Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js
ATLAS Offline Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
11 #ifndef SiCombinatorialTrackFinderData_xk_H
12 #define SiCombinatorialTrackFinderData_xk_H
310 #endif // SiCombinatorialTrackFinderData_xk_H
const InDet::SCT_ClusterContainer * m_sctcontainer
cached pointer to SCT cluster collection in StoreGate
int m_inputseeds
Number input seeds.
int m_nwclusmin
Min number weighted clusters.
Contains information about the 'fitter' of this track.
std::array< bool, kNCombStats > & statistic()
bool m_flagToReturnFailedTrack
Flag whether to return non-successful tracks (for disappearing track trigger)
int m_nclusmin
Min number clusters.
InDet::SiTools_xk m_tools
Hold tools, service, map, etc.
const InDet::PixelClusterContainer * m_pixcontainer
cached pointer to Pixel cluster collection in StoreGate
void setSimpleTrack(bool value)
bool m_simpleTrack
Simple track flag.
void setXi2maxNoAdd(double value)
int m_nholesmax
Max number holes.
void setPTminBrem(double value)
std::array< bool, kNCombStats > m_statistic
Switch array.
double xi2maxNoAdd() const
std::list< Trk::Track * > & tracks()
double m_pTminBrem
min pT for brem noise model
void setNwclusmin(int value)
Default destructor.
int m_nclusminb
Min number clusters.
Trk::PrepRawDataContainer< SCT_ClusterCollection > SCT_ClusterContainer
double xi2maxlink() const
void setXi2maxlink(double value)
Trk::PrepRawDataContainer< PixelClusterCollection > PixelClusterContainer
interface for track parameter propagation through the magnetic field, using the Trk::PatternTrackPara...
void setCosmicTrack(int value)
void setSCTDetectorElementStatus(const InDet::SiDetectorElementStatus *sctDetElStatus)
int m_roadbug
Number wrong DE roads.
void setTools(const Trk::IPatternParametersPropagator *propTool, const Trk::IPatternParametersUpdator *updatorTool, const Trk::IRIO_OnTrackCreator *rioTool, const IInDetConditionsTool *pixCondTool, const IInDetConditionsTool *sctCondTool, const Trk::MagneticFieldProperties *fieldProp, const Trk::IBoundaryCheckTool *boundaryCheckTool)
Set tools, service and magnetic field properties.
int m_goodseeds
Number accepted seeds.
void setNclusmin(int value)
void setPTmin(double value)
Interface for updating Trk::PatternTrackParameters, the fast internal representation of track paramet...
ResultCode m_resultCode
Result code (to indicate fit result for disappearing track trigger)
enum to indicate fit result status (for disappearing track trigger that wants not only for successful...
SiTrajectory_xk m_trajectory
Track trajectory.
void setNclusminb(int value)
Trk::TrackInfo m_trackinfo
Track info.
bool isInitialized() const
Check if this object is initialized by the setTools method.
const InDet::PixelClusterContainer * pixContainer() const
Get cached pointer to Pixel cluster collection in StoreGate.
int m_cosmicTrack
Is it cosmic track (0 or 1)
double m_xi2max
max Xi2 for updators
int m_findtracks
Number found tracks.
void setDholesmax(int value)
int m_nprint
Kind output information(?)
void addPatternHoleSearchOutcome(Trk::Track *theTrack, const InDet::PatternHoleSearchOutcome &outcome)
This is used to store the pattern hole search outcome for a given track.
bool m_initialized
Initialization flag.
void setResultCode(const ResultCode code)
Setter for ResultCode (for disappearing track trigger)
const InDet::SCT_ClusterContainer * sctContainer() const
Get cached pointer to SCT cluster collection in StoreGate.
Helper struct for hole search results from the pattern recognition.
Ensure that the ATLAS eigen extensions are properly loaded.
std::map< Trk::Track *, InDet::PatternHoleSearchOutcome > m_holeSearchOutcomes
A helper map to associate hole search outcomes to tracks.
const Trk::PRDtoTrackMap * PRDtoTrackMap() const
Get PRD to track map.
InDet::SiTools_xk & tools()
void setPixelDetectorElementStatus(const InDet::SiDetectorElementStatus *pixelDetElStatus)
double m_xi2maxNoAdd
max Xi2 for clusters
std::list< Trk::Track * > m_tracks
List of found tracks.
void setPixContainer(const InDet::PixelClusterContainer *pixcont)
Set cached pointer to Pixel cluster collection in StoreGate.
void setFlagToReturnFailedTrack(const bool)
Setter for flagToReturnFailedTrack (for disappearing track trigger)
Trk::TrackInfo & trackinfo()
bool findPatternHoleSearchOutcome(Trk::Track *theTrack, InDet::PatternHoleSearchOutcome &outcome) const
Methods used to associate the hole search outcome to tracks without having to modify the EDM.
void setSctContainer(const InDet::SCT_ClusterContainer *sctcont)
Set cached pointer to SCT cluster collection in StoreGate.
SiCombinatorialTrackFinderData_xk::ResultCode resultCode() const
void setFieldCondObj(const AtlasFieldCacheCondObj *fieldCondObj)
Set magnetif field cache.
int m_inittracks
Number initial tracks.
void setITkGeometry(bool)
void setXi2max(double value)
SiTrajectory_xk & trajectory()
int m_dholesmax
Max holes gap.
Interface class for transforming Trk::PrepRawData to Trk::RIO_OnTrack using a local track hypothesis.
void setTools(const IInDetConditionsTool *pixCondTool, const IInDetConditionsTool *sctCondTool)
double m_xi2maxlink
max Xi2 for clusters
bool flagToReturnFailedTrack() const
void setNholesmax(int value)
void setFastTracking(bool)
bool isITkGeometry() const
bool useFastTracking() const
void setPRDtoTrackMap(const Trk::PRDtoTrackMap *prd_to_track_map)
Set PRD to track map.