ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
12 class RectangleBounds;
133 const unsigned int gasGap,
134 const unsigned int doubPhi,
int doubletPhiMax() const
Returns the maximum phi panel.
const RpcIdHelper & m_idHelper
double stripPhiLength() const
Returns the length of a phi strip.
double halfWidth
Elongation within the sector
static bool measuresPhi(const IdentifierHash &measHash)
Simple enum to Identify the Type of the ACTS sub detector.
int doubletR() const
Returns the doublet R field of the MuonReadoutElement identifier.
Eigen::Matrix< double, 2, 1 > Vector2D
int doubletZ(const Identifier &id) const
double stripEtaPitch() const
Strip pitch in eta.
static unsigned int doubletPhiNumber(const IdentifierHash &measHash)
double halfThickness
Half thickness of the Rpc module.
std::vector< StripLayerPtr > layers
Identifier measurementId(const IdentifierHash &measHash) const override final
Converts the measurement hash back to the full Identifier.
unsigned int nGasGaps() const
Returns the number of gasgaps described by this ReadOutElement (usally 2 or 3)
The MuonReadoutElement is an abstract class representing the geometry representing the muon detector.
int nPanelsInPhi
Each gas gap is usually subdivided into 2 phi panels which is actually the sector granularity of the ...
double stripPhiPitch() const
Strip pitch in phi.
Amg::Vector3D rightStripEdge(const ActsGeometryContext &ctx, const Identifier &measId) const
Returns the global position of the strip edge at negative local Y.
bool const RAWDATA *ch2 const
int nPhiPanels() const
Returns the number of phi panels (1 or 2)
IdentifierHash layerHash(const IdentifierHash &measHash) const
const parameterBook & getParameters() const
Set of parameters to describe a RPC chamber.
unsigned int nEtaStrips() const
Number of strips measuring the eta coordinate.
const int m_doubletR
doublet R -> 1: chamber is mounted below the Mdts
The ReadoutGeomCnvAlg converts the Run4 Readout geometry build from the GeoModelXML into the legacy M...
int doubletR(const Identifier &id) const
const Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvc * idHelperSvc() const
Returns the pointer to the muonIdHelperSvc.
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
double halfLength
RPC panel dimensions.
int doubletPhi() const
Returns the doublet Phi field of the MuonReadoutElement identifier.
Eigen::Affine3d Transform3D
Amg::Vector3D stripPosition(const ActsGeometryContext &ctx, const Identifier &measId) const
Returns the position of the strip center.
int doubletZ() const
Returns the doublet Z field of the MuonReadoutElement identifier.
IdentifierHash measurementHash(const Identifier &measId) const override final
Constructs the identifier hash from the full measurement Identifier.
StatusCode initElement() override final
Element initialization.
Include the GeoPrimitives which need to be put first.
Definition of ATLAS Math & Geometry primitives (Amg)
Helper struct to ship the defining arguments of the detector element around.
const StripLayer & sensorLayout(const IdentifierHash &measHash) const
Access to the StripLayer associated to a given measurement Hash.
double m_gasThickness
Distance between 2 gas gaps (Radial direction)
IdentifierHash layerHash(const Identifier &measId) const override final
Identifier identify() const override final
Return the athena identifier.
unsigned int nPhiStrips() const
Number of strips measuring the phi coordinate.
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > Vector3D
ActsTrk::SurfaceBoundSetPtr< Acts::RectangleBounds > layerBounds
double distanceToEdge(const IdentifierHash &layerHash, const Amg::Vector2D &posInStripPlane, const EdgeSide side) const
Returns the disance to the readout.
virtual ~RpcReadoutElement()
Amg::Vector3D leftStripEdge(const ActsGeometryContext &ctx, const Identifier &measId) const
Returns the global posiition of the strip edge at positive local Y.
Amg::Vector3D chamberStripPos(const IdentifierHash &measHash) const
Returns the local strip position w.r.t. to the chamber origin.
unsigned int nStrips(const IdentifierHash &hash) const
Returns the number of strips.
const int m_doubletZ
Associated doublet Z (Ranges from 1-3) If doubletZ is 3, there's generally the possibility that the m...
RpcReadoutElement(defineArgs &&args)
static unsigned int gasGapNumber(const IdentifierHash &measHash)
@ Rpc
Monitored Drift Tubes.
The AlignStoreProviderAlg loads the rigid alignment corrections and pipes them through the readout ge...
double stripPhiWidth() const
Strip width in phi.
std::shared_ptr< SurfaceBoundSet< BoundType > > SurfaceBoundSetPtr
Aberivation to create a new SurfaceBoundSetPtr.
unsigned int nGasGaps
The number of gas gaps (along the radial direction) in the RPC chamber (2 or 3)
This is a "hash" representation of an Identifier. This encodes a 32 bit index which can be used to lo...
Amg::Transform3D fromGapToChamOrigin(const IdentifierHash &layerHash) const
ActsTrk::DetectorType detectorType() const override final
Overload from the ActsTrk::IDetectorElement.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &ostr, const Chamber::defineArgs &args)
double stripEtaWidth() const
Strip width in eta.
double stripEtaLength() const
Returns the length of an eta strip.
double thickness() const override final
Overload from the Acts::DetectorElement (2 * halfheight)
virtual const RpcIdHelper & rpcIdHelper() const =0
access to RpcIdHelper
static unsigned int stripNumber(const IdentifierHash &measHash)
int doubletPhi(const Identifier &id) const
double gasGapPitch() const
Returns the thickness of a RPC gasgap.
static IdentifierHash createHash(const unsigned int strip, const unsigned int gasGap, const unsigned int doubPhi, const bool measPhi)
Constructs an Identifier hash from the Identifier fields controlled by this readout element