ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3  */
8 #include "CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h"
12 #include <cfloat>
13 #include <cmath>
14 #include <vector>
16 using CLHEP::GeV;
18 namespace {
19 // 5 cells second sampling granularity ~0.025 in eta
20 constexpr int neta = 5;
21 // 2 strips in phi and cover a region of +-1.1875
22 constexpr int nphi = 2;
23 // 8 strips per cell in barrel
24 constexpr int STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE = 8 * neta;
26 double
27 proxim(const double b, const double a)
28 {
29  return b + 2. * M_PI * round((a - b) / (2. * M_PI));
30 }
32 double
33 dim(const double a, const double b)
34 {
35  return a - std::min(a, b);
36 }
38 struct StripArrayHelper
39 {
40  StripArrayHelper()
41  : eta(0.)
42  , etaraw(0.)
43  , energy(0.)
44  , deta(0.)
45  , ncell(0.)
46  {}
47  bool operator<(const StripArrayHelper& cell2) const
48  {
49  return etaraw < cell2.etaraw;
50  }
51  double eta;
52  double etaraw;
53  double energy;
54  double deta;
55  int ncell;
56 };
58 /*
59 From the original (eta,phi) position, find the location
60  (sampling, barrel/end-cap, granularity)
61 set an array of energies,eta,phi in ~40 strips around max
62  */
63 void
64 setArray(const xAOD::CaloCluster& cluster,
65  const CaloDetDescrManager& cmgr,
67  double eta,
68  double phi,
69  double deta,
70  double dphi,
71  double* enecell,
72  double* etacell,
73  double* gracell,
74  int* ncell)
75 {
76  // Raw --> Calo Frame
77  // Difference is important in end-cap which is shifted by about 4 cm
78  double etaraw = eta;
79  double phiraw = phi;
80  // look for the corresponding DetDescrElement
81  const CaloDetDescrElement* dde = cmgr.get_element(
83  eta,
84  phi);
85  // if dde is found
86  if (dde) {
87  etaraw = dde->eta_raw();
88  phiraw = dde->phi_raw();
89  } else {
90  return;
91  }
92  // The selection will be done in Raw co-ordinates
93  // defines the boundaries around which to select cells
94  double etamin = etaraw - deta;
95  double etamax = etaraw + deta;
96  double phimin = phiraw - dphi;
97  double phimax = phiraw + dphi;
98  // Loop over all cells in the cluster
101  // fill in a std::vector the energies,eta,phi values contained in
102  // a window (deta,dphi)
103  std::vector<StripArrayHelper> stripArray;
104  stripArray.reserve(2 * STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE);
105  // positon of elements
106  double eta_cell = 0.;
107  double phi_cell0 = 0.;
108  double phi_cell = 0.;
110  for (; first != last; ++first) {
111  // ensure we are in 1st sampling
112  const CaloCell* theCell = *first;
113  if (!theCell) {
114  continue;
115  }
116  if (theCell->caloDDE()->getSampling() == sam) {
117  // retrieve the eta,phi of the cell
118  eta_cell = theCell->caloDDE()->eta_raw();
119  // adjust for possible 2*pi offset.
120  phi_cell0 = theCell->caloDDE()->phi_raw();
121  phi_cell = proxim(phi_cell0, phiraw);
122  // check if we are within boundaries
123  if (eta_cell >= etamin && eta_cell <= etamax) {
124  if (phi_cell >= phimin && phi_cell <= phimax) {
125  StripArrayHelper stripHelp;
126  // energy
127 = theCell->energy() * (first.weight());
128  // eta
129  stripHelp.eta = theCell->eta();
130  // eta raw
131  stripHelp.etaraw = theCell->caloDDE()->eta_raw();
132  // eta granularity
133  stripHelp.deta = theCell->caloDDE()->deta();
134  // index/number of cells in the array
135  stripHelp.ncell++;
136  stripArray.push_back(stripHelp);
137  }
138  }
139  }
140  }
141  const size_t elementCount = stripArray.size();
142  // Exit early if no cells.
143  if (elementCount == 0) {
144  return;
145  }
146  // sort vector in eta
147  std::sort(stripArray.begin(), stripArray.end());
148  // loop on intermediate array and merge two cells in phi (when they exist)
149  int ieta = 0;
150  bool next = false;
151  // merge in phi
152  for (size_t i = 0; i < (elementCount - 1); ++i) {
153  // Maximum STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE elements
154  if (ieta < STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE) {
155  // energy
156  enecell[ieta] += stripArray[i].energy;
157  // eta
158  etacell[ieta] = stripArray[i].eta;
159  // eta granularity
160  gracell[ieta] = stripArray[i].deta;
161  // index/number of cells in the array
162  ++ncell[ieta];
163  // check if eta of this element is equal to the pevious one
164  // in which case the two cells have to be merged
165  if (std::abs(stripArray[i].etaraw - stripArray[i + 1].etaraw) > 1e-05)
166  next = true;
167  if (next) {
168  // Increment the final array only if do not want to merge
169  // otherwise continue as to merge
170  ieta++;
171  next = false;
172  }
173  }
174  }
175  // special case for last element which was not treated yet
176  int index = elementCount - 1;
177  // if previous element had a different eta then append the array
178  // NB: this could happen if only one cell in phi was available
179  if (index == 0 || std::abs(stripArray[index].etaraw -
180  stripArray[index - 1].etaraw) > 1e-05) {
181  // energy
182  enecell[ieta] = stripArray[index].energy;
183  }
184  if (index != 0 && std::abs(stripArray[index].etaraw -
185  stripArray[index - 1].etaraw) < 1e-05) {
186  // energy
187  enecell[ieta] += stripArray[index].energy;
188  }
189  // eta
190  etacell[ieta] = stripArray[index].eta;
191  // eta granularity
192  gracell[ieta] = stripArray[index].deta;
193  // index/number of cells in the array
194  ++ncell[ieta];
195 }
198 void
199 setIndexSeed(egammaStripsShape::Info& info,
200  const double* etacell,
201  const double* gracell)
202 {
203  //
204  // Look for the index of the seed in the array previously filled
205  //
206  double demi_eta = 0.;
207  double eta_min = 0.;
208  double eta_max = 0.;
209  for (int ieta = 0; ieta < STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1; ieta++) {
210  // from the eta of the cell it is necessary
211  // to have the boundaries of this cell +/- half of its granularity
212  demi_eta = gracell[ieta] / 2.;
213  eta_min = etacell[ieta] - demi_eta;
214  eta_max = etacell[ieta] + demi_eta;
215  // Beware that list is arranged from larger values to smaller ones
216  if ((std::abs(info.etaseed) > std::abs(eta_min) &&
217  std::abs(info.etaseed) <= std::abs(eta_max)) ||
218  (std::abs(info.etaseed) <= std::abs(eta_min) &&
219  std::abs(info.etaseed) > std::abs(eta_max)))
220  info.ncetaseed = ieta;
221  }
222 }
225 void
226 setWstot(egammaStripsShape::Info& info,
227  double deta,
228  const double* enecell,
229  const double* etacell,
230  const int* ncell)
231 {
232  //
233  // calculate width in half the region (that's the one used for e-ID)
234  //
235  // We take only half of the region in eta not in phi
236  double etamin = info.etamax - deta / 2.;
237  double etamax = info.etamax + deta / 2.;
238  double mean = 0.;
239  double wtot = 0.;
240  double etot = 0.;
241  // loop on each element of the array
242  for (int ieta = 0; ieta < STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE; ieta++) {
243  if (ncell[ieta] == 0)
244  continue;
245  if (etacell[ieta] >= etamin && etacell[ieta] <= etamax) {
246  wtot += enecell[ieta] * (ieta - info.ncetamax) * (ieta - info.ncetamax);
247  mean += enecell[ieta] * (ieta - info.ncetamax);
248  etot += enecell[ieta];
249  }
250  }
251  // width is defined only if total energy is positive
252  if (etot > 0) {
253  info.etot = etot;
254  wtot = wtot / etot;
255  mean = mean / etot;
256  info.wstot = wtot > 0 ? std::sqrt(wtot) : -9999.;
257  }
258 }
261 void
263  const double* enecell,
264  const double eallsamples)
265 {
266  //
267  // Fraction of energy in two highest energy strips
268  //
269  double e1 = info.emaxs1;
270  // strip on left of highest energetic strips
271  double eleft = info.ncetamax > 0 ? enecell[info.ncetamax - 1] : 0;
272  // strip on right of highest energetic strip
273  double eright =
274  info.ncetamax < STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1 ? enecell[info.ncetamax + 1] : 0;
275  // find hottest of these strips
276  double e2 = std::max(eleft, eright);
277  // calculate fraction of the two highest energy strips
278  info.f2 = eallsamples > 0. ? (e1 + e2) / eallsamples : 0.;
279 }
282 void
283 setEnergy(egammaStripsShape::Info& info, const double* enecell)
284 {
285  //
286  // Energy in the strips in a cluster of 15 strips
287  // and in a cluster of 3 strips - two cells are merge in phi
288  //
289  if (info.ncetamax < 0 || info.ncetamax > STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE)
290  return;
291  double energy = 0.;
292  int nlo = std::max(info.ncetamax - 1, 0);
293  int nhi = std::min(info.ncetamax + 1, STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1);
294  for (int ieta = nlo; ieta <= nhi; ieta++) {
295  energy += enecell[ieta];
296  }
297  info.e132 = energy;
299  energy = 0.;
300  nlo = std::max(info.ncetamax - 7, 0);
301  nhi = std::min(info.ncetamax + 7, STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1);
302  for (int ieta = nlo; ieta <= nhi; ieta++) {
303  energy += enecell[ieta];
304  }
305  info.e1152 = energy;
306 }
309 void
310 setAsymmetry(egammaStripsShape::Info& info, const double* enecell)
311 {
312  //
313  // Asymmetry of the shower in +/- 3 strips
314  // (E(-1)-E(+1))/(E(-1)+E(+1))
315  //
316  if (info.ncetamax < 0 || info.ncetamax > STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE)
317  return;
318  double asl = 0.;
319  double asr = 0.;
321  // define index of the array from max-1 strips (if possible)
322  int nlo = std::max(info.ncetamax - 1, 0);
323  // define index of the array from max+1 strips (if possible)
324  int nhi = std::min(info.ncetamax + 1, STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1);
325  for (int ieta = nlo; ieta <= info.ncetamax; ieta++)
326  asl += enecell[ieta];
327  for (int ieta = info.ncetamax; ieta <= nhi; ieta++)
328  asr += enecell[ieta];
330  if (asl + asr > 0.)
331  info.asymmetrys3 = (asl - asr) / (asl + asr);
332 }
335 void
338  const xAOD::CaloCluster& cluster,
339  const double* enecell,
340  const double* etacell,
341  const int* ncell)
342 {
343  //
344  // Width in three strips centered on the strip with the largest energy
345  //
347  double energy = 0.;
348  double width3 = 0.;
349  double eta1 = 0.;
350  // highest and lowest indexes
351  int nlo = std::max(info.ncetamax - 1, 0);
352  int nhi = std::min(info.ncetamax + 1, STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1);
353  for (int ieta = nlo; ieta <= nhi; ieta++) {
354  if (ncell[ieta] == 0)
355  continue;
356  width3 += enecell[ieta] * (ieta - info.ncetamax) * (ieta - info.ncetamax);
357  eta1 += enecell[ieta] * etacell[ieta];
358  energy += enecell[ieta];
359  }
361  if (energy > 0) {
362  if (width3 > 0) {
363  info.ws3 = std::sqrt(width3 / energy);
364  }
365  info.etas3 = eta1 / energy;
366  // corrected width for position inside the cell
367  // estimated from the first sampling
369  cluster.etaSample(sam), cluster.etamax(sam), info.ws3);
370  info.poscs1 =
371  egammaqweta1c::RelPosition(cluster.etaSample(sam), cluster.etamax(sam));
372  }
373 }
376 double
377 setDeltaEtaTrackShower(int nstrips, int ieta, const double* enecell)
378 {
379  //
380  // Shower position
381  // using +/- "nstrips" strips centered on the strip ieta
382  // this could be the hottest cell or the seed cell
383  double energy = 0.;
384  double pos = 0.;
385  if (ieta < 0) {
386  return -9999.;
387  }
388  // define index of the array from max-n strips strips (if possible)
389  int nlo = std::max(ieta - nstrips, 0);
390  // define index of the array from max+n strips strips (if possible)
391  int nhi = std::min(ieta + nstrips, STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1);
392  // loop on all strips
393  for (int i = nlo; i <= nhi; i++) {
394  // position in number of cells (wrt ieta) weighted by energy
395  pos += enecell[i] * (i - ieta);
396  // sum of energy
397  energy += enecell[i];
398  }
399  // delta eta value is defined only if total energy is positive
400  if (energy > 0) {
401  pos = pos / energy;
402  return pos;
403  }
404  pos *= -1;
405  return -9999.;
406 }
409 void
410 setWidths5(egammaStripsShape::Info& info, const double* enecell)
411 {
412  //
413  // Shower width using 5 strips
414  //
415  // threshold (tuned ?)
416  double Small = 1.e-10;
417  double eall = 0.;
418  double eave = 0.;
419  double width5 = 0.;
420  // define index of the array from max-2 strips strips (if possible)
421  int nlo = std::max(info.ncetamax - 2, 0);
422  // define index of the array from max+2 strips strips (if possible)
423  int nhi = std::min(info.ncetamax + 2, STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1);
424  // loop on all strips
425  for (int ieta = nlo; ieta <= nhi; ieta++) {
426  if (ieta >= 0 && ieta < STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE) {
427  // sum of energy
428  eall += enecell[ieta];
429  // position in number of cells (wrt ncetamax) weighted by energy
430  eave += enecell[ieta] * (ieta - info.ncetamax);
431  // width
432  width5 += enecell[ieta] * (ieta - info.ncetamax) * (ieta - info.ncetamax);
433  }
434  }
436  if (eall < Small) {
437  return;
438  }
439  eave = eave / eall;
440  width5 = width5 / eall;
441  width5 = width5 - eave * eave;
442  if (width5 < 0) {
443  return;
444  }
446  info.widths5 = std::sqrt(width5);
447 }
450 void
451 setEmax(egammaStripsShape::Info& info, const double* enecell)
452 {
453  //
454  // calculate energy of strip with maximum energy
455  //
456  for (int ieta = 0; ieta < STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE; ieta++) {
457  if (enecell[ieta] > info.emaxs1) {
458  info.emaxs1 = enecell[ieta];
459  info.ncetamax = ieta;
460  }
461  }
462 }
465 int
466 setEmax2(egammaStripsShape::Info& info,
467  const double* enecell,
468  const double* gracell,
469  const int* ncell)
470 {
471  //
472  // energy of the second local maximum (info.esec)
473  // energy of the strip with second max 2 (info.esec1)
474  //
475  int ncetasec1 = 0;
476  double ecand;
477  double ecand1;
478  double escalesec = 0;
479  double escalesec1 = 0;
481  for (int ieta = 1; ieta < STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1; ieta++) {
482  if (ncell[ieta] == 0)
483  continue;
485  int ieta_left = ieta - 1;
486  while (ieta_left >= 0 && ncell[ieta_left] == 0) {
487  --ieta_left;
488  }
489  if (ieta_left < 0) {
490  continue;
491  }
493  int ieta_right = ieta + 1;
494  while (ieta_right < STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE && ncell[ieta_right] == 0) {
495  ++ieta_right;
496  }
497  if (ieta_right >= STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE) {
498  continue;
499  }
501  double e = enecell[ieta] / gracell[ieta];
502  double e_left = enecell[ieta_left] / gracell[ieta_left];
503  double e_right = enecell[ieta_right] / gracell[ieta_right];
504  // check that cell is hotter than left or right one
505  if (e > e_left && e > e_right) {
506  // this ensure that this cell is not the hottest one
507  // this + previous line implies that hottest cell and 2nd one
508  // are separated by more than one strip
509  if (ieta != info.ncetamax) {
510  ecand = enecell[ieta] + enecell[ieta_left] + enecell[ieta_right];
511  double escalecand = e + e_left + e_right;
512  ecand1 = enecell[ieta];
514  // test energy of the three strips
515  if (escalecand > escalesec) {
516  escalesec = escalecand;
517  info.esec = ecand;
518  // ncetasec = ieta;
519  }
520  // test energy of 2nd hottest local maximum
521  if (e > escalesec1) {
522  escalesec1 = e;
523  info.esec1 = ecand1;
524  ncetasec1 = ieta;
525  }
526  }
527  }
528  }
529  return ncetasec1;
530 }
533 void
534 setEmin(int ncsec1,
536  const double* enecell,
537  const double* gracell,
538  const int* ncell)
539 {
540  //
541  // energy deposit in the strip with the minimal value
542  // between the first and the second maximum
543  //
544  info.emins1 = 0.;
545  // Divide by a number smaller than the eta-width of any cell.
546  double escalemin = info.emaxs1 / 0.001;
548  if (ncsec1 <= 0)
549  return;
551  // define index of the array from max+1 strips strips (if possible)
552  int nlo = std::min(info.ncetamax, ncsec1) + 1;
553  // define index of the array from max-1 strips strips (if possible)
554  int nhi = std::max(info.ncetamax, ncsec1) - 1;
555  // loop on these strips
556  for (int ieta = nlo; ieta <= nhi; ieta++) {
557  if (ncell[ieta] == 0)
558  continue;
559  // correct energy of the strips with its granularity
560  // in order to be compared with other energy strips
561  // (potentially in other regions of granularity)
562  double escale = enecell[ieta] / gracell[ieta];
563  if (escale < escalemin) {
564  escalemin = escale;
565  info.emins1 = enecell[ieta];
566  }
567  }
568 }
571 void
572 setValley(egammaStripsShape::Info& info, double* enecell)
573 {
574  //
575  // Variable defined originally by Michal Seman
576  // (was tuned on DC0 data ! never since !!!)
577  //
579  double Ehsthr = 0.06 * GeV;
580  double val = 0.;
582  // search for second peak to the right
583  for (int ieta = info.ncetamax + 2; ieta < STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1; ieta++) {
584  if (enecell[ieta] > Ehsthr &&
585  enecell[ieta] > std::max(enecell[ieta - 1], enecell[ieta + 1])) {
586  double valley = 0;
587  for (int jc = info.ncetamax; jc <= ieta - 1; jc++) {
588  valley += dim(enecell[ieta], enecell[jc]);
589  }
590  if (valley > val)
591  val = valley;
592  }
593  }
595  // search for second peak to the left
596  for (int ieta = 1; ieta <= info.ncetamax - 2; ieta++) {
597  if (enecell[ieta] > Ehsthr &&
598  enecell[ieta] > std::max(enecell[ieta - 1], enecell[ieta + 1])) {
599  double valley = 0;
600  for (int jc = ieta + 1; jc <= info.ncetamax; jc++) {
601  valley += dim(enecell[ieta], enecell[jc]);
602  }
603  if (valley > val)
604  val = valley;
605  }
606  }
608  // energy of hottest strip
609  double e1 = info.emaxs1;
610  // energy of strip on the left
611  double eleft = info.ncetamax > 0 ? enecell[info.ncetamax - 1] : 0;
612  // energy of strip on the right
613  double eright =
614  info.ncetamax < STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1 ? enecell[info.ncetamax + 1] : 0;
615  // find hottest of these strips
616  double e2 = std::max(eleft, eright);
618  if (std::abs(e1 + e2) > 0.)
619  info.val = val / (e1 + e2);
620 }
624 void
625 setFside(egammaStripsShape::Info& info,
626  const double* enecell,
627  const double* gracell,
628  const int* ncell)
629 {
630  //
631  // fraction of energy outside shower core
632  // (E(+/-3strips)-E(+/-1strips))/ E(+/-1strips)
633  //
634  // NB: threshold defined by M. Seman for DC0 data (or before ?), never tuned
635  // since
636  double Ehsthr = 0.06 * GeV;
637  // Local variable with max energy in strips
638  double e1 = info.emaxs1;
639  // left index defined as max-1
640  int ileft = info.ncetamax - 1;
641  while (ileft > 0 && ncell[ileft] == 0) {
642  --ileft;
643  }
644  double eleft = ileft >= 0 ? enecell[ileft] : 0;
646  // right index defined as max+1
647  int iright = info.ncetamax + 1;
648  while (iright < STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1 && ncell[iright] == 0) {
649  ++iright;
650  }
651  double eright = iright < STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE ? enecell[iright] : 0;
653  double fracm = 0.;
655  // define index of the array from max-3 strips strips (if possible)
656  int nlo = std::max(info.ncetamax - 3, 0);
657  // define index of the array from max+3 strips strips (if possible)
658  int nhi = std::min(info.ncetamax + 3, STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE - 1);
660  if (e1 > Ehsthr) {
661  for (int ieta = nlo; ieta <= nhi; ieta++) {
662  if (ncell[ieta] == 0)
663  continue;
664  fracm += (gracell[ieta] > DBL_MIN) ? (enecell[ieta] / gracell[ieta]) : 0.;
665  }
666  if (std::abs(eleft + eright + e1) > 0.) {
667  if ((e1 != 0) && (gracell[info.ncetamax] > DBL_MIN))
668  e1 /= gracell[info.ncetamax];
669  if (eleft != 0)
670  eleft /= gracell[ileft];
671  if (eright != 0)
672  eright /= gracell[iright];
674  info.fside = (std::abs(eleft + eright + e1) > 0.)
675  ? fracm / (eleft + eright + e1) - 1.
676  : 0.;
677  }
678  }
679 }
682 void
683 setF1core(egammaStripsShape::Info& info, const xAOD::CaloCluster& cluster)
684 {
685  // Fraction of energy reconstructed in the core of the shower
686  // core = e132, i.e energy in 3 strips
687  //
688  double x = -9999.;
689  // energy in 3 strips in the 1st sampling
690  double e132 = (info.e132 > x) ? info.e132 : 0.;
691  // total ennergy
692  double energy = cluster.e();
693  // build fraction only if both quantities are well defined
694  if (std::abs(energy) > 0. && e132 > x) {
695  info.f1core = e132 / energy;
696  }
697 }
699 } // end of anonymous namespace
703  const CaloDetDescrManager& cmgr,
704  Info& info,
705  bool ExecAllVariables)
706 {
707  //
708  // Estimate shower shapes from first compartment
709  // based on hottest cell in 2nd sampling , the deta,dphi,
710  // And the barycenter in the 1st sampling (seed)
711  //
713  // check if cluster is in barrel or in the end-cap
714  if (!cluster.inBarrel() && !cluster.inEndcap()) {
715  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
716  }
717  // retrieve energy in all samplings
718  const double eallsamples = egammaEnergyPositionAllSamples::e(cluster);
719  // retrieve energy in 1st sampling
720  const double e1 = egammaEnergyPositionAllSamples::e1(cluster);
722  // sam is used in SetArray to check that cells belong to strips
723  // samgran is used to estimate the window to use cells in eta
724  // it is based on the granularity of the middle layer
725  // For phi we use the strip layer granularity
727  // check if cluster is in barrel or end-cap
728  const bool in_barrel = egammaEnergyPositionAllSamples::inBarrel(cluster, 2);
730  // define accordingly the position of CaloSampling
732  const CaloSampling::CaloSample samgran = in_barrel ? CaloSampling::EMB2 : CaloSampling::EME2;
736  // get eta and phi of the seed
737  info.etaseed = cluster.etaSample(sam);
738  info.phiseed = cluster.phiSample(sam);
739  // get eta and phi of the hottest cell in the second sampling
740  info.etamax = cluster.etamax(samgran);
741  info.phimax = cluster.phimax(samgran);
742  // possible for soft electrons to be at -999
743  if ((info.etamax == 0. && info.phimax == 0.) ||
744  std::abs(info.etamax) > 100.) {
745  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
746  }
747  // check if we are in a crack or outside area where strips are well defined
748  if (std::abs(info.etamax) > 2.4) {
749  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
750  }
751  if (std::abs(info.etamax) > 1.4 && std::abs(info.etamax) < 1.5) {
752  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
753  }
754  // We eeds both enums: subCalo and CaloSample
755  // use samgran = granularity in second sampling for eta !!!!
756  double deta = 0;
757  double dphi = 0;
758  bool barrel = false;
759  int sampling_or_module = 0;
761  subcalo, barrel, sampling_or_module, (CaloCell_ID::CaloSample)samgran);
762  const CaloDetDescrElement* dde = cmgr.get_element(
763  subcalo, sampling_or_module, barrel, info.etamax, info.phimax);
764  // if no object then exit
765  if (!dde) {
766  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
767  }
768  // width in eta is granularity (dde->deta()) times number of cells (neta)
769  deta = dde->deta() * neta / 2.0;
770  // use samgran = granularity in first sampling for phi
772  subcalo, barrel, sampling_or_module, (CaloCell_ID::CaloSample)sam);
773  dde = cmgr.get_element(
774  subcalo, sampling_or_module, barrel, info.etamax, info.phimax);
775  // if no object then exit
776  if (!dde) {
777  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
778  }
779  // width in phi is granularity (dde->dphi()) times number of cells (nphi)
780  dphi = dde->dphi() * nphi / 2.0;
782  /* initialize the arrays*/
783  double enecell[STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
784  double etacell[STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
785  double gracell[STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
786  int ncell[STRIP_ARRAY_SIZE] = { 0 };
788  // Fill the array in energy and eta from which all relevant
789  // quantities are estimated
790  setArray(cluster,
791  cmgr,
792  sam,
793  info.etamax,
794  info.phimax,
795  deta,
796  dphi,
797  enecell,
798  etacell,
799  gracell,
800  ncell);
801  /* Fill the the rest of the shapes*/
802  // find the corresponding index of the seed
803  setIndexSeed(info, etacell, gracell);
804  // calculate fraction of energy in strips
805  info.f1 = std::abs(eallsamples) > 0. ? e1 / eallsamples : 0.;
806  // calculate energy and bin where the energy strip is maximum
807  setEmax(info, enecell);
808  // calculate total width
809  setWstot(info, deta, enecell, etacell, ncell);
810  // width in three strips
811  setWs3(info, sam, cluster, enecell, etacell, ncell);
812  // Energy in in +/-1 and in +/-7 strips
813  if (ExecAllVariables) {
814  setEnergy(info, enecell);
815  setF1core(info, cluster);
817  setAsymmetry(info, enecell);
818  // Using strips centered on the hottest cell
819  // position in eta from +/- 1 strips
820  info.deltaEtaTrackShower =
821  setDeltaEtaTrackShower(1, info.ncetamax, enecell);
822  // Using strips centered on the seed cell
823  // position in eta from +/- 7 strips
824  info.deltaEtaTrackShower7 =
825  setDeltaEtaTrackShower(7, info.ncetaseed, enecell);
826  // calculate the fraction of energy int the two highest energy strips
827  setF2(info, enecell, eallsamples);
828  // Shower width in 5 strips around the highest energy strips
829  setWidths5(info, enecell);
830  // calculate energy of the second local maximum
831  int ncsec1 = setEmax2(info, enecell, gracell, ncell);
832  // calculate the energy of the strip with the minimum energy
833  setEmin(ncsec1, info, enecell, gracell, ncell);
834  // calculate M.S's valley
835  setValley(info, enecell);
836  // calculate M.S's fraction
837  setFside(info, enecell, gracell, ncell);
838  info.success = true;
839  }
840  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
841 }
float deta() const
cell deta
Definition: Calorimeter/CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h:356
float phimax(const CaloSample sampling) const
Retrieve of cell with maximum energy in given sampling.
Definition: CaloCluster_v1.cxx:589
bool operator<(const DataVector< T > &a, const DataVector< T > &b)
Vector ordering relation.
Definition: AsgElectronSelectorTool.cxx:37
const_cell_iterator cell_begin() const
Iterator of the underlying CaloClusterCellLink (const version)
Definition: CaloCluster_v1.h:812
#define GeV
Definition: PhysicsAnalysis/TauID/TauAnalysisTools/Root/HelperFunctions.cxx:17
void mean(std::vector< double > &bins, std::vector< double > &values, const std::vector< std::string > &files, const std::string &histname, const std::string &tplotname, const std::string &label="")
Definition: dependence.cxx:254
int EMB1
Definition: Calorimeter/CaloClusterCorrection/python/
Scalar phi() const
phi method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:67
double e1(const xAOD::CaloCluster &cluster)
return the uncorrected cluster energy in 1st sampling
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
Definition: AmgMatrixBasePlugin.h:83
constexpr double max()
Definition: ap_fixedTest.cxx:33
constexpr double min()
Definition: ap_fixedTest.cxx:26
This class groups all DetDescr information related to a CaloCell. Provides a generic interface for al...
Definition: Calorimeter/CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h:66
bool inBarrel(const xAOD::CaloCluster &cluster, int is)
return boolean to know if we are in barrel/end-cap
double proxim(double b, double a)
Definition: proxim.h:17
const CaloDetDescrElement * get_element(const Identifier &cellId) const
get element by its identifier
Definition: CaloDetDescrManager.cxx:159
float round(const float toRound, const unsigned int decimals)
Definition: Mdt.cxx:27
#define M_PI
Definition: ActiveFraction.h:11
setEt setPhi setE277 setWeta2 eta1
Definition: TrigEMCluster_v1.cxx:41
float Correct(const float eta, const float etacell, const float width)
returns corrected width at eta
#define x
float etamax(const CaloSample sampling) const
Retrieve of cell with maximum energy in given sampling.
Definition: CaloCluster_v1.cxx:576
float eta_raw() const
cell eta_raw
Definition: Calorimeter/CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h:350
double energy() const
get energy (data member)
Definition: CaloCell.h:311
float etaSample(const CaloSample sampling) const
Retrieve barycenter in a given sample.
Definition: CaloCluster_v1.cxx:532
Description of a calorimeter cluster.
Definition: CaloCluster_v1.h:59
bool inEndcap() const
Returns true if at least one clustered cell in the endcap.
Definition: CaloCluster_v1.h:901
int EMB2
Definition: Calorimeter/CaloClusterCorrection/python/
int i
Definition: Calorimeter/CaloGeoHelpers/CaloGeoHelpers/CaloSampling.h:22
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
Definition: PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDTools/EventLoop/EventLoop/StatusCode.h:22
const CaloDetDescrElement * caloDDE() const
get pointer to CaloDetDescrElement (data member)
Definition: CaloCell.h:305
enumeration of sub calorimeters
Definition: CaloCell_Base_ID.h:46
bool inBarrel() const
Returns true if at least one clustered cell in the barrel.
Definition: CaloCluster_v1.h:896
int EME1
Definition: Calorimeter/CaloClusterCorrection/python/
double RelPosition(const float eta, const float etacell)
returns relative position within the cell
float phiSample(const CaloSample sampling) const
Retrieve barycenter in a given sample.
Definition: CaloCluster_v1.cxx:547
static StatusCode execute(const xAOD::CaloCluster &cluster, const CaloDetDescrManager &cmgr, Info &info, bool ExecAllVariables=true)
AlgTool main method.
Definition: egammaStripsShape.cxx:702
float dphi() const
cell dphi
Definition: Calorimeter/CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h:358
string index
TList * a
Definition: liststreamerinfos.cxx:10
This class provides the client interface for accessing the detector description information common to...
Definition: CaloDetDescrManager.h:473
Data object for each calorimeter readout cell.
Definition: CaloCell.h:57
CaloCell_ID::CaloSample getSampling() const
cell sampling
Definition: Calorimeter/CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h:395
double e2(const xAOD::CaloCluster &cluster)
return the uncorrected cluster energy in 2nd sampling
void sort(typename std::reverse_iterator< DataModel_detail::iterator< DVL > > beg, typename std::reverse_iterator< DataModel_detail::iterator< DVL > > end, const Compare &comp)
Specialization of sort for DataVector/List.
Definition: DVL_algorithms.h:623
double e(const xAOD::CaloCluster &cluster)
return the uncorrected sum of energy in all samples
bool first
const_cell_iterator cell_end() const
Definition: CaloCluster_v1.h:813
Definition: egammaStripsShape.h:29
static void decode_sample(CaloCell_ID::SUBCALO &subCalo, bool &barrel, int &sampling_or_module, CaloCell_ID::CaloSample sample)
translate between the 2 ways to label a sub-detector:
Definition: CaloDetDescrManager.cxx:1468
@ barrel
@ e132
uncalibrated energy (sum of cells) in strips in a 3x2 window in cells in eta X phi
Definition: EgammaEnums.h:36
Definition: CaloCell_Base_ID.h:46
virtual double e() const
The total energy of the particle.
Definition: CaloCluster_v1.cxx:265
int EME2
Definition: Calorimeter/CaloClusterCorrection/python/
virtual double eta() const override final
get eta (through CaloDetDescrElement)
Definition: CaloCell.h:366
float phi_raw() const
cell phi_raw
Definition: Calorimeter/CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h:352
Calculate total energy, position, etc. for a given layer of a cluster.