ATLAS Offline Software
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InDetVKalVxInJetTool.h File Reference
#include <vector>
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "StoreGate/ReadHandle.h"
#include "boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp"
#include "xAODTracking/TrackParticleContainer.h"
#include "xAODTruth/TruthEventContainer.h"
#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
#include "InDetRecToolInterfaces/IInDetEtaDependentCutsSvc.h"
#include "InDetRecToolInterfaces/ISecVertexInJetFinder.h"
#include "InDetVKalVxInJetTool/InDetTrkInJetType.h"
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struct  InDet::workVectorArrxAOD
class  InDet::InDetVKalVxInJetTool
struct  InDet::InDetVKalVxInJetTool::Hists
struct  InDet::InDetVKalVxInJetTool::DevTuple
struct  InDet::InDetVKalVxInJetTool::Vrt2Tr
struct  InDet::InDetVKalVxInJetTool::WrkVrt
struct  InDet::clique_visitor


 Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.
 Message Stream Member.
 DUMMY Primary Vertex Finder.


 InDetVKalVxInJetTool.h - Description. More...


typedef std::vector< double > dvect

Macro Definition Documentation



InDetVKalVxInJetTool.h - Description.

Tool for secondary vertex inside jet reconstruction. It returns a pointer to Trk::VxSecVertexInfo object which contains vector of pointers to xAOD::Vertex's of found secondary verteces. In case of failure pointer to Trk::VxSecVertexInfo is 0.

Package creates a derivative object VxSecVKalVertexInfo which contains also additional variables see Tracking/TrkEvent/VxSecVertex/VxSecVertex/VxSecVKalVertexInfo.h

Additional returned values: Results - vector of variables for b-tagging [0] - secondary vertex mass [1] - energy ratio Esec/Ejet [2] - number of 2-track vertices [3] - pointers to "bad" tracks [4] - pointers to identified V0 tracks

Package has "single vertex" and "multiple vertices" modes of work.

More details at

Author: Vadim Kostyukhin e-mail:

Definition at line 51 of file InDetVKalVxInJetTool.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ dvect

typedef std::vector<double> dvect

Definition at line 82 of file InDetVKalVxInJetTool.h.