ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
51 m_hasMergedToCommonDetails(false)
68 m_hasMergedToCommonDetails(false)
80 m_tracks(rhs.m_tracks),
81 m_conversionTracks(rhs.m_conversionTracks),
82 m_seedCalo_tracks(rhs.m_seedCalo_tracks),
83 m_seedTrk_tracks(rhs.m_seedTrk_tracks),
84 m_tauDetails(rhs.m_tauDetails),
85 m_cluster(rhs.m_cluster),
86 m_cellCluster(rhs.m_cellCluster),
88 m_author(rhs.m_author),
89 m_numberOfTracks(rhs.m_numberOfTracks),
91 m_roiWord(rhs.m_roiWord),
92 m_hasMergedToCommonDetails(rhs.m_hasMergedToCommonDetails),
93 m_tauHLVStorage(rhs.m_tauHLVStorage)
105 IAthenaBarCode::operator=(rhs);
106 INavigable::operator=(rhs);
107 I4Momentum::operator=(rhs);
108 INavigable4Momentum::operator=(rhs);
189 details<Tau1P3PDetails>();
191 details<TauRecDetails>();
193 if ( tauDetailsContainer != 0 ) {
195 if( (tau1P3PDetails != 0) || (tauRecDetails != 0) ) {
206 details<Tau1P3PExtraDetails>();
208 details<TauRecExtraDetails>();
210 if (tauExtraDetailsContainer!=0) {
212 if( ( tau1P3PExtraDetails != 0) || (tauRecExtraDetails != 0)) {
224 if( (tauDetailsContainer!=0) && (tauCommonDetails!=0)) {
225 tauDetailsContainer->
226 addDetails(tauDetailsContainer,tauCommonDetails);
230 if((tauExtraDetailsContainer!=0) && (tauCommonExtraDetails!=0)) {
231 tauExtraDetailsContainer->
232 addDetails(tauExtraDetailsContainer,tauCommonExtraDetails);
274 if(altJetToken != 0) {
282 jet->fillToken(token);
285 for(
unsigned int i = 0;
i <= this->
numTrack(); ++
i) {
294 const std::any &
331 if(altJetToken != 0) {
340 jet->fillToken(token);
343 for(
unsigned int i = 0;
i <= this->
numTrack(); ++
i) {
380 const std::string&
name )
383 for(
size_t i = 0;
i <
i++) {
423 auto isInvalid = [](
const auto t){
return not
431 auto castsToDetail = [](
const auto t){
433 auto isNull = (
detail ==
438 return (isNull or castToCommon or castToRec or castTo1P3P);
448 if((tau1P3PDetails==0) ||(tauCommonDetails==0))
495 tauCommonDetails->
506 if((tauRecDetails==0) ||(tauCommonDetails==0))
555 if((tau1P3PExtraDetails==0) ||(tauCommonExtraDetails==0))
575 if((tauRecExtraDetails==0) ||(tauCommonExtraDetails==0))
const TauDetails * detail(const std::string &className, const std::string &name="") const
first TauDetails object of type className and possibly stored with SG key name.
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector m_sumPi0Vec
Pi0 energy sum vector.
const Rec ::TrackParticle * track(unsigned int i) const
Tracks associated to Tau candidate.
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > m_looseTrk
Loose tracks.
bool operator==(const TauJet &rhs) const
Equality operator.
Trk ::RecVertex * m_secVertex
double m_seedTrk_etChrgHadOverSumTrkPt
charged hadronic transverse energy over sum of transverse momenta of all tracks
double m_seedCalo_centFrac
Centrality fraction (ET(dr<0.1)/ET(dr<0.4) for all calos.
double m_seedTrk_etEMCL
Transverse energy of cells classified as "pure electromagnetic" seeded by egamma or topo cluster (ste...
Class containing discriminants produced by identification algorithms.
TauJet & operator=(const TauJet &rhs)
assignment operator
int m_chargeLooseTracks
Charge of loose tracks.
DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails Basic details class containing information produc...
ElementLink< CaloClusterContainer > m_cellCluster
Calo cell.
double m_sumEtCellsLArOverLeadTrackPt
void addDetails(const TauDetailsContainer *container, TauDetails *details)
Add new tau detail instance.
double m_seedTrk_hadLeakEt
hadronic leakage in Et summed over cells
double m_seedTrk_etIsolEM
Transverse energy in EM calo (at EM Scale) in 0.2 < dR < 0.4.
Basic data class defines behavior for all Jet objects The Jet class is the principal data class for...
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector m_sumEM
virtual void fillToken(INavigationToken &thisToken) const
INavigable interface, fill constituents (Jet,CaloCluster,CaloCell)
ElementLink< CaloClusterContainer > m_cellEM012Cluster
EM calorimeter cell cluster.
double m_seedTrk_secMaxStripEt
Secondary maximum.
double m_seedTrk_etChrgEM
Transverse energy of EM cells (at EM scale) classified as "charged electromagnetic" collected in narr...
double m_seedCalo_isolFrac
Ratio of the uncalibrated transverse energy of cells within 0.1<dR<0.2 and cells within 0<dR<0....
int m_seedCalo_nStrip
Number of Strip cells within dR < 0.4, with energy above specified threshold.
std::string toString() const
Uses printOn to make a string of the TauDetails.
double m_seedCalo_etEMCalib
Calibrated EM transverse energy.
double m_seedCalo_stripWidth2
Uncalibrated transverse energy weighted width in the strip layer within dR < 0.4.
double m_seedTrk_etChrgHad
Charged transverse energy in narrow window around track(s) in hadronic calorimeter.
unsigned int m_numberOfTracks
Number of tracks.
const Jet * jet() const
seed Jet, might be NULL if not seeded from a Jet
Trk::RecVertex * m_secVtx
Secondary vertex.
bool hasAuthor(const TauJetParameters ::Author &author) const
check if this object has Author author (can be more than one)
static const float DEFAULT
double m_etEflow
E_T from energy flow.
std ::vector< double > m_seedTrk_etResChrgEMTrk
Correction term for eflow calculations (evaluated for each track separately)
double m_seedTrk_isolFrac
Isolation fraction.
double m_leadLooseTrkPt
p_T of leading loose track - for Trigger
virtual ~TauJet()
Virtual Destructor.
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > m_tracks
double m_seedCalo_etEMAtEMScale
Uncalibrated Sum of Cell Transverse energy in the Presampler + EM1 + EM2 within dR < 0....
unsigned int m_roiWord
ROI word.
ParticleImpl & operator=(const ParticleImpl &rhs)
Assignment operator.
double m_seedTrk_sumEMCellEtOverLeadTrkPt
Ratio of sum Et of LAr Cells to the pT of leading track.
Trk::RecVertex inherits from Trk::Vertex.
double m_seedTrk_etIsolHad
Transverse energy in HAD calo (at EM Scale) in 0.2 < dR < 0.4.
double m_trFlightPathSig
Transverse flight path significance for taus with at least 2 associated tracks.
Default Constructor.
Basic detail class containing information for track and calo seeded tau reconstruction algorithms.
int m_seedTrk_nStrip
Number of strip cells.
std ::vector< double > m_etResChrgEMTrk
void CopyToCommonDetails(const Tau1P3PDetails *tau1P3PDetails, TauCommonDetails *tauCommonDetails)
Converts a Tau1P3PDetails to a TauCommonDetails.
double m_trkWidth2
Width of tracks momenta.
double m_seedCalo_nIsolLooseTrk
Number of isolated tracks.
void MergeToCommonDetails(TauDetailsContainer *tauDetailsContainer=0, TauDetailsContainer *tauExtraDetailsContainer=0)
Merge Tau[1P3P|Rec](Extra)Details to TauCommon(Extra)Details.
unsigned int numTrack() const
number of Tracks associated to Tau candidate, CAUTION not to be confused with numberOfTracks()!
virtual bool trySetObject(const INavigable *child)=0
ElementLinkVector< CaloClusterContainer > m_pi0
void removeDetails(const std::string &name, const std::string &className="")
Remove all tau details object with matching name.
double m_centralityFraction
double m_chrgLooseTrk
Charge of loose tracks.
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > m_looseTracks
double m_massTrkSys
Invariant mass of the tracks system.
std::string detailName(int i) const
Get classname of TauDetails by index.
Object for taus common for ESD and AOD.
bool m_hasMergedToCommonDetails
True if MergeToCommonDetails has been called.
double m_ipSigLeadTrk
Impact parameter significance of leading track.
double parameter(TauJetParameters ::Detail detail) const
dummy Parameter accessors, for analysis code backward compatibility
void setObject(const_child_ptr data)
double m_seedTrk_isolFracWide
Ratio of Transverse Energy in 0.2 < dr < 0.4 to total transverse energy at EM scale.
double m_seedCalo_eta
eta of TauJet calculated from calorimeter
ElementLinkVector< CaloClusterContainer > m_pi0
Pi0 clusters.
double m_ipSigLeadLooseTrk
Impact parameter significance of leading loose track.
ElementLink implementation for ROOT usage.
double m_seedCalo_EMRadius
Uncalibrated Et weighted radius in the Presampler + EM1 + EM2 within dR < 0.4.
double m_seedCalo_phi
phi of TauJet calculated from calorimeter
The namespace of all packages in PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging.
ElementLink< JetCollection > m_jet
Trk ::RecVertex * m_secVertex
double m_seedCalo_etHadCalib
Calibrated hadronic transverse energy.
double m_seedCalo_etHadAtEMScale
Uncalibrated Sum of Cell Transverse energy in the Presampler + EM1 + EM2 within dR < 0....
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > m_seedCalo_tracks
Seed Calo Tracks.
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > m_seedTrk_tracks
Seed Trk Tracks.
value_type push_back(value_type pElem)
Add an element to the end of the collection.
double m_seedTrk_etHadAtEMScale
Hadronic E_T at EM scale.
double m_etOverPtLeadLooseTrk
Ratio of E_T of TauCandidate to p_T of leading loose track.
void CleanDetailsForAOD()
clean details for AOD Removes extra details and any invalid elementlinks from details list
double m_seedTrk_EMRadius
EM radius.
std ::vector< double > m_seedTrk_etChrgEM01Trk
Transverse energy in narrow window around the track(s), EM layers 0 1 only.
int m_seedTrk_nIsolTrk
Associated, "not good" quality tracks in core region.
DEPRECATED DO NOT USE - MIGRATE TO TauCommonDetails Basic details class containing information produc...
double m_seedTrk_etResNeuEM
Correction term for eflow calculations.
int m_seedTrk_nOtherCoreTrk
Associated, "not good" quality tracks in core region.
std ::vector< double > m_etChrgEM01Trk
double m_etOverPtLeadTrack
std::bitset< 8 > m_author
Allow more than one author, TauJetParameters::Author used as index.
int nDetails() const
number of details objects in this TauJet
double m_seedTrk_etNeuEM
Transverse energy of EM cells (at EM scale), within "core" cone around tau1P3P axis after subtraction...
const ElementLink< TauDetailsContainer > detailElementLink(int i) const
Get TauDetails ElementLink by index
ElementLinkVector< TauDetailsContainer > m_tauDetails
Vector containing all details.
ElementLinkVector< Rec::TrackParticleContainer > m_conversionTracks
Conversion tracks.
void printOn(stream &o) const
Printing function.
double m_seedCalo_hadRadius
Uncalibrated hadron calorimeter weighted radius.
double m_ipZ0SinThetaSigLeadTrk
Significance of z0 sin(Theta)
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector m_sumEM
ElementLink< CaloClusterContainer > m_cellEM012Cluster
std::vector< std::pair< TauJetParameters::TauCalibType, CLHEP::HepLorentzVector > > m_tauHLVStorage
HLV storage.
double m_etChrgHADoverPttot
double m_seedTrk_stripWidth2
Strip width squared.
double m_seedTrk_etEMAtEMScale
EM E_T at EM scale.
ElementLink< CaloClusterContainer > m_cluster
Calo cluster.