ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #ifndef MUONGEOMETRYCNV_ReadoutGeomCnvAlg_H
5 #define MUONGEOMETRYCNV_ReadoutGeomCnvAlg_H
17 #include "GeoModelKernel/GeoTransform.h"
18 #include "GeoModelHelpers/GeoDeDuplicator.h"
19 #include "GeoModelKernel/GeoVFullPhysVol.h"
20 #include "GeoModelKernel/GeoIdentifierTag.h"
46 std::unique_ptr<MuonGM::MuonDetectorManager>
53 return make_intrusive<GeoIdentifierTag>(++
67 ConstructionCache& cacheObj)
74 ConstructionCache& cacheObj,
75 GeoIntrusivePtr<GeoVFullPhysVol>& clonedPhysVol,
80 ConstructionCache& cacheObj)
83 ConstructionCache& cacheObj)
86 ConstructionCache& cacheObj)
89 ConstructionCache& cacheObj)
92 ConstructionCache& cacheObj)
95 ConstructionCache& cacheObj)
127 Gaudi::Property<bool>
"Checks the positions of the sensors"};
StatusCode buildSTGC(const ActsGeometryContext &gctx, ConstructionCache &cacheObj) const
StatusCode buildMdt(const ActsGeometryContext &gctx, ConstructionCache &cacheObj) const
StatusCode dumpAndCompare(const ActsGeometryContext &gctx, const MuonGMR4::RpcReadoutElement &refEle, const MuonGM::RpcReadoutElement &testEle) const
StatusCode cloneReadoutVolume(const ActsGeometryContext &gctx, const Identifier &stationId, ConstructionCache &cacheObj, GeoIntrusivePtr< GeoVFullPhysVol > &clonedPhysVol, MuonGM::MuonStation *&station) const
Clones the fullPhysical volume of the readoutElement and embeds it into the associated station.
GeoIntrusivePtr< GeoIdentifierTag > newIdTag()
Returns an identifier tag.
StatusCode buildStation(const ActsGeometryContext &gctx, const Identifier &stationId, ConstructionCache &cacheObj) const
builds a station object from readout element.
StatusCode buildTgc(const ActsGeometryContext &gctx, ConstructionCache &cacheObj) const
PVLink world
Pointer to the world.
The MuonReadoutElement is an abstract class representing the geometry representing the muon detector.
An RpcReadoutElement corresponds to a single RPC module; therefore typicaly a barrel muon station con...
SG::ReadCondHandleKeyArray< ActsTrk::DetectorAlignStore > m_alignStoreKeys
StatusCode buildMM(const ActsGeometryContext &gctx, ConstructionCache &cacheObj) const
std::unique_ptr< MuonGM::MuonDetectorManager > detMgr
Pointer to the legacy MuonDetectorManager.
Gaudi::Property< bool > m_checkGeo
StatusCode buildRpc(const ActsGeometryContext &gctx, ConstructionCache &cacheObj) const
StatusCode checkIdCompability(const MuonGMR4::MuonReadoutElement &refEle, const MuonGM::MuonReadoutElement &testEle) const
An algorithm that can be simultaneously executed in multiple threads.
Base class for the XxxReadoutElement, with Xxx = Mdt, Rpc, Tgc, Csc.
GeoIntrusivePtr< GeoVFullPhysVol > cloneNswWedge(const ActsGeometryContext &gctx, const MuonGMR4::MuonReadoutElement *nswRE, ConstructionCache &cacheObj) const
Clones the fullPhysicalVolume of the
The ReadoutGeomCnvAlg converts the Run4 Readout geometry build from the GeoModelXML into the legacy M...
StatusCode execute(const EventContext &ctx) const override
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
An sTgcReadoutElement corresponds to a single STGC module; therefore typicaly a barrel muon station c...
A TgcReadoutElement corresponds to a single TGC chamber; therefore typically a TGC station contains s...
Include the GeoPrimitives which need to be put first.
std::set< PVConstLink > translatedStations
Set of all translated Physical volumes.
bool isReEntrant() const override
ServiceHandle< Muon::IMuonIdHelperSvc > m_idHelperSvc
StatusCode initialize() override
ReadoutGeomCnvAlg(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
An MMReadoutElement corresponds to a single STGC module; therefore typicaly a barrel muon station con...
SG::WriteCondHandleKey< MuonGM::MuonDetectorManager > m_writeKey
const MuonGMR4::MuonDetectorManager * m_detMgr