ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
5 #ifndef IDPerfMonEoverP_H
6 #define IDPerfMonEoverP_H
47 #include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
48 #include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
71 class VxTrackAtVertex;
75 #define NOS_ELECTRONS 100
78 typedef std::pair<const xAOD::Vertex* , int>
168 {
std::string m_smallValidationTreeFolder
Root Validation Tree.
std::string m_jetContainerName
JEt collection input name.
float m_ePID_IsolationType[50][NOS_ELECTRONS]
std::string m_smallValidationTreeName
validation tree description - second argument in TTree
const ShapeFitter * fitter
unsigned int m_lumi_block
ToolHandle< IegammaTrkRefitterTool > m_TrackRefitter
The track refitter.
bool fillVertexInformation(std::map< const xAOD::TrackParticle *, VxPos > &trackParticleVertexMap, xAOD::Vertex const *&primaryVertexFirstCandidate)
bool passWenuSelection(std::vector< int > &electrons)
IDPerfMonEoverP(const std::string &name, ISvcLocator *pSvcLocator)
Default constructor.
Scalar phi() const
phi method
float m_electronQoverP[3][NOS_ELECTRONS]
Track q over p on electron.
double m_smallClusterEnergy
The common trigger namespace for trigger analysis tools.
float m_electronErrd0[3][NOS_ELECTRONS]
bool passMETCleaningCuts() const
void addToValidationNtuple(const Trk::Perigee *, const xAOD::CaloCluster *, int isOrginal)
float m_ePID_ShowerType[50][NOS_ELECTRONS]
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
Dummy class used to allow special convertors to be called for surfaces owned by a detector element.
VxPos m_vxpos[NOS_ELECTRONS]
void clearValidationNtuple()
float m_electronLMQoverP[3][NOS_ELECTRONS]
Track q over p on electron.
ToolHandle< IegammaTrkRefitterTool > m_TrackRefitter_no2
The track refitter.
bool m_isGoodOQ[NOS_ELECTRONS]
bool m_validationMode
< boolean to switch to validation mode
std::string m_validationTreeDescription
stream/folder to for the TTree to be written out
std::string m_primaryVertexCollection
Primary vertex input name.
def TH2F(name, title, nxbins, bins_par2, bins_par3, bins_par4, bins_par5=None, bins_par6=None, path='', **kwargs)
std::vector< std::string > m_triggerNames
AsgElectronLikelihoodTool * m_LHToolTight2015
std::string m_missingEtObjectName
MET input name.
void deleteAction() const
float m_ePID_TrackCaloMatchType[50][NOS_ELECTRONS]
std::vector< std::pair< xAOD::Iso::IsolationType, std::string > > m_PID_IsolationType_Names
bool fillLastMeasurement(const Trk::Track *track, const int fitter)
TH1F * m_ZeeMediumMassSS_Cluster
TH2F * m_WenuTightElectron_PTEtaPos
std::string m_OutputTrackCollectionName_no2
double correctIP_PV(int electron_i, bool do_d0)
TrackCollection * m_refittedTracks_no2
std::vector< std::pair< xAOD::EgammaParameters::TrackCaloMatchType, std::string > > m_PID_TrackCaloMatchType_Names
Description of a calorimeter cluster.
float m_ClusterPhi[NOS_ELECTRONS]
TH1F * m_WenuLooseElectronET
double getMassCluster(int el1, int el2)
float m_electronErrQoverP[3][NOS_ELECTRONS]
void fillGeneral(const xAOD::Electron *eg)
double deltaEta(const I4Momentum &p1, const I4Momentum &p2)
Computes efficiently .
std::string m_metRefFinalName
float m_electronTheta[3][NOS_ELECTRONS]
Track theta on Surface.
StatusCode initialize()
Gaudi algorithm hooks.
TTree * m_smallValidationTree
SG::ReadHandleKey< xAOD::EventInfo > m_evt
ReadHandle to the Event Info.
::StatusCode StatusCode
StatusCode definition for legacy code.
std::string m_validationTreeName
validation tree description - second argument in TTree
float m_ePID_SummaryType[50][NOS_ELECTRONS]
TH1F * m_WenuTightElectronET
bool storeMETinformation()
int m_associatedToVtx[NOS_ELECTRONS]
ToolHandle< IJetSelector > m_jetCleaningTool
jet selector tool
bool passZeeSelection(std::vector< int > &electrons)
void fillElectronInfo(const xAOD::Electron *p)
float m_electronErrz0[3][NOS_ELECTRONS]
AsgElectronLikelihoodTool * m_LHToolMedium2015
std::vector< std::pair< xAOD::EgammaParameters::ShowerShapeType, std::string > > m_PID_ShowerType_Names
Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.
int m_electronCounter
counter for electrons
TH2F * m_WenuTightElectron_PTEtaNeg
validation tree name - to be acessed by this from root
float m_ClusterEta[NOS_ELECTRONS]
bool m_fillDetailedTree
validation tree name - to be acessed by this from root
TH1F * m_ZeeLooseMassSS_Cluster
void extrapolateToTheCalo(const Trk::TrackParameters *trkPar, const xAOD::CaloCluster *cluster, double *eta, double *phi, double *deltaEta, double *delatPhi)
void fillIsEM(const xAOD::Electron *eg)
TH1F * m_ZeeMediumMassOS_Cluster
std::string m_validationTreeFolder
Root Validation Tree.
TH2F * m_ZeeMediumOS_ClusterPtEta
Class describing a Vertex.
float m_ClusterEnergy[NOS_ELECTRONS]
int m_author[NOS_ELECTRONS]
TH1F * m_ZeeLooseMassOS_Cluster
ToolHandle< Trig::TrigDecisionTool > m_trigDec
The trigger decision tool.
void fillTriggerInformation()
int m_nBLayer[NOS_ELECTRONS]
float m_electronErrPhi[3][NOS_ELECTRONS]
Track phi error on electron.
std::string m_InputElectronContainerName
Electron collection input name.
def TH1F(name, title, nxbins, bins_par2, bins_par3=None, path='', **kwargs)
float m_electronz0[3][NOS_ELECTRONS]
Track q over p on electron.
std::string m_OutputTrackCollectionName_no1
Name of output of Refitted Inner Detector Tracks.
Handle class for reading from StoreGate.
VxPos findAssociatedVertex(std::map< const xAOD::TrackParticle *, VxPos > &trackParticleVertexMap, const xAOD::Vertex *primaryVertexFirstCandidate, const xAOD::Electron *) const
float m_electronPhi[3][NOS_ELECTRONS]
Track Phi on electron.
bool m_IsEMMedium[NOS_ELECTRONS]
std::pair< const xAOD::Vertex *, int > VxPos
std::vector< std::pair< xAOD::SummaryType, std::string > > m_PID_SummaryType_Names
std::vector< int > FillSimpleTree()
AsgElectronLikelihoodTool * m_LHToolLoose2015
float m_electrond0[3][NOS_ELECTRONS]
Track Phi on electron.
float m_electronErrTheta[3][NOS_ELECTRONS]
Track theta error on electron.
TrackCollection * m_refittedTracks_no1
Refitted track collection.
std::string m_smallValidationTreeDescription
stream/folder to for the TTree to be written out