Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js
ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
243 uint8_t iInnerMostPixelHits(0), iInnerMostPixelEndcapHits(0), iNextToInnerMostPixelHits(0),
244 iNextToInnerMostPixelEndcapHits(0), iPixHits(0), iSctHits(0), iTrtHits(0), iTrtXeHits(0);
245 uint8_t iPixHoles(0), iSCTHoles(0), iTrtHTHits(0), iTrtHTXeHits(0);
246 uint8_t iInnerMostPixelShared(0), iInnerMostPixelEndcapShared(0), iPixelShared(0), iSCTShared(0);
395 uint8_t iInnerMostPixelOutliers(0), iInnerMostPixelEndcapOutliers(0), iInnerMostPixelSplit(0), iInnerMostPixelEndcapSplit(0);
396 uint8_t iExpectedInnerMostPixelHits(0), iExpectedNextToInnerMostPixelHits(0);
397 uint8_t iPixelOutliers(0), iPixelContribLayers(0), iPixelSplit(0), iPixelGanged(0), iPixelGangedFakes(0);
398 uint8_t iSCTOutliers(0), iSCTDoubleHoles(0);
399 uint8_t iTRTOutliers(0), iTRTHTOutliers(0);
400 uint8_t iPixelDeadSensors(0), iSCTDeadSensors(0);
TProfile * m_nTRTHitsXe_vs_mu_central
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelSharedEndcapHits_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nNextToInnerMostPixelEndcapHits_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nSCTDeadSensors_vs_mu
@ numberOfPixelHoles
number of pixel layers on track with absence of hits [unit8_t].
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelOutliers_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nSCTHits_vs_eta
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSplitHits
number of Pixel 0th layer barrel hits split by cluster splitting
TProfile2D * m_nNextToInnerMostPixelEndcapHits_vs_etaphi
TH1 * m_nNextToInnerMostPixelHits
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelSplitHits_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelSplitEndcapHits_vs_eta
TProfile2D * m_nNextToInnerMostPixelHits_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nTRTHits_vs_phi
TH1 * m_nInnerMostPixelSharedHits
TProfile * m_nPixelSharedHits_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nTRTHitsAr_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nSCTSharedHits_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nPixelSplitHits_vs_phi
@ numberOfSCTSharedHits
number of SCT hits shared by several tracks [unit8_t].
TH1 * m_nPixelGangedHitsFlaggedFakes
Scalar phi() const
phi method
void book(Htype *&pHisto, const std::string &histoIdentifier, const std::string &nameOverride="", const std::string &folder="default")
Helper method to book histograms using an identifier string.
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdHitsXe_vs_eta
TH1 * m_nTRTHighThresholdOutliers
TH1 * m_nInnerMostPixelSharedEndcapHits
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSharedEndcapHits
number of Pixel 0th layer endcap hits shared by several tracks.
Scalar eta() const
pseudorapidity method
TProfile2D * m_nTRTHighThresholdHitsXe_vs_etaphi
TProfile2D * m_nPixelHits_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nTRTHitsXe_vs_mu_ECsideC
@ numberOfGangedPixels
number of pixels which have a ganged ambiguity [unit8_t].
TProfile2D * m_nPixelHoles_vs_etaphi
@ numberOfGangedFlaggedFakes
number of Ganged Pixels flagged as fakes [unit8_t].
@ numberOfTRTXenonHits
number of TRT hits on track in straws with xenon [unit8_t].
TH1 * m_nTRTHighThresholdHitsXe
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdHitsXe_vs_mu_ECsideA
TProfile * m_nSCTDeadSensors_vs_eta
TProfile2D * m_nExpectedNextToInnerMostPixelHits_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nTRTHits_vs_eta
TH1 * m_nExpectedInnerMostPixelHits
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelSharedEndcapHits_vs_phi
TProfile2D * m_nSCTHoles_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nPixelOutliers_vs_eta
TH1 * m_nPixelContribLayers
TProfile * m_nNextToInnerMostPixelHits_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nSCTDoubleHoles_vs_phi
@ numberOfPixelHits
these are the pixel hits, including the b-layer [unit8_t].
@ expectInnermostPixelLayerHit
Do we expect a 0th-layer barrel hit for this track?
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelSharedHits_vs_eta
@ numberOfTRTHits
number of TRT hits [unit8_t].
TProfile * m_nPixelSplitHits_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nExpectedInnerMostPixelHits_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelSharedEndcapHits_vs_mu
void fill(const xAOD::TrackParticle &track, float mu, float weight)
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdOutliers_vs_eta
TH1 * m_nExpectedNextToInnerMostPixelHits
TH1 * m_nTRTHighThresholdHits
TProfile * m_nTRTHitsAr_vs_mu_ECsideA
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelSplitHits_vs_eta
TProfile2D * m_nTRTHighThresholdHitsAr_vs_etaphi
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerEndcapOutliers
number of 0th layer endcap outliers
TProfile * m_nPixelSharedHits_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nPixelDeadSensors_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nExpectedInnerMostPixelHits_vs_phi
@ numberOfTRTHighThresholdHits
number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold (only xenon counted) [unit8_t].
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdOutliers_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelEndcapOutliers_vs_eta
@ numberOfTRTHighThresholdHitsTotal
total number of TRT hits which pass the high threshold [unit8_t].
TH1 * m_nInnerMostPixelHits
TProfile * m_nSCTHoles_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nPixelGangedHitsFlaggedFakes_vs_eta
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerOutliers
number of 0th layer barrel outliers
Mixin class to give extra capabilities to plots such as ATH_MSG and an easier booking interface,...
@ numberOfTRTHighThresholdOutliers
number of TRT high threshold outliers (only xenon counted) [unit8_t].
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerEndcapHits
these are the hits in the 0th pixel layer endcap [unit8_t].
InDetPerfPlot_Hits(InDetPlotBase *pParent, const std::string &dirName, bool isITk)
@ numberOfPixelSharedHits
number of Pixel all-layer hits shared by several tracks [unit8_t].
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelEndcapHits_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nTRTHitsXe_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelHits_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nPixelHoles_vs_mu
@ expectNextToInnermostPixelLayerHit
Do we expect a 1st-layer barrel hit for this track?
TH1 * m_nInnerMostPixelOutliers
TH1 * m_nPixelDeadSensors
TProfile * m_nPixelContribLayers_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nSCTOutliers_vs_mu
TH1 * m_nTRTHighThresholdHitsAr
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelSplitEndcapHits_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nPixelGangedHitsFlaggedFakes_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelSharedHits_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nTRTHitsAr_vs_mu_ECsideC
TProfile * m_nSCTDoubleHoles_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nPixelSplitHits_vs_mu
TProfile2D * m_nInnerMostPixelHits_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdHitsAr_vs_mu_central
TProfile2D * m_nTRTHitsAr_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelHits_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nPixelHits_vs_phi
@ numberOfPixelOutliers
these are the pixel outliers, including the b-layer [unit8_t].
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelOutliers_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelSplitEndcapHits_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nPixelHits_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nPixelSharedHits_vs_eta
TH1 * m_nInnerMostPixelSplitHits
@ numberOfPixelSplitHits
number of Pixel all-layer hits split by cluster splitting [unit8_t].
@ numberOfSCTHoles
number of SCT holes [unit8_t].
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSplitEndcapHits
number of Pixel 0th layer endcap hits shared by several tracks.
TProfile * m_nNextToInnerMostPixelHits_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nSCTOutliers_vs_eta
TH1 * m_nNextToInnerMostPixelEndcapHits
TProfile * m_nTRTHitsXe_vs_mu_ECsideA
TProfile * m_nSCTHits_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nExpectedInnerMostPixelHits_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nTRTHitsAr_vs_mu_central
@ numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerEndcapHits
these are the hits in the 0.5th and 1st pixel layer endcap rings [unit8_t].
TProfile * m_nPixelGangedHits_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nSCTHits_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdHits_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nNextToInnerMostPixelEndcapHits_vs_phi
@ numberOfNextToInnermostPixelLayerHits
these are the hits in the 1st pixel barrel layer
TProfile2D * m_nTRTHitsXe_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nSCTSharedHits_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nPixelGangedHits_vs_mu
TProfile2D * m_nSCTDeadSensors_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelSplitHits_vs_mu
TH1 * m_nInnerMostPixelSplitEndcapHits
TProfile * m_nPixelGangedHits_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdHitsAr_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nSCTHoles_vs_eta
TH1 * m_nInnerMostPixelEndcapHits
TProfile2D * m_nInnerMostPixelEndcapHits_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelSharedHits_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nPixelDeadSensors_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nPixelGangedHitsFlaggedFakes_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdHits_vs_mu
@ numberOfTRTOutliers
number of TRT outliers [unit8_t].
TProfile * m_nExpectedNextToInnerMostPixelHits_vs_eta
@ pixeldEdx
the dE/dx estimate, calculated using the pixel clusters [?]
TProfile2D * m_nSCTDoubleHoles_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nSCTDoubleHoles_vs_mu
TProfile2D * m_nSCTHits_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nPixelHoles_vs_eta
TProfile2D * m_nPixelDeadSensors_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nTRTHits_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nTRTOutliers_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nTRTOutliers_vs_mu
@ numberOfSCTOutliers
number of SCT outliers [unit8_t].
@ numberOfSCTDeadSensors
number of dead SCT sensors crossed [unit8_t].
TProfile * m_nPixelOutliers_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdOutliers_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nSCTDeadSensors_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nSCTOutliers_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelEndcapOutliers_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nNextToInnerMostPixelEndcapHits_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelHits_vs_phi
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerSharedHits
number of Pixel 0th layer barrel hits shared by several tracks.
TProfile * m_nPixelDeadSensors_vs_phi
@ numberOfContribPixelLayers
number of contributing layers of the pixel detector [unit8_t].
@ numberOfSCTHits
number of hits in SCT [unit8_t].
TProfile * m_nPixelContribLayers_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nPixelContribLayers_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nTRTOutliers_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelEndcapOutliers_vs_mu
@ numberOfPixelDeadSensors
number of dead pixel sensors crossed [unit8_t].
TProfile * m_nSCTSharedHits_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdHitsXe_vs_mu_central
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelEndcapHits_vs_mu
Class describing a TrackParticle.
TProfile2D * m_nExpectedInnerMostPixelHits_vs_etaphi
@ numberOfSCTDoubleHoles
number of Holes in both sides of a SCT module [unit8_t].
TProfile * m_nPixelHoles_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nExpectedNextToInnerMostPixelHits_vs_phi
static void fillHisto(TProfile *pTprofile, const float bin, const float weight, const float weight2=1.0)
TH1 * m_nInnerMostPixelEndcapOutliers
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelOutliers_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nSCTHoles_vs_mu
TProfile * m_nPixelHits_vs_eta
TProfile2D * m_nTRTHits_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nInnerMostPixelEndcapHits_vs_eta
TProfile * m_nPixelOutliers_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdHitsAr_vs_mu_ECsideA
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdHitsAr_vs_mu_ECsideC
TProfile2D * m_nTRTHighThresholdHits_vs_etaphi
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdHitsXe_vs_mu_ECsideC
TProfile * m_nExpectedNextToInnerMostPixelHits_vs_mu
@ numberOfInnermostPixelLayerHits
these are the hits in the 0th pixel barrel layer
TProfile * m_nNextToInnerMostPixelHits_vs_phi
TProfile * m_nTRTHighThresholdHits_vs_phi