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ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
56 #include "AthLinks/ElementLink.h"
136 int charge()
const {
return (
isValid() ? (
int)((*m_track)->param()->pT()/fabs((*m_track)->param()->pT())) : 0); }
256 return !( te1 == te2 );
266 #endif // TRIG_ELECTRON
float EtOverPt() const
accessor to ratio of cluster Et to track Pt
TrigInDetTrack::AlgoId trackAlgo() const
accessors to return the tracking quantities
int m_tr_nr_trt_hits
number of TRT hits and high-threshold hits
float trkPt() const
accessor to get pT of electron candidate track
float m_cl_eta
Calorimeter quantities: Cluster eta and phi
float trkPhiAtCalo() const
bool m_valid
To certify "good" TrigElectrons: used to be necessary for studies; now basically always true for elec...
bool operator==(const TrigElectron &te1, const TrigElectron &te2)
Two TrigElectron are the same if they have the same cluster and the same track (and if valid,...
void diff(const TrigElectron &te1, const TrigElectron &te2, std::map< std::string, double > &v_diff)
Function compares two objects and returns "semi verbose" output in the form of map v_diff where varai...
BaseConstPointer getStorableObjectPointer() const
Return a pointer to the currently-referenced container object.
const TrigInDetTrackCollection * trackColl() const
int roiId() const
accessor methods:
int roiWord() const
OBSOLETE: should disappear in next iteration.
Dummy type needed fro specialized implementation.
float m_cl_e_frac_S0
Calibrated overall and per-sampling energy - to be used for cuts.
float trkClusDeta() const
accessors to get eta and phi difference between cluster and track extrapolated the calorimeter face (...
float m_tr_Zvtx
Z of the track at closest approach (perigee) to the Z axis (maybe later to the beam?...
float err_Pt() const
accessors to get uncertainty in track parameters: Pt, eta, phi and Z of track perigee (Zvtx)
Class with calibrated variables for egamma clustering.
Container from TrigEMCluster type objects.
constructors; note: default constructor needed by POOL
unsigned int m_roiWord
roi word unique to L1 RoI (note: different from HLT RoI id)
float m_cl_Rcore
Energy ratio in 3x7 and 7x7 cells in 2nd LAr sampling; Rcore = e237/e277.
float m_cl_Eratio
Energy ratio in highest and 2nd highest strip pairs in 1st LAr sampling; Eratio = EmaxS1-E2ndS1 / Ema...
bool isValid() const
Test to see if the link can be dereferenced.
TrigInDetTrack::AlgoId m_tr_Algo
Tracking quantities: ID of the tracking algorithm that produced the track in this electron.
float caloEta() const
accessors to get cluster eta and phi (note baseclass eta and phi come from track)
int m_tr_nr_trt_hithresh_hits
float trkEtaAtCalo() const
accessor to get eta and phi of electron candidate track extrapolated the calorimeter
const TrigEMCluster * cluster() const
accessor to get pointer to cluster (TrigEMCluster)
virtual double phi() const
get phi data member
const TrigInDetTrack * track() const
accessor to get pointer to track (TrigInDetTrack)
float F0() const
accessors for calibrated energy fractions in each sampling - to reject noise
virtual double pt() const
get pt data member
MsgStream & operator<<(MsgStream &msg, const TrigElectron &te)
float Rcore() const
accessors for shower shape quantities
int nTRTHiThresholdHits() const
float m_cl_EThad
ET in first hadronic sampling: EThad=Ehad1/cosh(fabs(eta)
bool isValid() const
accessor to get TrigElectron valid flag
int trackIndx() const
accessor to return the track index in the collection and a reference to the TrigInDetTrackCollection ...
float m_etoverpt
Ratio of cluster transverse energy to track transv.momentum.
virtual double eta() const
get eta data member
float trkClusDphi() const
associate a clid and a version to a type eg
index_type index() const
Get the index of the element inside of its container.
const ElementLink< TrigInDetTrackCollection > & trackLink() const
float m_tr_eta_at_calo
Track/Cluster matching quantities: eta and phi of track extrapolated to the calorimeter face.
int charge() const
accessor to return the track charge (sign of TrigInDetTrack pT)
ElementLink< TrigEMClusterContainer > m_cluster
ElementLinks to the track and calorimeter cluster in electron candidate.
float nTRTHiTHitsRatio() const
ElementLink< TrigInDetTrackCollection > m_track
bool operator!=(const TrigElectron &te1, const TrigElectron &te2)
const ElementLink< TrigEMClusterContainer > & clusterLink() const