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ATLAS Offline Software
This package provides algorithms for calculating calibration constants from calibration runs or from the data extracted from database
Different Algorithm Tools are provided for calculating calibration constants related to the Charge Injection System (TileCISCalibTool, TileMonoCISCalibTool). All these tools derive from a common TileCondTool that provides basic infrastructure shared by all the specialized tools.
A subset of events needed as input for the different computing tools can be preselected with the TileCalibEventSelectionAlg.
The Noise Calibration constants are produced by TileDigiNoiseCalibAlg and
TileRawChNoiseCalibAlg. The first one extracts the noise constants from Digits (high frequency noise, low frequency noise, pedestals, ...) and the latter extract the noise constants from the various RawChannels containers (average, mean, RMS and sigma of the amplitude distribution).
Algorithm TileOFC2DBAlg is used to calculate Optimal Filtering Constants and store them in sqlite file for further merging to COOL database. It uses TileCondToolOfc which gets A/C matrix and pulse shapes from database and calculated OFCs. The are two modes in TileOFC2DBAlg. The first one: calculate OFCs for the only, default, channel for different phases (usually in the window +/- 100 ns, 1 ns step). This kind of OFCs are used later in on-line (DSP) reconstruction and, optionally, in TileRawChannelBuilderOpt2Filter. The second mode: calculate OFCs for every channel for the "best phase", extracted from database for particular channel (not yet fully debugged at the moment). The choice of the mode is made in joboptions. Example of joboptions to use this algorithm is in jobOptions_OFC2DBTest.py.
Algorithm TileTriggerDefaultCalibTool is used for finding bad trigger towers. This algorithm runs on special calibration runs taken with L1Calo. The trigger tower energy from L1Calo is used to determine if a given PMT or tower in Tile does not have the correct energy.
The package configuration is done through old-style job options, need to move to configurables.