ATLAS Offline Software
Namespaces | Functions
GenEvent.h File Reference
#include "HepMC/GenEvent.h"
#include "HepMC/GenVertex.h"
#include "AtlasHepMC/Barcode.h"
#include <memory>
#include "AtlasHepMC/SimpleVector.h"
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bool HepMC::set_ll_event_number (HepMC::GenEvent *e, long long int num)
long long int HepMC::get_ll_event_number (const HepMC::GenEvent *e)
GenEvent::particle_iterator HepMC::begin (HepMC::GenEvent &e)
GenEvent::particle_iterator HepMC::end (HepMC::GenEvent &e)
GenEvent::particle_const_iterator HepMC::begin (const HepMC::GenEvent &e)
GenEvent::particle_const_iterator HepMC::end (const HepMC::GenEvent &e)
GenEvent * HepMC::newGenEvent (const int a, const int b)
GenVertex * HepMC::signal_process_vertex (const GenEvent *e)
void HepMC::fillBarcodesAttribute (GenEvent *)
GenVertex * HepMC::barcode_to_vertex (const GenEvent *e, int id)
GenParticleHepMC::barcode_to_particle (const GenEvent *e, int id)
int HepMC::mpi (const GenEvent &e)
int HepMC::mpi (const GenEvent *e)
int HepMC::signal_process_id (const GenEvent &e)
int HepMC::signal_process_id (const GenEvent *e)
void HepMC::set_signal_process_id (GenEvent *e, const int i)
void HepMC::set_mpi (GenEvent *e, const int i)
template<class T >
void HepMC::set_random_states (GenEvent *e, std::vector< T > a)
template<class T >
void HepMC::set_signal_process_vertex (GenEvent *e, T v)
GenEvent * HepMC::copyemptyGenEvent (const GenEvent *inEvt)
template<class T >
bool HepMC::suggest_barcode (T &p, int i)
template<class T >
bool HepMC::suggest_barcode (T *p, int i)
bool HepMC::suggest_barcode< std::unique_ptr< HepMC::GenParticle > > (std::unique_ptr< HepMC::GenParticle > &p, int i)
void HepMC::Print::line (std::ostream &os, const GenEvent &e)
void HepMC::Print::line (std::ostream &os, const GenEvent *e)
void HepMC::Print::content (std::ostream &os, const GenEvent &e)
void HepMC::Print::content (std::ostream &os, const GenEvent *e)
bool HepMC::valid_beam_particles (const GenEvent *e)