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ATLAS Offline Software
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88 log <<
"TrigElectronCnv_p3::transToPers calling e-link persToTrabs(track) " <<
90 log <<
"TrigElectronCnv_p3::transToPers calling e-link persToTrabs(cluster) " <<
93 log <<
"TrigElectronCnv_p3::transToPers persistifying 4-mom. base class" <<
float EtOverPt() const
accessor to ratio of cluster Et to track Pt
TrigInDetTrack::AlgoId trackAlgo() const
accessors to return the tracking quantities
float trkPhiAtCalo() const
void persToTrans(const PersLink_t &pers, Link_t &trans, MsgStream &log) const
int m_tr_nr_trt_hithresh_hits
int roiId() const
accessor methods:
ElementLinkInt_p3 m_cluster
TrigInDetTrack::AlgoId m_tr_Algo
ElementLinkInt_p3 m_track
P4PtEtaPhiM_p1 m_P4PtEtaPhiM
float caloEta() const
accessors to get cluster eta and phi (note baseclass eta and phi come from track)
float trkEtaAtCalo() const
accessor to get eta and phi of electron candidate track extrapolated the calorimeter
void transToPers(const Link_t &trans, PersLink_t &pers, const SG::ThinningCache *cache, MsgStream &log) const
ElementLinkCnv_p3< ElementLink< TrigEMClusterContainer > > m_ELinkEMclusterCnv
float F0() const
accessors for calibrated energy fractions in each sampling - to reject noise
float Rcore() const
accessors for shower shape quantities
int nTRTHiThresholdHits() const
bool isValid() const
accessor to get TrigElectron valid flag
virtual void persToTrans(const P4PtEtaPhiM_p1 *persObj, P4PtEtaPhiM *transObj, MsgStream &log) const override
Method creating the transient representation of P4PtEtaPhiM from its persistent representation P4PtEt...
TrigElectron_v1 TrigElectron
Declare the latest version of the class.
virtual void transToPers(const P4PtEtaPhiM *transObj, P4PtEtaPhiM_p1 *persObj, MsgStream &log) const override
Method creating the persistent representation P4PtEtaPhiM_p1 from its transient representation P4PtEt...
virtual void persToTrans(const TrigElectron_p3 *persObj, TrigElectron *transObj, MsgStream &log)
virtual void transToPers(const TrigElectron *transObj, TrigElectron_p3 *persObj, MsgStream &log)
const ElementLink< TrigInDetTrackCollection > & trackLink() const
P4PtEtaPhiMCnv_p1 m_p4PtEtaPhiMCnv
const ElementLink< TrigEMClusterContainer > & clusterLink() const