associated to tau candidate
double m_numEffTopoClusters
number of effective topocluster constituents associated to tau candidate !!! is a double
double seedCalo_isolFrac() const
Get isolation fraction.
double m_Ele_E237E277
Members for electron LLH calculation.