ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
3 */
5 //***************************************************************************
6 // jFEXSim - description
7 // -------------------
8 // begin : 19 10 2020
9 // email :
10 // ***************************************************************************/
13 #include "L1CaloFEXSim/jFEXSim.h"
14 #include "L1CaloFEXSim/jTower.h"
15 #include "L1CaloFEXSim/jFEXFPGA.h"
22 #include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
23 #include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
25 namespace LVL1 {
27  jFEXSim::jFEXSim(const std::string& type,const std::string& name,const IInterface* parent):
29  {
30  declareInterface<IjFEXSim>(this);
31  }
34  //================ Initialisation =================================================
37  {
38  ATH_CHECK( m_jFEXFPGATool.retrieve() );
39  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
40  }
42  //================ Finalisation =================================================
45  {
46  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
47  }
51  {
53  m_id = -1;
54  m_jFEXFPGACollection.clear();
56  int rows = sizeof m_jTowersIDs_Thin / sizeof m_jTowersIDs_Thin[0];
57  int cols = sizeof m_jTowersIDs_Thin[0] / sizeof m_jTowersIDs_Thin[0][0];
58  for (int i=0; i<rows; i++){
59  for (int j=0; j<cols; j++){
60  m_jTowersIDs_Thin[i][j] = 0;
61  }
62  }
65  rows = sizeof m_jTowersIDs_Wide / sizeof m_jTowersIDs_Wide[0];
66  cols = sizeof m_jTowersIDs_Wide[0] / sizeof m_jTowersIDs_Wide[0][0];
67  for (int i=0; i<rows; i++){
68  for (int j=0; j<cols; j++){
69  m_jTowersIDs_Wide[i][j] = 0;
70  }
71  }
73  m_smallRJet_tobWords.clear();
74  m_tau_tobWords.clear();
75  m_fwdEl_tobWords.clear();
76  m_largeRJet_tobWords.clear();
77  m_sumET_tobWords.clear();
78  m_Met_tobWords.clear();
79  }
81  void jFEXSim::init(int id)
82  {
83  m_id = id;
84  }
88  {
89  }
94  StatusCode jFEXSim::ExecuteForwardASide(int tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[2*FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height][FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_wide_algoSpace_width], jFEXOutputCollection* inputOutputCollection, const std::pair<unsigned int, const std::vector<int>&> & jetCalibrationParameters){
99  // So the way this works now is a little awkward due to the forward regions, which have less cells in phi and also overlap a lot.
100  // Interesting that I put nrows = 16*2 here, the documentation (l1caloreqs) looks like it should infact be just 16 (based on Fig 27)
101  // But actually the overlap is I suppose much greater, probably covering a much larger region, in this case 16/2
102  // Yes, this is answered by the few lines just below which specify the exact ranges
103  // Back to the forward regions, which have less cells in phi. We have 2 decisions, we can either fill half the cells in phi, or fill every other cell in phi
104  // For now I will fill every other cell in phi, but realistically the algorithm in the forward region needs to be written in a very different way
105  // and the re-writing on that algorithm will likely impact on how it is written in the central regions too
106  // The new writing of the algorithm will need to use the information from the central point of each tower in the array to check if it falls within a certain radius
107  // it cannot rely on the structure of the array itself at all. As such this algorithm is likely to end up being much less efficient that the eFEX equivalent.
109  int tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[nrows][ncols];
111  // FPGA boundaries in phi: 0.0, 1.6, 3.2, 4.8, 6.4
112  // Written explicitly:
113  // 5.6 -> 2.4 [core is 0.0 to 1.6] // FPGA 0
114  // 0.8 -> 4.0 [core is 1.6 to 3.2] // FPGA 1
115  // 2.4 -> 5.6 [core is 3.2 to 4.8] // FPGA 2
116  // 4.0 -> 0.8 [core is 4.8 to 6.4] // FPGA 3
118  //FPGA 0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
120  // 5.6 -> 2.4 [core is 0.0 to 1.6]
121  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<2; myrow++){
122  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<24; mycol++){
123  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[14+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 0-1 with source rows 14-15
124  }
125  }
126  for (int myrow = 2; myrow<6; myrow++){
127  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<24; mycol++){
128  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-2][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 2-5 with source rows 0-3
129  }
130  }
131  for (int myrow = 6; myrow<8; myrow++){
132  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<24; mycol++){
133  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-2][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 6-8 with source rows 4-5
134  }
135  }
136  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<4; myrow++){
137  for (int mycol = 24; mycol<28; mycol++){
138  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[28+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 24-27: Fills target rows 0-3 with source rows 28-31
139  }
140  }
141  for (int myrow = 4; myrow<12; myrow++){
142  for (int mycol = 24; mycol<28; mycol++){
143  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-4][mycol]; // For columns 24-27: Fills target rows 4-11 with source rows 0-7
144  }
145  }
146  for (int myrow = 12; myrow<16; myrow++){
147  for (int mycol = 24; mycol<28; mycol++){
148  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-4][mycol]; // For columns 24-27: Fills target rows 12-15 with source rows 8-11
149  }
150  }
151  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<8; myrow++){
152  for (int mycol = 28; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
153  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[56+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-7: Fills target rows 0-7 with source rows 56-63
154  }
155  }
156  for (int myrow = 8; myrow<32; myrow++){
157  for (int mycol = 28; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
158  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-8][mycol]; // For columns 8-END: Fills target rows 8-31 with source rows 0-23
159  }
160  }
161  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->init(0, m_id));
162  m_jFEXFPGATool->SetTowersAndCells_SG(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
163  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->execute(inputOutputCollection, jetCalibrationParameters));
164  m_smallRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSmallRJetTOBs());
165  m_largeRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getLargeRJetTOBs());
166  m_tau_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getTauTOBs());
167  if (m_id==0 || m_id==5) m_fwdEl_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getFwdElTOBs());
168  m_sumET_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSumEtTOBs());
169  m_Met_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getMetTOBs());
170  m_jFEXFPGATool->reset();
171  //FPGA 0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
173  //FPGA 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
174  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
175  // 0.8 -> 4.0 [core is 1.6 to 3.2]
176  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<2; myrow++){
177  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<24; mycol++){
178  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[2+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 0-1 with source rows 2-3
179  }
180  }
181  for (int myrow = 2; myrow<6; myrow++){
182  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<24; mycol++){
183  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+2][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 2-5 with source rows 4-7
184  }
185  }
186  for (int myrow = 6; myrow<8; myrow++){
187  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<24; mycol++){
188  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+2][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 6-8 with source rows 8-9
189  }
190  }
191  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<4; myrow++){
192  for (int mycol = 24; mycol<28; mycol++){
193  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[4+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 24-27: Fills target rows 0-3 with source rows 4-7
194  }
195  }
196  for (int myrow = 4; myrow<12; myrow++){
197  for (int mycol = 24; mycol<28; mycol++){
198  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+4][mycol]; // For columns 24-27: Fills target rows 4-11 with source rows 8-15
199  }
200  }
201  for (int myrow = 12; myrow<16; myrow++){
202  for (int mycol = 24; mycol<28; mycol++){
203  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+4][mycol]; // For columns 24-27: Fills target rows 12-15 with source rows 16-19
204  }
205  }
206  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<8; myrow++){
207  for (int mycol = 28; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
208  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[8+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-7: Fills target rows 0-7 with source rows 8-15
209  }
210  }
211  for (int myrow = 8; myrow<32; myrow++){
212  for (int mycol = 28; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
213  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+8][mycol]; // For columns 8-END: Fills target rows 8-31 with source rows 16-39
214  }
215  }
216  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->init(1, m_id));
217  m_jFEXFPGATool->SetTowersAndCells_SG(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
218  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->execute(inputOutputCollection, jetCalibrationParameters));
219  m_smallRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSmallRJetTOBs());
220  m_largeRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getLargeRJetTOBs());
221  m_tau_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getTauTOBs());
222  if (m_id==0 || m_id==5) m_fwdEl_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getFwdElTOBs());
223  m_jFEXFPGATool->reset();
224  //FPGA 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
227  //FPGA 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
228  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
229  // 2.4 -> 5.6 [core is 3.2 to 4.8]
230  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<2; myrow++){
231  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<24; mycol++){
232  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[6+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 0-1 with source rows 6-7
233  }
234  }
235  for (int myrow = 2; myrow<6; myrow++){
236  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<24; mycol++){
237  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+6][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 2-5 with source rows 8-11
238  }
239  }
240  for (int myrow = 6; myrow<8; myrow++){
241  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<24; mycol++){
242  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+6][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 6-8 with source rows 12-13
243  }
244  }
245  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<4; myrow++){
246  for (int mycol = 24; mycol<28; mycol++){
247  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[12+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 24-27: Fills target rows 0-3 with source rows 12-15
248  }
249  }
250  for (int myrow = 4; myrow<12; myrow++){
251  for (int mycol = 24; mycol<28; mycol++){
252  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+12][mycol]; // For columns 24-27: Fills target rows 4-11 with source rows 16-23
253  }
254  }
255  for (int myrow = 12; myrow<16; myrow++){
256  for (int mycol = 24; mycol<28; mycol++){
257  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+12][mycol]; // For columns 24-27: Fills target rows 12-15 with source rows 24-27
258  }
259  }
260  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<8; myrow++){
261  for (int mycol = 28; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
262  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[24+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-7: Fills target rows 0-7 with source rows 24-31
263  }
264  }
265  for (int myrow = 8; myrow<32; myrow++){
266  for (int mycol = 28; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
267  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+24][mycol]; // For columns 8-END: Fills target rows 8-31 with source rows 32-55
268  }
269  }
271  //FPGA 2 correcponds to U4, index 3
272  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->init(3, m_id));
273  m_jFEXFPGATool->SetTowersAndCells_SG(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
274  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->execute(inputOutputCollection, jetCalibrationParameters));
275  m_smallRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSmallRJetTOBs());
276  m_largeRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getLargeRJetTOBs());
277  m_tau_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getTauTOBs());
278  if (m_id==0 || m_id==5) m_fwdEl_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getFwdElTOBs());
279  m_sumET_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSumEtTOBs());
280  m_Met_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getMetTOBs());
281  m_jFEXFPGATool->reset();
282  //FPGA 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
284  //FPGA 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
285  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
286  // 4.0 -> 0.8 [core is 4.8 to 6.4]
287  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<2; myrow++){
288  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<24; mycol++){
289  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[10+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 0-1 with source rows 10-11
290  }
291  }
292  for (int myrow = 2; myrow<6; myrow++){
293  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<24; mycol++){
294  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+10][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 2-5 with source rows 12-15
295  }
296  }
297  for (int myrow = 6; myrow<8; myrow++){
298  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<24; mycol++){
299  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-6][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 6-8 with source rows 0-1
300  }
301  }
302  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<4; myrow++){
303  for (int mycol = 24; mycol<28; mycol++){
304  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[20+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 24-27: Fills target rows 0-3 with source rows 20-23
305  }
306  }
307  for (int myrow = 4; myrow<12; myrow++){
308  for (int mycol = 24; mycol<28; mycol++){
309  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+20][mycol]; // For columns 24-27: Fills target rows 4-11 with source rows 24-31
310  }
311  }
312  for (int myrow = 12; myrow<16; myrow++){
313  for (int mycol = 24; mycol<28; mycol++){
314  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-12][mycol]; // For columns 24-27: Fills target rows 12-15 with source rows 0-3
315  }
316  }
317  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<24; myrow++){
318  for (int mycol = 28; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
319  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[40+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-23: Fills target rows 0-23 with source rows 40-63
320  }
321  }
322  for (int myrow = 24; myrow<32; myrow++){
323  for (int mycol = 28; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
324  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-24][mycol]; // For columns 24-END: Fills target rows 24-31 with source rows 0-8
325  }
326  }
327  //FPGA 3 correcponds to U3, index 2
328  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->init(2, m_id));
329  m_jFEXFPGATool->SetTowersAndCells_SG(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
330  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->execute(inputOutputCollection, jetCalibrationParameters));
331  m_smallRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSmallRJetTOBs());
332  m_largeRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getLargeRJetTOBs());
333  m_tau_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getTauTOBs());
334  if (m_id==0 || m_id==5) m_fwdEl_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getFwdElTOBs());
335  m_jFEXFPGATool->reset();
336  //FPGA 3---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
338  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
340 }
342  StatusCode jFEXSim::ExecuteForwardCSide(int tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[2*FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height][FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_wide_algoSpace_width], jFEXOutputCollection* inputOutputCollection, const std::pair<unsigned int, const std::vector<int>&> & jetCalibrationParameters){
344  const int nrows = FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height;
347  // So the way this works now is a little awkward due to the forward regions, which have less cells in phi and also overlap a lot.
348  // Interesting that I put nrows = 16*2 here, the documentation (l1caloreqs) looks like it should infact be just 16 (based on Fig 27)
349  // But actually the overlap is I suppose much greater, probably covering a much larger region, in this case 16/2
350  // Yes, this is answered by the few lines just below which specify the exact ranges
351  // Back to the forward regions, which have less cells in phi. We have 2 decisions, we can either fill half the cells in phi, or fill every other cell in phi
352  // For now I will fill every other cell in phi, but realistically the algorithm in the forward region needs to be written in a very different way
353  // and the re-writing on that algorithm will likely impact on how it is written in the central regions too
354  // The new writing of the algorithm will need to use the information from the central point of each tower in the array to check if it falls within a certain radius
355  // it cannot rely on the structure of the array itself at all. As such this algorithm is likely to end up being much less efficient that the eFEX equivalent.
357  int tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[nrows][ncols];
359  // FPGA boundaries in phi: 0.0, 1.6, 3.2, 4.8, 6.4
360  // Written explicitly:
361  // 5.6 -> 2.4 [core is 0.0 to 1.6] // FPGA 0
362  // 0.8 -> 4.0 [core is 1.6 to 3.2] // FPGA 1
363  // 2.4 -> 5.6 [core is 3.2 to 4.8] // FPGA 2
364  // 4.0 -> 0.8 [core is 4.8 to 6.4] // FPGA 3
366  //FPGA 0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
367  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
368  // 5.6 -> 2.4 [core is 0.0 to 1.6]
369  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<2; myrow++){
370  for (int mycol = ncols-24; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
371  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[14+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 0-1 with source rows 14-15
372  }
373  }
374  for (int myrow = 2; myrow<6; myrow++){
375  for (int mycol = ncols-24; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
376  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-2][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 2-5 with source rows 0-3
377  }
378  }
379  for (int myrow = 6; myrow<8; myrow++){
380  for (int mycol = ncols-24; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
381  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-2][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 6-8 with source rows 4-5
382  }
383  }
384  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<4; myrow++){
385  for (int mycol = ncols-28; mycol<ncols-24; mycol++){
386  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[28+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 24-27 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 0-3 with source rows 28-31
387  }
388  }
389  for (int myrow = 4; myrow<12; myrow++){
390  for (int mycol = ncols-28; mycol<ncols-24; mycol++){
391  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-4][mycol]; // For columns 24-27 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 4-11 with source rows 0-7
392  }
393  }
394  for (int myrow = 12; myrow<16; myrow++){
395  for (int mycol = ncols-28; mycol<ncols-24; mycol++){
396  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-4][mycol]; // For columns 24-27 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 12-15 with source rows 8-11
397  }
398  }
399  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<8; myrow++){
400  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols-28; mycol++){
401  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[56+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-7 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 0-7 with source rows 56-63
402  }
403  }
404  for (int myrow = 8; myrow<32; myrow++){
405  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols-28; mycol++){
406  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-8][mycol]; // For columns 8-END (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 8-31 with source rows 0-23
407  }
408  }
409  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->init(0, m_id));
410  m_jFEXFPGATool->SetTowersAndCells_SG(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
411  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->execute(inputOutputCollection, jetCalibrationParameters));
412  m_smallRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSmallRJetTOBs());
413  m_largeRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getLargeRJetTOBs());
414  m_tau_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getTauTOBs());
415  if (m_id==0 || m_id==5) m_fwdEl_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getFwdElTOBs());
416  m_sumET_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSumEtTOBs());
417  m_Met_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getMetTOBs());
418  m_jFEXFPGATool->reset();
419  //FPGA 0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
421  //FPGA 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
422  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
423  // 0.8 -> 4.0 [core is 1.6 to 3.2]
424  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<2; myrow++){
425  for (int mycol = ncols-24; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
426  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[2+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 0-1 with source rows 2-3
427  }
428  }
429  for (int myrow = 2; myrow<6; myrow++){
430  for (int mycol = ncols-24; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
431  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+2][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 2-5 with source rows 4-7
432  }
433  }
434  for (int myrow = 6; myrow<8; myrow++){
435  for (int mycol = ncols-24; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
436  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+2][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 6-8 with source rows 8-9
437  }
438  }
439  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<4; myrow++){
440  for (int mycol = ncols-28; mycol<ncols-24; mycol++){
441  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[4+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 24-27 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 0-3 with source rows 4-7
442  }
443  }
444  for (int myrow = 4; myrow<12; myrow++){
445  for (int mycol = ncols-28; mycol<ncols-24; mycol++){
446  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+4][mycol]; // For columns 24-27 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 4-11 with source rows 8-15
447  }
448  }
449  for (int myrow = 12; myrow<16; myrow++){
450  for (int mycol = ncols-28; mycol<ncols-24; mycol++){
451  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+4][mycol]; // For columns 24-27 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 12-15 with source rows 16-19
452  }
453  }
454  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<8; myrow++){
455  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols-28; mycol++){
456  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[8+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-7 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 0-7 with source rows 8-15
457  }
458  }
459  for (int myrow = 8; myrow<32; myrow++){
460  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols-28; mycol++){
461  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+8][mycol]; // For columns 8-END (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 8-31 with source rows 16-39
462  }
463  }
464  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->init(1, m_id));
465  m_jFEXFPGATool->SetTowersAndCells_SG(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
466  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->execute(inputOutputCollection, jetCalibrationParameters));
467  m_smallRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSmallRJetTOBs());
468  m_largeRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getLargeRJetTOBs());
469  m_tau_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getTauTOBs());
470  if (m_id==0 || m_id==5) m_fwdEl_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getFwdElTOBs());
471  m_jFEXFPGATool->reset();
472  //FPGA 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
474  //FPGA 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
475  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
476  // 2.4 -> 5.6 [core is 3.2 to 4.8]
477  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<2; myrow++){
478  for (int mycol = ncols-24; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
479  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[6+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 0-1 with source rows 6-7
480  }
481  }
482  for (int myrow = 2; myrow<6; myrow++){
483  for (int mycol = ncols-24; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
484  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+6][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 2-5 with source rows 8-11
485  }
486  }
487  for (int myrow = 6; myrow<8; myrow++){
488  for (int mycol = ncols-24; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
489  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+6][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 6-8 with source rows 12-13
490  }
491  }
492  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<4; myrow++){
493  for (int mycol = ncols-28; mycol<ncols-24; mycol++){
494  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[12+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 24-27 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 0-3 with source rows 12-15
495  }
496  }
497  for (int myrow = 4; myrow<12; myrow++){
498  for (int mycol = ncols-28; mycol<ncols-24; mycol++){
499  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+12][mycol]; // For columns 24-27 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 4-11 with source rows 16-23
500  }
501  }
502  for (int myrow = 12; myrow<16; myrow++){
503  for (int mycol = ncols-28; mycol<ncols-24; mycol++){
504  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+12][mycol]; // For columns 24-27 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 12-15 with source rows 24-27
505  }
506  }
507  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<8; myrow++){
508  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols-28; mycol++){
509  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[24+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-7 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 0-7 with source rows 24-31
510  }
511  }
512  for (int myrow = 8; myrow<32; myrow++){
513  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols-28; mycol++){
514  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+24][mycol]; // For columns 8-END (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 8-31 with source rows 32-55
515  }
516  }
517  //FPGA 2 correcponds to U4, index 3
518  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->init(3, m_id));
519  m_jFEXFPGATool->SetTowersAndCells_SG(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
520  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->execute(inputOutputCollection, jetCalibrationParameters));
521  m_smallRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSmallRJetTOBs());
522  m_largeRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getLargeRJetTOBs());
523  m_tau_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getTauTOBs());
524  if (m_id==0 || m_id==5) m_fwdEl_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getFwdElTOBs());
525  m_sumET_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSumEtTOBs());
526  m_Met_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getMetTOBs());
527  m_jFEXFPGATool->reset();
528  //FPGA 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
530  //FPGA 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
531  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
532  // 4.0 -> 0.8 [core is 4.8 to 6.4]
533  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<2; myrow++){
534  for (int mycol = ncols-24; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
535  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[10+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 0-1 with source rows 10-11
536  }
537  }
538  for (int myrow = 2; myrow<6; myrow++){
539  for (int mycol = ncols-24; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
540  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+10][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 2-5 with source rows 12-15
541  }
542  }
543  for (int myrow = 6; myrow<8; myrow++){
544  for (int mycol = ncols-24; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
545  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-6][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 6-8 with source rows 0-1
546  }
547  }
548  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<4; myrow++){
549  for (int mycol = ncols-28; mycol<ncols-24; mycol++){
550  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[20+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 24-27 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 0-3 with source rows 20-23
551  }
552  }
553  for (int myrow = 4; myrow<12; myrow++){
554  for (int mycol = ncols-28; mycol<ncols-24; mycol++){
555  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow+20][mycol]; // For columns 24-27 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 4-11 with source rows 24-31
556  }
557  }
558  for (int myrow = 12; myrow<16; myrow++){
559  for (int mycol = ncols-28; mycol<ncols-24; mycol++){
560  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-12][mycol]; // For columns 24-27 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 12-15 with source rows 0-3
561  }
562  }
563  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<24; myrow++){
564  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols-28; mycol++){
565  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[40+myrow][mycol]; // For columns 0-23 (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 0-23 with source rows 40-63
566  }
567  }
568  for (int myrow = 24; myrow<32; myrow++){
569  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols-28; mycol++){
570  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-24][mycol]; // For columns 24-END (mirrored for CSide however): Fills target rows 24-31 with source rows 0-8
571  }
572  }
573  //FPGA 3 correcponds to U3, index 2
574  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->init(2, m_id));
575  m_jFEXFPGATool->SetTowersAndCells_SG(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
576  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->execute(inputOutputCollection, jetCalibrationParameters));
577  m_smallRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSmallRJetTOBs());
578  m_largeRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getLargeRJetTOBs());
579  m_tau_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getTauTOBs());
580  if (m_id==0 || m_id==5) m_fwdEl_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getFwdElTOBs());
581  m_jFEXFPGATool->reset();
582  //FPGA 3---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
584  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
586  }
589 StatusCode jFEXSim::ExecuteBarrel(int tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[2*FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height][FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_thin_algoSpace_width], jFEXOutputCollection* inputOutputCollection, const std::pair<unsigned int, const std::vector<int>&> & jetCalibrationParameters){
592  const int nrows = FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height;
595  // FPGA boundaries in phi: 0.0, 1.6, 3.2, 4.8, 6.4
596  // Written explicitly:
597  // 5.6 -> 2.4 [core is 0.0 to 1.6]
598  // 0.8 -> 4.0 [core is 1.6 to 3.2]
599  // 2.4 -> 5.6 [core is 3.2 to 4.8]
600  // 4.0 -> 0.8 [core is 4.8 to 6.4]
602  int tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[nrows][ncols];
605  //FPGA 0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
606  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
607  // 5.6 -> 2.4 [core is 0.0 to 1.6]
608  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<8; myrow++){
609  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
610  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[56+myrow][mycol]; // fills target rows 0-7 with source rows 56-63
611  }
612  }
613  for (int myrow = 8; myrow<32; myrow++){
614  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
615  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-8][mycol]; // fills target rows 8-31 with source rows 0-23
616  }
617  }
618  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->init(0, m_id));
619  m_jFEXFPGATool->SetTowersAndCells_SG(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
620  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->execute(inputOutputCollection, jetCalibrationParameters));
621  m_smallRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSmallRJetTOBs());
622  m_largeRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getLargeRJetTOBs());
623  m_tau_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getTauTOBs());
624  if (m_id==0 || m_id==5) m_fwdEl_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getFwdElTOBs());
625  m_sumET_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSumEtTOBs());
626  m_Met_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getMetTOBs());
627  m_jFEXFPGATool->reset();
628  //FPGA 0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
630  //FPGA 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
631  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
632  // 0.8 -> 4.0 [core is 1.6 to 3.2]
633  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<32; myrow++){
634  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
635  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[8+myrow][mycol]; // fills target rows 0-31 with source rows 8-39
636  }
637  }
638  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->init(1, m_id));
639  m_jFEXFPGATool->SetTowersAndCells_SG(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
640  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->execute(inputOutputCollection, jetCalibrationParameters));
641  m_smallRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSmallRJetTOBs());
642  m_largeRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getLargeRJetTOBs());
643  m_tau_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getTauTOBs());
644  if (m_id==0 || m_id==5) m_fwdEl_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getFwdElTOBs());
645  m_jFEXFPGATool->reset();
646  //FPGA 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
649  //FPGA 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
650  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
651  // 2.4 -> 5.6 [core is 3.2 to 4.8]
652  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<32; myrow++){
653  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
654  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[24+myrow][mycol]; // fills target rows 0-31 with source rows 24-55
655  }
656  }
657  //FPGA 2 correcponds to U4, index 3
658  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->init(3, m_id));
659  m_jFEXFPGATool->SetTowersAndCells_SG(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
660  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->execute(inputOutputCollection, jetCalibrationParameters));
661  m_smallRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSmallRJetTOBs());
662  m_largeRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getLargeRJetTOBs());
663  m_tau_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getTauTOBs());
664  if (m_id==0 || m_id==5) m_fwdEl_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getFwdElTOBs());
665  m_sumET_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSumEtTOBs());
666  m_Met_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getMetTOBs());
667  m_jFEXFPGATool->reset();
668  //FPGA 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
670  //FPGA 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
671  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
672  // 4.0 -> 0.8 [core is 4.8 to 6.4]
673  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<24; myrow++){
674  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
675  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[40+myrow][mycol]; // fills target rows 0-23 with source rows 40-63
676  }
677  }
678  for (int myrow = 24; myrow<32; myrow++){
679  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
680  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow-24][mycol]; // fills target rows 24-31 with source rows 0-8
681  }
682  }
683  //FPGA 3 correcponds to U3, index 2
684  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->init(2, m_id));
685  m_jFEXFPGATool->SetTowersAndCells_SG(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
686  ATH_CHECK(m_jFEXFPGATool->execute(inputOutputCollection, jetCalibrationParameters));
687  m_smallRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getSmallRJetTOBs());
688  m_largeRJet_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getLargeRJetTOBs());
689  m_tau_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getTauTOBs());
690  if (m_id==0 || m_id==5) m_fwdEl_tobWords.push_back(m_jFEXFPGATool->getFwdElTOBs());
691  m_jFEXFPGATool->reset();
692  //FPGA 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
694  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
696 }
700  const int nrows = FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height;
702  // We may need a function along the lines of "SetForwardTowersAndCells_SG"(int tmp_jTowerIDs_subset[16][28]
704  std::copy(&tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[0][0], &tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[0][0]+(nrows*ncols),&m_jTowersIDs_Wide[0][0]);
706  int tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[nrows][ncols];
708  //FPGA 0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
709  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
710  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<nrows; myrow++){
711  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
712  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow][mycol];
713  }
714  }
716  //FPGA 0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
718  //FPGA 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
719  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
720  for (int myrow = nrows; myrow<nrows*2; myrow++){
721  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
722  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow-nrows][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow][mycol];
723  }
724  }
726  //FPGA 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
729  //FPGA 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
730  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
731  for (int myrow = nrows*2; myrow<nrows*3; myrow++){
732  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
733  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow-(nrows*2)][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow][mycol];
734  }
735  }
737  //FPGA 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
739  //FPGA 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
740  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
741  for (int myrow = nrows*3; myrow<nrows*4; myrow++){
742  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
743  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow-(nrows*3)][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow][mycol];
744  }
745  }
747  //FPGA 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
749 }
751 std::vector< std::vector<std::unique_ptr<jFEXTOB>> > jFEXSim::getSmallRJetTOBs()
752 {
753  std::vector< std::vector<std::unique_ptr<jFEXTOB>>> sjTOBs;
754  sjTOBs.clear();
755  sjTOBs.resize(m_smallRJet_tobWords.size());
757  // We need the copy since we cannot move a member of the class, since it will not be part of it anymore
758  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_smallRJet_tobWords.size(); ++i){
759  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < m_smallRJet_tobWords[i].size(); ++j){
761  }
762  }
763  return sjTOBs;
765 }
767 std::vector< std::vector<std::unique_ptr<jFEXTOB>> > jFEXSim::getLargeRJetTOBs()
768 {
769  std::vector< std::vector<std::unique_ptr<jFEXTOB>> > ljTOBs;
770  ljTOBs.clear();
771  ljTOBs.resize(m_largeRJet_tobWords.size());
773  // We need the copy since we cannot move a member of the class, since it will not be part of it anymore
774  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_largeRJet_tobWords.size(); ++i){
775  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < m_largeRJet_tobWords[i].size(); ++j){
777  }
778  }
779  return ljTOBs;
780 }
782 std::vector< std::vector<std::unique_ptr<jFEXTOB>> > jFEXSim::getTauTOBs()
783 {
784  std::vector< std::vector<std::unique_ptr<jFEXTOB>> > tauTOBs;
785  tauTOBs.clear();
786  tauTOBs.resize(m_tau_tobWords.size());
788  // We need the copy since we cannot move a member of the class, since it will not be part of it anymore
789  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_tau_tobWords.size(); ++i){
790  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < m_tau_tobWords[i].size(); ++j){
792  }
793  }
795  return tauTOBs;
796 }
798 std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>>> jFEXSim::getFwdElTOBs(){
800  return m_fwdEl_tobWords;
802 }
804 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<jFEXTOB>> jFEXSim::getSumEtTOBs(){
806  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<jFEXTOB>> sumetTOBs;
807  sumetTOBs.clear();
809  // We need the copy since we cannot move a member of the class, since it will not be part of it anymore
810  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_sumET_tobWords.size(); ++i){
811  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < m_sumET_tobWords[i].size(); ++j){
812  sumetTOBs.push_back(std::move(m_sumET_tobWords[i][j]));
813  }
814  }
816  return sumetTOBs;
817 }
819 std::vector<std::unique_ptr<jFEXTOB>> jFEXSim::getMetTOBs(){
821  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<jFEXTOB>> metTOBs;
822  metTOBs.clear();
824  // We need the copy since we cannot move a member of the class, since it will not be part of it anymore
825  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Met_tobWords.size(); ++i){
826  for(unsigned int j = 0; j < m_Met_tobWords[i].size(); ++j){
827  metTOBs.push_back(std::move(m_Met_tobWords[i][j]));
828  }
829  }
831  return metTOBs;
832 }
839  const int nrows = FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height;
842  std::copy(&tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[0][0], &tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[0][0]+(nrows*ncols),&m_jTowersIDs_Thin[0][0]);
844  int tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[nrows][ncols];
846  //FPGA 0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
847  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
848  for (int myrow = 0; myrow<nrows; myrow++){
849  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
850  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow][mycol];
851  }
852  }
854  //FPGA 0----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
856  //FPGA 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
857  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
858  for (int myrow = nrows; myrow<nrows*2; myrow++){
859  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
860  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow-nrows][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow][mycol];
861  }
862  }
864  //FPGA 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
867  //FPGA 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
868  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
869  for (int myrow = nrows*2; myrow<nrows*3; myrow++){
870  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
871  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow-(nrows*2)][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow][mycol];
872  }
873  }
875  //FPGA 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
877  //FPGA 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
878  memset(tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA, 0, sizeof tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA);
879  for (int myrow = nrows*3; myrow<nrows*4; myrow++){
880  for (int mycol = 0; mycol<ncols; mycol++){
881  tmp_jTowersIDs_subset_FPGA[myrow-(nrows*3)][mycol] = tmp_jTowersIDs_subset[myrow][mycol];
882  }
883  }
885  //FPGA 3----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
887  }
890 } // end of namespace bracket
virtual std::vector< std::unique_ptr< jFEXTOB > > getSumEtTOBs() override
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:804
virtual StatusCode finalize() override
standard Athena-Algorithm method
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:44
virtual std::vector< std::vector< std::unique_ptr< jFEXTOB > > > getTauTOBs() override
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:782
virtual StatusCode ExecuteForwardCSide(int tmp[2 *FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height][FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_wide_algoSpace_width], jFEXOutputCollection *inputOutputCollection, const std::pair< unsigned int, const std::vector< int > & > &jetCalibrationParameters) override
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:342
int m_id
Internal data.
Definition: jFEXSim.h:74
constexpr static int jFEX_thin_algoSpace_width
Definition: FEXAlgoSpaceDefs.h:26
std::vector< std::vector< std::unique_ptr< jFEXTOB > > > m_largeRJet_tobWords
Definition: jFEXSim.h:89
virtual std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< uint32_t > > > getFwdElTOBs() override
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:798
std::vector< jFEXFPGA * > m_jFEXFPGACollection
Definition: jFEXSim.h:80
jFEXSim(const std::string &type, const std::string &name, const IInterface *parent)
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:27
virtual StatusCode ExecuteBarrel(int tmp[2 *FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height][FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_thin_algoSpace_width], jFEXOutputCollection *inputOutputCollection, const std::pair< unsigned int, const std::vector< int > & > &jetCalibrationParameters) override
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:589
constexpr static int jFEX_algoSpace_height
Definition: FEXAlgoSpaceDefs.h:27
eFexTowerBuilder creates xAOD::eFexTowerContainer from supercells (LATOME) and triggerTowers (TREX) i...
Definition: ICMMCPHitsCnvTool.h:18
virtual StatusCode initialize() override
standard Athena-Algorithm method
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:36
list cols
Definition: bin/
int i
virtual void SetTowersAndCells_SG(int tmp[FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height][FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_wide_algoSpace_width]) override
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:698
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
Definition: PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDTools/EventLoop/EventLoop/StatusCode.h:22
virtual std::vector< std::unique_ptr< jFEXTOB > > getMetTOBs() override
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:819
constexpr static int jFEX_wide_algoSpace_width
Definition: FEXAlgoSpaceDefs.h:25
Helper class for offline supercell identifiers.
#define ATH_CHECK
Definition: AthCheckMacros.h:40
list rows
Definition: bin/
Definition: jFEXOutputCollection.h:23
virtual ~jFEXSim()
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:87
virtual void init(int id) override
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:81
std::vector< std::vector< std::unique_ptr< jFEXTOB > > > m_Met_tobWords
Definition: jFEXSim.h:91
Definition: HLTChainList.h:35
virtual StatusCode ExecuteForwardASide(int tmp[2 *FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height][FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_wide_algoSpace_width], jFEXOutputCollection *inputOutputCollection, const std::pair< unsigned int, const std::vector< int > & > &jetCalibrationParameters) override
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:94
virtual std::vector< std::vector< std::unique_ptr< jFEXTOB > > > getLargeRJetTOBs() override
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:767
SG::auxid_t id
Definition: Control/AthContainers/Root/debug.cxx:191
ToolHandle< IjFEXFPGA > m_jFEXFPGATool
Definition: jFEXSim.h:84
virtual void reset() override
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:50
virtual std::vector< std::vector< std::unique_ptr< jFEXTOB > > > getSmallRJetTOBs() override
Definition: jFEXSim.cxx:751
std::vector< std::vector< std::unique_ptr< jFEXTOB > > > m_sumET_tobWords
Definition: jFEXSim.h:90
bool copy
Definition: AthAlgTool.h:26
int m_jTowersIDs_Wide[FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height][FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_wide_algoSpace_width]
Definition: jFEXSim.h:75
std::vector< std::vector< std::unique_ptr< jFEXTOB > > > m_tau_tobWords
Definition: jFEXSim.h:87
int m_jTowersIDs_Thin[FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_algoSpace_height][FEXAlgoSpaceDefs::jFEX_thin_algoSpace_width]
Definition: jFEXSim.h:76
std::vector< std::vector< std::unique_ptr< jFEXTOB > > > m_smallRJet_tobWords
Definition: jFEXSim.h:88
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< uint32_t > > > m_fwdEl_tobWords
Definition: jFEXSim.h:82