ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
17 #include "AthLinks/ElementLink.h"
29 #endif // not XAOD_ANALYSIS
32 #include "Math/Vector4D.h"
59 virtual double pt()
const override final;
61 virtual double eta()
const override final;
65 virtual
double m()
const override final;
67 virtual
double e()
const override final;
154 #ifndef XAOD_ANALYSIS
161 #endif // not XAOD_ANALYSIS
213 #ifndef XAOD_ANALYSIS
217 #endif // not XAOD_ANALYSIS
329 #ifndef XAOD_ANALYSIS
339 #endif // not XAOD_ANALYSIS
353 #if ( ! defined(XAOD_ANALYSIS) )
370 #endif // not XAOD_ANALYSIS
379 #endif // XAODTRACKING_VERSIONS_TrackParticle_v1_H
const Trk::CurvilinearParameters curvilinearParameters(unsigned int index) const
Returns a curvilinear representation of the parameters at 'index'.
virtual double pt() const override final
The transverse momentum ( ) of the particle.
ROOT::Math::LorentzVector< ROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D< double > > GenVecFourMom_t
Base 4 Momentum type for TrackParticle.
const ShapeFitter * fitter
void resetCache()
Reset the internal cache of the object.
float beamlineTiltY() const
void setTrackFitter(const TrackFitter fitter)
Method for setting the fitter, using the TrackFitter enum.
void setNumberOfIBLOverflowsdEdx(uint8_t numoverflows)
virtual double m() const override final
The invariant mass of the particle..
void setNumberOfUsedHitsdEdx(uint8_t numhits)
void compressDefiningParametersCovMatrixOffDiag()
Delete some off-diagonal elements for compression.
void setTrackParameters(std::vector< std::vector< float > > ¶meters)
Set the parameters via the passed vector of vectors.
float vx() const
The x origin for the parameters.
void setDefiningParametersCovMatrixDiagVec(const std::vector< float > &vec)
Set the defining parameters covariance matrix using a length 15 vector.
float charge() const
Returns the charge.
void setRadiusOfFirstHit(float radius)
Set the radius of the first hit.
Dummy class used to allow special convertors to be called for surfaces owned by a detector element.
virtual double eta() const override final
The pseudorapidity ( ) of the particle.
bool summaryValue(uint8_t &value, const SummaryType &information) const
Accessor for TrackSummary values.
float vz() const
The z origin for the parameters.
float parameterPX(unsigned int index) const
Returns the parameter x momentum component, for 'index'.
const CurvilinearParameters_t trackParameters(unsigned int index) const
Returns the track parameter vector at 'index'.
CxxUtils::CachedValue< Trk::Perigee > m_perigeeParameters
Cached MeasuredPerigee, built from this object.
void setTrackLink(const ElementLink< TrackCollection > &track)
Set the link to the original track.
float z0() const
Returns the parameter.
float chiSquared() const
Returns the of the overall track fit.
DATAVECTOR_BASE_FIN(xAOD::TrackParticle_v1, xAOD::IParticle)
void setDefiningParameters(float d0, float z0, float phi0, float theta, float qOverP)
Set the defining parameters.
std::vector< float > definingParametersCovMatrixVec() const
Returns the length 6 vector containing the elements of defining parameters covariance matrix.
ICaloAffectedTool is abstract interface for tools checking if 4 mom is in calo affected region.
TrackProperties trackProperties() const
Access methods for track properties, which returns 'true' if a logical AND of the parameter 'proprty'...
std::vector< size_t > vec
void setTrackParameterCovarianceMatrix(unsigned int index, std::vector< float > &cov)
Set the cov matrix of the parameter at 'index', using a vector of floats.
bool const RAWDATA *ch2 const
Enum allowing us to know where in ATLAS the parameters are defined.
Class providing the definition of the 4-vector interface.
float d0() const
Returns the parameter.
float parameterX(unsigned int index) const
Returns the parameter x position, for 'index'.
bool indexOfParameterAtPosition(unsigned int &index, ParameterPosition position) const
Function to determine if this TrackParticle contains track parameters at a certain position,...
void setBeamlineTiltY(float tiltY)
void setParameterPosition(unsigned int index, ParameterPosition pos)
Set the 'position' (i.e. where it is in ATLAS) of the parameter at 'index', using the ParameterPositi...
TLorentzVector FourMom_t
Definition of the 4-momentum type.
void setHitPattern(uint32_t hitpattern)
virtual Type::ObjectType type() const override final
The type of the object as a simple enumeration.
uint32_t hitPattern() const
void setFitQuality(float chiSquared, float numberDoF)
Set the 'Fit Quality' information.
virtual FourMom_t p4() const override final
The full 4-momentum of the particle.
float parameterY(unsigned int index) const
Returns the parameter y position, for 'index'.
float parameterPY(unsigned int index) const
Returns the parameter y momentum component, for 'index'.
const Trk::Perigee & perigeeParameters() const
Returns the Trk::MeasuredPerigee track parameters.
Enumerates the different types of information stored in Summary.
bool definingParametersCovMatrixOffDiagCompr() const
TrackFitter trackFitter() const
Returns the fitter.
uint64_t identifierOfFirstHit() const
Returns the offline identifier of the first hit.
float radiusOfFirstHit() const
Returns the radius of the first hit.
Cached value with atomic update.
uint8_t numberOfUsedHitsdEdx() const
float beamlineTiltX() const
std::vector< std::pair< covMatrixIndex, covMatrixIndex > > covMatrixIndexPairVec
GenVecFourMom_t genvecP4() const
The full 4-momentum of the particle : GenVector form.
xAOD::ParameterPosition parameterPosition(unsigned int index) const
Return the ParameterPosition of the parameters at 'index'.
void setParticleHypothesis(const ParticleHypothesis hypo)
Method for setting the particle type, using the ParticleHypothesis enum.
void setTrackProperties(const TrackProperties properties)
Methods setting the TrackProperties.
Default constructor.
ParticleHypothesis particleHypothesis() const
Returns the particle hypothesis used for Track fitting.
float phi0() const
Returns the parameter, which has range to .
float qOverP() const
Returns the parameter.
const ParametersCovMatrix_t definingParametersCovMatrix() const
Returns the 5x5 symmetric matrix containing the defining parameters covariance matrix.
std::bitset< NumberOfTrackRecoInfo > patternRecoInfo() const
Access method for pattern recognition algorithm.
Cached value with atomic update.
float vy() const
The y origin for the parameters.
uint8_t hasValidTime() const
Returns whether or not the track has a valid time.
uint8_t numberOfIBLOverflowsdEdx() const
float parameterPZ(unsigned int index) const
Returns the parameter z momentum component, for 'index'.
const ElementLink< TrackCollection > & trackLink() const
Returns a link (which can be invalid) to the Trk::Track which was used to make this TrackParticle.
void setIdentifierOfFirstHit(uint64_t id)
Set the offline identifier of the first hit.
virtual double e() const override final
The total energy of the particle.
size_t numberOfParameters() const
Returns the number of additional parameters stored in the TrackParticle.
void setDefiningParametersCovMatrix(const ParametersCovMatrix_t &cov)
Set the defining parameters covariance matrix.
DefiningParameters_t definingParameters() const
Returns a SVector of the Perigee track parameters.
virtual double rapidity() const override final
The true rapidity (y) of the particle.
float time() const
Returns the time.
const std::vector< float > & definingParametersCovMatrixOffDiagVec() const
Returns the correlation coefficient associated with the off-diagonal elements of the covariance matri...
void setDefiningParametersCovMatrixVec(const std::vector< float > &cov)
void setSummaryValue(uint8_t &value, const SummaryType &information)
Set method for TrackSummary values.
An STL vector of pointers that by default owns its pointed-to elements.
ParametersCovMatrixFilled_t definingParametersCovMatrixFilled() const
Returns a 5x5 matrix describing which elements of the covariance matrix are known.
void setTimeResolution(float timeResolution)
void setHasValidTime(uint8_t hasValidTime)
const std::vector< float > & definingParametersCovMatrixDiagVec() const
Returns the diagonal elements of the defining parameters covariance matrix.
static const std::size_t COVMATRIX_OFFDIAG_VEC_COMPR_SIZE
ParametersCovMatrix_t trackParameterCovarianceMatrix(unsigned int index) const
Returns the TrackParticleCovMatrix_t (covariance matrix) at 'index', which corresponds to the paramet...
TrackParticle_v1 & operator=(const TrackParticle_v1 &tp)
Assignment operator. This can involve creating and copying an Auxilary store, and so should be used s...
void setDefiningParametersCovMatrixOffDiagVec(const std::vector< float > &vec)
Set the off-diagonal elements of the defining parameters covariance matrix.
float parameterZ(unsigned int index) const
Returns the parameter z position, for 'index'.
float numberDoF() const
Returns the number of degrees of freedom of the overall track or vertex fit as float.
Class describing a TrackParticle.
const Trk::Track * track() const
Returns a pointer (which can be NULL) to the Trk::Track which was used to make this TrackParticle.
Eigen::Matrix< bool, 5, 5, 0, 5, 5 > ParametersCovMatrixFilled_t
float timeResolution() const
Returns the time resolution.
void setParametersOrigin(float x, float y, float z)
Set the origin for the parameters.
float theta() const
Returns the parameter, which has range 0 to .
Selection rules: declare transient members.
static const covMatrixIndexPairVec & covMatrixComprIndexPairs()
void setBeamlineTiltX(float tiltX)
virtual double phi() const override final
The azimuthal angle ( ) of the particle (has range to .)
void setPatternRecognitionInfo(const std::bitset< xAOD::NumberOfTrackRecoInfo > &patternReco)
Method setting the pattern recognition algorithm, using a bitset.