double | Amg::angle (const Amg::Vector3D &v1, const Amg::Vector3D &v2) |
| calculates the opening angle between two vectors More...
float | Amg::distance2 (const Amg::Vector3D &p1, const Amg::Vector3D &p2) |
| calculates the squared distance between two point in 3D space More...
float | Amg::distance (const Amg::Vector3D &p1, const Amg::Vector3D &p2) |
| calculates the distance between two point in 3D space More...
void | Amg::setPhi (Amg::Vector3D &v, double phi) |
| sets the phi angle of a vector without changing theta nor the magnitude More...
void | Amg::setThetaPhi (Amg::Vector3D &v, double theta, double phi) |
| sets the theta and phi angle of a vector without changing the magnitude More...
void | Amg::setRThetaPhi (Amg::Vector3D &v, double r, double theta, double phi) |
| sets radius, the theta and phi angle of a vector. More...
void | Amg::setTheta (Amg::Vector3D &v, double theta) |
| sets the theta of a vector without changing phi nor the magnitude More...
void | Amg::setPerp (Amg::Vector3D &v, double perp) |
| scales the vector in the xy plane without changing the z coordinate nor the angles More...
void | Amg::setMag (Amg::Vector3D &v, double mag) |
| scales the vector length without changing the angles More...
double | Amg::deltaPhi (const Amg::Vector3D &v1, const Amg::Vector3D &v2) |
double | Amg::deltaR (const Amg::Vector3D &v1, const Amg::Vector3D &v2) |
void | Amg::setVector3DCartesian (Amg::Vector3D &v1, double x1, double y1, double z1) |
| Sets components in cartesian coordinate system. More...
double | Amg::mag2Vector3D (const Amg::Vector3D &v1) |
| Gets magnitude squared of the vector. More...
double | Amg::magVector3D (const Amg::Vector3D &v1) |
| Gets magnitude of the vector. More...
double | Amg::rVector3D (const Amg::Vector3D &v1) |
| Gets r-component in spherical coordinate system. More...
Amg::Vector3D | Amg::transform (Amg::Vector3D &v, Amg::Transform3D &tr) |
| Transform a point from a Trasformation3D. More...
Amg::Transform3D | Amg::getTransformFromRotTransl (Amg::RotationMatrix3D rot, Amg::Vector3D transl_vec) |
void | Amg::getAngleAxisFromRotation (Amg::RotationMatrix3D &rotation, double &rotationAngle, Amg::Vector3D &rotationAxis) |
Amg::Vector3D | Amg::getTranslationVectorFromTransform (const Amg::Transform3D &tr) |
| Get the Translation vector out of a Transformation. More...
Amg::Rotation3D | Amg::getRotation3DfromAngleAxis (double angle, Amg::Vector3D &axis) |
| get a AngleAxis from an angle and an axis. More...
Amg::Transform3D | Amg::getRotateX3D (double angle) |
| get a rotation transformation around X-axis More...
Amg::Transform3D | Amg::getRotateY3D (double angle) |
| get a rotation transformation around Y-axis More...
Amg::Transform3D | Amg::getRotateZ3D (double angle) |
| get a rotation transformation around Z-axis More...
Amg::Transform3D | Amg::getTranslateX3D (const double X) |
| : Returns a shift transformation along the x-axis More...
Amg::Transform3D | Amg::getTranslateY3D (const double Y) |
| : Returns a shift transformation along the y-axis More...
Amg::Transform3D | Amg::getTranslateZ3D (const double Z) |
| : Returns a shift transformation along the z-axis More...
Amg::Transform3D | Amg::getTranslate3D (const double X, const double Y, const double Z) |
| : Returns a shift transformation along an arbitrary axis More...
Amg::Transform3D | Amg::getTranslate3D (const Amg::Vector3D &v) |
| : Returns a shift transformation along an arbitrary axis More...
Amg::Vector3D | Amg::dirFromAngles (const double phi, const double theta) |
| Constructs a direction vector from the azimuthal & polar angles. More...
template<int N> |
double | Amg::lineDistance (const AmgVector(N)&posA, const AmgVector(N)&dirA, const AmgVector(N)&posB, const AmgVector(N)&dirB) |
| : Calculates the shortest distance between two lines More...
double | Amg::signedDistance (const Amg::Vector3D &posA, const Amg::Vector3D &dirA, const Amg::Vector3D &posB, const Amg::Vector3D &dirB) |
| Calculates the signed distance between two lines in 3D space. More...
template<int N> |
std::optional< double > | Amg::intersect (const AmgVector(N)&posA, const AmgVector(N)&dirA, const AmgVector(N)&posB, const AmgVector(N)&dirB) |
| Calculates the point B' along the line B that's closest to a second line A. More...
template<int N> |
std::optional< double > | Amg::intersect (const AmgVector(N)&pos, const AmgVector(N)&dir, const AmgVector(N)&planeNorm, const double offset) |
| Intersects a line parametrized as A + lambda * B with the (N-1) dimensional hyperplane that's given in the Hesse normal form <P, N> - C = 0
bool | Amg::doesNotDeform (const Amg::Transform3D &trans) |
| Checks whether the linear part of the transformation rotates or stetches any of the basis vectors. More...
bool | Amg::isIdentity (const Amg::Transform3D &trans) |
| Checks whether the transformation is the Identity transformation. More...