ATLAS Offline Software
top::truth Namespace Reference


void initCommonMuonHistoryInfo (const xAOD::IParticle *muon, bool doPartonHistory)
void initRecoMuonHistoryInfo (const xAOD::Muon *muon, bool doPartonHistory)
void initTruthMuonHistoryInfo (const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu, bool doPartonHistory)
void copyRecoMuonHistoryInfo (const xAOD::Muon *m_origin, const xAOD::Muon *m_target)
void copyTruthMuonHistoryInfo (const xAOD::TruthParticle *tm_origin, const xAOD::TruthParticle *tm_target)
void copyCommonMuonHistoryInfo (const xAOD::IParticle *m_origin, const xAOD::IParticle *m_target)
const xAOD::TruthParticlegetTruthMuonAssociatedToRecoMuon (const xAOD::Muon *muon)
void getRecoMuonHistory (const xAOD::Muon *muon, bool doPartonHistory, SampleXsection::showering shAlgo, bool verbose)
void getTruthMuonHistory (const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu, bool doPartonHistory, SampleXsection::showering shAlgo, bool verbose)
void getTruthMuonPartonHistory (const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu, top::LepParticleOriginFlag lepParticleOriginFlag, const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu_Bmother, const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu_Cmother, const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother, SampleXsection::showering shAlgo, bool verbose)
top::LepParticleOriginFlag getTruthMuonFromCharmHistory (const xAOD::TruthParticle *&truthmu_Bmother, const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu_Cmother, bool verbose)
top::LepParticleOriginFlag getTruthMuonFromTauHistory (const xAOD::TruthParticle *tau, const xAOD::TruthParticle *&truthmu_Bmother, const xAOD::TruthParticle *&truthmu_Cmother, const xAOD::TruthParticle *&truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother, bool verbose)
const xAOD::TruthParticlegetFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour (const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthParticle, bool verbose)
const xAOD::TruthParticlegetInitialStateParticle (const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthParticle, bool verbose)
void printDecayChain (const xAOD::TruthParticle *part, std::ostream &os=std::cout, const std::string &prefix="")
 Prints the decay chain leading up to a certain particle to a std::ostream. More...
bool isFrom (const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthParticle, const std::vector< int > &parentPDGIds, bool bOnlyDirect=false)
 Function to determine whether the input particle was produced in the physical decay of a particle of given PDG ID. More...
bool isFromWZDecay (const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthParticle, bool bOnlyDirect=false)
 Function to determine whether a given truth particle is a result of a decay chain that started in the decay of a W or Z boson. More...
bool isLeptonFromTau (const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthParticle)
 Function the check if a particle is a lepton which was produced in the decay of a tau lepton. More...
bool isNotFromHadron (const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthParticle, bool bOnlyDirect=false, bool bTauIsHadron=false)
 Check whether a given truth particle is not produced in the decay of physical hadrons or their descendents. More...
bool isBHadron (int pdgId)
 Check if a certain pdg ID corresponds to a B hadron. More...
bool isLepton (const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthParticle)
 Check whether a given truth particle is a lepton. More...

Function Documentation

◆ copyCommonMuonHistoryInfo()

void top::truth::copyCommonMuonHistoryInfo ( const xAOD::IParticle m_origin,
const xAOD::IParticle m_target 

Definition at line 84 of file TruthTools.cxx.

85  {
86  if(!m_origin->isAvailable<top::LepParticleOriginFlag>("LepParticleOriginFlag"))
87  {
88  ATH_MSG_ERROR(" top::truth::copyCommonMuonHistoryInfo called with an origin muon which has no truth info!");
89  throw std::runtime_error("Muon has no truth info in copyCommonMuonHistoryInfo");
90  }
91  m_target->auxdecor<top::LepParticleOriginFlag>("LepParticleOriginFlag") = m_origin->auxdecor<top::LepParticleOriginFlag>("LepParticleOriginFlag");
92  m_target->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthMotherLink") = m_origin->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthMotherLink");
93  m_target->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthFirstNonLeptonMotherLink") = m_origin->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthFirstNonLeptonMotherLink");
94  m_target->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthBMotherLink") = m_origin->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthBMotherLink");
95  m_target->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthCMotherLink") = m_origin->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthCMotherLink");
97  if(m_origin->isAvailable<top::LepPartonOriginFlag>("LepPartonOriginFlag"))
98  {
99  m_target->auxdecor<top::LepPartonOriginFlag>("LepPartonOriginFlag") = m_origin->auxdecor<top::LepPartonOriginFlag>("LepPartonOriginFlag");
100  m_target->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthPartonMotherLink") = m_origin->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthPartonMotherLink");
101  m_target->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthTopMotherLink") = m_origin->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthTopMotherLink");
102  m_target->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthWMotherLink") = m_origin->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthWMotherLink");
103  m_target->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthZMotherLink") = m_origin->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthZMotherLink");
104  m_target->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthPhotonMotherLink") = m_origin->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthPhotonMotherLink");
105  m_target->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthHiggsMotherLink") = m_origin->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthHiggsMotherLink");
106  m_target->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthBSMMotherLink") = m_origin->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthBSMMotherLink");
107  }
108  }

◆ copyRecoMuonHistoryInfo()

void top::truth::copyRecoMuonHistoryInfo ( const xAOD::Muon m_origin,
const xAOD::Muon m_target 

Definition at line 70 of file TruthTools.cxx.

71  {
72  copyCommonMuonHistoryInfo(m_origin,m_target);
73  m_target->auxdecor<bool>("hasRecoMuonHistoryInfo") = m_origin->auxdecor<bool>("hasRecoMuonHistoryInfo");
74  m_target->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthMuonLink") = m_origin->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthMuonLink");
75  }

◆ copyTruthMuonHistoryInfo()

void top::truth::copyTruthMuonHistoryInfo ( const xAOD::TruthParticle tm_origin,
const xAOD::TruthParticle tm_target 

Definition at line 77 of file TruthTools.cxx.

78  {
79  copyCommonMuonHistoryInfo(tm_origin,tm_target);
80  tm_target->auxdecor<bool>("hasTruthMuonHistoryInfo")= tm_origin->auxdecor<bool>("hasTruthMuonHistoryInfo");
81  tm_target->auxdecor<bool>("hasTruthMuonPartonHistoryInfo")= tm_origin->auxdecor<bool>("hasTruthMuonPartonHistoryInfo");
82  }

◆ getFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour()

const xAOD::TruthParticle * top::truth::getFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour ( const xAOD::TruthParticle truthParticle,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 692 of file TruthTools.cxx.

693  {
694  if(!truthParticle) return 0;
695  bool isBottomHadron=truthParticle->isBottomHadron();
696  bool isCharmHadron=truthParticle->isCharmHadron();
698  if(!(isBottomHadron) && !(isCharmHadron))
699  {
700  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour:: this can be called only on HF hadrons...");
701  return 0;
702  }
703  const xAOD::TruthParticle* parent=truthParticle;
704  int niterations=0;
705  while(parent)
706  {
707  if((niterations++)>100)
708  {
709  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour:: too many iterations on particle "<<(truthParticle->pdgId()));
710  return 0;
711  }
714  if(!parent)
715  {
716  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour:: initial state particle not found");
717  break;
718  }
720  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour:: initial state particle found="<<(parent->pdgId()));
722  bool hasSameFlavourParent=false;
723  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<parent->nParents(); ip++)
724  {
725  if(parent->parent(ip))
726  {
727  if((isBottomHadron && parent->parent(ip)->isBottomHadron())||(isCharmHadron && parent->parent(ip)->isCharmHadron()))
728  {
729  parent=parent->parent(ip);
730  hasSameFlavourParent=true;
731  break;
732  }
733  }
734  }
736  if(!hasSameFlavourParent)
737  {
738  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour:: parent="<<(parent->pdgId())<<" has no same flavour ancestor");
739  break;
740  }
741  else
742  {
743  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour:: found same flavour parent="<<(parent->pdgId()));
744  }
746  }
747  return parent;
748  }

◆ getInitialStateParticle()

const xAOD::TruthParticle * top::truth::getInitialStateParticle ( const xAOD::TruthParticle truthParticle,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 752 of file TruthTools.cxx.

753  {
754  if(!truthParticle) return 0;
755  int pdgId=truthParticle->pdgId();
756  int niterations=0;
757  const xAOD::TruthParticle* parent=truthParticle;
759  while(parent)
760  {
761  if((niterations++)>100)
762  {
763  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getInitialStateParticle:: too many iterations for particle "<<(truthParticle->pdgId()));
764  return 0;
765  }
767  bool hasParentWithSamePdgId=false;
768  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<parent->nParents(); ip++)
769  {
770  if(parent->parent(ip) && (parent->parent(ip)->pdgId()==pdgId))
771  {
772  parent=parent->parent(ip);
773  hasParentWithSamePdgId=true;
774  break;
775  }
776  }
777  if(!hasParentWithSamePdgId) break;
778  }
779  return parent;
780  }

◆ getRecoMuonHistory()

void top::truth::getRecoMuonHistory ( const xAOD::Muon muon,
bool  doPartonHistory,
SampleXsection::showering  shAlgo,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 128 of file TruthTools.cxx.

129  {
131  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getRecoMuonHistory:: ---------------entering in function-----------------");
132  if(!muon) return;
134  if(verbose)
135  {
136  //we retrieve the origin from the MCClassifier, it's useful for crosschecks; see
137  int origin=0;
138  const static SG::AuxElement::Accessor<int> origmu("truthOrigin");
139  if (origmu.isAvailable(*muon)) origin = origmu(*muon);
141  ATH_MSG_INFO("getRecoMuonHistory::called on muon with pt="<<muon->pt()<<" origin="<<origin);
142  }
144  if(doPartonHistory && shAlgo!=SampleXsection::pythia8 && shAlgo!=SampleXsection::herwigpp)
145  {
146  static int nWarnings=0;
147  if(nWarnings<10 || verbose)
148  {
149  ATH_MSG_WARNING("top::truth::getRecoMuonHistory : partonHistory can be checked only for pythia8 and herwigpp showering algorithms, SoftMuonAdditionalTruthInfoCheckPartonOrigin will be ignored for this sample");
150  nWarnings++;
151  }
152  doPartonHistory=false;
153  }
155  if(!muon->isAvailable<bool>("hasRecoMuonHistoryInfo")) //add default values
156  {
157  initRecoMuonHistoryInfo(muon,doPartonHistory);
158  }
159  else if(muon->auxdecor<bool>("hasRecoMuonHistoryInfo"))
160  {
161  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getRecoMuonHistory::we already ran on this muon, exiting");
162  return; //this means we already ran on this muon in some way
163  }
164  muon->auxdecor<bool>("hasRecoMuonHistoryInfo")=true;
166  //first we retrieve the truth muon associated with the reco one
167  const xAOD::TruthParticle* truthmu = muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthMuonLink"); //pointer to the truth muon associated with the reco muon
171  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getRecoMuonHistory:: retrieved truth muon pointer="<<truthmu);
172  if(!truthmu) return;
174  muon->auxdecor<top::LepParticleOriginFlag>("LepParticleOriginFlag") = top::LepParticleOriginFlag::Unknown;
175  if(doPartonHistory) muon->auxdecor<top::LepPartonOriginFlag>("LepPartonOriginFlag") = top::LepPartonOriginFlag::Unknown;
177  if(verbose)
178  {
179  ATH_MSG_INFO("getRecoMuonHistory::---truth decay chain---");
181  }
183  getTruthMuonHistory(truthmu, doPartonHistory, shAlgo, verbose);
184  //we attach the truth muon to the reco muon
187  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthMuonLink") = truthmu;
189  if(verbose)
190  {
191  ATH_MSG_INFO("getRecoMuonHistory:: written LepParticleOriginFlag decoration = "<<static_cast<int>(muon->auxdecor<top::LepParticleOriginFlag>("LepParticleOriginFlag")));
192  if(doPartonHistory) ATH_MSG_INFO("getRecoMuonHistory:: written LepPartonOriginFlag decoration = "<<static_cast<int>(muon->auxdecor<top::LepPartonOriginFlag>("LepPartonOriginFlag")));
193  ATH_MSG_INFO("getRecoMuonHistory:: exiting function");
194  }
195  return;
197  }

◆ getTruthMuonAssociatedToRecoMuon()

const xAOD::TruthParticle * top::truth::getTruthMuonAssociatedToRecoMuon ( const xAOD::Muon muon)

Definition at line 110 of file TruthTools.cxx.

111  {
112  if(!muon) return 0;
115  if(!truthmu)
116  {
117  const xAOD::TrackParticle* track = muon->trackParticle( xAOD::Muon::InnerDetectorTrackParticle );
118  if(!track) track=muon->primaryTrackParticle();
120  }
122  if(!truthmu) return 0;
123  if(!truthmu->isMuon()) return 0; //note that the truth particle associated with a muon can be e.g. a pion/kaon in some cases (since pion/kaon decays are not done at generator level, but at simulation level), we ignore these cases
125  return truthmu;
126  }

◆ getTruthMuonFromCharmHistory()

top::LepParticleOriginFlag top::truth::getTruthMuonFromCharmHistory ( const xAOD::TruthParticle *&  truthmu_Bmother,
const xAOD::TruthParticle truthmu_Cmother,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 587 of file TruthTools.cxx.

588  {
589  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("called getTruthMuonFromCharmHistory");
590  const xAOD::TruthParticle* initial_C_hadron=getFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour(truthmu_Cmother); //we find the first non-Chadron ancestor of the C-hadron
592  if(initial_C_hadron)
593  {
594  bool hasBHadronParent=false;
595  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<initial_C_hadron->nParents(); ip++)
596  {
597  const xAOD::TruthParticle* parent=initial_C_hadron->parent(ip);
598  if(!parent) continue;
599  if(parent->isBottomHadron())
600  {
601  hasBHadronParent=true;
602  truthmu_Bmother=parent;
603  break;
604  }
605  }
606  if(hasBHadronParent) return top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromBtoC;
607  }
609  return top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromC; //we don't know where the C-hadron is coming from
610  } //end of getTruthMuonFromCharmHistory method

◆ getTruthMuonFromTauHistory()

top::LepParticleOriginFlag top::truth::getTruthMuonFromTauHistory ( const xAOD::TruthParticle tau,
const xAOD::TruthParticle *&  truthmu_Bmother,
const xAOD::TruthParticle *&  truthmu_Cmother,
const xAOD::TruthParticle *&  truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 613 of file TruthTools.cxx.

614  {
615  if(!tau && verbose)
616  {
617  ATH_MSG_WARNING("getTruthMuonFromTauHistory called on empty tau");
619  }
620  if(!tau->isTau())
621  {
622  ATH_MSG_ERROR("getTruthMuonFromTauHistory called on non-tau, pdgId"<<(tau->pdgId()));
623  throw std::runtime_error("getTruthMuonFromTauHistory called with a non-tau particle ID");
624  }
626  if(!initialTau)
627  {
628  if(verbose)ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonFromTauHistory:: could not find initial state tau");
630  }
632  const xAOD::TruthParticle* tauMother=initialTau->parent(0);
634  if(!tauMother) return top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromTau; //muon from tau, we don't know where the tau is coming from
636  if(!tauMother->isLepton()) truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother=tauMother;
638  if(tauMother->isW()) //W->taunu with tau->mununu decay
639  {
641  }
642  if(tauMother->isZ()) //Z->tautau with tau->mununu
643  {
645  }
646  if(tauMother->isPhoton())
647  {
649  }
650  if(tauMother->isHiggs())
651  {
653  }
654  if(tauMother->isBSM())
655  {
657  }
658  if(tauMother->isBottomHadron()) //the muon is from a B->tau+X with tau->mununu decay
659  {
660  truthmu_Bmother=tauMother;
662  }
663  if(tauMother->isCharmHadron()) //now this is getting complicated, the muon is from e.g. D->tau+X with tau->mununu decay, now we have to understand where the D is coming from...
664  {
665  truthmu_Cmother=tauMother;
666  const xAOD::TruthParticle* initial_C_hadron=getFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour(truthmu_Cmother); //we find the first non-Chadron ancestor of the C-hadron
668  bool hasBHadronParent=false;
670  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<initial_C_hadron->nParents(); ip++)
671  {
672  const xAOD::TruthParticle* parent=initial_C_hadron->parent(ip);
673  if(!parent) continue;
674  if(parent->isBottomHadron())
675  {
676  hasBHadronParent=true;
677  truthmu_Bmother=parent;
678  break;
679  }
680  }
681  if(hasBHadronParent) return top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromBtoCtoTau;
682  else //in this case this is coming from D->tau->mu+X or something with no B-hadron ancestor
683  {
685  }
686  }//end of if(tauMother->isCharmHadron())
688  return top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromTau; //in all other cases we don't know anything apart from the fact that the muon is coming from a tau
689  }//end of getTruthMuonFromTauHistory method

◆ getTruthMuonHistory()

void top::truth::getTruthMuonHistory ( const xAOD::TruthParticle truthmu,
bool  doPartonHistory,
SampleXsection::showering  shAlgo,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 200 of file TruthTools.cxx.

201  {
202  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory:: entering in function");
204  if(!truthmu)
205  {
206  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory:: -> called on empty truth muon");
207  return;
208  }
209  if(!(truthmu->isMuon()))
210  {
211  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory:: -> called on non-muon particle");
212  return;
213  }
215  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory:: -> called on truth particle"<<truthmu);
217  if(!truthmu->isAvailable<bool>("hasTruthMuonHistoryInfo")) //add default values
218  {
219  initTruthMuonHistoryInfo(truthmu,doPartonHistory);
220  }
221  else if(truthmu->auxdecor<bool>("hasTruthMuonHistoryInfo"))
222  {
223  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory:: -> we already ran on this truth muon, exiting");
224  return;
225  }
226  truthmu->auxdecor<bool>("hasTruthMuonHistoryInfo")=true;
228  top::LepParticleOriginFlag lepParticleOriginFlag=top::LepParticleOriginFlag::Unknown; //flag defined in TopEvent/EventTools.h
229  const xAOD::TruthParticle* truthmu_mother=0; //direct mother of the muon
230  const xAOD::TruthParticle* truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother=0; //in case of X->muon or X->tau->muon, this will always contain X
231  const xAOD::TruthParticle* truthmu_Bmother=0; //first bottom hadron encountered when going through ancestors
232  const xAOD::TruthParticle* truthmu_Cmother=0; //first charmed hadron encountered when going through ancestors
234  const xAOD::TruthParticle* initial_mu = getInitialStateParticle(truthmu);
235  if(initial_mu) truthmu_mother= initial_mu->parent(0);
237  if(truthmu_mother && !MC::isMuon(truthmu_mother)) //let's then look at the history of this muon
238  {
240  if(!truthmu_mother->isLepton()) truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother=truthmu_mother; //basically all cases apart from tau->muon
242  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::mother pdgId="<<truthmu_mother->pdgId()<<" isB="<<truthmu_mother->isBottomHadron()<<" isC="<<truthmu_mother->isCharmHadron()<<" isLight="<<truthmu_mother->isLightHadron());
244  if(truthmu_mother->isLightHadron()) lepParticleOriginFlag=top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromLightHadron; //in this case we set the muon as coming from a light hadron and we don't investigate further
245  else if(truthmu_mother->isW()) //W->munu
246  {
247  lepParticleOriginFlag=top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromLeptonicW;
248  }
249  else if(truthmu_mother->isZ()) //Z->mumu
250  {
251  lepParticleOriginFlag=top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromLeptonicZ;
252  }
253  else if(truthmu_mother->isPhoton()) //gamma*->mumu decay
254  {
255  lepParticleOriginFlag=top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromPhoton;
256  }
257  else if(truthmu_mother->isHiggs())
258  {
259  lepParticleOriginFlag=top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromHiggs;
260  }
261  else if(truthmu_mother->isBSM())
262  {
263  lepParticleOriginFlag=top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromBSM;
264  }
265  else if(truthmu_mother->isTau()) //muon from tau
266  {
267  lepParticleOriginFlag=top::truth::getTruthMuonFromTauHistory(truthmu_mother,truthmu_Bmother,truthmu_Cmother,truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother,verbose);
268  }
269  else if(truthmu_mother->isBottomHadron()) //muon from B->mu+X decay
270  {
271  lepParticleOriginFlag=top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromB;
272  truthmu_Bmother=truthmu_mother;
273  }
274  else if(truthmu_mother->isCharmHadron()) //muon from D->mu+X decay, now we have to understand where the D is coming from
275  {
276  truthmu_Cmother=truthmu_mother;
277  lepParticleOriginFlag=top::truth::getTruthMuonFromCharmHistory(truthmu_Bmother,truthmu_Cmother,verbose);
278  }//end of if
279  }//end of if(truthmu_mother)
281  if(verbose)
282  {
283  ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::LepParticleOriginFlag="<<static_cast<int>(lepParticleOriginFlag));
284  if(truthmu) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::-->truth muon "<<truthmu);
285  else ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::-->truth muon not found");
286  if(truthmu_mother) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::-->truth muon mother "<<truthmu_mother);
287  else ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::-->truth muon mother not found");
288  if(truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::-->truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother "<<truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother);
289  else ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::-->truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother not found");
290  if(truthmu_Bmother) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::-->truth muon Bmother "<<truthmu_Bmother);
291  else ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::-->truth muon Bmother not found");
292  if(truthmu_Cmother) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::-->truth muon Cmother "<<truthmu_Cmother);
293  else ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::-->truth muon Cmother not found");
294  }
296  //we decorate also on the truth muon associated with the reco one, because in this way if the truth muon was already decorated in another copy of the muon (for systematics) we avoid losing time.
297  truthmu->auxdecor<top::LepParticleOriginFlag>("LepParticleOriginFlag") = lepParticleOriginFlag;
298  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthFirstNonLeptonMotherLink") = truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother;
299  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthMotherLink") = truthmu_mother;
300  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthBMotherLink") = truthmu_Bmother;
301  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthCMotherLink") = truthmu_Cmother;
303  if(doPartonHistory) top::truth::getTruthMuonPartonHistory(truthmu, lepParticleOriginFlag, truthmu_Bmother, truthmu_Cmother, truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother, shAlgo, verbose);
305  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory:: exiting from function");
307  return;
308  }

◆ getTruthMuonPartonHistory()

void top::truth::getTruthMuonPartonHistory ( const xAOD::TruthParticle truthmu,
top::LepParticleOriginFlag  lepParticleOriginFlag,
const xAOD::TruthParticle truthmu_Bmother,
const xAOD::TruthParticle truthmu_Cmother,
const xAOD::TruthParticle truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother,
SampleXsection::showering  shAlgo,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 311 of file TruthTools.cxx.

312  {
313  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: entering in function");
315  if(!truthmu && verbose)
316  {
317  ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: -> called on empty truth muon");
318  return;
319  }
321  if(!truthmu->isAvailable<bool>("hasTruthMuonPartonHistoryInfo"))//default values
322  {
323  initTruthMuonHistoryInfo(truthmu,true);
324  }
325  else if(truthmu->auxdecor<bool>("hasTruthMuonPartonHistoryInfo"))
326  {
327  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory:: -> we already ran on this truth muon, exiting");
328  return;
329  }
330  truthmu->auxdecor<bool>("hasTruthMuonPartonHistoryInfo")=true;
332  const xAOD::TruthParticle* truthmu_mother=truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother;
334  if(!truthmu_mother)
335  {
336  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: -> no muon mother available, returning");
337  return;
338  }
339  if(lepParticleOriginFlag==top::LepParticleOriginFlag::MissingTruthInfo || lepParticleOriginFlag==top::LepParticleOriginFlag::FromLightHadron)
340  {
342  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: -> muon from light hadron, will not fill info");
343  return;
344  }
348  //this is the priority we use to look for parents in order: top, higgs, BSM, W/Z, gamma*
349  auto get_priority = [](const xAOD::TruthParticle* p) -> int {
350  if(!p) return 999;
351  if(p->isTop()) return 0;
352  if(p->isHiggs()) return 10;
353  if(p->isBSM()) return 15;
354  if(p->isW() || p->isZ()) return 20;
355  if(p->isPhoton()) return 25;
356  return 100;
357  };
359  if(truthmu_mother->isTop()) // shouldn't happen, but maybe some generators don't store intermediate bosons
360  {
361  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthTopMotherLink") = truthmu_mother;
362  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthPartonMotherLink") = truthmu_mother;
363  if(truthmu_mother->pdgId()>0) lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromTopViaLeptonicBoson;
365  }
366  else if(truthmu_mother->isHiggs())
367  {
368  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthHiggsMotherLink") = truthmu_mother;
369  lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromHiggs;
370  }
371  else if(truthmu_mother->isBSM())
372  {
373  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthBSMMotherLink") = truthmu_mother;
374  lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromBSM;
375  }
376  else if(truthmu_mother->isW() || truthmu_mother->isZ() || truthmu_mother->isPhoton() ) //the muon is coming from a leptonically decaying boson (eventually via a boson->tau->mu)
377  {
378  lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromLeptonicBoson; //this is the basic info if we don't find further infromation
380  if(truthmu_mother->isW()) truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthWMotherLink") = truthmu_mother;
381  else if(truthmu_mother->isZ()) truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthZMotherLink") = truthmu_mother;
382  else if(truthmu_mother->isPhoton()) truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthPhotonMotherLink") = truthmu_mother;
384  //then we check in case we can find the mother of the boson
385  const xAOD::TruthParticle* initialStateBoson=top::truth::getInitialStateParticle(truthmu_mother,verbose);
386  const xAOD::TruthParticle* bosonOrigin=0;
387  unsigned int bosonOrigin_priority=999;
389  if(initialStateBoson)
390  {
391  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<initialStateBoson->nParents(); ip++)
392  {
393  const xAOD::TruthParticle* parent=initialStateBoson->parent(ip);
394  if(!parent) continue;
396  unsigned int parent_priority=get_priority(parent);
397  if(parent_priority<bosonOrigin_priority)
398  {
399  bosonOrigin_priority=parent_priority;
400  bosonOrigin=parent;
401  }
402  }
403  }
404  if(bosonOrigin && bosonOrigin->isTop())
405  {
406  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: -> muon from boson from top");
408  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthTopMotherLink") = bosonOrigin;
409  if(bosonOrigin->pdgId()>0) lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromTopViaLeptonicBoson;
411  }
412  else if(bosonOrigin && bosonOrigin->isHiggs())
413  {
414  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: -> muon from boson from higgs");
415  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthHiggsMotherLink") = bosonOrigin;
417  }
418  else if(bosonOrigin && bosonOrigin->isBSM())
419  {
420  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: -> muon from boson from BSM");
421  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthBSMMotherLink") = bosonOrigin;
423  }
424  else
425  {
426  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: -> muon from boson not from top or higgs");
427  lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromLeptonicBoson;
428  }
429  }
430  else if(truthmu_Bmother || truthmu_Cmother) //in this case the muon is not coming from a boson direct decay, we treat only cases from HF hadrons
431  {
432  lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromHFHadronOfUnkownOrigin; //default case
434  bool isBHadronMother=truthmu_Bmother;
435  const xAOD::TruthParticle* hadronMother= isBHadronMother ? truthmu_Bmother : truthmu_Cmother;
436  const xAOD::TruthParticle* firstHadronMother=getFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour(hadronMother,verbose);
438  if(verbose)
439  {
440  ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: isBHadronmother="<<isBHadronMother<<" Bmom="<<truthmu_Bmother<<" Cmom="<<truthmu_Cmother<<" hadMom="<<hadronMother<<" firstHadMom="<<firstHadronMother);
441  ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: -> muon from hadron pdgId="<<(hadronMother ? hadronMother->pdgId() : 0)<<", first hadron in chain pdgId="<<(firstHadronMother ? firstHadronMother->pdgId() : 0));
442  }
443  if(firstHadronMother)
444  {
446  const xAOD::TruthParticle* hf_parton_parent=0;
448  if(shAlgo == SampleXsection::herwigpp) //in herwig we have pdgId==81 for clusters as hadron parents
449  {
450  if(firstHadronMother->parent(0) && firstHadronMother->parent(0)->pdgId()==81)
451  {
452  firstHadronMother=getInitialStateParticle(firstHadronMother->parent(0));
453  }
454  }
456  //first we find the HF parton that originated the HF hadron
457  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<firstHadronMother->nParents(); ip++)
458  {
459  const xAOD::TruthParticle* parent=firstHadronMother->parent(ip);
460  if(!parent) continue;
461  if(isBHadronMother && MC::isBottom(parent))
462  {
463  hf_parton_parent=parent;
464  break;
465  }
466  else if(!isBHadronMother && MC::isCharm(parent))
467  {
468  hf_parton_parent=parent;
469  break;
470  }
472  }
474  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthPartonMotherLink") =hf_parton_parent;
476  //the we get the first HF parton of the evolution chain
477  const xAOD::TruthParticle* initial_hf_parton_parent=0;
478  if(hf_parton_parent) initial_hf_parton_parent = top::truth::getInitialStateParticle(hf_parton_parent,verbose);
480  //parton ancestor will be the particle/resonance originating the first HF quark
481  const xAOD::TruthParticle* parton_ancestor=0;
482  unsigned int parton_ancestor_priority=999;
484  if(initial_hf_parton_parent)
485  {
486  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<initial_hf_parton_parent->nParents(); ip++)
487  {
488  const xAOD::TruthParticle* parent=initial_hf_parton_parent->parent(ip);
489  if(!parent) continue;
490  if(!parton_ancestor) parton_ancestor=parent;
491  else
492  {
493  unsigned int priority =get_priority(parent);
494  if(priority < parton_ancestor_priority)
495  {
496  parton_ancestor_priority=priority;
497  parton_ancestor=parent;
498  }
499  }
500  }
501  }
503  //finally we (hopefully) know where the HF hadron is originally coming from
504  if(parton_ancestor && parton_ancestor->isTop())
505  {
506  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthTopMotherLink") = parton_ancestor;
507  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: -> muon from HF from top");
509  if(parton_ancestor->pdgId()>0) lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromTopViaQuarkToHF;
510  else lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromAntiTopViaQuarkToHF;
511  }
512  else if(parton_ancestor && parton_ancestor->isHiggs())
513  {
514  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthHiggsMotherLink") = parton_ancestor;
515  lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromHiggsToHF;
516  }
517  else if(parton_ancestor && parton_ancestor->isBSM())
518  {
519  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthBSMMotherLink") = parton_ancestor;
520  lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromBSMToHF;
521  }
522  else if(parton_ancestor && (parton_ancestor->isW() || parton_ancestor->isZ() || parton_ancestor->isPhoton()))
523  {
524  const xAOD::TruthParticle* first_bosonMotherOfHfQuark=top::truth::getInitialStateParticle(parton_ancestor);
526  if(parton_ancestor->isW()) truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthWMotherLink") = parton_ancestor;
527  else if(parton_ancestor->isZ()) truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthZMotherLink") = parton_ancestor;
528  else if(parton_ancestor->isPhoton()) truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthPhotonMotherLink") = parton_ancestor;
530  const xAOD::TruthParticle* bosonOrigin=0;
531  unsigned int bosonOrigin_priority=999;
533  if(first_bosonMotherOfHfQuark)
534  {
535  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<first_bosonMotherOfHfQuark->nParents(); ip++)
536  {
537  const xAOD::TruthParticle* parent=first_bosonMotherOfHfQuark->parent(ip);
538  if(!parent) continue;
540  unsigned int priority =get_priority(parent);
541  if(priority<bosonOrigin_priority)
542  {
543  bosonOrigin=parent;
544  bosonOrigin_priority=priority;
545  }
546  }
547  if(bosonOrigin && bosonOrigin->isTop())
548  {
549  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: -> muon from HF from boson from top");
550  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthTopMotherLink") = bosonOrigin;
552  if(bosonOrigin->pdgId()>0) lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromTopViaHadronicBosonToHF;
554  }
555  else if(bosonOrigin && bosonOrigin->isHiggs())
556  {
557  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: -> muon from HF from boson from higgs");
558  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthHiggsMotherLink") = bosonOrigin;
560  }
561  else if(bosonOrigin && bosonOrigin->isBSM())
562  {
563  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonPartonHistory:: -> muon from HF from boson from BSM");
564  truthmu->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthBSMMotherLink") = bosonOrigin;
566  }
567  else
568  {
569  lepPartonOriginFlag=top::LepPartonOriginFlag::FromHadronicBosonToHF; //not sure where this is coming from
570  }
571  }
572  }//end of V->HF->muon case
574  }//end of HF->muon case
576  }//end of non-bosonic case
578  truthmu->auxdecor<top::LepPartonOriginFlag>("LepPartonOriginFlag") = lepPartonOriginFlag;
580  if(verbose) ATH_MSG_INFO("getTruthMuonHistory::------> LepPartonOriginFlag="<<static_cast<int>(lepPartonOriginFlag));
582  return;
584  }//end of getTruthMuonPartonHistory

◆ initCommonMuonHistoryInfo()

void top::truth::initCommonMuonHistoryInfo ( const xAOD::IParticle muon,
bool  doPartonHistory 

Definition at line 35 of file TruthTools.cxx.

36  {
38  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthMotherLink") = 0;
39  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthFirstNonLeptonMotherLink") = 0;
40  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthBMotherLink") = 0;
41  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthCMotherLink") = 0;
43  if(doPartonHistory)
44  {
46  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthPartonMotherLink") = 0;
47  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthTopMotherLink") = 0;
48  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthWMotherLink") = 0;
49  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthZMotherLink") = 0;
50  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthPhotonMotherLink") = 0;
51  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthHiggsMotherLink") = 0;
52  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthBSMMotherLink") = 0;
53  }
54  }

◆ initRecoMuonHistoryInfo()

void top::truth::initRecoMuonHistoryInfo ( const xAOD::Muon muon,
bool  doPartonHistory 

Definition at line 56 of file TruthTools.cxx.

57  {
58  muon->auxdecor<bool>("hasRecoMuonHistoryInfo")=false;
59  muon->auxdecor<const xAOD::TruthParticle*>("truthMuonLink") = 0;
60  initCommonMuonHistoryInfo(muon,doPartonHistory);
61  }

◆ initTruthMuonHistoryInfo()

void top::truth::initTruthMuonHistoryInfo ( const xAOD::TruthParticle truthmu,
bool  doPartonHistory 

Definition at line 62 of file TruthTools.cxx.

63  {
64  truthmu->auxdecor<bool>("hasTruthMuonHistoryInfo")=false;
65  if(doPartonHistory) truthmu->auxdecor<bool>("hasTruthMuonPartonHistoryInfo")=false;
66  initCommonMuonHistoryInfo(truthmu,doPartonHistory);
68  }

◆ isBHadron()

bool top::truth::isBHadron ( int  pdgId)

Check if a certain pdg ID corresponds to a B hadron.

This follows the official PDG Monte-Carlo numbering scheme (c.f. which defines the PDG ID to be a 7 digit number in the form +- n_r n_L n_q1 n_q2 n_q3 n_J where n_q1 = 0, n_q2 >= n_q3 (for mesons) n_q1 >= n_q2 >= n_q3 (for baryons) n_q1 >= n_q2, n_q3 = 0 (for diquarks) the n_qi denote the flavour of the quark composing the hadron, i.e. n_q = 1 -> d n_q = 2 -> u n_q = 3 -> s n_q = 4 -> 4 n_q = 5 -> b The digit \(n_J\) encodes the total angular momentum \(J\) of a compound system. \(n_L\) is used to distinguish compound objects which have the same total angular momentum but different spin ( \(S\)) and orbital ( \(L\)) angular momentum numbers. Finally, \(n_r\) is used to label mesons which are radially exited.

pdgIdThe PDG ID to test.
True if pdg ID corresponds to B hadron, false otherwise.

Definition at line 105 of file TruthTools.h.

105  {
106  return((510 < pdgId && pdgId < 555) || // Check for (normal) Mesons / Diquarks
107  (5100 < pdgId && pdgId < 5555) ||// Check for (normal) Baryons
108  (pdgId / 100) % 10 == 5 || // Check exited Mesons (and Baryons with double beauty)
109  (pdgId / 1000) % 10 == 5); // Check exited Baryons
110  }

◆ isFrom()

bool top::truth::isFrom ( const xAOD::TruthParticle truthParticle,
const std::vector< int > &  parentPDGIds,
bool  bOnlyDirect = false 

Function to determine whether the input particle was produced in the physical decay of a particle of given PDG ID.

The algorithm uses the MC Truth Record. The algorithm works by ascending through the decay chain following the production vertex reference (obtained by the prodVtx() member function of the xAOD::TruthParticle). From the input particle, the algorithm ascends through the chain until the PDG ID of the particle found as first incoming particle is not equal to the PDG ID of the input particle. The last production vertex found during this ascent should then correspond to the physical production vertex of the input particle.

truthParticleThe input particle.
parentPDGIdsA list of PDG IDs which are valid parents
bOnlyDirectA flag denoting whether "chained matching" is allowed. In chained matching mode, intermittend particles are allowed, i.e. for the chain A -> B -> C isFrom( C, A ) is true (for A != B != C). If only direct decays are considered, this is only the case if A == B or B == C. Defaults to false.
Return true if the input particle was produced in the decay of a particle which has a PDG ID that is listed in parentPDGIds. Return false otherwise. Also return false if the input particle has an invalid production vertex reference.

Definition at line 841 of file TruthTools.cxx.

843  {
844  // If the input does not have aproper production vertex reference or
845  // there are no incoming particle to the production vertex, directly
846  // return false
847  if (!truthParticle->hasProdVtx() ||
848  !truthParticle->prodVtx() ||
849  truthParticle->prodVtx()->nIncomingParticles() == 0) {
850  return false;
851  }
853  // The current production vertex
854  const xAOD::TruthVertex* prodVtx = truthParticle->prodVtx();
855  // The previous production vertex (initialised to the current
856  // production vertex)
857  const xAOD::TruthVertex* prevProdVtx = prodVtx;
859  auto numIncoming = prodVtx->nIncomingParticles();
860  for (std::size_t motherIndex = 0;
861  motherIndex < numIncoming;
862  ++motherIndex) {
863  const xAOD::TruthParticle* mother = nullptr;
864  int motherPdgId = truthParticle->pdgId();
866  // Ascend through the decay chain until we find the "actual"
867  // decay, i.e. a change in the PDG ID. This skips all the
868  // non-decay truth table entries which come from "particle
869  // evolution" rather than physical decay
870  while (truthParticle->pdgId() == motherPdgId) {
871  mother = prodVtx->incomingParticle(motherIndex);
872  if (mother) {
873  motherPdgId = mother->pdgId();
874  } else {
875  break;
876  }
878  if (truthParticle->pdgId() != motherPdgId) {
879  break;
880  }
882  // Include protection against cyclic or broken reference
883  // chains which can occur in SHERPA samples
884  if (!mother->hasProdVtx()) {
885  break;
886  }
887  if (prevProdVtx == mother->prodVtx()) {
888  break;
889  }
891  // Update the previous / current production vertex references
892  prevProdVtx = prodVtx;
893  prodVtx = mother->prodVtx();
895  // safeguard
896  if (!prodVtx || prodVtx->nIncomingParticles() == 0) {
897  break;
898  }
899  }
901  // Check that the mother pointer is valid. If it is not valid, then
902  // the particle could not possibly come from any of the requested
903  // PDG Ids, hence return false
904  if (!mother) {
905  return false;
906  }
908  // If the mother PDG ID is in the parentPDGIds collection, then return true
909  if (std::find(parentPDGIds.begin(), parentPDGIds.end(), motherPdgId) != parentPDGIds.end()) {
910  return true;
911  }
913  // If we allow chained matching (I.e. not only _direct_ decays) and
914  // the mother particle does come from the request PDG ID(s), return true
915  if (!bOnlyDirect && isFrom(mother, parentPDGIds, bOnlyDirect)) {
916  return true;
917  }
918  }
920  // If we did't find an ancestor with the requested pdg id, return false
921  return false;
922  }

◆ isFromWZDecay()

bool top::truth::isFromWZDecay ( const xAOD::TruthParticle truthParticle,
bool  bOnlyDirect = false 

Function to determine whether a given truth particle is a result of a decay chain that started in the decay of a W or Z boson.

The algorithm works by ascending through the decay chain following the production vertex reference (obtained by the prodVtx() member function of the xAOD::TruthParticle). From the input particle, the algorithm ascends through the chain until the PDG ID of the particle found as first incoming particle is not equal to the PDG ID of the input particle. The last production vertex found during this ascent should then correspond to the physical production vertex of the input particle.

If the PDG ID of the mother particle (i.e. the incoming particle to the truth decay vertex) corresponds to a W / Z boson the algorithm terminates directly, returning true. Otherwise a vertex-based check is employed (which was designed to operate on SHERPA samples, c.f. the JetSimTools-00-02-09 package [svn: /Reconstruction/Jet/JetSimTools]).

truthParticleThe input particle.
bOnlyDirectA flag denoting whether "chained matching" is allowed. In chained matching mode, intermittend particles are allowed, i.e. for the chain A -> B -> C isFrom( C, A ) is true (for A != B != C). If only direct decays are considered, this is only the case if A == B or B == C. Defaults to false.
Return true if the input particle was created in a physical decay of a W or Z boson. Otherwise return false. Will also return false if the prduction vertex of the input particle is invalid or has zero incoming particles.

Definition at line 924 of file TruthTools.cxx.

925  {
926  // If the input does not have aproper production vertex reference or
927  // there are no incoming particle to the production vertex, directly
928  // return false
929  if (!truthParticle->hasProdVtx() ||
930  !truthParticle->prodVtx() ||
931  truthParticle->prodVtx()->nIncomingParticles() == 0) {
932  return false;
933  }
935  // The current production vertex
936  const xAOD::TruthVertex* prodVtx = truthParticle->prodVtx();
937  // The previous production vertex (initialised to the current
938  // production vertex)
939  const xAOD::TruthVertex* prevProdVtx = prodVtx;
942  auto numIncoming = prodVtx->nIncomingParticles();
943  for (std::size_t motherIndex = 0;
944  motherIndex < numIncoming;
945  ++motherIndex) {
946  const xAOD::TruthParticle* mother = nullptr;
947  int motherAbsPdgId = truthParticle->absPdgId();
949  // Ascend through the decay chain until we find the "actual"
950  // decay, i.e. a change in the PDG ID. This skips all the
951  // non-decay truth table entries which come from "particle
952  // evolution" rather than physical decay
953  while (truthParticle->absPdgId() == motherAbsPdgId) {
954  mother = prodVtx->incomingParticle(motherIndex);
955  if (mother) {
956  motherAbsPdgId = mother->absPdgId();
957  } else {
958  break;
959  }
961  if (truthParticle->absPdgId() != motherAbsPdgId) {
962  break;
963  }
965  // Include protection against cyclic or broken reference
966  // chains which can occur in SHERPA samples
967  if (!mother->hasProdVtx()) {
968  break;
969  }
970  if (prevProdVtx == mother->prodVtx()) {
971  break;
972  }
974  // Update the previous / current production vertex references
975  prevProdVtx = prodVtx;
976  prodVtx = mother->prodVtx();
978  // safeguard
979  if (!prodVtx || prodVtx->nIncomingParticles() == 0) {
980  break;
981  }
982  }
984  // Check that the mother pointer is valid. If it is not valid, then
985  // the particle could not possibly come from any of the requested
986  // PDG Ids, hence return false
987  if (!mother) {
988  return false;
989  }
991  // If the direct physical decay in the MC record was from a Z or W
992  // boson to the truth particle then return true
993  // Otherwise perform a vertex-based identification of W/Z's
994  if (motherAbsPdgId == 23 || motherAbsPdgId == 24) {
995  return true;
996  }
998  // The following vertex-based identification of W/Z's is needed
999  // for SHERPA samples where the W/Z particle is not explicitly
1000  // in the particle record. At this point if we have a valid
1001  // vertex, it should be a true decay vertex.
1002  //
1003  // If it is a W or Z then two of those decay products should be
1004  // lepton / neutrino pair corresponding to the transitions
1005  // W+ -> l+ nu
1006  // W- -> l- nu~
1007  // Z -> l+ l-
1008  // Z -> nu nu~
1009  // Hence loop through the outgoing particles of the truth vertex
1010  // and check that the vertex matches the requirement. We
1011  // simplify this check by just counting the number of leptonic
1012  // outgoing particles which should be equal to 2. It is assumed
1013  // that the MC generator does not produce unphysical decays.
1014  //
1015  // Furthermore, prompt W/Z's should come from a vertex with more
1016  // than one incoming particle. Consequently, test this
1017  // requirement prior to checking the outgoing states.
1018  int nDecay = 0;
1019  if (prodVtx && prodVtx->nIncomingParticles() > 1) {
1020  for (const auto& child : prodVtx->outgoingParticleLinks()) {
1021  if (MC::isSMLepton(*child)) {
1022  nDecay++;
1023  }
1024  }
1025  }
1027  // There must be exactly two leptonic outgoing particles in that vertex
1028  if (nDecay == 2) {
1029  return true;
1030  }
1032  // If we allow chained matching (I.e. not only _direct_ decays) and
1033  // the mother particle does come from a W / Z, return true
1034  if (!bOnlyDirect && isFromWZDecay(mother, bOnlyDirect)) {
1035  return true;
1036  }
1037  }
1039  // We did not find any W / Z in the ancestry of the input particle ->
1040  // return false
1041  return false;
1042  }

◆ isLepton()

bool top::truth::isLepton ( const xAOD::TruthParticle truthParticle)

Check whether a given truth particle is a lepton.

truthParticleThe input truth particle to be tested.
Return true if input is a lepton, false otherwise.

Definition at line 197 of file TruthTools.h.

197  {
198  return(10 < truthParticle->absPdgId() && truthParticle->absPdgId() < 17);
199  }

◆ isLeptonFromTau()

bool top::truth::isLeptonFromTau ( const xAOD::TruthParticle truthParticle)

Function the check if a particle is a lepton which was produced in the decay of a tau lepton.

truthParticleThe input truth particle which will be checked.
True if the input particle is a lepton and it has a parent which was a tau. False otherwise. Will also return false if the production vertex of the input particle is invalid.

Definition at line 1044 of file TruthTools.cxx.

1044  {
1045  // If the input particle is not a lepton directly terminate the
1046  // algorithm retunring false
1047  if (!MC::isSMLepton(truthParticle)) {
1048  return false;
1049  }
1050  return isFrom(truthParticle, {15, -15}, true);
1051  }

◆ isNotFromHadron()

bool top::truth::isNotFromHadron ( const xAOD::TruthParticle truthParticle,
bool  bOnlyDirect = false,
bool  bTauIsHadron = false 

Check whether a given truth particle is not produced in the decay of physical hadrons or their descendents.

This must be done in a recursive manner, i.e. the decay chain must be traversed upwards until the initial state is found.

truthParticleThe truth particle to be tested.
bOnlyDirectA flag denoting whether "chained matching" is allowed. In chained matching mode, intermittend particles are allowed, i.e. for the chain A -> B -> C isFrom( C, A ) is true (for A != B != C). If only direct decays are considered, this is only the case if A == B or B == C. Defaults to false.
bTauIsHadronIf true, any intermediate tauons are treated as hadrons.
True if truthParticle does not descend from a physical hadron, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1053 of file TruthTools.cxx.

1055  {
1056  // If there is no production vertex, either something is wrong, or
1057  // we are at the beginning of the record. However, either way, the
1058  // particle does not come from a hadron, hence return true.
1059  if (!truthParticle->hasProdVtx() ||
1060  !truthParticle->prodVtx() ||
1061  truthParticle->prodVtx()->nIncomingParticles() == 0) {
1062  return true;
1063  }
1065  // The current production vertex
1066  const xAOD::TruthVertex* prodVtx = truthParticle->prodVtx();
1067  // The previous production vertex (initialised to the current
1068  // production vertex)
1069  const xAOD::TruthVertex* prevProdVtx = prodVtx;
1071  // Loop all the particles going into the production vertex of the
1072  // current truth particle.
1073  // * If the mother of any of the is a physical hadron return false
1074  // * If the mother of any of them descends from a physical return false
1075  // * Otherwise return true
1076  auto numIncoming = prodVtx->nIncomingParticles();
1077  for (std::size_t motherIndex = 0;
1078  motherIndex < numIncoming;
1079  ++motherIndex) {
1080  int motherPdgId = truthParticle->pdgId();
1081  const xAOD::TruthParticle* mother = nullptr;
1083  // Ascend through the decay chain until we find the "actual"
1084  // decay, i.e. a change in the PDG ID. This skips all the
1085  // non-decay truth table entries which come from "particle
1086  // evolution" rather than physical decay
1087  while (truthParticle->pdgId() == motherPdgId) {
1088  mother = prodVtx->incomingParticle(motherIndex);
1089  if (mother) {
1090  motherPdgId = mother->pdgId();
1091  } else {
1092  break;
1093  }
1095  // Include protection against cyclic or broken reference
1096  // chains which can occur in SHERPA samples
1097  if (!mother->hasProdVtx()) {
1098  break;
1099  }
1100  if (prevProdVtx == mother->prodVtx()) {
1101  break;
1102  }
1104  // Update the previous / current production vertex references
1105  prevProdVtx = prodVtx;
1106  prodVtx = mother->prodVtx();
1108  // safeguard
1109  if (!prodVtx || prodVtx->nIncomingParticles() == 0) {
1110  break;
1111  }
1112  }
1114  // Check that the mother pointer is valid. If it is not valid, then
1115  // the particle could not possibly come from a hadron, hence return
1116  // true
1117  if (!mother) {
1118  return true;
1119  }
1121  // If the mother particle is a "physical decayed" particle (HepMC
1122  // status code) and a hadron, then return false.
1123  if (MC::isDecayed(mother) &&
1124  (MC::isHadron(motherPdgId) ||
1125  (bTauIsHadron && MC::isTau(motherPdgId)))) {
1126  return false;
1127  }
1129  // If we allow chained matching (I.e. not only _direct_ decays) and
1130  // the mother particle does come from a hadron, return false
1131  if (!bOnlyDirect && !isNotFromHadron(mother, bOnlyDirect, bTauIsHadron)) {
1132  return false;
1133  }
1134  }
1135  // No hadronic && physical parents
1136  return true;
1137  }

◆ printDecayChain()

void top::truth::printDecayChain ( const xAOD::TruthParticle part,
std::ostream &  os = std::cout,
const std::string &  prefix = "" 

Prints the decay chain leading up to a certain particle to a std::ostream.

partPointer to xAOD::TruthParticle whose decay origin shall be printed.
osThe std::ostream into which the decay chain shall be printed. Defaults to std::cout.
prefixA string which will be prefixed to the output.

Definition at line 783 of file TruthTools.cxx.

785  {
786  // Protect against a faulty production vertex reference.
787  if (!truthPart || !truthPart->prodVtx()) {
788  os << prefix << "[" << (truthPart ? truthPart->pdgId() :0x0) << " <- NULL]" << '\n';
789  return;
790  }
792  os << prefix << "[" << truthPart->pdgId();
793  int niterations=0;
795  while (truthPart) {
796  if((niterations++)>30)
797  {
798  os<<" STOP! too many iterations ";
799  break;
800  }
801  if(truthPart->nParents()<1) break;
803  os << " <- ";
804  const xAOD::TruthParticle* firstWithSamePdgId=0;
805  const xAOD::TruthParticle* firstNonParton=0;
806  const xAOD::TruthParticle* firstCorrectFlavorQuark=0;
808  for(unsigned int ip=0; ip<truthPart->nParents(); ip++)
809  {
810  if(ip>0) os<<", ";
811  os<<" "<<(truthPart->parent(ip) ? truthPart->parent(ip)->pdgId() : 0);
812  if(!truthPart->parent(ip)) continue;
814  if(!firstWithSamePdgId && truthPart->parent(ip)->pdgId()==truthPart->pdgId())
815  {
816  firstWithSamePdgId = truthPart->parent(ip);
817  }
818  if(!firstNonParton && !truthPart->parent(ip)->isParton())
819  {
820  firstNonParton = truthPart->parent(ip);
821  }
822  if(truthPart->isBottomHadron() && MC::isBottom(truthPart->parent(ip)))
823  {
824  firstCorrectFlavorQuark = truthPart->parent(ip);
825  }
826  if(truthPart->isCharmHadron() && MC::isCharm(truthPart->parent(ip)))
827  {
828  firstCorrectFlavorQuark = truthPart->parent(ip);
829  }
831  }
832  if(firstWithSamePdgId) truthPart=firstWithSamePdgId;
833  else if(firstNonParton) truthPart=firstNonParton;
834  else if(firstCorrectFlavorQuark) truthPart=firstCorrectFlavorQuark;
835  else truthPart=truthPart->parent(0);
837  }
838  os << "]" << '\n';
839  }
@ FromAntiTopViaLeptonicBoson
tipically means that the muon is coming from tbar->W->...->muon in some way (or any tbar->W/Z/gamma*‍...
@ FromB
bool isNotFromHadron(const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthParticle, bool bOnlyDirect, bool bTauIsHadron)
Check whether a given truth particle is not produced in the decay of physical hadrons or their descen...
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:1053
const TruthParticle_v1 * parent(size_t i=0) const
Retrieve the i-th mother (TruthParticle) of this TruthParticle.
Definition: TruthParticle_v1.cxx:131
@ muon
Definition: TrackingPrimitives.h:195
@ Unknown
@ FromAntiTopViaQuarkToHF
tipically means that the muon is coming from tbar->bbar->...->muon in some way (or any tbar->qbar->....
int absPdgId() const
Absolute PDG ID code (often useful)
const xAOD::TruthParticle * getFirstHFHadronOfSameFlavour(const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthParticle, bool verbose)
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:692
@ FromAntiTopViaHadronicBosonToHF
tipically means that the muon is coming from tbar->W->...->muon in some way (or any tbar->W/Z/gamma*‍...
bool isFrom(const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthParticle, const std::vector< int > &parentPDGIds, bool bOnlyDirect)
Function to determine whether the input particle was produced in the physical decay of a particle of ...
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:841
def p
@ FromBtoTau
from B-hadron to tau to mu decay
@ FromLeptonicW
from W with leptonic decay (note: this will not work for Sherpa)
#define ATH_MSG_INFO(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:31
std::string find(const std::string &s)
return a remapped string
Definition: hcg.cxx:135
void copyCommonMuonHistoryInfo(const xAOD::IParticle *m_origin, const xAOD::IParticle *m_target)
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:84
@ FromHiggs
H->HF->muon, not sure if this can happen in some generators.
this enum defines a flag used to understand the particle origin of a lepton (tipically a soft muon),...
Definition: EventTools.h:57
const xAOD::TruthParticle * getTruthMuonAssociatedToRecoMuon(const xAOD::Muon *muon)
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:110
bool isCharmHadron() const
Determine if the PID is that of a c-hadron.
Helper class to provide type-safe access to aux data.
Definition: Control/AthContainers/AthContainers/Accessor.h:66
@ FromLeptonicZToTau
from Z->tau->lep (note: this will not work for Sherpa)
@ MissingTruthInfo
e.g. this can mean the muon is coming from light hadrons and there is no truth history,...
@ FromHiggsViaHadronicBosonToHF
@ FromTopViaLeptonicBoson
tipically means that the muon is coming from t->W->...->muon in some way (or any t->W/Z/gamma*‍/H->....
@ FromHiggs
bool isW() const
Check if this particle is a W boson.
top::LepParticleOriginFlag getTruthMuonFromCharmHistory(const xAOD::TruthParticle *&truthmu_Bmother, const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu_Cmother, bool verbose)
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:587
@ FromLightHadron
often these muons are Unknown, but in some cases we have the truth record and we can verify they are ...
const TPLinks_t & outgoingParticleLinks() const
Get all the outgoing particles.
bool isBSM() const
Check if this is a BSM particle.
dictionary pdgId
Decorator< T, ALLOC >::reference_type auxdecor(const std::string &name) const
Fetch an aux decoration, as a non-const reference.
bool isBottomHadron(const T &p)
Definition: AtlasPID.h:466
@ FromTopViaHadronicBosonToHF
tipically means that the muon is coming from t->W->...->muon in some way (or any t->W/Z/gamma*‍/H->....
bool isSMLepton(const T &p)
Definition: AtlasPID.h:134
bool isZ() const
Check if this particle is a Z boson.
top::LepParticleOriginFlag getTruthMuonFromTauHistory(const xAOD::TruthParticle *tau, const xAOD::TruthParticle *&truthmu_Bmother, const xAOD::TruthParticle *&truthmu_Cmother, const xAOD::TruthParticle *&truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother, bool verbose)
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:613
@ FromTau
from Tau leptonic (not coming from W or HF-hadron, so not sure this can really happen)
@ FromBSM
direct H->muon
bool isLepton() const
Whether the particle is a lepton.
@ herwigpp
Definition: SampleXsection.h:26
@ FromHiggsViaLeptonicBosonToHF
@ FromTopViaQuarkToHF
tipically means that the muon is coming from t->b->...->muon in some way (or any t->q->....
size_t nParents() const
Number of parents of this particle.
Definition: TruthParticle_v1.cxx:122
void initTruthMuonHistoryInfo(const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu, bool doPartonHistory)
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:62
#define ATH_MSG_ERROR(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:33
bool isBottom(const T &p)
Definition: AtlasPID.h:123
@ FromBSM
Class describing a truth particle in the MC record.
Definition: TruthParticle_v1.h:41
void initRecoMuonHistoryInfo(const xAOD::Muon *muon, bool doPartonHistory)
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:56
@ FromLeptonicBoson
general case of W/Z/gamma*‍/H->muon or W/Z/gamma*‍/H->tau->muon
@ MissingTruthInfo
no associated truth muon tipically this happens for muon from light-hadrons
bool hasProdVtx() const
Check for a production vertex on this particle.
Definition: TruthParticle_v1.cxx:74
@ Unknown
dictionary prefix
@ FromCtoTau
from C-hadron (with no B-hadron parent) to tau to mu decay
void getTruthMuonHistory(const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu, bool doPartonHistory, SampleXsection::showering shAlgo, bool verbose)
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:200
@ FromBtoC
from B-hadron to C-hadron to muon decay
@ FromBtoCtoTau
from B-hadron to C-hadron to tau to muon decay
bool isTau() const
Whether the particle is a tau (or antitau)
const TruthParticle_v1 * incomingParticle(size_t index) const
Get one of the incoming particles.
Definition: TruthVertex_v1.cxx:71
bool isTau(const T &p)
Definition: AtlasPID.h:148
const xAOD::TruthParticle * getInitialStateParticle(const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthParticle, bool verbose)
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:752
bool isBottomHadron() const
Determine if the PID is that of a b-hadron.
const TruthVertex_v1 * prodVtx() const
The production vertex of this particle.
Definition: TruthParticle_v1.cxx:80
bool isLightHadron() const
Determine if the PID is that of a light flavour (not b or c) hadron.
Class describing a truth vertex in the MC record.
Definition: TruthVertex_v1.h:41
void initCommonMuonHistoryInfo(const xAOD::IParticle *muon, bool doPartonHistory)
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:35
const xAOD::TruthParticle * getTruthParticle(const xAOD::IParticle &p)
Return the truthParticle associated to the given IParticle (if any)
Definition: xAODTruthHelpers.cxx:25
bool isHadron(const T &p)
Definition: AtlasPID.h:207
@ FromHiggsToHF
@ pythia8
Definition: SampleXsection.h:25
bool isAvailable(const std::string &name, const std::string &clsname="") const
Check if a user property is available for reading or not.
Definition: Event/xAOD/xAODBase/xAODBase/IParticle.h:131
@ FromLeptonicWToTau
from W->tau->lep (note: this will not work for Sherpa)
bool isPhoton() const
Whether the particle is a photon.
@ FromPhotonToTau
@ FromPhoton
bool isHiggs() const
Check if this particle is a Higgs boson.
@ FromBSMViaHadronicBosonToHF
#define ATH_MSG_WARNING(x)
Definition: AthMsgStreamMacros.h:32
int INFO
Definition: Control/AthenaCommon/python/
size_t nIncomingParticles() const
Get the number of incoming particles.
Definition: TruthVertex_v1.cxx:49
bool isDecayed(const T &p)
Definition: HepMCHelpers.h:29
@ FromLeptonicZ
gamma*->tautau and tau->muon
bool isMuon() const
Whether the particle is a muon (or antimuon)
@ FromBSMToTau
bool isCharm(const T &p)
Definition: AtlasPID.h:120
bool isCharmHadron(const T &p)
Definition: AtlasPID.h:465
@ FromHFHadronOfUnkownOrigin
HF hadron->muon or HF hadron->tau->muon, we're not sure where the HF hadron is coming from (maybe a g...
void getTruthMuonPartonHistory(const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu, top::LepParticleOriginFlag lepParticleOriginFlag, const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu_Bmother, const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu_Cmother, const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthmu_firstNonLeptonMother, SampleXsection::showering shAlgo, bool verbose)
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:311
bool isFromWZDecay(const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthParticle, bool bOnlyDirect)
Function to determine whether a given truth particle is a result of a decay chain that started in the...
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:924
@ track
Definition: TrackingPrimitives.h:512
Class describing a TrackParticle.
Definition: TrackParticle_v1.h:43
@ FromHadronicBosonToHF
general case of W/Z/gamma*‍/H->HF hadrons->muon
@ FromC
from direct C-hadron (with no B-hadron parent) decay
@ FromBSMViaLeptonicBosonToHF
int pdgId() const
PDG ID code.
void printDecayChain(const xAOD::TruthParticle *truthPart, std::ostream &os, const std::string &prefix)
Prints the decay chain leading up to a certain particle to a std::ostream.
Definition: TruthTools.cxx:783
this enum defines a flag used to understand the partonic origin of a lepton (tipically a soft muon),...
Definition: EventTools.h:33
@ FromHiggsToTau
bool isTop() const
Check if this particle is a top quark.
bool isMuon(const T &p)
Definition: AtlasPID.h:145