Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js
ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
28 #include "Acts/MagneticField/MagneticFieldContext.hpp"
29 #include "Acts/Navigation/DetectorNavigator.hpp"
69 UnsignedIntegerProperty
"MaxSteps", 100000};
78 "Trk::Extrapolator/AtlasExtrapolator" "Tool for ATLAS Extrapolator"};
81 "MuonDetectorManager",
"MuonManager ReadKey for IOV Range intersection"};
Property holding a SG store/key/clid from which a ReadHandle is made.
MuonVal::ThreeVectorBranch m_truthDir
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_startFromFirstHit
AthHistogramAlgorithm(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
Constructor with parameters:
MuonVal::MuonTesterTree m_tree
MuonVal::MuonIdentifierBranch m_detId
BooleanProperty m_drawEvent
MuonVal::VectorBranch< float > & m_actsPropMomentum
MuonVal::ScalarBranch< float > & m_truthPt
MuonVal::VectorBranch< unsigned short > & m_isPropagated
MuonVal::ScalarBranch< float > & m_matchedTruthFraction
MuonVal::ThreeVectorBranch m_atlasPropLoc
MuonVal::ScalarBranch< unsigned int > & m_propSteps
DoubleProperty m_stepTolerance
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< MuonGM::MuonDetectorManager > m_detMgrKey
StatusCode execute() override
MuonVal::ScalarBranch< unsigned int > & m_event
ToolHandle< Trk::IExtrapolator > m_extrapolator
MuonVal::ThreeVectorBranch m_atlasPropGlob
MuonVal::VectorBranch< unsigned short > & m_techIdx
SG::ReadCondHandleKey< AtlasFieldCacheCondObj > m_fieldCacheCondObjInputKey
const MuonGMR4::MuonDetectorManager * m_r4DetMgr
SG::ReadHandleKey< ActsGeometryContext > m_geoCtxKey
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::TruthParticleContainer > m_truthParticleKey
MuonVal::ThreeVectorBranch m_truthLoc
Eigen::Affine3d Transform3D
MuonVal::ThreeVectorBranch m_actsPropDir
SG::ReadDecorHandleKey< xAOD::TruthParticleContainer > m_truthSegLinkKey
MuonVal::VectorBranch< float > & m_atlasPropMomentum
UnsignedIntegerProperty m_maxSteps
MuonVal::ThreeVectorBranch m_actsPropGlob
ServiceHandle< Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvc > m_idHelperSvc
VectorBranch< T > & newVector(const std::string &name)
Creates new branches and returns their reference.
StatusCode initialize() override
Include the GeoPrimitives which need to be put first.
MuonVal::ThreeVectorBranch m_truthGlob
StatusCode finalize() override
DoubleProperty m_maxStepSize
MuonVal::ThreeVectorBranch m_startGlob
ScalarBranch< T > & newScalar(const std::string &name)
Class to dump the basic properties of an Identifier into an n-tuple StationName -> BIS,...
IdentifierHash layerHash(const Identifier &id) const
MuonVal::VectorBranch< float > & m_actsStepSize
MuonVal::ScalarBranch< float > & m_truthP
MuonVal::ThreeVectorBranch m_atlasPropDir
UnsignedIntegerProperty m_maxTargetSkipping
DoubleProperty m_pathLimit
ServiceHandle< ActsTrk::IDetectorVolumeSvc > m_detVolSvc
Amg::Transform3D toLocalTrf(const ActsGeometryContext &gctx, const Identifier &hitId) const
MuonVal::ScalarBranch< float > & m_matchedPropFraction
The AlignStoreProviderAlg loads the rigid alignment corrections and pipes them through the readout ge...
MuonVal::ScalarBranch< float > & m_propLength
This is a "hash" representation of an Identifier. This encodes a 32 bit index which can be used to lo...
MuonVal::VectorBranch< unsigned short > & m_gasGapId
Amg::Transform3D toGlobalTrf(const ActsGeometryContext &gctx, const Identifier &hitId) const
MuonVal::ThreeVectorBranch m_actsPropLoc